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Posts posted by GettinSkinnywithit

  1. On 12/09/2018 at 21:29, irol888 said:

    I am SO glad to hear others talking about this! I had RNY on 11/28 and since then, I've been having really vivid and almost symbolic dreams - one of a ghost sitting on top of me and I told it to go away. Perhaps I'm getting rid of things "weighing me down"? lol Every night is at least one crazy dream.

    Haven’t had any ghost dreams thankfully! I did have a couple that involved my wife but like most deems woke up too soon!!! 😎😎😎😎😂😜

  2. As time goes on you can drink a little more frequently. For me too much and I just feel full, but I’ve pretty much figured out how much I can swallow at once. I was a gulper/chugger with my drinks and if I unconsciously drink too much I just kinda swish it in my mouth and swallow a little at a time.

    My neighbor had RNY eight years ago and I’ve seen him chug a bottled Water in the summer so eventually you can do things you used to be able to do - including eating too much but hopefully by then the new habits have taken hold.

  3. Anyone else experiencing very vivid dreams post op? My dreams are way more intense then they ever were preop. Some of them very fun and exciting 😎 some of them not but mostly all good. Not sure if it’s from not eating as much and losing weight quickly or something else. Not worried about it but just one of those unexpected side effects.

  4. My understanding is the “foamies” come from your food getting stuck, eating too much, etc and your natural saliva has no were to go. Happened to me two nights ago and I threw up for the first time (3.5 weeks post RNY). It’s a major negative reinforcement I can tell you that! I get extreme pain behind my right shoulder into the front right side of my chest and it freakin hurts but twenty minutes of constant pacing around the house and it goes away. I couldn’t imagine trying to drink anything during one of these events.

  5. Surgery on a Tuesday worked from home Friday for two hours. Next week went in for three hours and went home. The second week you are still adjusting to what you can and can’t do and focusing on your intakes. I just found it hard to focus until the second part of the second week. Third week I was back full time no issues.

  6. Had RNY 11/13. My first meal was mashed taters. My go to after that was chilli with black Beans added in just chew real good. vanilla Greek yogurt with some chocolate Protein Powder as well. Now one hard boiled egg and I’m full. The food tastes way better then the liquid phase but don’t eat too fast. My first throw up was tonight after getting the foamies when I ate a egg and meat pie that was 1/8” thick - just ate way too fast.

  7. On 12/02/2018 at 10:52, MariaBe said:

    Hey everyone,

    Had my surgery on the 29th. Everything went fine in surgery. I had a lot of pain at first that they squelched w good drugs. When I tried to drink the next day, I was met w much dry heaving, which is worth than actually throwing up. Being in the hospital is AWFUL because they will not leave you alone so you can't get any rest. Because of my dry heaving I had to stay in the hospital two nights. Since I have left the hospital, I have only dry heaved once, thank goodness. I did get meds for nausea which seem to help.

    I still feel pretty awful and don't think I will get to work tomorrow. I was able to sleep last night for the first time since Wednesday. I guess my questions is - when do the gas pains go away and when do you start to feel somewhat normal again? I feel like a walking zombie and it's making me depressed.

    Thanks all. Hope you're doing well.

    My gas pains went away after four or five days. Feeling normal is a loose term as everyone is different and adjusting to liquid only took another two weeks. Once on solids you adjust to what you can and can’t eat. Three weeks post op I’d say normal but still feel woozy occasionally. I took two weeks off work to and worked from home the second week. Hope you feel better!

  8. Tried to eat two crab sticks and I *thought* I chewed them enough, maybe ate them too fast, but then I felt it at the top of my throat, a feeling like I couldn’t burp, but it felt “frothy”. THEN the pain behind my right shoulder, holly smokes! 20 minutes of walking in the house before it stopped. Those things are off limits for a few more weeks!

  9. two weeks post-op I was finally give the OK to move to soft foods. My first meal was refried Beans with melted cheese and it was very good! Made some eggs in the pressure cooker last night and was barely able to finish one egg, so now getting used to the very small portions. My wife bought a chicken of the Sea "infusions" tuna which has olive oil and basil. Half way through my pouch said I'm full and this thing is only 2.8 oz, hardly enough to make a sandwich one month ago.....so this will take some adjustments.

    Any good meals others are relaying on? I may try some Keto egg cups as a Breakfast.

  10. I had about a cup of mashed potatoes and 1/2 cup turkey dressing over the last three days and I’m still in the post op liquid phase but it was SO good and I’m starving. My wive made a pizza for her and the kids tonight and I want some very badly!!! 2.5 more days until my follow up and then on to the next stage....

  11. On 11/24/2018 at 18:11, Smurf said:

    Has anyone else had to do 3 weeks of liquids only post-op? I’m 10 days post-op and I’m sooooooo hungry! Not sure I can do this for another 11 days. I’m getting in 84+ grams of Protein a day. I think I’m getting in enough water! Seriously going nuts over here! I just want to CHEW something solid! 😭😭😭😭
    My apt is Tuesday and I’m hoping to go to puréed foods. This would make two weeks of liquids post op. I’m HANGRY as well!!! I did have a few bites of leftover mashed taters and it was sooo good even cold. Had a couple bites of turkey dressing and made sure to chew a long time. I’m with you, and getting more and more hungry post op. Not sure I can keep drinking Protein shakes!!!

  12. I sent my wife and kids to their families house for dinner and had honorary or at this point post op it’s ornery broth! Went to Wally World and walked the store four times, apparently a mile!

    My wife came home with leftovers and I had three small bites of mashed taters and then two small bits of turkey dressing. It was so good but I stopped there to see what would happen. So far so good. My nurse gave green light to try puréed tomorrow but dang I’m hangry.

  13. On 11/20/2018 at 12:52, mousecat88 said:

    Hey everyone! We have a super secret private Facebook group for everyone that has had bypass in November. Do a FB search for Bypass'ing in November 2018 and join!

    No offense but taking traffic from the place that brought us together? I’m not going to join FB as this is a very private decision and no way I’m letting FB broadcast it to the world the next tine a 22 year old software programmer makes a mistake. Just my $.02. Hopefully those that left will still come around and participate.

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