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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Frustr8

  1. And yeah, even a 73 year old fossil like me could lose weight, at 1 year 9 days I am 1/2 the weight I started with, HONEY I WAS ONE BIG MAMA maybe not Smokin'Hot but definitely a Senior Set Chickee Baby I'm 73 and Watch Out World๐ŸŒŽ for Me! Worth all the sorrows of Yesterday to have Sunshine and a Future Now!

  2. Yes and Yes- my son the TOMKITTEN says " Good Golly Mom- Please Flush!" Told him I already did, spray some Glade and I'll buy some ๐ŸšฝPoopourri at Wal-Mart the next time We are out, believe it's due to the Bariatric Vitamins and Minerals, recently added extra Iron and Vitamin A into my grouping of๐Ÿ’Š "goodies" now I have a fishy metallic overtone to it ALL, doesn't smell like any of my previous dischargings. Keep telling myself to be 1/2 my Original Size is Worth It All!๐Ÿ˜›

  3. And the answer to you @ Polly is yes, topical are a Friend to You, sometimes the only Easy option. And I know what I advise - Right knee replaced December 2014, Left knee- February 7 2017, have had joint in Right thumb removed October 2017, right rotator cuff April 2019, right now 2 weeks past. ganglion cyst removal, "ortho" promises when everything settles down I get more than simple rotator cuff repair on Left shoulder, I get a total reverse shoulder replacement, due to arthritic degeneration as well as rrotato cuff. Actually had it lock/ freeze in place a couple weeks ago. And right now ahead sooner? A fast growing lipoma( fatty tumor) removal on September 24th, and about 10 days later My Left cararact is removed, That One set up 11 weeks ago, Opthamologist booking THAT FAR AHEAD- but I AM in Wonderful shape for the shape I'm in, or so My Medical grouping says- this year I have made so many Surgeons wallets fatter somebody. ought buy Me a Big Basket of๐Ÿ๐ŸŠ๐Ÿ‹๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ“๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ fruit for Christmas! Fully expect to be anesthetized and to awaken with Magic Marker and autographs all over my Now Smaller Body, everybody staking a Claim to what they want to slice and dice. I'm just a Giant Dart Board, aren't I? So Norco and Tramadol, put them in a Pea Dispenser, I'm sure SOMETHING GOT TO BE HURTING pretty soon. When everybody gets me repaired gonna fly with the Eagles! Or maybe I'll just listen to their music, always thought Don Henley sounded FINE!

  4. Well maybe I'm just a dark๐Ÿ“ balloon on the horizon, but I Do Think my veins roll more now that. I don't have all my stabilizing. fatty blubber to hold things in place. But I guess black and blue marks where blood goes "out" or very infrquently" in " is the trade- off I must live with- I still am thrilled that my hard work FINALLY "paid off" and I am one- half the SIZE I once was. I now can wear clothes looking like THIS.๐Ÿ‘—

  5. Well yes- and- No but I'm still kicking! On the Date alluded to, I was protein- deficit vans malnourished, spent a week in O.S.U.- WEXNER Medical Center incl Columbus- the same hospital I had my surgery in. While there, a PICC line was placed in my Upper Left Arm, to insure I got enough Protein live and heal,bro alleviate my malnourishment I was 12 hours on 12 hours off on a portable feeding pump. 1203 calories daily, almost stalled my weight loss, was down to 3 pounds a month the 3 months I was on it. Had it removed February 26th , which once was my late Mama's birthday, and promptly dropped 39 pounds in the next month, the difference from before, I now could take food again by mouth, albeit Soups, pureed and. Protein Shakes. And then the next month I had an Iron INFUSION in March and I'm still bee- bopping along. The stricture is better, the jejunem although scarred from the ulceration is patent/ open, although Precious Pouch , my little egg-shaped fiend inside is cranky, doesn't like MUCH of the solids and foods I try to send her, still on Zofran to lessen the likelihood of Emesis, between adequate fluids, food and what feels like All the Vitamins and Minerals in the World, I keep on keeping On! As Lebowski in " THE BIG LEBOWSKI " movie said
    "I Abide. " Feeling pretty strong, I'm one- half the size I started out at 365+ pounds then, after a year Past Surgery I am now 182, 7 pounds from the Goal I set Myself, way lower than my Surgeon Bradley J Needleman MD and his Head Nurse Practitioner sidekick Valerie expected- they WOULD only forecast 199 pounds for NE because of My Age, and frankly I think They Thought I would lose my motivation, a lot to expect from a now 73 year old but They Didn't know how Bull- Headed Stubborn I AM. Probably will have beat ME with a board to do ME IN, otherwise I plan to enjoy the FUTURE I didn't have BEFORE. I am now as small as I was at High School Graduation 56 years 4 months ago, not even my Late Husband, who has been dead 7 years ever saw ME this Small!
    Nobody seems to worry enough to schedule any more Endoscopies, maybe 14 Lifetime is Enough. Dad- burned Nurse-Practioner, not Valerie who is off on Medical Leave but another one of them, told me I am officially " grandfathered" into GOOD Health, inference was If my Bowel or Anything twists inside Me, it isn't Their Fault Anymore. Oh well, I don't have to go back for a Year, so guess they don't want bothered Any More. I'm Not Surgical, I'm Not Interesting to Them! Their Loss, Isn't it! But Thank You For Asking- It Is Nice To Be Remembered, after all! Take Care Yourself!

