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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to FluffyChix in Help i need some answers   
    You are right to feel concern!
    Are you following your surgeon's and rd's plan? Are you weighing measuring logging all your food? Hard to comment. To me it feels alarming. Since you're about 3 weeks out from surgery. That feels like a lot of food.
    But sometimes you're restriction signal takes a while to work itself out with your brain. I've heard of people taking 2-3 months to start feeling their restriction.
    Because of this you simply should never "chase that full feeling." Just because you can doesn't mean you should. So when your doc tells you 1/4c of food at 3 weeks post op. He means business. You can seriously eff yourself up that way! So eat ONLY the volume they tell you and of the foods that only they list.
    *Edit: Oh and don't forget, to take tiny bites with tiny silverware and chew chew chew. Take 20-30minutes to eat if you can--especially in the early days. And no drinking with meals or after meals! I tried to keep it 15min before and 30min-1hour after.
    Focus on your Protein first. At this point, that should be about all you're eating. Call your doc's office and schedule with the rd.
  2. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to FluffyChix in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    You've done amazing and watching your hacks and journey have been inspiring! I totally get you. My hunger came back with a rage around 3 months? And I had very little restriction. It was a recipe for disaster. So like you, I had to figure out how to capitalize on exploit the honeymoon period to make it work for me.
    All of your tips are spot on, girl!
  3. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to GreenTealael in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    The stomach eventually empties. Sliders move through quickly. Also eating too slowly or for too long a period will cause you to eventually eat around the surgery. Denser foods that take longer to digest sit longer. Also i have personally notices the longer i wait to drink after i eat the longer i feel filled/satified.
    I'm not a 6' 1" male... But i had to hack my surgery pretty early on as my hunger returned early, weightloss was very slow from the start and i refused to fail.
    Just saying try the suggestions if you want... Or not.
  4. Like
    Wanda247 got a reaction from GreenTealael in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    Hi there, so sorry that you are having this issue with weight gain at 6 months, I really do think that everyone means well with the advice given and I to think that you are consuming way too many carbs, so instead of the big bowl of oatmeal for Breakfast, have some Protein, a boiled egg and maybe a turkey sausage patty, if still hungry after that have a 1/4 cup of berries (me personally can only eat 1 patty or 1 boiled egg at 7.5 months PO) I avoid carbs because that is what got me to the weight that I was and they really do make you more hungry...Just really start logging your food, I mean every morsel that you put in your mouth because you will be surprised at how many calories you are consuming if you are not tracking. My daily intake at this stage is about 560-800 calories, I lose slow but steady and I'm okay with that because I am following my plan.
    Also the surgery is just a tool for all of us so we have to work hard at losing the weight, so get in to see your nutrionist ASAP so that you can get back on track...don't beat yourself up, you are reaching out for help and we are here for you even if it's tough love, be open to constructive criticism. You got this ((Hugs))
    I wish you all the best
  5. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to FluffyChix in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    Normal weight loss is 2-4lbs/week. Most men lose MUCH more rapidly than women and are closer to a 3-4lb/week loss schedule over the fist 6 months. You have 26weeks in 6 months. If you as a male lose 3 lbs per week, you would be closer to an 80lb loss. Yet, you are only 55lbs=2.12lbs of loss per week. That's achingly slow for a 6'1" dude. That's achingly slow for most of us women in the FIRST 6 MONTH HONEYMOON period.
    I am on a cancer drug that puts me in super menopause by shutting down all of my female hormones, and I was still losing in your time frame about 3lbs per week. So yes, I think you are losing too slowly and eating too many simple carbohydrates and having too much fructose.
    I know of ZERO surgeons who recommend getting your calories from juice. No fruit juices was an explicit order of my doc. Also "Don't drink your calories." Also, limit fruit and only have small servings of berries no more than a couple times a week. Also FOCUS on lean dense Protein, healthy fats, leafy greens, and low glycemic veggies. Have limited healthy fats in the form of healthy oils (EVOO, butter, ghee, avocado, nut butters as you tolerate them, and a few nuts here or there.)
    That's the advice of my surgeon. I beat the %ages for weight loss despite my metabolic issues due to the cancer drug and one other. It's do-able. But I tell you now, I will gain weight like a hog if I ate that much fruit, and also ate porridge and ate 1800 cals a day with 267g of carbs. LOL. But I'd prolly be dead first. Cuz that amount of carbs/sugar would send me into a HR coma first.
  6. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to FluffyChix in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   

    Because you're eating slider foods! Porridge, papaya, banana, yogurt = slider foods deluxe.
    And btw? You didn't mention you were male and 6'1". Yet another piece of the critical puzzle.
    Eat dense Protein first for satiety along with healthy fats.
    THEN eat dense veggies to your volume prescription. (mine is 1c/meal max)
    THEN eat berries, nuts, seeds if you still have room.
    Avoid the carby stuff.
    You will dramatically reduce your cravings, the number of times you eat, and up your weight loss.
    But I will tell you? 55lbs for a 6'1" guy in 6months? Is crap weight loss. You are SQUANDERING your honeymoon period by eating too many carbs and too many cals for rapid weight loss. The end. Don't squander your honeymoon period. It will NEVER EVER EVER come again.
