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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by GettinSkinnywithit

  1. Another vote for male only. I would definitely see this change as an improvement to the idea of sharing information that needs to be confidential. Force the user profile gender answer and don’t let it be flipped between genders easily. I read a female only topic by mistake (from the new app feed version) and, well I don’t need that image in my head.

  2. Thanks for the replies. I’m scheduled for my second EGD in three months to check on my Esophagitis. Earliest I could be approved for WLS would be October/November so trying to learn everything I can. Knowing it would disappear is reassuring. I have a call into my surgeons office but have not received an answer yet.

  3. Does GERD get better or worse after bypass surgery? The nurse practitioner at my Gastroenterologist’s office mentioned that it often gets worse but I could have sworn the gastric doc said it would definitely improve.

  4. Today I had my behavior modification and nutrition class. I’m between 2/3 of my mandatory 6 months of supervised weight loss and after today I’m still on the fence mainly for live style reasons. I like to eat and drink. I’m 5’9” 47 year old guy with a BMI of 47 and I see the positives but it is a complete 180 change in lifestyle for me, my family, parents, friends, etc.

    My wife is not on board because it’s a major surgery so I’m trying to educate her but she’s only 25 lbs heavier then high school so she truly doesn’t understand the struggle, just that I should try harder. I look at my 8 year old daughter who is heavier then her friends and I think that doing it would be good for her as well.

    Anyways, just a vent to get it off my chest. I love seeing the success stories but I know others must have struggled at this point as well.

  5. Call the office and ask to speak with his nurse. I bet the doctor has no idea that the front office is acting like that. Remember the physician runs the back of the office and usually doesn’t know what’s going on up front. Doctors are generally not good business people so he probably has no idea.

  6. New guy here, just found the website this week and I've been reading many threads. I contacted a gastric doctor two months ago and found out about two weeks ago that my insurance will cover 100% after a six month doctor supervised nutrition program. My first visit with the doctor is on April 6th to learn more. I've looked at many, many post op menu's and that scares me. I like to eat! and just recently fell in love with cooking on a Big Green Egg, so I'm still a little on the fence with all of this about not being able to enjoy life after, plus I like a glass of wine (or two) at night to unwind. ;) My wife is not really on board with it as well, and has the typical skinny person thought - just eat less and exercise more. My primary doctor put it bluntly when I asked his opinion about weight loss surgery with a response of "nothing has worked for you in 47 years has it?" I've tried many weight loss programs and two things worked for me, Metabolic and a weight loss competition at the Gym. I lost 42 pounds with MRC and 26 with the gym both getting down to about 230-240, now at 315 later. The gym was hard aerobic exercise twice a day and weight training for an hour - I wish I had time to keep that schedule up - and I did lose fat and gain muscle but really felt let down after four months that my waist only went down three inches (currently squeezing into size 44 jeans) and could barely get into a 40.

    My neighbor had gastric by pass about ten years ago has gone from 330 to about 160, and is the only person I've know to have the surgery, and I would be ecstatic to be back to 160-180, as would my wife. Does everyone have lose skin post surgery? Do some have skin shrinkage or is skin surgery years down the road happen to everyone?

    My main motivation is to hopefully ensure that I live long enough to see my kids grow up. The thought of not being a part of my eight year old daughter's wedding (when ever that would be) really scares me.

    Anyways, just checking in to say hi and go back to reading. I'm sure I will have more questions soon!

    -Steve in Florida.

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