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Posts posted by Kaseyn2boys

  1. On 7/22/2018 at 8:19 PM, West-Coast-Sweet-T1 said:

    My VSG is scheduled for 8/27/18. Feels so far away but too close as well as my tummy does flip-flops just thinking about it. I have to admit I’ve been indulging since I’ve jumped through all the hoops ( mid-June). Working on getting my focus and discipline back. Planning to break out paperwork and re-educate myself. Any other pre-surgery ‘guilty indulgers’ out there?

    Yes, I have been having weekend food funerals. Small coconut cream pie Sonic shake. Cheeseburger wrap from Beef o'Bradys (so good) Panera Bagels. Tomorrow is 2 week until surgery. I gave up coffee and my vices lol.

  2. On 2/24/2013 at 10:04 AM, Losin4good said:

    I remember being pre-op and my favorite thing to do was look at progress photos and dream :)

    I am 6 months, 10 days post op and I am down 128 pounds total. This isnt a very great pic since I have been sick, but i still took it because anything is better than my before!!


    I am so happy to discover I am not the only one. My surgery date is Aug 8th and for months I have looked through pics saying please let this be me!

  3. On 7/15/2018 at 7:14 AM, KCgirl061 said:

    Anyone else feel like they’re in their last month of pregnancy? I started this process back in Dec, it’s been a long time coming. Anxious for the arrival of my new “baby” sleeve!

    Yes, I feel exactly like that! Like to close but so far. Times seems to have slowed because you're anxiously waiting! I am so excited I want to move time forward.

  4. 12 hours ago, AshMarie794 said:

    I hear ALOT of bypassers needing to get their gallbladder removed. Is this something more than likely we all will need to get done? Always wondered about that. Guess I will ask my surgeon about that .

    I had mine out 13 years ago, but it is a big concern with a lot of doctors. My friend still has hers and had to take these insanely large pills for her gallbladder to protect against complications with it.

  5. On 7/18/2018 at 9:31 PM, 3nuthut said:

    August 13th for my revision from band to sleeve. I can’t wait to get this band OUT!
    Plus I have a hiatal hernia that feels like a baby’s foot up in my rib cage... ugh!!
    Gallbladder going too. I hope I’m not an outpatient...have a call with Dr. on Friday.
    Good luck all you August Surgery Daters!

    I have a hiatal hernia too, damn things. Surgery and a fixer upper on the 8th. You certainly won't miss your gallbladder either. Good luck to you as well.

  6. On 7/13/2018 at 7:30 AM, damonlg said:

    I am curious that so many people are going from Sleeve to bypass. What is the reasoning behind this. Do you not have the option to go straight to the bypass. Can someone Enlightened me. Concerned it’s a just using us patients to make more money for the doctors?

    I've heard a lot of people say they ended up with gerd so severe they had to switch.

  7. 31 minutes ago, nibble said:

    I had a dog who got excited like that to see me. I had to learn to enter the house backwards after a hysterectomy to avoid getting injured in the abdominal area. That, or holding a pillow over my midsection to enter face forward! It was a process. But we managed and got through I it, and fortunately I didn't have to leave and return often during recuperation. So will you have to rig up something to work around Wyatt, or does she avoid the critical area?

    Well Wyatt is my very chubby cat, she just plops down whenever wherever she wants. Moxi is my German Shepherd and definitely entering backwards is a wonderful idea. Actually I am going to have the pillow in the car for when I come home too, double safety

  8. 10 hours ago, nibble said:

    Geesh, that's crazy. Feelings are not right or wrong, they just ARE. They come and they go. Continue to have your feelings, Kasey. Life is chock full of them. I'm still on track for 7/17 surgery, and find this last ten days - and 10 day pre-op diet, to be zooming by. Cleaning, vacuuming, laundry, kitchen organizing, getting the meds and Vitamins ordered, creating place up off the floor for the cat dishes (I doubt I'll be able to lean over to the floor for a while) - leaving notes for my cat sitter friend - I'm busy busy. Also trying to hunt down my "Grab-it" tool. Without that, anything that might fall on the floor will have to stay there! I have one 22# kitty who insists on sleeping on my torso. After surgery that's not going to work! I'm making something lightweight like a bed tray to fit over me to protect the surgical area. He can lie on that and still be close. The things I do for these furballs! Does music help still your "what ifs" or reading? Hang in there, Kasey!

