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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Chrisb428

  1. @blackhawkpro Wow, congrats on you amazing success. I am not nearly as active as you, thats for sure. I haven't completely cut anything aside from bread out of my diet. I do however, make sure i get a minimum of 65 oz of Protein, 80 oz of Water, and keep my carbs very low. I have recently increased the volume of protein I eat due to increased hunger, hoping it would help. At the same time, im worried about stretching my stomach as I do increase volume.

  2. I am 6 mos post op and noticing a large increase in hunger and what feels like a loss of restriction. I am wondering how much any of you were eating, or how much i should be able to eat at 6 mos out? I know each person and stomach is different, just trying to get a gauge of where the average might be so I know if i should be concerned.

  3. I havent posted here forever or bothered updating my stats. I am almost 4.5 months post op and my weight loss seems to have slowed to a barely moving pace. When did all of you start slowing down? I am down 100 lbs from a year ago and down about 70 from surgery. I keep bouncing between 210-213. I just want out of the 200s and feel like its never gonna happen!

  4. 7 minutes ago, Frustr8 said:

    Thank you ChrisB, facing my third EDJ November 9th for same reasons, almost as long for me, I think 8 weeks today. This reducing mama on infant style diet, nutritionist says I haven't hurt myself yet, yeah but emotionally puffy. Nuked a sweet,potato last might, took out the pulp and stirred into sk8m milk, added scoop of GENEPRO, yeah not highest quality but you do what you can. Made it like a cream Soup. Ate my iddy bitty 1/4 cup , sat in chair fight my pouch until she stopped trying to puke it up. Then in a couple hours I felt like I could lie down, maybe sleep. This is NOT the journey I booked for!

    I hope things soon get easier for you!

  5. 1 hour ago, Matt Z said:

    That's good that they figured out what was up! Congrats on the loss, curious though, your starting weight listed in your call out says you started at 303 and are currently 297, is that a mistake or ?

    I havent been on a PC to update and todays my first day on in about 2 mos. I am 232.4 as of yesterday

  6. I am 2 months and 3 days post gastric bypass. It has been a very, very, long road. Still cant eat much of anything and having alot of trouble hydrating properly. At 2 wks post op I knew something wasn't right. After numerous calls, complaints and nagging, I got an egd scheduled. Turned out I had a stricture and ulcers. I had my 3rd egd yesterday and am finally cleared (with 3 meds) to begin to try "anything I think I can tolerate" I havent been able to tolerate anything but homemade broth and some ph Water for the most part. Hoping this is the end of the procedures and beginning of the good part. On a positive note, I'm down over 70 lbs.

  7. I am just over 2 wks post op RNY bypass. Did really well, had no major issues until the past 2 days. I was getting in my fluids and Protein in acceptable amounts for where I am in the process. Then, 2 days ago, I started gagging on all fluids. I do manage to keep small amounts down. As strange as it sounds I have no problem with the purees and soft foods just thin fluids. I have tried the different temps and nothing seems to agree with me. Any thoughts on how to handle this or how long to continue trying before calling my surgeon?

  8. It took me a week to get my gain from the hospital off so dont get discouraged at all and dont self sabotage! U are into the journey now. U jumped through all the hoops, now work your program!

  9. I am 2 wks post op and just progressed to a soft diet. Has anyone else had the feeling of something being stuck in their throat? It has felt this way all day. I can drink and swallow foods just fine and have been taking small bites and chewing thoroughly. Just curious if this was a common "feeling" or not?

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