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J San

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by J San

  1. Can I make a suggestion and ask you to start a new thread (so you don't get lost in this one) and ask for help getting through this. Talk to your surgeon and NUT and ask for help. Start caring, you had this surgery for a reason. Start taking in more calories, go for walks where there are people around. Go with your friend so you have some interaction. You will get a lot of support here and although it's on the net it will hopefully help you out. We're all here to help the best we can. Good luck to you and feel better.
  2. I was told no caffeine for 6 months post as well. I stopped drinking coffee in March when I started this journey and havn't had any since nor have I had any cravings. I'm not sure if I will go back to drinking it, but probably will. What is n/v ?
  3. J San

    For all who need a kick up the butt!

    I wasn't targeting you with what I typed. I liked your comment a lot and agree with it. I'm that way in certain situations. It was just a general statement. Maybe I should have said, Don't take it as gospel?
  4. J San

    For all who need a kick up the butt!

    Why take anything in a literal sense? You read an article like this and you adapt it to fit what works for you. If there is nothing that works for you and you "Completely" disagree disregard it all together. Obviously with so many variations from one persons program to the next there is no set method of success. You come to sites like this and read what works for others and what fails for some. Compare it to your situation and use what works and learn what to do if something is failing for you. Pass that information along so in the end we can all make better choices to help us succeed.
  5. J San

    For all who need a kick up the butt!

    To me if I view it as a gift, it's because of the fact that these surgeries exist. The fact that we had the surgery was a choice. With making that choice we chose to do what we had to do to succeed. After the fact, what we have to do becomes the next choice. What I got from the article was if you know what you have to do to succeed, whether it be crushing pills or drinking protein shakes ( Other methods for those that cannot physically do that) get over your complaining/crying and make the choice to do them. Otherwise your making the choice to fail. I personally found it motivational and again thank you @Neversaynever for posting it.
  6. J San

    For all who need a kick up the butt!

    GREAT article. So much truth. Thank you @Neversaynever for posting it!!! If I tried saying what the writer did It would come off in such a different way. In my head it would sound exactly like they wrote it but whoever I said it to would hate me because of the way it came out. Copy/paste the link to this anytime a new post on the issues mentioned is made.
  7. J San

    First NUT visit.

    My program limits carbs and fats at the beginning. Carbs should only come from veggies. Later we can work in carbs but still keep them low. I don't have any issues at this point so sticking to what is suggested is not a problem for me. That's great that your program turned out the way it did, It allows you to do what you need to without stressing. You seem confident and I'm sure you will have no problem being successful.
  8. I felt the same way when I 1st got mine. I did not think it was really a thing that would work. This was also prescribed by my surgeon during the pre-op process. I had been prescribed a sleep test by my PCP at least 3 times but I did not want to do it. Give it time, it will grow on you and it will more than likely be a benefit. It was for me. I had issues sleeping period. I was lucky to get 4 hours in one night and it was restless. I now sleep sound evry night and get usually 7 hours a night.
  9. J San

    Is too fast good or bad?

    Man, I can't say how inspirational all or your loss experiences are. Congrats to all of you!!!
  10. That sounds like a fantastic goal and I hope you are able to someday do it. I'm sure there is someway around your concerns. Good luck both in getting to that point and completing what you want to accomplish.
  11. J San

    Coping with emotions

    Research the therapuetic help in your area. Try to find someone who specifies in your specific situation or closest to it. Maybe the person/persons you have seen do not know enough about what you are going through to help you. Your response to @James Marusek was not called for but that could just be a misunderstanding. Wishing you well and hope you get the help you are seeking. Good Luck!!!!
  12. I don't see the difference but the scale says it coming off somewhere. Not pre-op but closest I have. 7/22 10 days after surgery and last night 9/6. 342lbs on day of surgery, 345lbs in 1st pic, 299lbs in 2nd pic. 46lbs lost and counting but where? Only thing I've noticed is feet and hands, lol.
  13. Congrats on the success of your surgeries and the fact your feeling and doing so well. I guess with what you've been through this is a walk in the park. Very excited to follow your success and see your transformation.
  14. J San

    July Sleeve

    Whoa that's a rough one. That's the 1st I've heard of having to wait 3 months. That's gotta be hard to go through. Not that being allowed is like we get to indulge but damn. I feel for you.
  15. So I'm curious why some of you folks don't fill out all of your stats or choose not to show them? There are so many people here that ask questions that would be so much easier to answer if there were stats to go by. I don't personally answer any that are targeted at those further along on their journeys but do answer what I can. It's not just questions but when people make statements about weight loss, isn't it just easier to know where they started and where they are at. I have my assumptions but I don't know any of you personally so I'm only guessing.
  16. J San

    Baking with Protein supplements

    Checked out SkinnyTaste. Some great recipes, I think I have some saved from there but never looked at any others they offered.
  17. J San

    “Healthy police” rant

    I don't see a problem with how you want to or do currently react to these types of people. They're not you, they don't know your life experiences. F'em is what I say. Side note, I also find myself thinking things about unhealthy choices of others. Have to remind myself I'm no expert just because I went through this surgery and I'm being and 4ss h4t.
  18. J San

    New to the Forum

    Welcome and Congrats on your surgery. New things (post surgery new) you try may be a bit tough at first. It's going to all be a new experience but in time will you get used to it and it will get easier.
  19. J San

    Home stretch

    Welcome to the site. You guys got this!! Best of luck to you on your big day.
  20. Do you know if you will have a drain? If so that would be the only thing I would wait to be removed and healed. I didn't have a drain so I have no idea how long they have to stay in. The incisions should by closed in a months time. As far as getting ink on your forearm that's probably a good spot because there shouldn't be much of a difference in the tightness of your skin there. When you get it done make to update us here.
  21. J San

    Baking with Protein supplements

    Just looked her IG up. Never been into sweets or deserts but cool that she's doing her thing. I know there must be tons of WLSr's that appreciate her posts. Did see some savory meals I'll be checking out. Gotta say though her before and afters are amazing. Thanks for sharing her IG.
  22. J San

    Baking with Protein supplements

    That makes sense. Although I cut the potato down to 1/2 inch squares baking them seemed to harden the exterior and make a sort of a capsule around them. As I added the ingredients and mashed it all together it got pretty wet. Maybe if I make them again adding more protein powder will absorb the liquid/moistness.
  23. OOPS, my mistake. Had surgery on that date.
  24. Thank you all for responding. I have read that the app has issues in numerous posts but I do not use it so I didn't even think about this. I have it on my phone but I think I may have opened it once.
  25. Your profile page shows that you are female, have a skype account and were sleeved on 3/5/01. How long have you been a member here? Please explain "hierarchy' I don't quite understand. Lastly, Did you experience something here that made you feel this way? BTW, Thank you so much for answering. After the 1st comments I didn't think I would get a response from anyone that did not fill in stats.

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