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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by stef123633

  1. stef123633

    My Fill is too Tight

    I had a fill 8 weeks ago and I've decided it is too tight; I am also getting a little taken out this Friday. I constantly have PBs and am eating easy foods therefore barely losing....good luck! I figure I am losing so slowly it can only help at this point...
  2. stef123633

    Where would a person buy Greek yogurt?

    In Houston I've only been able to find the tiny containers for $1.99 but finally found a big container yesterday at HEB Market for $4.99 (it was by all the organic yogurt, they have an entire section). HTH
  3. They make liquid non-extended release wellbutrin, it hasn't been out terribley long. I decided at surgery to just go off completely and have been fine the last 5 months. Good luck!
  4. stef123633

    LOW BMI BANDING: Am i crazy?

    I was banded 3 months ago w/ a BMI of 32. It has been slow but worth it. Don't expect quick results, we don't have far to go, if we dropped the 30 lbs some do in 3 months, we'd be 75% of the way there. I thought about this a long time, we to seminars, waited, tried on my own etc. After my 3rd fill I think I am finally there :-)
  5. stef123633

    August 18, 2008 (167.4 pounds)

    Wow, you look wonderful! Amazing how much younger you look now that you're skinny! Good job
  6. stef123633

    No longer eaten up by my hunger

    This is so great to hear. I am truly getting frustrated and feel like I blew over $13k away. I had surgery about the same time as you, had a 2nd fill two weeks ago, felt "some" restriction, but now it is back to the same and all I do is think about what I can eat and when. I have my 3rd fill in two weeks and haven't lost any since the second fill....
  7. stef123633

    Lapband or Wedding?

    I think the poster means they need to wait a year b/c they are starting a new job and can't take the time off of work. Hard decision....maybe after you've been at your new job and feel things out, you could explain to your employer that you have surgery scheduled and need time off - of course it may be unpaid though...
  8. stef123633

    Am I too tight?

    I got my 2nd fill 10 days ago. Prior to that I felt like I had no restriction. I now have 5.2 in a 10 band. I been experimenting with different foods but seem to have trouble keeping anything "meat" down. I'd call it reflux not a PB from what others have described (it doesn't hurt, just seems to get stuck after a few bites and comes back up). I know I'm not supposed to eat mushy food so I've tried chicken cooked a variety of ways, "meatless" veggie sausage, bacon, hamburger, eggs...haven't been able to take more than a few well chewed bites of any. I did have success with meatloaf I made from ground turkey w/ spag. sauce on it and also from morningstar veggie burgers. salad has been ok the 2x I tried it. Maybe I just need to avoid meats? I hate to get an unfill....thanks for any advice. Stephanie
  9. Sam's Clulb sells yummy parm. cheese breaded tilapia...it is good and crunchy when baked. Compared to the plain it is much higher in calories but if you only eat one piece and not everyday, it is great protein.
  10. stef123633

    Am I too tight?

    Thanks, I think you're right. I need to do mushies a few days and find out if I am inflamed or something then proceed. What a learning curve :-)
  11. Ok, I feel compelled to offer a different opinion. I would wait. As someone who suffered PCOS and other infertility issues and I now have two kids, I do know that losing just a wee bit of weight can make a big difference. Money aside, to wait 2 more years to start trying again when you know you already have issues seems like a gamble. Get to the gym, weight watchers, whatever you can do to take 10-20 lbs off (try the protein shake pre-op diet a few weeks). Personally, I feel like obligating yourself to additional $500/month payment when you husband is unemployed is financially reckless. You are investing in yourself, but you need to do it maturely and make sure the timing is right. Good luck
  12. stef123633

    new w/ questions

    PJD, it is too soon for you to be losing any weight. I had surgery 8 weeks ago and only lost after my first fill, at that it was 1 lb per week! I've now had a second fill and i think the band is starting to work. I am not sure, but I think if you have less to lose, maybe it takes longer to start working or something??
  13. stef123633

    Am I on the right track

    Hi, I had my surgery 5/22 and GAINED 2lbs before my first fill, only lost 4 lbs in the 4 weeks until I got my 2nd fill, which was last Wednesday. I can now say I "know" I have a band and the weight is going to start FALLING. Before it was like I had nothing. I am at 5.2cc in a 10cc band. I actually feel like I might be too tight now, going from nothing to only being able to eat like 4 bites? Don't worry, you'll get there!
  14. stef123633

    Houston Lap banders please help...

