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gone 4 ever

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gone 4 ever

  1. Hi Susan. I would like to be added. my, myspace ulr is...myspace.com/ymelord77.

    my name is Paula. Thanks

  2. Kingfish, I am glad to hear that you are doing so much better now. I wish you the best of luck with your sleeve. Even tho you no longer have the band. Please keep us posted.
  3. gone 4 ever

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    Thank you Cool Chystal for the update on Brandi. I will keep her in my prayers.
  4. This was me.This is meThis will be me when I am at goal. In 5th grade a girl put her lunch in my locker and told the teacher I stole it cause I was fat. The teacher knew better and luckely someone seen Coleen put it in my locker.. I had nick names like "Semi" "Whale" of course everyones favorite song..." fatty fatty two-by-four could'nt get thru the batroom door".... you get the drift. along with "you are so pretty, but" Latest one was a man I was dating (5 yrs ago) had asked me to marry him. When his family found out he actually broke it off because of them! I was to fat for them! I see him all the time because he works at the store where I do all my shopping at. I remain polite to him. He has asked me several times to go out with him again, because we don't have to let his family know! I don't think so! I told him I am way better than that. Well when I reach goal I will go over to his family and let them see me. The same person fat or thin. I will also go to my next high school reunion and feel sorry for all of those that teased me as a kid and see how much they gained.Then I can feel sorry for them. sorry so long.
  5. gone 4 ever

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    Brandi I pray you are better today. Soon you will be ready for the Olympics! Take care and keep us posted.
  6. gone 4 ever

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    I'm thinking you are on the road to healing. No matter what happens you are more prepared than before. I pray that your marriage will continue healing. I am so happy for you. Keep us posted please. We are here for you no matter what.
  7. gone 4 ever

    Self Hate after losing weight

    Hollie I feel for you. I can identify with the drugs and sex just to get people to like you. Even tho I knew it was for all the wrong reasons. I had self hatered because of incest as a small child. I think I had a death wish because of the drugs. I drove like a maniac (I should have crashed). God kept me alive for a reason tho. But like you, it is what has made me. I am a stronger person for it. Keep the positive going. I also would talk to your mother and explain how it hurts you even tho you know it isn't meant to be that way. Good luck
  8. gone 4 ever

    Banded June 24, 2008 - Scared!

    If you can when you get a craving for sweets, eat a pickle or some green olives. I learned this trick years ago from Richard Simmons before he came up with his meal exchange. It really works. Especially the pickles. They have to be a dill pickle tho. Good luck:thumbup:
  9. :thumbup::confused2: O.K. here I go...I don't think I have seen either of these questions posted before...first of all let me tell ya I had no problem getting the surgery. I was all gungho for it.... now for my questions. #1.) I have been fat all my life....I can't picture myself thin. I can't picture myself below 225. That was my lowest weight that I can remember since about the age of 13. I stayed with that weight until after my 2nd child was born. BUT...... I am all of the sudden scared out of my wits to be thin...anyone else have that problem? #1.) When I do get to my goal weight and have to have ps to get rid of the lap (and my wings and thighs and whatever else I can aford) the pictures scares me of the surgery. The pain people talk about after.. anyone else. Or am I just a big baby? I know I will eventually have to get some sort of counsiling for my demons. I am self pay so I did'nt have to go thru everything insured people go thru. Thanks for any input
  10. gone 4 ever

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    I pray everything went better today Brandi. Quick recovery and God bless
  11. gone 4 ever

    scared to be thin, but wants to be thin

    Thank you all for your comments. It has helped me tremendously. I know I will have to get counsiling, but that can wait for a little while. First I have to get down to 200. Then I will work on the inside as I work on the outside. Then I will maybe be complete about the same time as weight goal! A whole new me, inside and out!:thumbup: Have a blessed day everyone
  12. my favorite snack is blueberries in milk with artificial sweetner
  13. gone 4 ever

    Pick a rant topic, any topic!

    for many years I have worked at convienence stores. my rant is the people who are parked at the pumps and there is a garbage can right beside your car....but you can't put the trash in it..you put it on the ground...and smoking while pumping gas! gas itself is not flamable...it is the FUMES.....you pump gas you have fumes...duhhhh. ok rant over.
  14. gone 4 ever

    Hi Everyone - My Story

    Yes go for it. I will pray that they don't charge you an outragous fee. It can take more than 1 or 2 fills to hit your sweet spot (restriction). Just stick with it. I am so glad you found us. We are a very supportive group of people. Any questions, someone will try to answer. Good luck. Oh and by the way your children are so cute!
  15. Tell them a partial truth...you are eating healthier. You don't have to tell everyone if you don't want to. Your not lieying by telling them you are eating healthier. Not all people understand the LB.Some people have a negative image about it. Others understand completly and will support you. The thing is only you can decide whom to tell or not to tell. Good luck with it.
  16. gone 4 ever

    Please Help!

    they want you to shrink your liver. My Dr. had me do low carb for the week before. Some Dr.s have their patients do liquid diet. Call your Dr. and ask what he recomends. You don't want to go in and wake up to find out that you couldn't have surgery because your liver is to fatty. Good luck
  17. If the pinapple juice doesn't work try hot tea. good luck
  18. everybody is different. Best thing is talk to your Dr. about it. good luck
  19. be upfront with your manager and see if you can't work something out. If not then postpone it for a little while. Good luck. Hopefully you won't have to postpone it.
  20. gone 4 ever

    Unknown Fill Amount

    my Dr. does'nt tell either. He say's it's because we all loose differently and we might compare how much I have verses so&so and why I am not loosing the same as them. Which I can actually see his point. It is kinda like people who say well I was banded when you were and I have the same size band, but how come you lost 40lbs when I have only lost 15.
  21. gone 4 ever

    Six Months gone and halfway there

    Awsome! You look wonderful. Congrats!
  22. gone 4 ever

    prayer please

    Thank you for asking NeverB4 I haven't heard anything so apparently not well. She said she would call the one she choose on Mon.-or Tues. Well I haven't heard anything. I am going to a job fair today. Lots of different employers looking. So maybe I will get blessed today.
  23. I'm not from Birmingham, but from your neighbor from the north, Huntsville. Good luck. If you need help you can post me.
  24. Hey I am in Alabama origanally from Mansfield,OhioYes Arbys has there sale on here also.. Today is the first time since before post-op that I have had Arbys. Took the meat off the bun tho.. I don't like bread anymore. Good to have you
  25. gone 4 ever

    prayer please

    Thank you Brenda

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