  7. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to FancyChristine15 in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    @MGBinIsraelNo one was purposefully being offensive by their advice or even by asking if this was a hoax. You posted your diet, which is very high in sugar and carbs, and then said you don't know why you're gaining weight. Unfortunately, we have had people come to this site with nothing better to do, and asked us ridiculous questions or just tried to start fights, so we're a little protective.
    You asked for advice, and you have been given advice by people who are successfully losing weight or who have successfully lost weight and are keeping it off, and all you've done is defend your food choices that are causing you to gain weight. Take our advice or don't. All we can do is give advice, but you have to choose to accept it and do it. Best of luck to you.
  8. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to froufrou in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    This has been really good for me to see. I am vegetarian and I have a tendency to fill up on carbs, but I can totally see how easy it is to do. I'm going to try to get more Protein in my diet too - carbs spike your blood sugar and then you have a blood sugar drop, which is how you get that hungry feeling. You end up constantly chasing that high. I find it very easy to slip in to that cycle.
  9. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to Healthy_life2 in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    I understand you are new to this site. Your success is dependent on you and the choices you make. Eat the way you currently are and gain or log your food and stay within your calories, Protein, and carbohydrate ratios to lose the weight.
    fruit is organic but has a lot of carbohydrates. You are asking for help and ignoring the amount of carbohydrate and calories you eat. 1802 calories – 74 grams protein – 267 carbohydrates - 51 fats.
  10. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to FluffyChix in weight gain after gastric sleeve   
    My advice? Go back to basics of your "forever plan".
    Eat ONLY the amount of volume they tell you per meal. If you can eat only 3 meals per day and meet your Protein needs do so--cut out the snacking!!! Clean your pantry, fridge, freezer out. Recommit to your new body! You deserve this! Quit cheating, break up with your old ways again, kick the crap to the curb!!!!
    Weigh yourself daily.
    Plan your meals, and log every bit in a fitness app like MFP.
    Exercise daily.
    Eat to your rules and get in the amount of protein your doc and RD told you to eat daily and make sure you are taking your Vitamins. You might also call your surgeon to see him/her and get a referral to your RD for a new plan to combat this.
    1. Eat 2-4oz of lean dense protein per meal.
    2. Eat 1-2oz of al dente veggies per meal.
    3. Eat a little healthy fat with every meal (1tsp of evoo or avocado oil or butter OR 1oz of avocado OR 1/2oz nuts)
    4. No drinking 15 minutes before a meal or at least 1hour after.
    Get enough sleep each night.
    Try to deep breath and get stress relieving things on board.
    Congrats on your losses so far and on recognizing the need to get back to being serious about health!
  11. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to GreenTealael in Does the pain ever go away?   
    Try chewing really really well (until mush) and eat slightly less to see if it helps!
  12. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to VIKING 0424 in Does the pain ever go away?   
    i still get this pain if i eat to fast as well or take to big of a drink slow down and chew very well baby food is what i have to tell myself
  13. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to GreenTealael in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    Try papaya enzyme tablets instead...
    You can over eat healthy foods too, unfortunately. Check with your nutritionist.
    But you do want to continue weight loss, correct? Try some of the suggestions given. They are crafted with good intentions. Promise. 💜
  14. Like
    Wanda247 got a reaction from GreenTealael in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    Hi there, so sorry that you are having this issue with weight gain at 6 months, I really do think that everyone means well with the advice given and I to think that you are consuming way too many carbs, so instead of the big bowl of oatmeal for Breakfast, have some Protein, a boiled egg and maybe a turkey sausage patty, if still hungry after that have a 1/4 cup of berries (me personally can only eat 1 patty or 1 boiled egg at 7.5 months PO) I avoid carbs because that is what got me to the weight that I was and they really do make you more hungry...Just really start logging your food, I mean every morsel that you put in your mouth because you will be surprised at how many calories you are consuming if you are not tracking. My daily intake at this stage is about 560-800 calories, I lose slow but steady and I'm okay with that because I am following my plan.
    Also the surgery is just a tool for all of us so we have to work hard at losing the weight, so get in to see your nutrionist ASAP so that you can get back on track...don't beat yourself up, you are reaching out for help and we are here for you even if it's tough love, be open to constructive criticism. You got this ((Hugs))
    I wish you all the best
  15. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to Briswife15 in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    Hi, MGBinIsrael, I'm jumping in here late to the discussion, but as others have noted, you are eating a tremendous amount of carbs for someone post WLS. I have found that eating carbs actually makes me hungry. When I cut down on carbs my hunger goes away. Maybe you should focus on dense Protein, and some non starchy veggies, and give the fruit and oatmeal a break, and see if your hunger goes away. Best to you.

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  16. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to NYJenn in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    It seems heavy on carbs and fruit. I’d try and swap out those foods for Protein
    Also, where are your veggies? 
