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Posts posted by Kay07

  1. I am almost to my first goal of 175 (10lbs away!), and I am a week shy of 6 months out post surgery. I have lost 75lbs since surgery, and 102lbs since starting this process in March 2018. My weight loss has slowed significantly over the past month in comparison to the previous. I was averaging about 10-14lbs a month, and am now down to about 5-8lbs a month, but it is to be expected as I am closing in on goal. Additionally I kicked up my workouts significantly, so despite the numbers coming down slower, I feel better and the sizes are dropping off me like crazy! (Not so good for my wallet, dropping $300 on clothes every month because the consignment shops near me suck!)

    You will loose best the first few months, but as long as you are sticking with your plan it will keep coming off.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Mrs.Braxton<3 said:

    I've never heard of Protein Water. Does it have a taste?

    Yes they do have a taste, and it can be very sweet. For the first 3 or so months I used to grab my big Water jug and pour 1/2 the protein water and 1/2 regular water to bring down the flavor a bit. I can drink them as they are now since I can offset the sweetness with savory things the rest of the day. Fresh out of surgery, sooooo much of what you are drinking is sweet so it's harder to get it down so that's why I added water.

    Note that protein waters are not cheap, but considering you won't really be buying groceries for yourself it kind of evens out.

  3. As someone who just prior to having surgery was diagnosed with a gluten sensitivity, you absolutely can go without bread. Don't get me wrong, I cheat every now and then but you make sacrifices for your overall health. Instead of focusing on the things that you may need to temporarily give up, instead focusing on how to make that a healthier option. There are a ton of different "crusts" out there to replace the carb heavy breaded option, and some of them are really quite good!

    I think anyone going for this surgery needs to have an honest conversation with them-self about realistic expectations of food relationships. Too many people think they are just giving something up for now or for the immediate time after surgery, and can't wait to get back to real food as soon as they are thin (I by no means think this is what you are doing at all, please do not take offense! Just a trend I've noticed over the past year stalking this forum). I think that way of thinking results in a failure to maintain success. Instead reinvent how you interact with food! I personally LOVED using my pre-surgery prep to discover and try new and interesting recipes that made me fall in love with food in a completely different way.

  4. I would agree with all the information above. I am just under 6 months post op at this point and my 'hunger' has returned. I would like to state that it is not a traditional hunger though. My stomach gets a bit grumbly when I haven't eaten for a few hours, but I don't get that 'I want to stuff my face' type of hunger.

    However when I do feel hungry and know that it's not really time for me to eat, that's when I'll go for a coffee with Premier Protein, or a Protein Water that has a bit more bulk to it than just water. It satisfies that craving for something to digest.

  5. Hi there! There are so many different powders and supplements to choose from, and a myriad of different opinions on what's best. I myself use multiple different powders depending on what I am making. I use a few different isopure flavors, including unflavored that I sneak into random things I make. When I make my morning shake, I will usually use Delicious Dream french vanilla, or Isopure Dutch chocolate.

    I also have a few pea Protein options that I use for more savory things since I think it has a less sweet taste. For example when I make my spinach, flaxseed, nut butter and almond milk shake I use this one.

    In addition to the powders, I've used Premier Protein RTD drinks (predominately caramel or chocolate) to add to my daily coffee. Honest those RTD shakes helped me reach my protein goal very shortly after surgery, but that won't be the case for everyone.

    I would also highly recommend protein waters. I've personally used Premier Protein Clears (20g Protein), Protein2o (15g protein), and Trimino (7g protein) and I alternate depending on what my daily need is.

  6. On 11/06/2018 at 21:51, disco stu said:

    Funny. At my center all they said was, "You're going to be much more sensitive to alcohol. One drink and you'll be flying! Your friends and relatives will love that you're such a cheap date!"

    They sold it as a bonus!

    LOL well that is definitely true. I’m not much of a drinker to start with but now I’m rosey -cheeked and giggling HALF a glass of wine in! Pretty pathetic really ... 😊

  7. BMI is kind of a joke. For a large majority of people it doesn't work. A friend of mine is a crossfit trainer, in excellent shape and according to her BMI she is overweight.

    The best way to determine body fat I believe is taking full body measurements.

  8. OTF is amazing. I highly highly highly recommend it. I've been doing it loosely for a few months and just started doing it more regularly when the one in my town opened up. It is incredibly expensive, but honestly I think its really worth it at least in the beginning for you to build up tolerance and understanding on working your post op body.

  9. This is absolutely fascinating. I know that at my center we had to attend a mandatory session on the increased risk of alcoholism developing due to this surgery. I am pretty sure the percentages were listed higher than you quoted, with an even greater chance if alcohol dependency runs in the family.

    I definitely get the transference as I have seen that first hand in a number of former addicts who have successfully resolved their dependency on alcohol and drugs, but I have not heard of Vitamin deficiency being a potential contributor. Would be interested in seeing if there is a link!

