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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Frustr8

  1. If you can lock people out of the Veterans c forum I suspect you can do it here also.
  2. Frustr8

    Food Waste Frustrates Me

    Wow what a beautiful thing to do, those cancer mommies, And daddies have got to appreciate the sharing/lessening of that burden.
  3. Frustr8

    Heading to the hospital

    It can, it will and I believe today only starts something beautiful and fine,in your future. And I want to join you there so very very badly. July cannot come too quickly for me And my life!!!!
  4. Frustr8

    I ate at Burger King yesterday

    Or an alcoholic with a stack of muscatel bottles. I would hate to tell you how old I was when I finally found out what muscatel really was, oh from little Frustr8hood I had heard it mentioned. in a deprecating,tone. Like my relatives had the room to talk, I have a complex gnarled family 🌳, enterprising small business men (aka moonshiners) on Daddy's sides , strident WCTU on Mama's, That stands for Women's Christian Temperance Union , so family get togethers are noisy affairs, neither side processes any love for the other. Anyway muscatel is simply raisin wine, cheaply made, easily accessible,at your local carry-out.Hmmm?
  5. And to me, here on the outside, it sounds like my worst dream of chemotherapy.😳
  6. Diva Diva- it's only a name 12th June smooth and sl3ek will be your game No fear, no sorrow no reservation For it Now is your surgery time And as you undertake your operation Remember your future is looking fine!
  7. Frustr8


    I am temporarily hijacking this posting, I have been looking for a title to post under, didn't want to start another one and wait for someone else to bring it out. There are couple ladie I miss seeing a hearing from on Bariatric Pal. Has anyone heard anything from @ Mrs Grumgee and @ Lillybilly? Mrs G lives in Red Deer Alberta and lillybilly I think lives on one the ABC islands in the Caribbean, either Aruba, Bonaire or Curacao. She was scheduled to have her surgery in Columbia South America. Probably they may have had surgery and recovering. Mrs G maybe not, she is going through Canada's Universal Healthcare and they move v e r y -v e r y slow, good healthcare but not fast at all.
  8. Frustr8

    Pregnancy - 8 months post op

    You think you've heard about all my family, yeah the ones who put the D in dysfunctional, I have yet one more story. My Uncle Clement committed suicide at 31, a few years before I was born, And of all my father's siblings the one I resemble the most in appearance, I've seen,pictures. Uncle Clement, when he was 10 and his little sister Mary was 2 picked up his father's squirrel gun with live ammo in it, pointed at Mary, said Bang Bang sissy, you're dead and killed her. The rest of his life my grandmother, his mother missed. no opportunity to tell everyone how Clement killed his baby sister, resembling Chinese water torture, drop drip drip until finally,he went outside of Newark Ohio to the top,of Horns Hill, put the barrel,of the gun into his mouth and you can figure out the rest. You grieve for your unborn yet loved baby, I grieve for,my Uncle Clement, who I never knew, in that whole dysfunctional family, might have been the person who might have loved baby Frust8. Although almost all of them were dark haired and medium toned Uncle Clement had dark auburn hair. Maybe he would have picked,me up, nuzzled my neck and said: "baby Frust8 I so love❤ you!" And the Woulda-Coulda-Shouldas,eat you up if You,let them!💦😩💦
  9. I am on Dexilant, my gastroenterologist calls it the Ferrari of PPIs, costs over $300 without insurance and that's at Wal-Mart where medicines are lower priced, it and Giant Eagle,are the cheapest in my area.
  10. Is it the one Campbell's makes because I have seen that one.?
  11. Frustr8

    Any vegetarians or vegans?

