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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Frustr8

  1. Frustr8

    Where are all the single cat ladies?

    Thanks everyone for sharing your fur babies pictures.
  2. Frustr8

    Before and After Pics

    Glad you are still around. so,i got to meet you if only online😝
  3. Frustr8

    So Who do You Look Like?

    If you,have a frown😒 Turn it upside down. You always will winπŸ˜› With a happy cheerful grin.😝
  4. Frustr8

    Had Surgery today

    Glad to see you're doing well Loveroxx. If someone doesn't have a smile give them one of yours!
  5. Frustr8


    Maybe that is another.benefit of surgery, after just a little bit,the craving is gone and you can move on. Dang that rhymes and,ididn't even realize it. Maybe my,life is one Big Poem, better that than a Big Disappointment πŸ˜›πŸ‘
  6. Frustr8

    I sucked it up and bought it

    Figure,i'll be on every,other day Miralax, at least that's what I heard from asking around. Actually found someone who,went through,my,nrw hospital's program, but I'm sur they also tailor to the individual person.πŸ˜›
  7. Frustr8

    March-April Rny-ers

    Well did everything you thought would start on Friday get started? Do,you like the diet change? Odd how,each surgeon moves you along,the trek toward regular food? Some are faster, some are slower but everybody seems to get there eventually. Makes for interesting reading.Francess#
  8. yeah you can live with that and you'll do better at surgery for having done that😝
  9. @Lyne13 my little Dayton buddy, glad to see your post and know surgery is just around the corner.πŸ˜›
  10. Frustr8

    no surgery for me.

    @ElseeG, how are you doing? Is everything healing okay and how are you feeling?πŸ˜™β˜”
  11. Frustr8

    April/May 2018 Sleevers!!?

    Things are starting to move right along and April's about half overβ›…β˜”
  12. Frustr8

    Any April surgery buddies

    Could it be your fat stores are beginning to be used and you're going into,ketosis?
  13. Are you people,still relaxed or getting a little anxious as time gets shorter before your surgeries. Golly I hope I get to join you all pretty soon. will be sending you good healthy healing thoughts. πŸ˜›Smile this part of the journey is almost over, the Bench of Victory is now in sight. Go for it folks, go for it!πŸ‘
  14. Frustr8

    This guy is amazing!!

    Good golly why does society think bariatric surgery is taking easy way out? Wish I had a quarter for every time I was told to concentrate and the pounds would fall off. You're just laxy, ain't nothing lazy about,pulling a body this size around. Like perpetual power lifting but you're using the wrong muscles for a wrong purpose. Just don't eat, yeah but then your body thinks you're stabingband it shuts your metabolism down. Besides the relatives telling me all this, the only exercise they ever got was jumping to conclusions. I guess you have to,love th e m, even put up with some cause you wouldn't choose them like friends. What you don't need is belittlement, deprecating remarks and general hoohah from them all.
  15. Frustr8

    To Jump or Not to Jump

    Give her my love, in addition to the afore- mentioned knees I have a plate and 12 screws in my upper right due to humeral fx, and have had my right,carpometacarpal joint removed in my right thumb, and am trying to resist left shoulder surgery. I start,PT this week to see if it will be any help, for me it is a toss up which,will come 1st, RnY or shoulder surgery? Told my ortho,i will wait no longer than September, almost constant pain which wakes,me up from sound sleep in the morning. Tried sleeping with that arm on a pillow to no avail. So I shall see how fast OSU moves after my April 25th appointment with Dr Kramer at Martha Morehouse Pavilion in Columbus for psych evaluation.πŸ˜™
  16. Frustr8


    Way to go wigo! Family motto: If it don't pay rent, kick it out" also "It far better to release,and bear the Shame than to hold it in and bear the pain!" You're Welcome Very MuchπŸ˜›
  17. Frustr8

    To Jump or Not to Jump

    I can never jump again, especially at this weight. I have 2 knee replacements, the thing I miss most? basketball, I was very good in my day, was even on the distict travelling team, no boy cousin even challenged,me to a game of Horse especially after I beat their little scurvy tushies. In my day there were girl rule and boy rule basketball, sure I played girl on travelling but me and my team-ladies, we played boy every chance we got, more fast paced, more fun. Happened to be in a school gym one day with kiddos one day, picked up a basketball shot and made a half-court shot, no net touched. No problemo! Kiddo #2 said "Wow I didn't know YOU could do THAT! Ole Mommy still had it! Score 1 for the Maternal Side!πŸ˜›πŸ‘πŸ˜›πŸ€
  18. Frustr8

    Friday Face!

    Missed all your pretty pix yesterday, my phone kept saying I could not access Bariatric Pal because it had shut down, Knew that wasnt so , it took a. whole day but Dr Ken, I gave him a honorary doctorate because hec earned one in Helpfulness, the web guru at BP, finally figured how to fix it and in the words of Arnold I M BACK! You all are looking very good, nice to see what you all look like instead of disembodied posters. Thanks again.πŸ˜›πŸ‘
  19. Frustr8

    Any March 2018 Sleevers?

    praying that the condo soon changes into a studio apartment or even a v rented roomπŸ˜›
  20. Frustr8

    Any March 2018 Sleevers?

    Here a pound, there a pound, everywhere a pound pound! Keep watching your diet, get enough exercise and the chicken fat will keep melting until you can fly straight and true. Me I'm like the dodo, no lift power and about to become extinct.!🐾
  21. All good good things, CreekImp, although #4 no longer applies to me I will go write these in my journal, I've started keeping track of good advice.πŸ˜›
  22. And Me Topaz will shine shine shine like the true jewel you are! Keep the faith and rock on!βœ‹ Tomkitten is busy watching Bill and Ted's Excellent adventure.πŸ˜›
  23. No poblem, does your fiance come with insurance, maybe,you could get absorbed,into his plan as his wife? Horrid thought: "honey I love you a lot but could. we get married a little sooner for insurance purposes?" Ain't life just peachy keen?πŸ˜‹
  24. Frustr8

    Now on the bench!

    a lot of people line up 4 little 2oz medicine cups up and drinking one every 15 minutes. Remember you're getting fluid in your protein shakes and sugar free popsicles. Change the temperature if you don't like room temp water, go with warm herbal or green tea, if you like cool keep it chilled in the fridge and pour out just what you need every 15 minutes. I would tell you to add stevia but,maybe you're also battling a sugar addiction. Try Crystal lite or Mio drops. Everything still seem too sweet? I've heard posters say that even water tastes sweet, try one of the citrus like lemon or lime, just a couple drops of either if they are the real thing, no Realemon, that stuff is nasty. One lady even put a little cucumber slice in her bottle of water., you could do that with a lime or lemon slice, you could even do,it with a segment of grapefruit. I'm not personally,a fan of grapefruit, it is a diuretic,and it was hard to celebrate the water loss when you are constantly relieving yourself. 😦
  25. Frustr8

    Anxiety and Surgery

    My late hubby had OCD, had a little exit ritual,before he would leave our house, he would tap the left side of the door frame 8 times, starting at shoulder height and descending to about waist height. Lived will the man for 44 years, some days I feel I absorbed some by osmosis. Considered vetting a t-shirt I saw in a catlogue. Said " I have CDO, it is similar to OCD except everything is in alphabetic order, the way it should be!". and now things do have to be under control or I get very tense. That is part of why waiting and waiting for a surgical date Makes me very tense. I love sequential order in my life, that way it is more controllable. I make lists for I have a fear of forgetting things from the grocery. I even have started a,list for,myπŸ₯ immediate post surgery. So mitchjoanne, I am your "soul sister" if only by adoption.πŸ˜›

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