    Basically working helps, I stay pretty busy at work. I read almost every night, have for years. I understand the pet thing, My little tubby Wyatt likes to sleep on me and shes 18 #. I am more nervous about my German Shepherd. First he has never been without me for a night and Second he has a terrible habit of jumping all over me when I walk through the door. We are all trying to break him of it, but it is slow going. Good luck with your surgery, 4 more days!

  9. 10 hours ago, nibble said:

    Geesh, that's crazy. Feelings are not right or wrong, they just ARE. They come and they go. Continue to have your feelings, Kasey. Life is chock full of them. I'm still on track for 7/17 surgery, and find this last ten days - and 10 day pre-op diet, to be zooming by. Cleaning, vacuuming, laundry, kitchen organizing, getting the meds and Vitamins ordered, creating place up off the floor for the cat dishes (I doubt I'll be able to lean over to the floor for a while) - leaving notes for my cat sitter friend - I'm busy busy. Also trying to hunt down my "Grab-it" tool. Without that, anything that might fall on the floor will have to stay there! I have one 22# kitty who insists on sleeping on my torso. After surgery that's not going to work! I'm making something lightweight like a bed tray to fit over me to protect the surgical area. He can lie on that and still be close. The things I do for these furballs! Does music help still your "what ifs" or reading? Hang in there, Kasey!

    Basically working helps, I stay pretty busy at work. I read almost every night, have for years. I understand the pet thing, My little tubby Wyatt likes to sleep on me and shes 18 #. I am more nervous about my German Shepherd. First he has never been without me for a night and Second he has a terrible habit of jumping all over me when I walk through the door. We are all trying to break him of it, but it is slow going. Good luck with your surgery, 4 more days!

  10. On 7/9/2018 at 10:35 PM, nibble said:

    I didn't mean you are being negative or toxic, it's just that fears, anxiety, and stress become like toxins in our body that are not healthy to carry around, and I was just offering the method I use to get them out of my system (I always end up laughing at myself) , in the same way that tears flush out emotional "toxins." I'm sorry if I offended you. :-)

    No problem, I am touchy about it. In my circle of friends any time I have a feeling I am "being negative". If I am frustrated at work I am "being negative" if I am having a sad day I am "being negative" basically any time I am not sunshine and rainbows it s "being negative". It upsets me because its okay for everyone help to have stress, and sadness and anger, but yet when I feel it it's wrong. I am feeling a little better about the "what ifs", but I still wish the days would go by faster 26 days seems so far, but since I started this journey January 5th in perspective it's super close.

  11. On 7/11/2018 at 9:03 AM, LindyPablo said:

    Had my RNY yesterday afternoon. Wasn’t mentally prepared for the internal pain... Wowsa. But everything looks good so far, and I’ll start drinking Water in the morning tomorrow.

    Thanks for all the posts on this forum- I’ve referenced many of them over the past year and am grateful to have this place as a resource!

    Congratulations! Just take it easy hopefully the pain will subside soon.

  12. On 7/3/2018 at 5:50 PM, BeeCat said:

    Saw my surgeon again today, submitting my paperwork for bypass surgery to insurance this week, Tentative surgery date pending approval should be mid August!!! After approval I have to get blood work done and attend some kind of pre-surgical class then I get my actual date and start my pre op diet.

    I made an appointment for next week with a pyschologist to discuss my relationship with food and hopefully gain insight into my relationship with food, I want this to be successful long term and don't want any emotional surprises,

    So excited!