    I'm wading in , not vegan/vegetarian but starting to tilt that way after Dr Matthew Weiner et all. My favorite and it's soy based is Svelte, a little lower protein count but I don't taste a pronounced soy taste, I like the French Vanilla, it satisfies me pretty well I don't seem to get a quick hunger return.🍶
  12. Danke Leibling you're Aces in my book too. Looking forward to success and a BEAUTIFUL future. Like a Phoenix I will rise from the ashes and Fly Baby Fly. IF not Me, Who? If not Now, when? Out of years comes great joy. I would like to have that put on front of my weight loss sleep shirt, on the back I would like my stats--❤ Ohio State University-Wexner Medical Center-JULY 2018-RnY, the worst they can think "She's Weird!" well I have had that assessment from people who instead should have loved me! And so I keep trying to smile, it takes fewer muscles than a frown and I've cried enough years they call my fears drowned. 💦😜💦
  13. Spelling correction Eaton a higher-end stationary firm.Like the Tiffany or Rodeo Drive level of paper.😎
  14. My support system, other than all my Bariatric Pals, is my son who I call on here Tomkitten, if you pull up my profile or happened to check after awarding someone's posting to see if you got credit, will see my original Bariatric Pen Name because I started out using my email address. His father who I call on here the Somewhat Lamented for reasons not easily condensed into a few paragraphs, if you want more of my story pull up "Surgery it's the easy way" and read my story, you are invited. ButTomkitten even on my blue days, and I've had more than a few in the al.post 3 years of seeking this, He says I can do it, He is proud of me for trying and wants to be there for me through thick and into thinner. And he was my third child,the baby everybody said I didn't need because I already had a daughter and a son. My beautiful first born, a daughter, transmogrifyed into Rotten Daughter, the most conceited person drawing breath. She makes Donald Trump seen "bush league" by comparison, Oh I could quote chapter and verse but do we have the time? Child #2 who is now an angel, died at 31 from an congenital cardiovascular defect never diagnosed. He walked into our ER in our small small city and 17 hours later was dead. And the stupid attending who was reputed to be an university professor level cardiologist walked into waiting room and announced "He's Dead and I don't know what killed him!" WTF don't you even have an educated guess? And it gets curiouser and curiouser. The next morning, son had died at 4:25pm Friday afternoon, we received in the AM mail a letter with a local postmark, now 99.99% of our mail goes to Columbus , our state capital 48 miles SW. The only way,you can receive a local postmark is to deliver it inside at the post office, the rest gets bagged and sent on its way. This letter, written on high priced quality stationary,among my ,other jobs while young , I worked on an upper-level stationary store, this was not bulk produced Wal-Mart or Target paper. This was possibly Eat one. It of course had no signature,it was not easy to tell if this had been a male or female writing it, today I also dabbled in graphology. Generic public/private schooling. It spelled out in concise prestigous medical terminology what the autopsy findings would be. Now I do not have a medical degree, I have none the less dabbled in the edges of medicine and can tell the difference between a spade and a shovel if you follow my line of reasoning. When Dr DimBulb announced in front of a room full of people, yes no compassion as well as no tact, that he had no clue why,my son died we, my late husband and I ,insisted on an autopsy. The letter also stated if my son had been,life flighted to one of the 2 Level 1 trauma hospitals up to 15 minutes before his death surgery could have been performed and my previous wonderful son could have been saved. A recommendation was given as to a lawyer in Cleveland who had successfully sued and won against this glorified Band Aid Station that called itself a hospital here. And we filed suit, fought the battle until very shortly before the statue of limitations expired in my state of Ohio. Because my baby boy had the audacity to die at 17 instead of 18 hours of being entrusted to them, although what they did was very very wrong not doing all that could be done, it was within a golden 18 hour window, we could not hold their feet to the fire until you could hear their flesh sizzling , it went down as" natural cause". like we knew his anatomical problem and didn't care. And now my eldest son, literally my best friend, has been dead for 10 years and Dr DimBulb is blissfully still practicing medicine with great impunity. Years later my PCP attempted to book me with Dr DimBulb for a cardiac catherization. No, I acreamed, Never! I will lie upon the helicopter padn scream so loudly that not only the Columbus Dispatch(48 miles away) but also the Cleveland Plain Dealer (113 miles away) will both be running my story on both front pages before I would allow Dr DimBulb to lay even one fingernail on me. I don't care if you are good friends, I don't even care if you have eaten dinner at his house. He NEVER WILL TOUCH ME OF MINE AGAIN, he by his inaction killed one of,my family members he will NEVER do it again. I am not a violent person but I could pick up a🔫 and plug him between the 👀with little if any remorse. An aunt, back when I was a baby Frustr8 said "you should never say you hate someone for that means you wish them dead!" Yep Aunt Martha ---I think that about covers it!
  15. Frustr8

