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Posts posted by PeaceAndLove88

  1. On 12/14/2019 at 12:02 PM, Bastian said:

    yep sounds EXACTLY like my lactose intolerance, took me ages to figure out that was what it was. Even lacto free milk does it to me!! Try 5 days no dairy see what happens :)

    Really?! I will watch dairy and see what happens. So odd that it’s delayed to the next morning. I do eat string cheese so I will cut that out and see if it helps.

    thank you!!!!

  2. Hi Crigney21!

    I'm also going through the process with Kaiser in Portland. I am currently on step 4.

    Once my PCP approved me I received an email from the Bariatric department that said I was approved for the program. So far, through step 3, it seems as though unless there is an issue with my labs, the doctor doesn't feel I'm ready, etc. then I am going to have it.

    Let me know if you want to chat more! I know I was fishing so hard to find someone else who was going through it at Kaiser in Portland because each Kaiser is so different.

  3. Day 1 is out of the door and a huge success, I might add. There was some hunger, but luckily, no hanger! Mr. F. is relieved! I didn't get all my food in as "scheduled". My doc would have me eat the first meal at 8am. Yeah, whatever. If I eat at 8am, I wake my hunger up for the day. I'm going to try to push it back to 10am as the first meal and have black decaff coffee until then.
    I can say hands down, the hardest part is interacting with food: watching food shows, commercials on tv, washing dishes/cleaning the kitchen, shopping, and cooking an actual meal for your normies, is really quite difficult. So do them as little as possible. LOL.
    It's also very strange to see just how MUCH free time you have on your hands when you're not eating. It felt like the day took much longer! Ha! Let's just say, instead of being productive as I should have been, I played a lot of hearts and solitaire on my iphone. But hey, whatever gets you to the finish line, right?
    Oh, and dayum, my fairwell tour of BBQ was not a friend to me. I went from 228 up to 234 for my official Pre-Op liquid diet weigh-in. It's so bogus that I can gain up 10lbs overnight. Let's just say my ankles are cankles. Even though there weren't many carbs involved (green beans), or noticable sugar, I got dogpiled. So that sucks. But I just will move forward.
    I'm attaching my food log from yesterday as it finished playing out last night. I'm gonna go read how much milk I can have with my Protein Shakes. I'm pretty sure there is a limit.

    Which app is that?

  4. Thanks for all the responses! I am planning on talking to my doctor about this too. I'm in the early pre-op stages where I'm taking a class starting next week that won't provide the space for surgery specific questions. My orientation isn't until week 6 of that, so it's going to be awhile until I am able to.

    Good to hear Tylenol may be an option! That helps bring some temporary relief until I can get a firm answer from the doc! :D

  5. My 3 month post op went great! I met with the PA but the surgeon called me a couple hours later to personally congratulate me on my success so far. Down 84lbs and took 14 points off my BMI.
    Here’s a pic from our great day! Thank you to my super supportive hubby! IMG_2523.JPG.e949f5359dee228f5af69b0602562b5e.JPG

    Oh my gosh! You lost 84 pounds already?

    Way to go lady!

  6. I'm pre-op. I take a lot of Advil and Tylenol for reoccurring headaches and I'm worried after reading this can cause complications after surgery. The doctor has never been able to pinpoint my headaches, between sinus inflammation, high BP, etc. but hopefully headaches decrease with weight loss.

    Do any folks post-op have experience with taking NSAIDs regularly post-op?


  7. 6 minutes ago, jackiesays said:

    Yes! So the referral will read healthy weight program-bariatric surgery. I only know this because I am a kaiser clinic nurse and see the referrals a lot lol. Is your orientation 5/7 or did you do that part already? How exciting! I will be at the South Bay med center. How about you?

    5/7 is the day I start the online "healthy weight" class. My step-by-step email says I have to wait until I complete the 6th week to schedule orientation. I'm so anxious!

    I'm in Oregon/SW Washington. Let me know how the class goes! I've heard it will involve a food journal, but I'm curious what else. Sounds like we're in the same phase of things. Let's stay in touch! :)

  8. I had gastric bypass Jan 24, 2017

    Beginning weight 301

    Surgery weight 289

    Current weight 196

    Goal weight 175

    Feeling extra good


    Wow, you look great! I’m pre-op and my starting numbers are so close to yours and I see you said you are 5’7 as well. If I can look and feel even a little like you that is amazing. Thank you for sharing as this brings me hope. [emoji123]

  9. Welcome. It sounds like we are very close to the same starting point. Do you have to do a 6 month supervised weight loss program for your insurance and doctor before they will do surgery?

    Like I said in my first post I am so ready for this new life I have started on. I would like to keep in touch . We can support each other in the journey.


    I don’t need to do the 6 month supervised weight loss program because I have a history of doing watchers, which counted. They didn’t seem to verify that but I have been on and off with them a few times, totally well over 6 months.

    During the 12 week class I start on 5/7 I will have to do a food journal. They are looking for loss for sure but I don’t think there is a required amount for surgery. I’m hoping to really focus on once the journaling starts to lose some weight before surgery anyway.

    I would love to stay in touch! It looks like you hit the ground running which is really inspiring to me! it sounds like we’re both SO ready for this! I could use an accountability buddy!

    Maybe my surgery date will be in October too! This class finishes in August and I’ll have several appointments before surgery which will probably take a few months. Do you have much to do after the 6month program?

  10. Hey all!

    I’m so excited to have found this app!

    I’ve just been approved for the Bariatric Surgery Program through Kaiser. I know I’m a ways out until surgery day and have a lot of steps to complete, but I’m more hopeful than ever. Kaiser told me (Oregon/Washington) they only do the RNY.

    I’m looking to connect with others, particularly those in similar early phases. Does anyone have experience or currently working with Kaiser in Oregon/Washington?

    Thanks for letting me share and for sharing your journeys!

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