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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Orchids&Dragons

  1. Orchids&Dragons

    Out With the Old--In With the New!

    Just remind yourself, this is a marathon, not a sprint! I had surgery 1 week after you and have only lost 28# since then. I'm happy about it even if it is slower than I'd prefer. Heck, I'd like to be under 200 already - oh, well! You are always so encouraging and supportive to others, send some of that back inwards and ROCK ON!
  2. Orchids&Dragons

    Time for an update

    Wowza! You look fantastic! Thanks for sharing the inspirational pics!
  3. I'm nearly 8 weeks post-op and all of a sudden, my legs and ankles are swelling badly. I checked the amount of sodium I've ingested, and it's miniscule. Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks
  4. Orchids&Dragons

    What Have You Lost???

    I hope you find them soon!
  5. Congrats on your weight loss so far! That website looks amazing, thanks! I can't wait to try some of the recipes.
  6. Orchids&Dragons

    Shopping for Post-op

    Liquid acetaminophen for pain. Tylenol doesn't make liquid, but I found it at CVS Pharmacy.
  7. Orchids&Dragons

    Shopping for Post-op

    I couldn't wear a bra for a couple of weeks after surgery (incision was under the band), so if you're going back to work, I'd pick up some snug tank tops to wear under other shirts to tame the "girls"!
  8. Orchids&Dragons


    How long ago was your surgery? I'm 7 weeks out and can only do 1 "chicken nugget" sized piece with maybe 1 tiny bit of vegetable.
  9. Orchids&Dragons

    Calcium Citrate

    Thanks, Frustr8, but I'm good. I take calcium citrate for the calcium. TUMS are just for when the acid jets are on high, so at that point in time I have plenty of acid to dissolve them My surgeon had ok'ed them. But since I've had so much trouble with acid, he agreed yesterday to let me go back on omeprazole twice a day (I was down to once and drowning in acid.) I'm scared to death of kidney stones, though. Hopefully, I won't need any more TUMS now.
  10. Orchids&Dragons

    Need meal ideas

    How do you link to a profile like that?
  11. Orchids&Dragons

    Need meal ideas

    Those sound awesome, thanks!
  12. Orchids&Dragons

    What Have You Lost???

    Or you could say, an elephant penis, a chihuahua and a guinea pig!
  13. Orchids&Dragons

    Bariatric surgery and restaurants

    We don't have any of those around here :-( But, we probably have better BBQ! :-)
  14. Orchids&Dragons

    Bariatric surgery and restaurants

    What are turkey tips and where did you eat them?
  15. Orchids&Dragons

    What Have You Lost???

    An average 2-year-old who ate 10 dozen eggs!
  16. Orchids&Dragons

    High Protein Snack Foods

    Thank you! I hadn't heard about 34 Degree Crackers. I'll have to check them out
  17. Orchids&Dragons

    8 years post op next month

    Thanks for sharing and welcome! You are an inspiration! Especially since you can give the long-term perspective!
  18. Orchids&Dragons

    High Protein Snack Foods

    I haven't been off Protein drinks because my "non-liquid" meals have never gotten bigger than about an ounce total. But, I may have to go back to liquids only for a while.
  19. Orchids&Dragons

    High Protein Snack Foods

    I appreciate all the tips! Unfortunately, I think I spoke too soon. Right now, my stomach isn't tolerating any protein other than liquid/yogurt without it feeling like I swallowed a handful of rocks
  20. Orchids&Dragons

    Stomach Issues

    My doctor had me take probiotics for the same reasons.
  21. Orchids&Dragons

    Calcium Citrate

    I soooo agree, very painful and I didn't have it nearly as bad as you! The first time, I was donating platelets on an apheresis machine and my calcium levels plummeted. My toes completely curled under my feet and the cramps went up my calves. The staff was filling me up with Tums and massaging my blanket-wrapped feet, trying to ease the pain. I went back to donating whole blood :-) The second time, it came on slowly, I started getting leg cramps during the night that got progressively worse. Found out my calcium levels were way too low.
  22. Orchids&Dragons

    Why are my neighbor's kids not wearing helmets...

    Oh, and along the same lines, I got a .22 rifle for my 12th birthday! I'm still a darned good shot.
  23. Orchids&Dragons

    So nice to be eating real food again

    Wow, one month out and you're into REAL real food - very impressive! I'm so jealous!
  24. Orchids&Dragons

    Poll: What is your goal?

    Eventually shooting for 150 - haven't seen that in about 26 years! I've got to admit, I'm amazed at how differently people are proportioned. When I was 150, I was every bit of a size 14 blue jean. Just built like a fire plug, I guess But at least I'll be a smaller fire plug!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
