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J San

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by J San

  1. J San

    Baking with Protein supplements

    Prep and cooking did take a long time. I had to bake the final product longer than suggested, for some reason they were a bit more wet than I had imagined. I may try them again and add more protein powder.
  2. J San

    Is too fast good or bad?

    Id say, Your good to go. If you feel good and aren't having any health issues good on ya brother. CONGRATS!!!!!
  3. J San

    Only 1 pound from "overweight"!!

    Fantastic victory!! CONGRATS!!!!
  4. 8 weeks out today and I have the same issue with boiled eggs. I had one for breakfast today. I feel like it's the whites. Seem to land in the belly like a full size wet towel.
  5. J San

    Baking with Protein supplements

    Made this recipe today. http://www.everylastbite.com/2017/05/30/spicy-butternut-squash-tots/ Changed it up bit. Used sweet potato instead of squash and a bit different on the spices. Added a full scoop of Isopure flavorless protein powder and they came out great.
  6. What's on that wrap that is 300 cals? Is the sliced turkey that high in cals or are you hiding the good stuff, haha? It looks like 2 slices, I would have thought way less than that. Looks good through. I might try deli meats, well turkey and chicken anyway. Love ham but can't imagine that's healthy.
  7. Damn brother, You have been through some ****. How you have such a positive outlook is a mystery and a miracle. Good for you, your one in a million for sure. Best wishes to you on both your surgeries and grand outcome. Happy healthy healing as well. Look forward to hearing all the great positive things you have to share about this experience.
  8. J San

    Ups and downs...

    I'm a few days behind you and have started noticing the fluctuations as well. I am also getting in more calories as of late so I know that has a lot to do with it. I am still losing but it had slowed down quite a bit for a few weeks. I just got one of those fancy measure everything scales so just started paying attention to fat% but it's nice to have it and be able to compare it to past days. I way myself every morning and track everything I consume.
  9. J San

    September 5- today is my day!

    Congrats to all of you on finally getting here. Best of luck to you and happy healthy healing!!!!
  10. What a great problem to have. Sorry I don't have any suggestions. Just want to say Congrats, Way To Go and Woo Hoo!!!!
  11. J San

    Help after surgery

    Your body is healing at the pace that it can. Even though you are not feeling better know that things are happening in there. When you change position things are stretching out from the previous position, it will hurt or feel uncomfortable. Your only 5 days you can't expect to feel good at this point. I'm almost 8 weeks out and though I feel way better I still get an occasional pain that wasn't not expected. One thing I was not expecting to experience was a lack of patience. I wanted/expected everything to magically happen. It's a tough lesson but one you will have to learn.
  12. Eggs and chicken are my main source of protein outside of shakes and protein waters which I still need because I get nowhere near enough without them. I'm not a seafood eater at all so that's out. I have steak probably once a week. Have tried ground beef and pork ribs but neither agreed with me. I get full way to fast to eat more than an ounce or two of chicken and usually eat 1 or 2 eggs. If I eat 2 eggs it kills my daily goals because I get so full and slows my intake of anything else.
  13. I'm coming up on week 7 this Thursday. Pureed was week 4 for me. I was cleared of any restrictions in week 5. Right now I'm mostly eating chicken, sometimes steak. I've tried ground beef and pork ribs but neither agreed with me. Still drinking shakes to meet protein goals. I was 342lbs on day of surgery and as of two days ago I'm down to 300.2lbs, so down 44lbs since surgery.
  14. J San

    Mosquito Bites??

    Don't think I've met anyone either but I had no idea it was a rare thing. I just figured everyone around me was weird. Did your mother put meat tenderizer (not sure if that is exactly what it was) on them when they swelled up as well when you were a kid? My mother would make a paste out of it and put it on them. She swore it would stop both the swelling and the itch. God, the things that wonderful woman put us through. My kids are so lucky I'm crazy in a slightly different way.......
  15. J San

    Male Before and After Pictures

    AWESOME JOB!!!! Killing it brother, Congrats!!!
  16. J San

    Male Before and After Pictures

    I can't wait to be able to post before and after pics. I took same pose pics last week to compare and I see no difference. I see it physically in my body parts but not in the photos. Oh Well, soon enough. Hey @Pakko great job man!!! Congrats on your success and thanks for the motivating pic.
  17. Inspiration indeed!! Congrats on an awesome accomplishment, great success @336Mike . @Kjohnson*1 Best of luck to you on your upcoming endeavor and hope you have a wonderful easy going recovery.
  18. J San


    Congrats @Catherine4014 on making the decision to get WLS. Welcome to the forum as well.
  19. J San

    Recommended Videos to Keep Your Mind Off Food

    Thanks for that. I was sweating there for a minute. Felt like I was back in the theater getting yelled at and about to get my ass kicked.
  20. J San

    Just an introduction

    Read it all, great introduction. Welcome to the site and Congrats on making the choice to have the surgery. I joined here about a month pre-op and learned more from the people here than from my surgeon and NUT. Everytime I go into the office they ask if I have questions and I never do. Best of luck to you on your journey and hope all goes as planned.
  21. J San

    Losing while eating???

    Don't let the weight control your emotions. You will stall, slow down, plateau and gain. Your taking in food now not just liquid so your body has to adjust. Don't eat less or stick to liquids because your body will go into starvation mode and you'll stop losing for sure.
  22. J San

    Recommended Videos to Keep Your Mind Off Food

    Yeah, and I was being really loud yelling during the whole thing. It was an eat in theater so it wasn't nearly as dark as normal theaters. The lighting there to make it able for you to eat out shined the light from my phone 10 fold.
  23. Wishing only the best for @ellie123 . I hope it turns out to be nothing serious and her pain subsides right away.
  24. You have to slow down and don't overfill. Try to learn when your beginning to get full and stop there. I had problems with this but have gotten better at it. I have only thrown up twice but not sure if it was from eating to much, to fast or if the food didn't agree with me. Any way, I would always get that tight feeling in my chest at first because I didn't realize I was getting full. It is normal and it is controllable. Good luck to you.
  25. J San

    Recommended Videos to Keep Your Mind Off Food

    Had not been to the theater in quite some time. Last Tuesday my wife wanted to go see a horror film (she has a thing for them, almost an addiction). I hate them but figured, why not. We went to the Dine In theater because there was some kind of deal/discount that night. My wife ordered food and everyone surrounding us was eating. I was completely fine with my focus, during almost the entire movie, on Bubble Witch Saga on my phone. It was excellent, the movie was SOOOOOOOO bad and boring I let my phone distract me from everything, including the food. Slender Man if you were wondering.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
