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Ivy Joel

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Ivy Joel

  1. WOW!!! I am so glad you are getting this taken care of. My hubby also went thru that stuff. He had 5 different strains of infection. He was so sick!! It actully lasted 9 months. His Surgeon kept messing around!! Finally, our PCP called a Dr. here in town and he finally put a Wound Vac in which should of happened way back to the beginning. He almost died from it. It took him down so slow we didn't think he would ever get well!! Keep on top of this please. Listen to your body and never feel like you are a burden. These Dr need to be held accountable. I am so sorry that this has happened to you. Keep on keeping on!!

    Did that all happen to your husband after the sleeve?

    Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. On 4/19/2018 at 6:17 PM, Chrisb428 said:
    I find it so interesting how different the preop process is for each person. I keep seeing people talking about having seen the surgeon and stuff early on. The process for me is the opposite. I don't even get a 1 on 1 appt with the surgeon until the very end when everything else is completed.

    I saw the surgeon first and he asked questions basically it felt like to see if the surgery was right for me, like i wouldnt just fall back into the same habits and behaviors. Then i had a few things to do for my insurance to cover it. 3 nutritionist appts, psych eval, cardiologist appt, pulminologist gallbladder ultrasound, and bloodwork. I only have 1 nutritionist appt left cardiologist psych bloodwork and im good. Getting all that done in May and hopefully when i see my surgeon again after that we will schedule my surgery for mid to late June.

    Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. So here's the million dollar question - Who, if anyone, are you telling about your surgery?
    My husband and kids know and my parents as well. I have yet to tell my brother but I will. I have one friend I will most likely tell as I know she'll be supportive. I don't plan on telling anyone else. I'm new in my job and aren't close enough to anyone here to feel like I want to share. I'm typically a closed book anyway so my general feeling is it's nobody's damn business even if they do notice I'm losing weight rapidly.
    What about you guys?

    I am only telling the people closest to me. I am a private person and i also tend to get a little in my head about people having opinions on things when they probably arent even giving it a second thought. But its really no ones business but your own and whoever you want to be part of your process! Its your journey! No rules, no need to tell anyone more than youre taking care of yourself.

    Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Ivy, take the first 2 fingers of your left hand and the first 2 fingers of your right hand and touch them together.
    that is the width and length of your sleeve. it fills up very fast when you start on solids. eat very slow and listen to your body it will tell you to stop loud and clear. if you eat fast you will feel sick and hurt when the full signal gets thru. Slow is your friend. so a bite then chat with family or talk to yourself (but dont answer thats just weird [emoji4] ) then another bite and so on. you will get the hang of it real quick.

    That is really informative thank you. I guess it just threw me off since my last nutritionist appt she showed me a plate (it was the typical size of an appetizer or dessert/childs plate and said that is about the size meal i would eventually be eating so i guess, as time goes by your new stomach stretches? [emoji13] [emoji102] [emoji28] But until then yes chewing and taking breaks definitely. It must be hard to get enough Water daily just taking tiny sips! That will be difficult for me i drink a ton of water even before considering surgery I did, and i drink it fast. I have to break that habit!

    Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. Hi! I'm 2.5 weeks post op. The first week was rough everything hurt i used a walker the first 4 days. If i stood to long it felt like my stomach was filled with bricks. Walking and sipping is what my days consisted of, i had to do 2 weeks of clear liquids i could not tolerate the protien shakes our powder so getting my protien in the first 2weeks was really hard. I just went to puree/soft food 3 days ago i can only eat about 2tbsp each meal, i did get a whole egg in today. Eat slow chew well. Good luck!

    I dont know if you have the answer to thos question but i thought of it after reading your response--why can you eat so little post op? After the first 2 weeks of course while its healing up, shouldnt you be able to eat normal bariatric sized portions? Or are you still healing for much longer after that? You said you can only have a few tablespoons per meal, does the stomach stretch a little bit as time goes by and you can increase meal sizes?

    Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. I am 4 days post op. Still nauseous if I sip anything but Water. Did get a popsicle down last night. I probably overdid the walking yesterday (2 miles) and may have gotten a bit dehydrated. I love eggs and will be very happy to add those as one of my first puréed foods. Glad the post op gas is finally gone.

    How is your pain level? Are you able to sleep regularly or only in a certain position?

    Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Hey guys! So i have 4 more weeks until i fulfill my pre reqs for insurance to have the surgery, and im starting to get scared! I was wondering if you guys could share your 2-4 week post op experiences, what you ate, how you felt, pain levels, when you went back to work, how long until you felt you didnt have to be "careful" about movements and lifting etc.

    And i HATE cooking, I know that is going to make my life a little more difficult, so if anyone wants to share easy meals they make, or Snacks like maybe high quality deli meat and lettuce roll ups or things similar in effort?

    Thanks in advance for helping ease my nervous mind!

    Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. So i guess a good thing i have going for me is i dont really like many other drinks besides Water and i rarely drink. If i do, its mostly a fruit juice watered down because most are so sweet. I hate carbonation so at least i dont have to mourn soda. But i do LOVE fruit i mean i love it i could freeze and eat a whole bag of grapes and have eaten a whole cantelope. I am so afraid with the sugar content that i wont be able to enjoy fruit as much. Especially in the summer its the perfect snack.

    Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. i agree with Kimbero, this is scary for anyone! i am in that same scared stage. but doing this now gives him more time with you! with medical science advances, he shouldnt worry. maybe have him come to talk to your surgeon to tell him how minimal the risks of the actual surgery is, and how big the pay off will be after, all the health benefits. wishing you the best

  10. 8 minutes ago, magpie26 said:

    my mom has told me (many times) not to mourn for food, yes you can have a bite of a cookie, BUT is it worth it when it comes down to it?

    i totally agree. i always just say your body is a machine and food is the fuel to keep that body going. but i also think that, with new deeply ingrained habits, that moderation is key. i dont want to not let myself have a bite of a cookie every once in a while, or a bite of cake at a birthday party, whereas before i wouldve eaten 6 Cookies or a large piece of cake. are cheat meals a thing after this surgery? like once a month you get to have a slightly unhealthy meal, in a much smaller portion? or does that negate the whole point? maybe it just depends on the individual. i feel like im looking for black and white answers in a very grey area.

  11. thanks everyone i appreciate the feedback. i am definitely in my head i am one of those people that imagines worst case scenario about pretty much everything i do. it just scared me that i wouldnt be able to live a normal life if, like i said worst case scenario -- i cant tolerate multiple foods or something like that. i want to be able to go to bbqs and go on vacation and not have to stress that they wont have the minimal amount of foods i might only be able to tolerate after surgery, again i know unlikely and worst case scenario. i am gla love the taste of healthy foods that are actually good for me my prroblem was more portion related. i can definitely tell how much better i feel when i dont eat a bunch of crap. its so obvious. but thinking i couldnt go to 1 of the hundreds of family parties my fiances family has each year (huge family as opposed to mine which is tiny) and not have a bite of their bday cake or something like that just seemed so depressing to me. but im sure even if that was the case, the positives would still outweigh the negatives

  12. hey guys, i figured i'd give this a try. i have about a month before i finish all my pre reqs my insurance requires before surgery, and I'm starting to freak out. i have a good friend who got the bypass, and she tells me things that shes gone through and its kind of sending me into a tailspin even though my surgeon recommended the sleeve ffor me. She is almost 1 year post op and a few weeks ago she said she had a bite of a cookie and she got sick. i know the bypass is different but It still freaks me out. will i not be able to even have a bite of something like a cookie? and taking multiple Vitamins everyday for the rest of your life sounds daunting. just a whole bunch of thoughts going through my head like that i wont be able to take it back once i do it, and what if it affects my day to day life much more than i planned or expected? Was hoping for some feedback about your experiences especially the first year post op--are these thoughts normal? i dont have any medical conditions from being over weight as of yet i guess that makes this decision a bit easier to make, if that makes sense. thanks in advance.

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