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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by YeahOkay31

  1. YeahOkay31

    So depressed I need help

    First off, many many many people regain after WLS, so don't beat your self up, this is a typical occurrence. Why it occurs IMHO is because of two reasons #1 not logging your food. Easiest way to start eating too much and packing away way too many carbs. #2 creating a lifestyle you can't maintain. Most people cannot sustain 600-800 calories for their entire life. Some folks can and I stand up and applaud their dedication. But what happens (and this is experience talking) we adjust our metabolic rate so low that when we just want to maintain and eat like a quasi normal human being the weight piles back on rapidly. My suggestion is to start slow, kick it down to 1000-1100 calories a day. Lower total carbs down to under 50 grams per day and make sure they are healthy carbs (nothing with added sugar, no white bread or pasta). Get up and move, at least 30 minutes of activity 5 days a week. Try not to eat all day. Grazing = Bad. Stop eating at 7:00 PM. Or do something more tailored to you and your circumstances but do not despair and do not commit yourself to something you won't be able to stick to long term. WLS is more about a permanent lifestyle change, not a crash diet.
  2. YeahOkay31

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    Sitting out on the beach with a Margarita---that count's right? Day 2 and no junk food for me--also added coffee creamer to the list of no-go items for the 10 days, since that more than any candy, pasta, or bread is my true weakness. No if someone would just wrestle these Brazil nuts from me, I might lose some weight!
  3. YeahOkay31

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    Off to a good start today. Scale was at 184.6 this morning. Only 1.6 pounds to go to make it to my May 7 goal of 183. Day 1 of the no junk food challenge---heaven help me!
  4. How's the eye today, @FluffyChix? The Tylenol an coffee combo worked, and I felt good for the rest of the day. My BP was up a bit in the afternoon so I took it before bed (about 50 hours in) and it was high. 139/98--which means my meds were not working with out food (I am suppose to take them with food or else they metabolize too quickly). Ultimately I had to break fast so I could take a dose of meds -- it was about a 100 calories worth of nuts (macadamia, walnut, almond) and in the morning BP is better. Did the nut thing again this morning to take another dose. Contemplating just eating today 16:8 since my fast is blown. I am pretty sure I am still in Ketosis but autophagy is done. DISAPPOINTED! At least I got the scale to go down another pound so yay for that.
  5. Ugh, sorry @FluffyChix about the eye infection! Although many fasting diehards would tell you that fasting will fix it Hope you are the mend soon. I've been lurking about the Re-setters group but haven't jumped in yet. I don't know if fast mimicking is right for me though. I have control issues. I can completely abstain --but moderation is a problem for me. tell me I can have fruit and veggies and you'll see me toppling the fruit carts on the street corner by the end of the day. Not going so well right now---I've had a headache since last night and it seems to be getting worse. It usually fades after the first night of my EF. So I am caving. I took 2 Tylenol (1 calorie) and I am about to have my black coffee (2 calories). Hopefully this gets me over the hump and I don't have to end early. On the water front the S. pellegrino is not bad, at least it tastes like something. Doing Fijian tomorrow @GreenTealael. I think I will have tasted every type of water there is before this is all said and done!
  6. Mine did not and will not. Whether it does for you depends on a few factors. Genetics plays a big part, the amount of time you were obese and how obese you were also plays a part. Age plays a part. When I lost 112 naturally in my early 20s the only loose skin I had was on my arms. In my thirties and 191 lost from my highest, there is no bounce back and it is everywhere. And you can tell the quality of the skin has changed---its thin and crepey. In my 20s this was not the case. So yes, it can bounce back but all stars must align.
  7. Good morning IF peeps! I am 37 hours into a 72 hour complete water fast and I don't think this type of fast is for me. No tea, no coffee makes YeahOkay a dull girl. Feeling like I might cave on this experiment--not with food or anything caloric but I need some warm yummy caffeine or I am hitting the floor. I am going to hold out as long as possible, but it is not looking promising. Question: What water do you drink? I hate water, I can deal with poland springs and smart water. But it is still like torture every sip. I tried the Trader Joe's Alkaline electrolite water yesterday and it was a no from me. Today I have Pellegrino sparkling on the docket. Not that I should be having carbonation with my reflux but I am willing to try.
  8. YeahOkay31

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    I will jump in on this one. I need to stay motivated since my loss has really stalled. Starting weight - 185.8 lbs. Surgical Status - post-op Personal Goals - complete the no junk food challenge May 1-10 - continue on my IF 16:8 weekday regime and complete (4) 36 hour fasts this month - Be at or below 183 by May 7 (my 1 year follow-up with my surgeon) - break into the 170s by May 31st (aim high or go home, amirite?)
  9. YeahOkay31

    Must haves!

    A good food scale, a portable food scale, measuring cups, a decent shake shaker, isopure no carb shake mix.
  10. YeahOkay31

    End of Weight Loss Timeline

    Interesting question. I am one year today and I can say that the grace period on my sleeve was about 6-8 months—-meaning the weight came off through little action on my own part. My restriction and lack of hunger was doing the work. At about 8-9 months my hunger came back, restriction became not as good and so if I did not continuously work at it through dietary changes and staying active my weight loss would have stopped at 8 months (98 pounds - which is the 60% of Excess body weight sleeve patients are expected to lose). I hope this answer helps. Good luck!
  11. Took a long weekend in Mystic Ct. for the holiday. Rained the whole time but got a break of sunshine on our last day.
  12. Touché @GreenTealael You are meme queen in these parts. I made it to 60 hours (happy dance). Will do my normal 18:6 tomorrow. Still hiding from the scale since Easter---I was a bad bunny. But I will get on tomorrow and see if I am lower than 187.
  13. Wait...I went up to an H cup when pregnant and when they went back down after pregnancy they were hitting my navel! I know its tough to face these things in the mirror daily but I was in the market for a lift and it costs like 10K in the states. You don't want to have to pay that again.
  14. Stay in your lane, Orchids. 😉😉 Jokes that bomb on this forum are usually my job. 😆
  15. Almost to 60 hours! Around 40 hours I started to feel weird but I took a walk and got some smart water and made it through. Salt has definitely been my buddy this fast.
  16. YeahOkay31

    Is my goal reasonable?

