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Posts posted by mamaddot

  1. Hi everyone! So I've been doing LOTs of lurking through the forums, and I noticed there were tons of [mention=323408]FluffyChix[/mention]has a fabulous recipe selection for that, but more the diet you enact from your first day up until then! (I must admit guiltily that my surgeon doesn't require a 2 week liquid diet... only a 48 hour one)
    So some of the drastic changes I have made over the last month:
    • Gave up caffeinated coffee. DAMN did this hurt. I am fairly certain my blood is 60% coffee. Many people mention that food is their go-to comfort source, coffee is mine. I switched to Decaf cold turkey, and lord do I NOT recommend that. The headaches were a real PITA.
    • Started focusing my food intake on protein: So my thought process behind this was to start learning what types of foods I would incorporate into my new life and start experimenting. I LOVE cooking, and the thought of challenging myself to find healthier versions of my favorite foods was exhilarating. For example: I am Italian, Pasta is a major major (and did I say major?) part of my genetic makeup. I make homemade Pasta with my kids once a month that we use for the rest of the month and its literally one of my favorite things to do. However, apparently I have a gluten sensitivity so I was pretty devastated. And it's like solid carbs so it'd have to go anyways. So I sought out ways to keep a pasta substitute, but bring on the health benefits. That's where my new spiralizer comes in! I made a zucchini pesto "pasta" yesterday that was pretty orgasmic (you know, for a veggie that is). AND super super healthy. If you cook the zucchini a bit longer than you ought to, it does become slightly mushy, making it a GREAT post-op meal too. (Nutritionist approved! Or at least mine did and she's pretty fabulous). I made butternut squash spaghetti for today's lunch to mix with a low-sodium beef Soup punched up with super tender beef and a half scoop of Isopure unflavored Protein Powder that you can't taste which is a serious win in my book [emoji4]
    • Gave up carbonated beverages. So in all honesty, this was easy peasy. Mainly because I haven't really drank them in a YEAR in hopes of losing a bit of weight. Because you know the hubby gave up soda for 6 weeks and lost 18lbs. Bastard. I gave it up for a year and lost... nothing. NOTHING! But anyways I gave up seltzer Water too, which I did drink more often.
    • Switched out high fat/high calorie things for substitutes. So this one sounds easy, but it kind of isn't. It required a ton of research. Some of them are a bit easier, like say for chicken salad swapping out the mayo (yikes I NEVER realized how fattening it was but damn it makes amazing chicken salad) and replacing with Greek Yogurt. This was difficult for me since I am kind of awkwardly texture sensitive. I also up the quality of meat I buy. With a family of 4, it was just more economic to purchase say 85/15 meat and simply strain the grease. But I've splurged on the super lean 93/7 much to my hubby's dismay (he can be a bit of a cheapo) and it has made a difference. To my wallet but more importantly to my intake counts!
    Non-Food Stuff
    • My Fitness Pal. This app is amazeballs. Honestly. I realized that prior to implementing said changes, I was eating an average of 800-1000 calories a day. I would love to say this is because I was super health conscious, but that would be a total lie. It's because I didn't make myself a priority. I work in an extremely fast paced job and would end up not eating ANYTHING except for a banana here and there (they are free at my work), an obscene amount of coffee, and then go home and stuff my ever loving face with dinner. Now I am consuming anywhere between 1500-1800 calories a day, and f me sideways I've lost 9lbs!
    • Fitbit. I totally thought I walked a bajillion miles a day because I am literally always on the go go go. But my bajillion miles is actually like 8-12k steps a day depending on how busy it is. Which to some people is GREAT. But my body is just apparently used to it and it doesn't really do anything for me. So I bought a fitbit (totally wanted an apple watch, but then I wouldn't be able to lie and say I didn't see that text message...) Not going to lie, the fitbit kind of turns it into a competition. My goal: Start walking before it beeps at me. Some days I win, some days I don't. But I like being able to see. If I notice I am say 1k shy of my goal, I will take the long way to my next meeting instead of the easy way.
    I know its not MUCH, but it has made a difference. I am down 9lbs since March 15th, and feeling really excited without feeling like I'm giving up the world. My next task: Find a Protein Shake that I can drink without all of the fancy crap I put in them now because that's not allowed. THAT will be a difficult challenge... HOW can you possibly hide that chalky taste? I tried the PBFit, but even that doesn't hide it! Anyways, I hope you all will share your pre-op diet and recipes!

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