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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by stef123633

  1. I'm the minority. I've had 3 c-sections...they were entirely different but I wouldn't call them easier. This was hard b/c now my "babies" are preschoolers and require alot more physically from me. Also, all childbirth surgeries I had family fly in to help me and I was on my own.
  2. stef123633

    Oh My Gosh

    I had to do 1 week pre-op of shakes w/ lean protein/veggies for dinner. I lost 6 lbs. In the two weeks since my surgery I lost 2lbs, started mushies, and have gained them back. I think alot depends on your starting BMI. Mine was 31.7. I feel like I am one of the only people that has lost such a small amount initially....
  3. stef123633

    Keloid scarring?

    From personal experience I haven't been able to do much to prevent keloids. I ALWAYS get them when I have surgery. In the past I have had the dermatlogist inject them with cortizone to flatten them out. Good luck!
  4. stef123633

    Banded last Friday!

    Wow, that is awesome to have a friend go through it with you. I am a bit jealous! Good luck on your journey. I am just a bit ahead of you, I got banded May 22nd. My 1st post-op appointment is tomorrow.
  5. stef123633


    I didn't see my doctor at the pre-op appointment either. I did see him prior to that for my individual consult. We set the date, had the pre-op and I saw him for the 2nd time only at surgery. I think that is the norm. I am assuming you've met with him before and discussed everything at that time?
  6. stef123633

    Only 1lb lost in first week

    I've frozen tofu when I wouldn't be using it all before the expiration date....when i needed it again, I took it out of the freezer and made soup with it again and it was fine. Good luck.
  7. Yes, I am still on liquids BUT dreaming of real food. I am wondering if anyone orders off the kid menu? I have mixed feelings about trying it. My doctor even gave me this credit card type explanation to present explaining we can't eat much. Anyone willing to share how they eat out? I know some places probably would frown on it and I don't know if I want to reveal that much info...but it seems a waste. Thanks
  8. Hi, I am getting discouraged and would like to hear from some other people with low starting BMIs and read about their progression. I was banded 2 weeks ago. I did pre-op diet for 1 week, losing 6 lbs. Now at 2 weeks out, I have only lost another 2 lbs. I know this is the "time for healing" etc, but reading all these posts about people losing giant amounts of weight post-op is discouraging me. I don't think I am eating too much. I just started mushies. I am hungry but finding things "on plan" that I can eat. I haven't been counting calories, as I know I am not consuming many. Thanks....
  9. Oh, I should add my starting BMI was just under 32
  10. stef123633

    Weight Loss?

    I did one week of pre-op dieting and lost 6 lbs and it has been 10 days since surgery and I've only lost 2 more lbs. My BMI is 31.7 to give perspective. I keep reading how much people have lost, and so fast. Everyone is different I keep reminding myself :-)
  11. stef123633

    When does the pain go away

    It took me a solid week to be full-time mom all day every day again (I am a SAHM w/ a 2 yr old and 5 yr old). It was my 2 yr old that physically challenged me. My advice, be as lazy as can be, rest, let your house be dirty, feed them whatever is easiest for you. It was harder than I anticipated, mostly due to fatigue from lack of calories in my opinion. I was off the Rx painkillers in 3 days though and took tylanol. Good luck, it is hard
  12. Hi all, I just found this group. I was banded 5/22 by Dr. Collier. I am only down 2 lbs, 10 days out. I'm dying for some non-liquid food; only 3 more days!
  13. stef123633

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    I'm posting my little numbers for anyone else out there in my boat. I lost 6 lbs on my pre-op diet and only 2 lbs in the last 10 days since banding on liquids. I am not sure if I am eating more than most but I am having hunger and definitely eating less. I started w/ a BMI of 31.9 the morning of surgery so will probably lose slower. I'm already becoming a head case because of this. I also am getting very creative w/ my blender and the sugar-free products b/c my sweet tooth has kicked back in. Stephanie
  14. I did not work out on my pre-op diet either, not enough energy. I am one week post-op now, and feel like next week I could "lightly" start back on the treadmill only or something like that.
  15. stef123633

    Quick Question...