    My 6-12 month period has been abysmal but that is mostly because of me and my poor choices. In months 0-6 I lost 90 pounds, 6-12 only 26 pounds. Now can you do it, why not? It is 7 pounds a month, not an outragous goal. In the same breath, don't be overly disappointed if it doesn't happen. Bodies can sux, and will sometimes just not do as they are told. As longs as you are going forward and not backwards consider it a win.
  17. Mums the word. I take it our kind are like lepers there...lol
  18. YeahOkay31

    Six months post-op+ : The Sophomores Thread

    IDEAL Weight - Surgery Day Weight = EBW (excess body weight) --> 303-140 = 163 ( going with 140 but I would look dead at 140 lbs. I have huge wrists, ankles, sizable hips and shoulders--I am big boned for sure) 60% of 163 = 97.8 // 303 - 98 = 205 So I have lost 71% of my EBW --a bit better than average. Certainly not an outlier, unfortunately. I am hoping that what they say about sleeves losing for 18 months is true. Doc set my goal at between 164-179 lbs, but oddly when I went for my 9 month follow up at 189 he said I was good where I was and to just work out/tone-up. I don't feel done though. I feel like I need to get lower for that "bounce-back". I never want to see 200 again!!
  19. Please, send that link along! I need all the support I can get---there is no way for me to avoid the worst of the worst food. Just on my walk to get an iced coffee I passed all the food. Hazard of city living I guess. Almost at 39 hours and over this! Not hungry, not in pain, not feeling odd, I suppose I am just missing eating--in particular, something sweet. I really need to go cold turkey on the sugar. I never thought I had an issue, but IF may have revealed one. I couldn't fast without coffee. It would be impossible. Welllllllll....maybe possible. I do want to try a straight up 72 water only fast, but I need to work to it. If I can make it to 48 today (and maybe beyond) then may be next week I go for the 72 water fast. I am feeling very determined today, mainly because I am feeling extremely fat today and my one year surgery anniversary is Saturday---lets just say I could have done better this year.
  20. Drinking my green and black through out the day---unfortunately my favorite ginger/lemon tea is a no because of the fruit. And I noticed my matcha powder has 5 calories. I am so confused because a lot of youtubers say it is great for a fast, and then you have the purists that say absolutely no calories. But will it break the fast! 😜 There is so much conflicting info out there, one can drive themselves nuts. I just watched Dr. Mindy Pelz say that tea and coffee is no bueno for a water fast. Bleh. Doing better, head still felling a bit wonky, but other wise pushing through. 35 hours in! If I feel alright I may much it to 55 hours, just because I don't think I'll want to eat at 11:17 PM tonight.
  21. 22 hours in and dealing with a massive headache. Going to have a bit more salt and water. Hopefully it passes.
  22. All true---you inspired me to turn down my normal coffee at the salon. They brought it to me with sugar and I asked them to bring it back with just half & half. Go me! Attempting my first 48 hour fast---11 hours in, Wish me luck!
  23. This I'll admit I am being a stubborn brat about. I like sugar in my coffee. It is like borderline addiction. I can drink it black and do when fasting but on "feast" times, I don't wanna! It pushes my carbs up every time--the only triumph I can claim here is that I've come down from three cups to one cups. Otherwise my carbs are all veggies, and the little found in Fairlife or a half cup of fruit, the occasional 1/4 cup nuts or beans. I get that mantra in my head with every cup, love yourself more than coffee, love yourself more than coffee...but nope, love coffee way more! Yep, I think ultimately 18:6 is where I will stay with the bi-monthly 36 hour (hopefully 48 someday) fast. That is amazing, I hope with fasting I can get there, because 1500 cals is extremely normal and doable in my book. I may have to take everyone's advice here and go back to my isopure shakes---not only for the protein, my calcium intake has been pretty subpar as well. Down another pound today, so hooray IF!
  24. I have been doing IF since April 4 and, yep, that is how I lost the 8 pounds. When I came back from Disney I was so carb and sugar dependent I could not just go back to my old routine without failing miserably each day--which by itself was very low in sugar and less than 75 g total carbs per day/1100-1200 calories. The cravings were still unreal. Plus with two little ones that don't have weight issues and tons of easter candy about there is no way for me to purge my house of cheat foods. I needed a way to turn off the cravings and IF did that while still eating about 55-60 total carbs per day. The only issue I find is getting all my protein and calories in is hard as heck. My restriction ain't great at a year out but it is still there. I can get in 1000 calories on a 16:8 but the 20:4 is proving really impossible. I switch to whole fat yogurt and been lacing it with walnuts, but I still fall short most days. Biggest concern is that I drop my BMR below 1000 cal and then I am screwed! Right now it seems to be about 1400 cal which I think I can live with long term.

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