  17. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to KCgirl061 in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    My reaction to her food intake was "well there's the problem! Poor girl probably doesn't realize that she is consuming HELLA carbs!" Ditch the OJ - thats full of sugar and is no better than drinking soda. Replace the bananas and papayas with berries - banana and papaya are high sugar fruits. You need to replace the carbs with Proteins - they will keep you fuller longer.
    and speaking of Protein - WHY IS IT YOU ARENT HAVING ANY PROTEIN UNTIL DINNERTIME?! Seriously - there is a small amount in your soy milk and a small amount in the cream cheese. But a majority of your protein is the stuff you're eating after 6pm. No wonder you're hungry.
  18. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to GreenTealael in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    When i read it i thought the same but no one comes here for that type of fun, right? 😭😶
    meanwhile I'm eating a salad...
  19. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to Healthy_life2 in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    We get our share of fakes and trolls on this site. My response is more for other readers that are researching or new. Many people come into this thinking they can eat whatever they want in small portions and the weight comes off.
    Sadly, with the sleeve, I can eat a whole banana and a cup of papaya. Not that I want to…but, I can.
  20. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to FluffyChix in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    @Healthy_life2 I swear this whole post feels like a ho-ax...when I saw the daily menu...
    How can anyone eat a whole papaya? Granted there are many sizes of papaya, but to be able to eat a papaya and a banana at the same time without repurcussions, then be able to eat again within a couple of hours? I have very very little restriction, but I couldn't do it--even if I could tolerate the massive amounts of carbs/sugars/fructose in this daily menu without dumping (which I couldn't)...
    I don't like to think of anyone being "fake" nor do I accuse someone lightly. But gee whiz. This just seems cray.
  21. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to Healthy_life2 in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    What foods are allowed on your surgeon’s plan? Do you have a print out?
    I can’t stress enough to log your food. You will never know how many calories and carbs your eating unless you log them. You can’t guess your way through weight loss. Restriction alone will not make you successful in the long term.
    food log apps - free download.
    Processed carbs are going to make you crave them more and make you hungry. Seriously, I hope you are not eating 267 carbs in the estimate below. My carb range is 55 grams of plant and low glycemic carbs.
    You didn’t give brands or how many ounces/serving sizes you ate. This is a estimated based on the information you gave. If this is correct you are eating weight gaining calories and macros – You can log your information correctly and get a better look at what you are doing with your diet
    Logged in Myfitnesspal:
    1802 calories - 74 grams Protein - 267 carbohydrates - 51 fats
    1 cup Black coffee 5 calories .5 cup soy milk 50 calories 1 cup fresh squeezed Orange juice 112 calories Nabisco rice crackers 48 calories 2 table spoons cream cheese 99 calories 1 banana 105 calories oats 1 cup 300 calories meat balls 171 calories .8 cup rice 150 2 oz sweet potatoes 51 calories 1 Banana 105 calories 1 cup papaya 62 calories 2 light n fit Greek yogurt 160 calories 2.5 oz Brie cheese 238 calories 15 small pretzels 145 calories
  22. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to FancyChristine15 in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    I completely agree with @catwoman7. Your diet is carb/sugar heavy. I know that you're getting your sugar from fruits, but it's still high in sugar, and doesn't keep you full long. I thought you were vegetarian for a second there, until I saw that you have meatballs. You need more protein. I'm a year out, and I can only eat 2 eggs at a time, or a small grilled chicken breast and a couple of brussels sprouts. I focus on getting in my protein, and that makes me full, and keeps me full for a long time.
  23. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to sillykitty in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    Some people get lucky and have reduced hunger, but it is certainly no guarantee, especially with a bypass since your stomach is all still intact.
    Just because you are hungry doesn't mean you have to eat. Have you tried to push past your hunger? I find that drinking calorie free drinks will let me get past the hunger hump. It is hard at first, but it gets easier and easier each day.
    You really need to log your food. You need to see how many cals your eating. You need to be able to pin point which foods trigger you to be more hungry.
    As is said over and over on these boards, this surgery isn't magic. All weight loss comes down to burning more than you consume. WLS makes it easier for us to do that, but we can't just sit back and expect the surgery to do all the work.
  24. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to catwoman7 in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    your diet is pretty heavy on carbohydrates. I suspect you might be one of those people who are carb sensitive (a lot of us on here are). Eating carbs just makes carb sensitive people crave more carbs- thus, hunger. Try swapping some of those carbs out for Proteins - eggs, meat, cheese, yogurt (I know you already do eat some of these). Many of us are told to eat Protein first, then non-starchy vegetables, and then if we have room left, a piece of fruit or a small amount of whole grains. I'm not particularly carb sensitive, but I rarely have more than one fruit serving a day, and maybe a small serving or two of whole grains. I try to focus on mostly proteins and vegetables. And for Snacks, I always pick a protein or else pair a protein with a carb (like apple slices with peanut butter). I rarely eat a carb by itself.
  25. Like
    Wanda247 reacted to KCgirl061 in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    Are you tracking your food intake? What are you eating? How much are you eating? You can't rely on your surgery alone to lose and keep the weight off. You may need to go beyond asking us in the support group for help and talk to your surgeon, nutritionist or even a therapist if you need help making the lifestyle change needed to lose the rest of the weight and keep it off.

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