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Everything posted by stef123633

  1. I'm on day 3 and I feel your hunger. I only have to do this 7 days. I have been putting frozen berries in my Protein shake and this seems to help. I also have been popping calcuim and Fiber chews (I bought those chocolate viativ brand) and that seems to help me mentally b/c they taste great. Don't forget your Vitamins, you'll need them for energy. I love to drink iced tea w/ lemon and equal so that is also another "treat" I'm indulging on alot. Nothing like a little caffiene with your hunger. Good luck :-) P.S. My hardest part is preparing food for my family...they still have to eat!
  2. stef123633

    Telling the kids

    I think there is a difference between "lying" to your children and just not telling them the entire truth. Kids are kids only a short time. Why burden them with more than they need to know? Personally I do not want my little ones fretting about the unknown of what could happen to mommy when the reality of it is, mommy will be just fine. I want them assured not anxious. That is what works for me right now, when they are older they'll know more and as they see the changes in me I'll explain more.
  3. stef123633

    Telling the kids

    I have a 5 1/2 yr old daughter that is extremely smart and sensitive. She overheard the word "surgery" a few weeks ago and freaked out thinking I wasn't coming back for a long time - her preschool teacher has been out for 6 weeks due to a hysterectomy. Anyway, I totally downplayed it, said mommy wasn't having surgery, etc. Mine is outpatient so that morning I will kiss her goodbye, tell her I am going to the doctor for a check-up and when I get home explain that sometimes mommy bellies need fixed after having kids. Not entirely truthful, but she has sooo many questions I'm keeping it super simple. Plus I don't want her to have a weight stigma when she grows up thinking mom had to have her belly shrunk to lose weight, so she should diet also.
  4. Ok, I really hate to go here, so read no further if you didn't have to go here the night before your surgery. My dr. requires you to have a "fleet enema" the night before surgery. I've had 5 or 6 surgeries under general anesthesia before and this has never been required. I think it is a personal preference of my doctor?? Anyway, I'm reading the box and it looks like this is a two person event, LOL?! It has you "assuming position" before using it and the box speaks in context pointing out what the person receiving treatment should be doing, as if you'll need assistance when you're in this position? Anyone, did you do this yourself? Did it work the first time (God forbid it takes twice)? Was it really horrible? This will be the worst part of the 24 hours leading up to and after... Thanks!
  5. stef123633

    TMI - Preop enema required?

    I just called to clarify. It is NOT drinkable. Fun, fun.
  6. stef123633

    TMI - Preop enema required?

    Thanks for the input everyone. There is no special reason they would have just me do this, it is in their day before surgery instructions. I got a call today to go in for a pre-op appointment tomorrow at the surgery center so I will ask about the drinkable fleet. Maybe I bought the wrong kind. The instructions are vague "use a fleet enema the night before surgery - can be bought at any pharmacy."
  7. I can't believe I'm having this issue in my head. I start my pre-op diet tomorrow morning (7 days) and I just keep thinking all day, yeah, I'm going to eat this, this is the last time I'll be able. Tomorrow starts a new me. Now I know why they make you do a pre-op diet, otherwise I'd probably be eating a giant mexican dinner the night before! Did anyone else do this? Key question, and then were you able to be successful. I know in my head tomorrow is the beginning of a new me so I really should be able to not want to eat some ice cream, huh?
  8. I have an appointment the day after my surgery at the dermatologist. It takes 6 months to get in, so I hate to change it. My husband could drive me and my 2 preschoolers (and wait - not fun) OR I could drive myself, leaving them home...do you think that is possible? Thanks
  9. Does anyone know if you can get chewable vitamins down right after surgery or do you need to wait until the mushy stage or later? I'm debating buying liquid vitamins, but don't want them if I don't need them. Thanks! Stephanie
  10. stef123633

    Would You Wear a Mini-skirt?

    Yes, I'd wear one....not super short, since I'm not 25 anymore, but fingertip length...heck, that is mini, isn't it? LOL BTW, I am completely apple shaped, big 'ole belly with rockin' legs so that would make a difference. As in, you'd never catch me with any belly skin accidently showing :-)
  11. stef123633

    Journey Lite Anyone????

    Spogdon, it must have been you that he mentioned to me at my pre-op....he said one lady lost so much weight and was preggers before her 1 yr anniversary! Congratulations!
  12. stef123633

    Journey Lite Anyone????

    I'm using Dr. Collier in Houston in May. I've had at least 3 friends go through him all extremely successful. He is w/ Journey Lite. I am self pay also. I think the great part about them is right now they are doing lifetime free fills. I think alot of people don't follow through with all the fills they need b/c of financial reasons and therefore are not as successful. Hope this helps.
  13. stef123633

    Introducing the May Bandsters

    Hi, I'm Stephanie. I'm getting banded on May 22nd by Dr. Collier in Houston....we live here so it is nice not to have to go far. I've been considering banding for 16 months and after running into friends that have had it done, decided, why wait, I'm not able to get skinny on my own. I am 34 yrs old, have a 2 year old and 5 year old. I've always been heavy. I'm 5'8" @ 208 lbs, BMI 31.5, self-pay. Only my husband and neighbor (need her for babysitting with dr. appointments!) know that I am finally doing this. Others I will share with as the weight comes off :-)
  14. I'm going to be banded in May and I am a SAHM (2 preschoolers) with a husband that travels extensively. He'll be home the 3 days after surgery but then will be gone. I was going to try to manage the kids on my own but now I am getting nervous. My 2.5 yr old weighs 32lbs and I know I'm not supposed to lift her for a few weeks but I realize that isn't feasible. She is with me all day every day. Anyone else in my boat? How did you handle it? Should I hire a daytime nanny? thanks

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