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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Chrisb428

  1. Chrisb428

    When is your wls?

    Im so sorry to hear this. Was it your actual pouch that hurt or was it pain from a breathing tube or what? Im glad things are improving and good luck at your dr appt!
  2. Chrisb428

    No thyroid

    They tried levothyroxine and now synthroid. Idk....
  3. Chrisb428

    No thyroid

    I might have to try that in the meantime. I just had labs done and my level is still in the 30s.
  4. Chrisb428

    No thyroid

    That would be amazing, wouldnt it? I'm sick of feeling so tired and blah all the time!
  5. Chrisb428

    Finally hit my goal

    You look amazing! Congrats on hitting your goal!!!
  6. Chrisb428

    No thyroid

    I have gained about the same as u in the course of about 9 mos. I don't have a surgery date yet. I finish my 6 mos doctor monitored weight loss requirement in July so I'm thinking a late August/early Sept surgery date.
  7. Chrisb428

    presurgery psych eval

    I had no questionnaire. Just a few questions and brief discussion as to my eating patterns, alternate ways to deal with stress and boredom etc. Reasons for wanting the surgery and discussion of possible mood swings and things to expect mentally after the surgery. It was very easy and informative.
  8. Chrisb428

    No thyroid

    Yes, they do. In all honesty, I end up fasting for a day or two before my weigh in just so that I don't show a gain. It's nearly impossible to lose and keep off, if it wasn't I wouldn't be in this situation...right? Lol
  9. Chrisb428

    No thyroid

    You are definitely not alone, it's tough. I'm just hoping if I go through this process, it helps regulate things somewhat. Good luck to u as well. Mind if I follow u to keep an eye on your progress?
  10. Chrisb428

    No thyroid

    Me too.... Taking synthroid 200 daily and still struggling to just NOT gain! My insurance denies approval for any net gain during the 6 mos period before surgery. Has me scared to death!
  11. I absolutely love your name.....lol What all will be left to do before you can submit for approval?
  12. Good luck with your surgery!
  13. Good luck, Looking forward to updates!
  14. Congrats on all your hard work! U look great!
  15. Chrisb428

    No regrets guys!

    You look absolutely amazing! Thank you for sharing with us, its inspiring!
  16. Chrisb428

    Recovery Update

    I am so sorry you are having such a rough recovery! I hope it gets better from here. I will be thinking of u. Keep us updated on your progress!
  17. Thank you! Feels like "my time" will never get here. (I'm so impatient) lol
  18. Congrats ALF and good luck with your approval!
  19. Yeah, I kinda wish I did see him already, it would seem more "real" I stress nonstop that im going to go through the entire process only to have something happen at the end and not be able to have it done. Thats how my luck works...haha!
  20. Chrisb428

    Feeling like my life is over

    Sending prayers! I hope the worst is behind you. Try and stay positive!
  21. Chrisb428

    Nutrition info

    I planned to clarify with my dietition, but figured i would ask here. After gastric bypass when looking for acceptable choices, am i only looking at the sugar amount or the total carbs?
  22. Hi kekev, welcome!I'm hoping for late August or early Sept.
  23. Welcome Tinajax, you are getting so close!
  24. I'm glad your consult went well. Now if you are anything like me, you will be impatient and waiting for your next step. I'm only halfway through my process and started buying things, planning, reading everything I can!

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