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Posts posted by Spellbound

  1. Hi everyone,

    I’m 6 weeks out and 19lbs down. I’m not eating much because my tummy can be moody and the idea of eating makes me anxious. I’m trying to build my courage with recipes but I see so much cheese everywhere - and as a patient who had terrible Constipation, it makes me weary. So I have two questions:

    1) Why is there so much cheese out there? Is it because of macros or nutritional value or taste?

    2) What are your non-cheese recipes?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. I loved my old clothes. I have been a very stylish person and I have many favorite items. I’m sad that I can’t just rebuy them smaller. Some of my old clothes fit loose and flowed a lot, some of them were flattering to my figure (despite being a person of size). So now I’m struggling with shopping and dressing my new body - smaller chest and oddly pear shaped (was not a pear before).

    I agree with @redhead_che when she muses, “how to dress this new body?” I am going to hold out as much as I can, but even my belts are too small now.

  3. 6 hours ago, MicheleStiles said:

    I have no regrets & am glad I did it when I did. I’ve no desire to have done it sooner. I believe it was done in God’s perfect timing when my mindset was ready to embark on this journey & maintain the weight loss.

    I’m so glad you shared this. I’m working to get to this point. I’m six weeks post-op now, and I’m a slow healer (always been this way) but looking forward to a year from now and encouraging others.

    Congratulations to you and BEST wishes on continued and lifelong success.

  4. I had a similar situation and it was a week before I went - and it wasn’t very impressive either. My, friend you are normal. I was recommended a stool softener and Miralax, which I took regularly until I started going daily. I once stopped too soon right after moving to a stage 2 diet, and had the worst Constipation of life (also, many of the stage two meals and recipes had cheese which made things much worse). But I got back on it for another few days and cut out most cheese. I’m still very cautious and only eat cheese if I have Beans, or vegetables

    What helped me:

    1) Eating yogurt regularly (no pun intended)

    2) investing in a squatty potty

    3) drinking warm beverages

    4) Walking before going to the bathroom

    I never drank Smooth Move (my stomach has been really temperamental) but hot tea was great for me.

    Good luck.

  5. Same here - no recipes. I’m about to finish my fifth week and just now trying chicken and composed meals. And they go down but with a little bit of a fuss. I ate/eat:

    Yogurt, apple sauce, Soups, refried Beans, avocado, soft bananas, smoothies (careful with berry seeds), ground turkey (not beef or chicken) cooked in broth/liquids or sugar free Pasta Sauce, turkey lunch meat, mashed cauliflower, soft pears, soft beans, turkey and white bean chili from whole foods, egg whites (tummy didn’t like eggs until this week), tuna salad without celery or onions, egg salad - as simple as possible. I didn’t have sensitivity to a normal amount of spices but I tried some chicken & turmeric Soup and my whole body rejected it.

    Hope this helps!

  6. @smm86

    Everything you posted I experienced as well. I was really annoyed that I seemed to feel more bad than good and even though I was cleared to progress I couldn’t hack it with Water (I liked sparkles too before I had to cut them out), I had a hard time with eggs, I ate tuna salad ok, but the lunch meats and cheese went down ok - just didn’t like them. Ground turkey went down, but sat like a ball of lead. chicken was a major “no” and my taste buds rejected anything with sucralose.

    I went back to liquids and mushy foods and stayed there longer than the NUT required. I ate all kinds of Soups and started smoothies with spinach, using Greek yogurt and bipro Protein water as my wet ingredient. Protein powders were a firm no to my taste buds.

    And for me, it worked. I had to continue Premier Protein to ensure I had enough protein and calories (was hovering below 500 when I was going through it) and still have yet to meet a water goal — but the step back was really helpful for me.

    After a week of going back to mushy and liquids, I tried refried black Beans, turkey chili w/beans, and egg salad. Success! I’m still kind of doing wet and soft foods but I’m able to tolerate flavors and spices better and I get a better sensation in my stomach when I’m eating.

    I did feel terribly tired for about three weeks. Just freaking exhausted. So... you’re normal, love. I think your instincts will take you far.

    Still trying to figure out the Multivitamin situation for myself. I vomit every time I take it.

  7. I'm struggling with this too as well now. Can't seem to get Water to go down easily (including Hint) and the artificial sweeteners in most "sugar free" items has become nauseating. Here's what I'm drinking now, but would love any other ideas:

    • Herbal Teas
    • Caffeine free coffee
    • Coconut water (has carbs so can't have it daily)
    • Plain water (yuk)
    • Vitamin Water 0 (but it's beginning to get to me)

    I know this could go away in a few months, and I wish I knew the science behind why my brain wants these things to be intolerable... but any hydration hacks? So far I've captured:

    • Watermelon
    • Sugarfree popsicles
    • Watered down juices

  8. On 9/11/2018 at 9:14 AM, sillykitty said:

    @Matt Z I have to give you credit, you answer just about every stall post with much more kindness than I could ever muster! :)

    I'm new and the Stall posts make me roll my eyes, but Matt is always there saying, "It'll be ok. What did you eat/drink? One day can't disrupt this process. Just follow your process." So @Matt Z even though some of us may ask annoying questions - we appreciate you. I see you... and I think you're great.

    Also, if I ask inane questions, thank you to those on this thread who (although they may be annoyed) still come through with the empathy and clarity. I've never felt like I was annoying you based on your response... but now I may just make a Stall, pizza, Alcohol, post just to cheese you. 😂😂

    Thank you!

  9. Feeling discouraged by trying soft foods. eggs and tuna, were my go-to but every time I eat them I have to lay down for 30 minutes. I don’t enjoy cottage cheese, but enjoy yogurt and some fruits... but none of this is Protein.

    So I’m going back to my blender... this is still my first 4 days of soft foods but I’m feeling discouraged. I’m sipping a homemade smoothie currently and feeling much better. Any other ideas?

  10. 1 hour ago, sleevemebaby7781 said:

    I had my surgery on October 4 and I am 2 days out from surgery and I feel miserable. Is this normal? All I want to do is lay in bed all day. How long before I start feeling better? I can't keep any Water down. I chugged too fast yesterday and threw up stomach bile. I don't think I even get down 16 oz of Water per day. Am I facing dehydration?

    Sent from my SM-G892U using BariatricPal mobile app


    Feeling miserable: yes normal.

    Chest pain: For me it was 3 days of chest pain which went away day 3 after I slept on my left side to get the gas to move through. Walking helps too (still does).

    Water intolerance: I couldn’t consume any fluids or swallow anything until the chest pain dissolved. Consuming water can be difficult, but I liked caffeine-free hot tea, Vitamin water zero and other things.

    Dehydration? If you don’t get something, yes. But take your time and be patient. Take SMALL SIPS. Also try sugar free popsicles to get fluids in. Room temperature beverages still nauseates me (sleeved 9/19).

    Tired and constantly sleepy: 100% normal! #1 side effect of the procedure is fatigue. I was constantly tired for about 2.5 weeks. I just started to perk up after moving to soft foods.

    Good luck

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