    I might have missed another post, but any news yet?

  13. Well I didn't think I was going to lose my job the first time either, but I do agree with everything else. I don't however feel like I am being toxic or negative. I guess my view on negativity is just something different. You're right though it is not in my control and I have to let it go!

  14. On 6/29/2018 at 12:26 AM, habee said:


    I’m Haley, 27 YO from Toronto, ON.
    I will be seeing my surgeon in the next couple of months, and have been told I will have my RNY by the end of the year. I feel like I have been waiting FOREVER. (Referral to Bariatric clinic August of 2017.)
    I have absolutely no complications, and all of my appointments have been a breeze.

    This is looking to be one of the most positive things that I can think of for my life, so I have started preparing. Practicing not drinking before or after meals, restricting my calories and carb intake, and adding in some moderate cardio daily.
    I am having this surgery not only to become a better version of myself, but to help with infertility problems. I have PCOS and it has gone into OVER DRIVE between the birth of my son, 3 following miscarriages, and losing and gaining back 60+ lbs two separate times.
    I want more babies, sooooooooooo bad. My husband is the greatest dad, and he deserves more children as well, and welp my ovaries just aren’t cutting it in my hormonal condition right now.
    I am also trying to deter a future almost guaranteed diagnoses of type 2 diabetes. My fathers almost entire side of the family has it, and I take after him to a teeeee. ( dad passed at 52 💔, aunt passed at 54)
    I have never in my life been ‘slim’ or ‘skinny’ and I seriously mean neverrr.

    BUT my family thinks I am crazy to go under the knife for this!
    They think because I’ve done well and lost 60+ lbs twice in my life that I should be able to do it no problem.
    I’ve tried explaining that it’s not the actual work it’s the maintaining and emotional state I get in when I’m putting in 2 plus hours at the gym 4 -5 days a week on top of maintaining a full time job in corporate, and raising my four year old to be a super hero.
    I want this tool more than anything ( except another baby) and I am sooooo ready to work it.
    My spouses support is seriously second to none. He has read every article, and just been right on top of it forever reminding me that he is here to support me.
    But I just can’t help feeling sad, and angry that my two best friends ( mom and sister) roll their eyes and change the subject when I want to talk about this journey.
    How have you dealt with close family members not being supportive? Did they change their tune after seeing your success after surgery?


    I am sorry you're not getting the support you deserve, I understand my mother is that way too. She has been coming around latley and been supportive, but some of her better moments were " I'll resent you when you're smaller than me" and "don't you think you're being obsessive about this it's not like you've had the surgery already (b/c during my pre-op I too started practicing.smaller meals, eating slower, not drinking) but I've seen the eye roll, I get it.

    I have never been thin either. I started becoming overweight in the 1st grade and just never stopped. I was thinnest my senior year, got all the way down to a 12. I have lost and gained, lost and gained.

    Just remember you are doing this for you, and the only person you have to justify your choices with, are yourself. They may not understand now, but I think once they see your dedication and the life long commitment this requires they will come around. At least your husband supports you, and has your back, that says a lot. You have this community too, and we have your back as well.

    Good luck to you, you've got this !

  15. I'm insanely nervous, but not about having surgery (I am sure that will come) I am nervous it won't happen at all. In 2016 I started a weight loss trial for surgery and the day before my last appt (7 month trial) I lost my job and therefore my insurance, boom everything gone. Things got really bad after that I was so depressed.I found another job but it was a temp agency so I had to wait to be hired on full time before I was eligible. Then finally it happened, and I started over right then and there Jan 5th was my first appt. June 1st was my last. I retook all my classes, had my endoscopy, June 22nd. Got my insurance approval June 26th and surgery date on June 27th (8/8)... but now the "what ifs" are driving me mad. What if something happens? What if I lose my job? What if it get cancelled? My "friend" calls if negativity, I call it terror. That something I have worked so hard for can be taken away again.

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