  10. You can play with texture during the liquid phase. I just mentioned this in another post, but I grabbed the Protein waters, froze them into ice cubes, threw them into a blender and had a slush. I also used to freeze Premier Protein RTD drinks and ate them kind of like ice cream.

    Whenever I got too much into my head and started daydreaming about food, I'd grab something to do. I'd window browse for clothes for when I was skinny and hot. I'd plan a vacation for when I hit goal. I'd do something to focus on the positive impacts to distract myself from running down to the store and sucking the chocolate off a kit kat... LOL

  11. It definitely does get better. No one enjoys the liquid part post op, but some of the things that helped me was mixing it up a bit with the textures. Premier Protein mixed with decaff coffee felt decadent after the sweeter Protein Shakes. That midday Jello was fabulous!

    I also used to get the Protein waters, freeze them into ice cubes then throw them into the blender (with some extra protein powder because I am clearly crazy) grind it all up and had myself a slush.

  12. SO I am a big baker. I love love love baking. Me + Sugar don't = friends so I normally don't eat what I bake . I love watching everyone else eat it though.

    Except it's now fall. This means: pumpkin spice, Apple pies, and for me: Cream cheese. Cream cheese is the bane of my existence. I love that stuff. Honestly I could eat a block of it. So as I sit here making my cream cheese stuffed pumpkin bundt cake I am mentally calculating how I'm going to need to work out for an extra 100 hours to accommodate all of my "just a little taste to make sure" moments. 😩

    I can resist the halloween candy. I can resist soda, and high carby foods. But cream cheese just calls to me! November is definitely going to be a slow weight loss month if I don't watch it!

  13. I guess I was kind of a freak of nature. I was hitting 60g as of I think day 4 or 5. I definitely second the other comments about grabbing the Protein Water. I personally prefer the Protein20 but that's just me. It has 15g vs PremierProtein 20 but I don't get that weird filmy residue. also I am sure a million other places on this website will say this but 1/2 a Premier Protein (Caramel or chocolate) plus coffee is DELICIOUS. I still drink this everyday.

  14. This is so so so incredibly true. I am never without a water bottle. Being properly hydrated not only helps you lose weight faster, but makes a SIGNIFICANT difference in how you feel. If I drink less than 60oz of Water, I feel terrible, sluggish, bathroom trips suck, and I get head aches like you wouldn't believe. Properly hydrated and I feel like a boss ready to take on the world.

    Hydrate my friends. It literally makes or breaks your success.

  15. On 10/16/2018 at 22:26, acuttita said:

    I’m down 64 lbs since my sleeve on 5/3/18. I thought I would be further along with my weight loss but I had a setback early on after surgery with an infection but I healed and was able to get on track. I recently went home last weekend and saw my family for the first time and they all loved my new look tho they don’t know I had the surgery. I’m back now and I noticed I gained a few lbs while with my family partying all weekend so now I’m depressed and today was not a good day. I know tomorrow is a fresh start so I’m planning on using that but I need some motivation. Any tips?

    Don’t think of a few lb gain as a failure. With our new bodies, they are much more susceptible to weight fluctuations. I know without a doubt that if I have a glass of wine, the scale will be up 2lbs the next day. It’s the same when I introduce new foods, or adjust my Vitamins. My body reacts to minute changes by retaining Water. Run for an extra 10 minutes? Body rebels and I’ll stall for a week. Skip my now regular runs? Body will stall for a week...

    Just give it time and focus on living a healthy life. You won’t be on your A game every day of every week, but if you can look at your life and say you eat well, are active and are caring for yourself, then it will motivate you to keep going!

  16. On 10/16/2018 at 02:09, Neversaynever said:

    Just thought I would check in with my surgery pals!

    How we all doing?

    My life has changed so much with this surgery, the non scale victories are too many to mention but life is great!

    Currently losing around 7 to 8lbs a month and very happy with that. No stalls so far except a slight one at week three but only for a few days, fingers crossed it continues :)

    I am losing at the same rate but I am thrilled with it too. I am down to a size 12. A SIZE 12!!!! Down from a 24. Holy freaking monkey balls it’s crazy to say but I am no longer a plus size woman 😵

  17. On 10/15/2018 at 22:36, Dubbs said:

    I started my journey in January at 347(I’m still embarrassed I let myself get here). Surgery weight on May 9 was about 310. I’m currently 223 and feel great. My goal weight is 210 and my Dr had my goal at 225. I’m still losing but definitely at a slower pace. Keeping up the grind! I’m going to spend extra time in the gym over the holidays to keep me on track.


  18. I know there are a million posts about Hair loss on here but I’m adding one more. Because I can.

    So I’ve haid super thin hair for years since I have Alopecia. I wear wigs most of the time. But this weekend my Hair loss kicked itself into overdrive. Below is a picture of me 2 years ago (before starting to wear wigs) and a picture of my decision to just accept my hair loss and make it my own! I’ll eventually go to a barber and have them clean it up but whatever I love how easy it is! Also a picture of me in my wig because damn I’ve lost HALF my face!

    Also... ran my first 5k this AM ❤️ loving my life right now.




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