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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Orchids&Dragons

  1. Orchids&Dragons

    Guess who got their surgery date!!!!!!

    Welcome to the site! The people on here are very friendly and supportive. Tips: If you're not off caffeine yet, do it immediately. You don't want the caffeine withdrawal headache on top of surgical pain. After surgery, sip,sip,sip,walk,walk,walk. These make a HUGE difference, really. Rest while you can. The Earth will continue to rotate if the laundry gets done a few days late. Be kind to yourself. This is major surgery and your body needs to heal. Ask for help if you need it. Don't try to do everything yourself. Best of luck with your surgery and I hope you have a speedy recovery!
  2. Orchids&Dragons

    Realistic Expectations

    Good article, thanks for sharing!
  3. Orchids&Dragons

    Surgery is today!

    Glad your surgery is over! Thank heavens you didn't know about all those complications ahead of time. You would have been worried stiff! Hope you have a smooth recovery!
  4. Orchids&Dragons

    4 days until surgery - Irrational nerves

    To help ease your mind: 1) Varies from person to person, but can usually be managed with Miralax or similar. However, if you're planning on cheating, this is one of the consequences. Be aware. 2) Unless you think your surgeon is an idiot (In which case run, don't walk, to find another) he knows his stuff. Have you checked how many times he's done the procedure? 3) Yes, the first few days are rough for most of us. But we get through them. Feel free to hop on here and rant. It's ok! On the other hand, how do you think the next 30 years of your life will be without the surgery? Just a different perspective!
  5. Orchids&Dragons

    Pre-op questions

    Have you tried several of the protein waters? I thought the Isopure was dreadful, but Protein20 wasn't bad. Good luck!
  6. Orchids&Dragons

    Post -Op Question

    If I were a betting person, I'd think it was gas. Your body may be more efficient than most at getting rid of it. Yeah, you!
  7. Orchids&Dragons


    Major surgery sucks the life out of you. Ok, there are a few people who sail through it, but plenty of others have a really rough, exhausting time. Just be kind to yourself, work on getting your fluids, and rest a lot. Hope you feel better soon, it does get easier, I promise!
  8. Orchids&Dragons

    Food funerals are not fun

    Sometimes you've just gotta get it out of your system. But, my goodness, you were enthusiastic! Hope you feel better soon.
  9. Orchids&Dragons

    Prayers requested and gratefully accepted

    It would be terrible if these complications interfered with your trip. Greece is so beautiful!
  10. Orchids&Dragons

    If you could close one fast food chain

    You can take the rest, but not my Taco Bell! I love their tacos, my absolute favorite!
  11. Orchids&Dragons

    I'm officially overweight!

    Congrats! Very inspiring!
  12. Orchids&Dragons

    Does the attention bother you?

    I pay attention to waiters names and always address them by name. Sometimes they're totally taken aback..
  13. Orchids&Dragons


    That varies a lot by doctor. At 9 days I think you're pretty much out of luck.
  14. Good luck, you'll do great. You're so well prepared! 1-It is very hard to remember. When I set my timer to avoid drinking, I'd put a napkin over my glass (becasue I ALWAYS have a glass) so that I wouldn't forget. I personally wouldn't bother practicing sipping. You'll figure that one out pretty quick. 2-Yep, the headaches are a bear. But once you're over the caffeine withdrawal, most of the programs allow decaf coffee after the surgery. 3- My tastes have not changed at all, that I've noticed. However, I have to eat my food much less spicy than before because acid reflux has my esophagus very irritiated. Spicy foods burn all the way down now But hopefully, that will improve. 4-Plan for a variety of foods at the different stages. For liquids have shakes, protein waters, broths, SF popsicles, herbal tea, decaf coffee, etc. Because this stuff gets old fast. It also helps because sometimes people tolerate one temperature better than another. Also, in the beginning, don't stress over the protein. Focus on your fluids! 4b-Have an ice pack in the freezer and a heating pad handy. Different people prefer different ones, but they do help. Hope this helps and that all goes well!
  15. Orchids&Dragons

    Prayers requested and gratefully accepted

    Sending prayers and (hugs) your way.
  16. Orchids&Dragons

    Does the attention bother you?

    "Nics a$$" - might get him slapped "Nice jeans" gets a pass
  17. Orchids&Dragons

    Hair Texture Changes

    Happened to one of my cousins after major surgery. Her stick straight hair became curly.
  18. Orchids&Dragons

    Feet and legs starting to swell

    Call the doc, it could be a multitude of things, some are bad.
  19. Orchids&Dragons

    Post op and bored

    Why? Are you in a lot of pain? Do you have a physical job?
  20. Orchids&Dragons

    3 wks post- food getting stuck

    I'm so glad that you finally got someone who'd listen! Sometimes doctors forget that they tend to treat the "average", but nearly all of us fall on one side or the other of "average". So just because strictures don't "normally" occur until 6 weeks, he didn't even consider the possibility. UGH! You're just a super-fast stricture developer. Yeah, you! NOT!
  21. Orchids&Dragons

    Face to Face Friday

    Wow, you're kissing up to 100#! Congrats, you look great!
  22. I did the same thing with wonton soup. I didn't consider it a cheat at all!
  23. Orchids&Dragons

    Possibly kidney stone

    Kidney stones are common if you don't get enough fluids. Have you been doing ok with that? Otherwise, good luck, I hope the doc can help you out.
  24. Orchids&Dragons

    Prayers requested and gratefully accepted

    I'm praying that there are no more hiccups between now and your surgery, my friend!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
