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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MACPOWER

  1. Wow that’s not good! Iv heard of a few people that have had whey allergies. They would throw up or run straight to the bathroom after drinking it. Have you said anything to your doctor about it? You can get other Protein that isn’t whey protein.
  2. I’m a night owl and I get up early! I stay up till about 1am and then I’m up at 6am everyday!
  3. Well that’s a bummer! I seem to be on the same diet as you. But they say yes to sugar free jello, crystal light, broth, sugar free popsicles. The hunger will pass....but it unfortunately comes back. You just have to be strong and think about the positive outcome from it!
  4. That’s awesome! Congrats!
  5. Oh yeah I totally understand that! It helps that my insurance made me see a weight loss specialist for 6 months first before they would even think about approving my surgery. Eating is the #1 thing we have worked on! I know this surgery isn’t a “magic pill” but it does help with putting you in the right direction.
  6. It’s good be ready and prepared! The liquid diet is no joke. But it’s also a great thing! A lot of people don’t realize that fasting can make the body do amazing things! So when your on a high protein liquid diet it’s good! You just have to fight through that mentality of “omg I’m dieing and I need food!” Cause your not dieing, you’re adjusting.
  7. I start my second week of the “Liquid Diet” tomorrow. My surgery is April 11th! Bright and early at 5:30am!

    I'm New...

    Hello and Welcome! Well I know that my cousin had the sleeve done. She has also had two c-sections. The first was emergency c-section so they cut her open pretty big. The second was just a planned c-section. There wasn’t any issues with her getting her Sleeve Surgery. On the IBS...that’s a doc question!
  9. Good Luck! Hope everything goes good!
  10. Thank You! It’s getting easier to talk to people!
  11. Thank you! I hope you grab everything you reach for! 7 years ago I lost 160 pounds! Then I had partial shoulder replacement and gained it ALL back! Now 7 years later I can’t seem to lose anything!
  12. Nutritionist are nuts! Don’t get me wrong, many are good. But many also go by that stupid “BOOK” and what the book says your height and weight should be. What they say every single person should be is BS!
  13. Yes guys can be D-Bags at the gym! Either they think their all big badass’s or they stand there and just stare at you like lost dogs. Every time I’m in the weight room I enjoy yelling at guys for be D-Bags! LOL! Anyway, a personal trainer can be very helpful. They will hold you accountable and help you with everything you need! Honestly to tell you the truth...I was completely against weight loss surgery for years! In my profession I always thought with hard work and dedication...you can lose weight! Well that’s BS!!! Cause I can gain all the muscle in the world but I also gain fat too. I can work hard and lose weight, but I can NEVER keep it off. I realized I have an eating problem. A problem that my knowledge and skills can’t fix. So I decided I needed help. So I looked into Bariatric surgery and decided that it’s an amazing opportunity for me to help me with my eating problem. I will be able to lose the fat Iv been packing on top of my muscles and keep it off. I can be healthier and live longer! I’m am now 100% for Bariatric Surgery!
  14. My professional advice...LIFT WEIGHTS! Your booty will be amazing!!! Every person is different. Every body is different. The way everyone is made is different. I’m not a believer in the BS written on paper for every single person that is a certain weight or height. Not every woman is the same nor built the same way. And not every man is the same nor built the same way. And yes! Thick girls are way cute!!

    Opinions please

    I totally understand what your going through! I’m also in the Health and Fitness Industry. I have a Degree in Exercise Science and I’m Certified in Strength and Personal Training. I life weights and train power lifters everyday! BUT I am also extremely overweight and can’t lose the fat! I can’t stop eating all the delicious food that I love! Iv lost tons of weight and gained it right back every time! It just a never ending battle. I have two sons 8 and 15 and want to be alive for a long time. So I had to make that decision that, even though I have the knowledge and skills. There is obviously something broken that I need fixed. Surgery is my fix! No pills or supplements or running or lifting weights will ever stop the problem of over eating. You need to do what’s best for you and your family!
  16. I guess I never looked into the Sleeve vs Bypass for the amount of weight needed to lose. I didn’t know there was much a difference. My weight was at 475 lbs last week when I started my pre-op diet. With the results I got from the “Bod Pod” (Body Composition Assessment). I’d be happy with getting down to 275 lbs.
  17. See you chose what you felt would be best for you! And that’s the way to choose! What’s best for YOU!
  18. Ok this is just MY opinion! Nothing against anyone that’s getting Bypass. But I just felt that the Sleeve was the less invasive procedure. Just make your stomach smaller...That sounded plain and simple to me. Again, nothing against Bypass! But I just felt bypass was a lot of re-direction / re-creation that I didn’t want my body to have. I have a Degree in Exercise Science, so I had to learn a lot about the human body. So I know a little bit about human body’s. No way am I saying I know as much as a doctor! But I just felt that the Sleeve was the simplest solution to my problem. Go in and make the stomach smaller and get out! Again! To anyone reading this! I’m not saying don’t get Bypass! And I’m not putting Bypass down in any way! I’m just saying this is the best procedure for me! Does any of that make sense? Lol! Sorry I get to rambling some times!
  19. Yeah the doctors here in Nebraska wrote out the purée part. Go from liquid to soft.
  20. It’s cool to see how other Bariatric Surgeons work. I’m having the Sleeve. I have 2 weeks pre-op liquids. Then only a few days post op liquids. Then like soft foods for a few weeks and then normal foods again. My doctor says it all depends on how your body can handle things. Everyone is different. Congrats on the upcoming scheduling!
  21. Wow, only two days! That would be awesome! Which surgery are you having if you don’t mind me asking? Thank you for the welcome! Iv been chatting a little bit more. It’s a lot easier starting your own topic and then hoping others join in.
  22. Well that just sucks! I was told about my surgery like 3 weeks ago! And a nurse from the hospital called me that same day to do the usual information and questions talk.

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