  6. Rainbow Warrior- it's Great to Hear from YOU once again. You were one of my Inspirations when I started on Bariatric Pal- and now I am 1/2 the size I once was , if my calculations and equivalents are correct I am 4 kg from my GOAL at 5 days past my One Year anniversary- thank you for making this scared lady believe She Also Could Do This- and I DID! I am at X-Large going into a straight L and I am now the Junior Sized person I was at High School Graduation 56 and 1/2 years ago! SO Celebrate the Re- Birth of "Frustr8 "although I started with the Pen Name of "kkatlady"๐Ÿ˜, it's still ME through it All!

  7. You have both my sympathy and empathy . I started my own journey August 15 2015, finally had my RNY surgery September 5th 2018, after I went through Surgeon #1 ' s program not once but twice, lost my job 5 months in so had to Do Everything a Second time with different insurance coverage, then He Had the Audacity to "kick me to the curb" because He No Longer had desires to perform My Surgery. Had to re-group, find a Surgeon worthy of my Trust, 6 months after enrolling I had my long-desired Surgery at the Age of 72 years 8 months 10 days, It Really Was A Day of Rebirth, made my life Turn Good and I will never regret all that went BEFORE. because it made Me strong, it made healthier, it made Me one-half the size I once was- annd my life will be longer, my Future brighter and I can only wish such good things happen for YOU TOO! But No Matter What- You have a Friend and Admirer in ME!

  8. ALL the ๐Ÿ’•felt Congratulations go to you Nagatha and all the rest. My 1st Surgiversity was September 5th--- SOI AM STARTING YEAR #2--- and still exited by all that has HAPPENED. If you go back and read some of my Earlier Postings you'd See I Have Not had a Picture Perfect RECOVERY but when I Look At It All- IT WAS WORTH THE FEARS, TEARS, THE "CAN I REALLY DO THIS?" Yep , I'd never go back to the THE OLD OBESE ME! I am 1/2 the size I once was- and I did it in just a Year from SURGERY! Yea ME! And people, next year YOU can be telling YOUR SUCCESS STORY and I promise- I'll Cheer for YOU!

  9. So Happy For You! Yes the Pilgrims had a nice Thanksgiving dinner but still it wasn't the Groaning Board the Average American Family spreads out! And on Thanksgiving you might have to stir a little pumpkin and a dab of Pumpkin Pie Spice into your Protein Shake, NBD- honey - No Big Deal- you Can Do IT- I was on a Liver-Shrinking Diet the Entire Month of August 2018. When I had my Bypass Surgery September 5th 2018 I had the prettiest healthiest Liver ever seen , my surgeon told me later, the outside might be 72 but internally I was 40 tops. It was worth it, that month of sacrifice, because it hurt so LITTLE when I got back to my room, I peeked under my patient gown to see Whether He Even Had Done it!
    And I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT TOO. If you commit yourself to Success , you will achieve All You Desire! And Aunt Frustr8 will be watching from the Wings Cheering You On! Buckle Up Cowgirl, You're in for a Wild Ride, But It is So Worth In the End! So @ trinitysleeve , work hard now , work hard later and the world will literally yours for the taking . OKAY?๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜œ๐ŸŒˆ

  10. Kisha and Krimson Butterfly- Its the dog-honest thing. Now that I am 1/2 the size I once was , really-truly AM , down to 182 from HW of 365+, people are coming out of the WoodWork, "Oh I have been watching and supporting YOU all along!" I knew YOU could do it, should I have told YOU?"
    Yeah it sure would have been nice, especially when I had my PICC line in and didn't know how long That Might Be!
    Suddenly they want to support ME but where were they when I was scared to death to even undertake it at 72, with so many telling me "I was DESTROYING my health" Should be satisfied to do NOTHING and die OBESE" You'll die on the Operating Table Anyway!" I seem to recall only Tomkitten , my son, really cheering me ON. Even my PCP, the very one who forecast "Death Before 75 " and told me Surgeon #1 was right to drop me because I was over 70 and a BAD SURGICAL RISK! Incredibly he now is Peeved because I have lost weight so Fast, told me He only expected ME to drop 70% of my Excess Weight, That's a VSG amount- I'm an RNY Bypass- We Lose 75 to 85%- wouldn't YOU THINK a DOCTOR Should KNOW THAT?
    Perhaps I should smile sweetly but inside I AM SEETHING- Seems like it's "A Little Too Late To Do the RIGHT thing NOW!" See I Had convinced myself it was
    The Right Time- The Right Operation- Done in the Right Place- By the right surgeon- For the Right reasons- To the Right person- but from then on I should use every tool possible to ensure IT All Was Not in Vain. And I worked HARD, So Very HARD to prove I was just as good as people 1/2, even 1/3 MY Age . And Now Suddenly They WANT to join MY PARADE? I just can't fathom it All!

  11. Good Luck and your Bible verse motto should be "THIS TOO SHALL PASS! " The Benefiber is a Good Idea, should get me some MORE, I actually was using it past its Use By Date, maybe that's why it was not as effective. And maybe I too should look to Chia Seeds as Well. Been over a Year and I'm still Learning- you can pick up very good Tips on Bariatric Pal- but I do Fight the War Also.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
