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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Orchids&Dragons

  1. I'd give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they don't want you to feel uncomfortable. In this time of everyone being offended by everything, some people are overly cautious. Maybe they're waiting for you to bring up the subject. Because it certainly is noticeable! Congrats!
  2. Orchids&Dragons

    Had my psych evaluation

    Yeah! One step closer to goal!
  3. Orchids&Dragons

    Pain in the middle of my chest while eating..

    I know, it's a pain in the butt now!
  4. Orchids&Dragons

    Out With the Old--In With the New!

    Why, thank you! It really was a cool job, plus I met my hubby there. Perks all around! And I answered quickly because I'm supposed to be doing quarterly reports - YUK!
  5. Orchids&Dragons

    Out With the Old--In With the New!

    My degree was industrial engineering with a computer science minor, but I worked as an aircraft design engineer. I worked on both helicopters and airplanes.
  6. Orchids&Dragons

    Out With the Old--In With the New!

    I love finding people with whom I've got something in common! I'm an engineer, too. Or at least I was until I took a hiatus to raise kids. Now I'm an accountant. (Numbers only, people! I'm not good with words!)
  7. Orchids&Dragons

    13 Days Post-Op and I have lost 14 Pounds

    Awesome numbers! Congrats! I can't wait to be in any number that starts with a "1"!
  8. Orchids&Dragons

    Pain in the middle of my chest while eating..

    Congrats on your weight loss so far! My guess is that you're going too fast. Think like a lazy tortoise or a sloth on Valium :-)
  9. Orchids&Dragons

    Almost 60 and getting sleeve on 4/24/18

    Nice to meet you, we're in the same life boat! I'll be 59 this summer and got sleeved 7 weeks ago. Also like you, I didn't have any co-morbidities yet, but it was only a matter of time. I've been dieting since I was about 12. Hang in there, the pre-op is tough, but you're tougher!
  10. Orchids&Dragons

    Dog Lovers

    I just LOVE Irish Wolfhounds! They are the sweetest dogs ever!
  11. I feel like I'm eating more TUMS than protein some days. (And the more protein I eat, the more antacids I need.) Yes, I am still on omeprozole, but unfortunately, the doctor wants me to take it at night with another medicine to protect my stomach. So, it's not there during the day when I'm eating. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!
  12. Orchids&Dragons

    Bariatric surgery and restaurants

    Have to wait and see. The center of my abdomen is still very tender (not near the incisions which are healed). The doctor is running some blood work to see if maybe my liver and/or pancreas are unhappy with me.
  13. Orchids&Dragons

    What The? I Stopped Losing Weight!

    Also remember, 64 oz. is the minimum water intake, you might need more.
  14. Orchids&Dragons

    Question about hunger post-op

    I was really hungry the first week. At my one-week checkup, the doctor removed the liquid restrictions, said I could have as much liquid as I wanted and that helped. My intake went from 65 oz per day to over 100. But I didn't really get rid of the hunger until last week, so about 6 weeks out for me, which coincided with my transition to regular foods.
  15. Orchids&Dragons

    Bariatric surgery and restaurants

    At the rate I'm going, that would probably be another 4 meals! We had steak and onions/mushrooms last night for dinner. I ate .5 oz of steak and .5 oz of veggies! Hardly worth dirtying the plate! I was full. I hope my swollen tummy can hold a bit more soon. On the upside, I calculated that steak dinner to be 4g protein and 35 calories :-)
  16. Orchids&Dragons

    Bariatric surgery and restaurants

    I never thought about the kid's menu like that! Thanks for the tip!
  17. Orchids&Dragons

    Intimacy / mental health / pre-op thoughts

    Jessicasz, I'm with CreekImp on this one for sure. You need to really discuss this with the therapist. Surgery changes your stomach, but not your brain. They need to work together to make you successful.
  18. Orchids&Dragons

    Intimacy / mental health / pre-op thoughts

    OMgosh, where did you see that? You're scaring the daylights out of me!
  19. Orchids&Dragons

    Next diet step

    Try really small bits for starters, like 1 teaspoon servings. I couldn't do beans at all for the first month or so. Listen to your tummy.
  20. Orchids&Dragons

    I got my date!

    Congrats! Keep us updated on your progress!
  21. Orchids&Dragons

    RNY and a Family

    Also, for those times that you get "caught" unprepared, keep something non-perishable in your car or purse. My fave was almonds. That way, even if there was no good option (which was rare) at least I wasn't starving. Because when I'm starving, all reason flies out the window.
  22. Orchids&Dragons

    Serious Overeating & Binging Problems Post Op

    When you stop eating sweets, it takes 7-10 days for the cravings to die off. During that time, you really just have to tough it out :-(
  23. Orchids&Dragons

    Fear of Chickening Out

    I'm so sorry that you're having to drag through the process so slowly. The bridesmaid analogy is a good one. I didn't get married until I turned 30 and my biological clock was booming like Big Ben. We're all rooting for you, hope you get to be the bride soon!
  24. Orchids&Dragons

    Fear of Chickening Out

    I doubt there's a person on the site who didn't have second, third, fourth thoughts about the surgery. It is a major life change that affects your own relationship with food, your relationship with family and friends, your way of celebrating, and your way of managing stress. This is why there are so many hoops to jump through before surgery gets approved. It's not easy, but neither is diabetes, high blood pressure, bad knees, etc. None of us is getting any younger :-)
  25. Orchids&Dragons

    Blended/pureed diet

    Yeah, purees! I loved this cauliflower soup recipe. I just blended it after it was done to get rid of the lumps. I used the Test Kitchen Tips at the bottom to up the protein and lower the calories by not using a roux. You can add protein powder at the end if you want, as well. I had plenty of protein from shakes, so I didn't add extra, but it's up to you. Good luck!

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