    My surgery was 5/22 and my doc said no swimming until my 2 week post-op visit. I specifically asked b/c we have a swim party this Sunday also. Luckily there will be lifeguards, so I don't plan to have to do any jumping-in-life-saving events for my children. The pool water has alot more bacteria than showering does and he explained an infection would travel right from the port, up the tube, and to the band. I wouldn't risk it.
  16. Has this happened to anyone else? My surgery was last Thursday (5/22)....I am feeling pretty good, I've been taking care my two preschoolers, ok, the tv is helping take care of them too, but by afternoon I have very very uncomfortable pain. It seems to be in my chest, between the breasts. It comes and goes, tightens, gurgles, hurts etc. It is very weird because it has hit every afternoon at the same time - when I am supposed to be bringing the kids to swim lessons! Could it be gas pain this long out? Could it be hunger, because it also feels like that but eating doesn't help.... Thanks, Stephanie
  17. Most policies have different coverages, regardless if they are the same carrier, it really depends on the plan your employer picks. You'd need to call to see if they cover it and what the requirements would be. You don't quite have a BMI of 35 which most require (with co-morbidities) so it probably won't be covered regardless. Good luck
  18. stef123633

    Letter To Insurance

    Can you give us more info....does your insurance cover the procedure? Do you meet the requirements? I think that makes alot of difference in your letter writing....I know if it is excluded, it is excluded, writing won't help. If you borderline meet requirements, I am sure it will help....
  19. stef123633

    Vitamins and Shakes

    Wow, I was banded 5/22 and I am in no way able to get that much in yet. I think that is why I am feeling bad, totally no energy. I might have gotten 500 calories in today....a combination of protein drink, yogurt, a little soup, and some gatorade. I haven't even tried adding water yet, I can't seem to fit anything else.
  20. stef123633

    Vitamins and Shakes

    Wow, I was banded 5/22 and I am in no way able to get that much in yet. I think that is why I am feeling bad, totally no energy. I might have gotten 500 calories in today....a combination of protein drink, yogurt, a little soup, and some gatorade. I haven't even tried adding water yet, I can't seem to fit anything else.
  21. stef123633

    Vitamins and Shakes

    I bought the centrum chewables but they are way too tart for me...I can't stand them. Instead I've been taking the chewable gummy bear vitamins from Sam's Club with my kids :-) I also love the chocolate EAS protein powder (again from Sam's)...it is $30 for a giant bag that lasts forever and it tastes great in the blender with milk.
  22. stef123633

    Surgery today 5/22

    Just wanted to share how easy this was today for anyone who might be getting nervous. I had my surgery today at 10 a.m. and I was home by 1 p.m. I've slept most of the day, I think from the pain meds I am taking. I'm taking them even though I don't have pain, just to head it off. I've sipped on Gatorade all day, maybe 1/3 or a bottle. My only complaint is a sore throat and I seem to get the hiccups, probably from sipping incorrectly. Good luck everyone! Oh, and I did a one week pre-op diet. Last week at start of diet I was 212, today I was 204. I am 5'7" w/ a BMI of 31.9 and want to get down to 150.
  23. stef123633

    Help--Disapproved AFTER surgery

    I agree it lies with the doctor's office. Doctor offices are first and foremost concerned with payment. They NEVER would have operated if you hadn't been approved. Someone in that office can help you. Otherwise, hire an advocate unless you are great with negotiation. Your surgeon should write off all charges...if it was performed at a hospital, that is another fight... Also, appeal, appeal, appeal, especially if they found a hernia to repair, that is undeniable. Good luck!
  24. Here is what I ate today: EAS Protein shake w/ frozen berries blended in 5 viativ chocolate Calcium chews fresh green Beans out of my neighbor's garden grilled chicken breast Zone bar Tested out a recipe for cream of spinich soup in my VitaMix blender (trying to find post-op recipes) using fresh spinich, tofu, onions sauted in olive oil, chicken broth and a pinch of corn starch...it was good
  25. stef123633

    Anyone pay out of pocket?

    Most insurances, if they cover it, require a BMI of 40 or will do it if it is above 35 with 2 co-morbities (e.g. high BP, cholesteral, diabetics etc). My BMI is 32 and I paid for my surgery this Friday, getting it done next Thursday. When I think of what I have spent on personal trainers the last 3 years, diets, doctors, nutri-system, etc., this is going to be cheap :woot:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