    Dr. Collier, www.journeylite.com and you can find the seminar schedule :-)
  15. stef123633

    PB and sliming

    I think I am experiencing this for the first time. I was expecting horrific pain but it hasn't been that way. I went out to eat with my daughters and it was a piece of chicken that did it. I had to hurry and whisk them to the rest room (2 yrs and 5 yrs) while I stood in a stall and tried to take care of the problem. Horrible, having them there. I gave up, took their dinners to go and off we went. I've been spitting in a cup ever since....sliming?? On top of this I have a killer headache and can't keep my liquid tylanol down.
  16. stef123633

    I have crunchy knees...does that get better after losing weight?

    I have a crunchy elbow from an old injury/surgery. The ortho diagnosed me w/ arthritis and said to take glucomasine and chondrotin. I loved the osteo-biflex, it did wonders. Since getting banded I've been buying this horrific tasting syrupy concoction at Sam's Club instead of taking the horse pills. My elbow is once again crunchy, so I might crush the osteo pills since they seem to work so well.
  17. stef123633

    PB and sliming

    Oh, can anyone tell me, do I need to do liquids for 24 hours now? thanks
  18. stef123633

    port pain when exercising

    Anyone know how long your port hurts you when exercising? I am 5 weeks post-op and any jogging or high intensity on elliptical makes my port hurt from the jarring. If I keep a hand pressed on my stomach and hold it, it feels better. Also, my doc told me no abs yet, but I forgot to ask when we could start them?? Thanks!
  19. stef123633

    Wine is so divine.. or is it? lol

    My SIL and BIL are (were) wow players also. Now divorced, same story. They were both addicted. Totally obsessed. She came to visit me and it ruled her entire day. She even texts other players obsessively all day. It was WHACKED.
  20. stef123633

    Uncomfortable at the gym - anyone else?

    I love going to the gym. My personal experience is that men are alot less critical than women. Also, people say nobody is paying attention to anyone but themselves. That isn't true. I love to people watch. I admire good bods, men or women. If some is really overweight, I always think in my head "good for them" because I know it isn't easy to put yourself out there. Everyone should just do their own thing and be comfortable. Ask for help if you don't know how to use a machine. I think it is funny, everyone w/ the MP3 players, nobody makes eye contact, asks for help etc. It will grow on you once you make a habit of it. Have fun. Don't be embarrassed. Just this morning I went to my 1st Pilates class - OMG, I couldn't do ANYTHING they were doing, and I feel like I am in ok shape but my body doesn't contort. I know I stuck out like a sore thumb, but who cares ?
  21. You can deduct any amount that is greater than 7.5% of your AGI. Your account or turbo tax should walk you through it. Here is a link to the IRS official info on it... Publication 502 (2007), Medical and Dental Expenses
  22. stef123633

    First Fill Questions?

    I got my first fill last week. She had a little bit of a hard time finding my port, said it was low profile and I had some scar tissue that would eventually subside. One thing she told me that I've never heard before is that any restriction from your first fill probably won't last long. She said something about the fat around your stomach being rubbed off once they tighten the band for the first time. The fat rubs off then your restriction is somewhat lost, depending on how much fat you have. Weird, anyone else ever hear of that?? Stef
  23. stef123633


    I'm sure you qualify....here in the Houston area where there are lots of doctors competing for your business, you only need to be about 50 lbs overweight, not even a BMI of 35. Good luck, you'll find someone to do it if you decide you want it :-)
  24. stef123633

    OK-Let me have it!

    I'm w/ you....one month out, maybe I've lost 2 or 3 lbs. Just try your best and stay at it; it will get better (at least that is what I am telling myself). I am 2 days from my first fill....
  25. stef123633

    P.C.O.S and Metformin (glucophage)

    I started on it while trying to get pregnant...I was successful - twice! it also helped take a few pounds off. Initially the side effects sucked, but they do subside, you have to give it time. It definitely made me ovulate. After 5 yrs on it, my doc took me off just prior to my lap-band, 3 weeks ago. I haven't been losing anything and wonder if it is b/c my body was used to the metformin and I think I should have stayed on it until I was skinnier and not still insulin resistant.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