    You’re too thin

    They don't like or fear you changing from Too Big to Pretty Fine. These are my assessments based on the fact, I have lived forever and am older than anyone else unless you count Moses or Methuselah on BP. Some people could control you and shape your thinking by constantly depreciate and degrediating your poundage. You are changing and they fear you won't have time for them anymore, they knew Too Big who is this Pretty Fine chick or dude? You are rocking what they thought was stable to its foundation, what if it topples and they get crushed? They like to point out you never did anything right before, why would you start now? This is how my paternal relatives have treated me as far back as I can remember. See not only am I for,my skin color, eye color a2nd even my hair color differs from theirs. There was even some muttering among older family members I must have been the result of my late mother having an affair. Imagine an ostrich with strawberry blonde hair being parachuted into a flock of crows who all looked the same. Yep, that's how it was! I yearned to be accepted for me, sounds like at least in theory my mother's people loved me? Nope, I was told by a cousin on that side because I am mildly autistic, until Psychiatry/Psychology I was what be classified as a female Asperger, and we were considered not to exist until Temple Grandin, we weren't as loud and noticeable as our male brothers, we tried to downplay our feelings to try "fitting in" and being under the radar of life. Ok Mama's side thought I was weird, their name, I always felt I was pretty nice inside. Glaring example- when Mama died rest of family had wake to mourn her. I didn't know about it so of course I wasn't invited. Danny, cousin who told me they thought I was "weird" asked my mother's youngest brother Harlan where is Frustr8(, not my real name but I use it here.) Uncle says Now that Sarah Lou is dead we'll never have to look at her again! Said uncle is even a clergyman and co-officianted at Mama's funeral. Now do you see why I cried myself to sleep every night because no one loved me and engourged myself on food every day because Mr Refrigerator and Me Panty Shelf accepted me and didn't make fun of Little Frustr8. Oh I have grown past most of those years of sorrow but it took time and therapy to do it. That is why I didn't fear Dr Kramer my bariatric program's staff psychologist, what could he do that hadn't been donein the name of Love? Actually he reassured me my autistic ability to center on something that interested me to the exclusion of other topics, I could use this for absolute perfection at Bariatrics. True story, my friend Jacob, Violets son , is also,on the spectrum. After meeting him. he turned to Violet and said Mommy,she likes me for me! Yes I maybe highly verbal but I am still a Spectrum Sister and much more understanding that the Neurotypical world outside is. Sorry, I really didn't mean to get on my soap box but I feel intently about this subject and speak up for those who can't verbalize!***😜***
  16. Frustr8

    Tomorrow is the big day

    And I, my Baiatric Godsons, am 72 but like you I see I can't lose or control,my ever-encroaching additional weight without Bariatric Surgery so in July 2018 I will complete my journey toward an RnY bypass because of pronounced GERD and other problems, and like or unlike you both I can see my own mortality rapidly approaching. Am I scared **** No, I fear continued life at 5ft8in, 320 lbs and with every joint in my body, even the c 2 knee replacements hurting. I am sor5 of breath, wear a C Pap at night and sometimes into the next day to stay within 4hour+ compliance, half of my graduating class of 320 have died already, the remaining 160 or so will meet for our 55th class reunion 11th August, I have been widowed 6 years, had my middle child die at 31 from a congenital 💔defect never diagnosed, and my life has become untenable. Why don't I do myself in? My eyesight is getting so poor I couldn't find the arteries in my wrist and would only knock a superficial vein. Sad when you can't off yourself correctly! So I do wish you both luck, hope you'll both do the same. I would offer to pray for you but the last time I offered the atheists on here threatened to stomp,me into submission for mentioning a God they didn't believe in. Oops! I guess I am luckier than you Save,my surgeon is only a 2 hour round-trip away. But I will promise to support you emotionally from Central Ohio and let's let chips fall where they may. **The July Sparkler Frustr8**
  17. Hi Kimber628, I also am 5ft8in, my dream goal weight is 175, I also have reflux and am having an RnY as my 1st (hopefully only ) bariatric surgery. Wanna rock this together?💔👵😜👩
  18. Frustr8

    July Gastric Bypass?

    Welcome to Ambivalent Acres, I'm Frustr8, your friendly doorwoman. Would you like one of our jackets? They are a mottled indiscriminate shade because we're not sure what color that they not be! I am seeking and reseeking Bariatric Surgery since August 2015. I probably was elected by acclamation to my position while,i was in the Powder Room, but it is the highest elective office I ever shall achieve. Come,in, sit down on one of our chairs with the wobbly legs and have a wait. You can have my jacket and position if my surgery comes true in July 2018 like program#2 has promised. Until then we all keep each,other company. Okay?😩
  19. Geesh what brand of protein? I hope it isn't the one I've stocked up on and sitting on my "you are going to need THIS later" shelf, the one where the Chips, Pretzels, Crackers and Boxed Cookies used to live. Spill the beans please?😩
  20. Frustr8

    Post surgery depression?

    For what it is worth, I treasure your friendship,can learn from your handling of this trial how to handle my own, believe in your inner strength as well as my own and am looking forward to reading your journal of life al8ng with you.😜📋😜
  21. Frustr8

    Post surgery depression?

    You are not the same person as you were prior to surgery. In many ways your body will never be but you have to believe the new improved YOU will be so vastly an improvement that it will be worth the physical pain, the emotional sorrow and psychological angst to justify,it all!
  22. Frustr8

    Dating after surgery and weight loss

    Another thought to brighten your Sunday and future. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a man's atention. The real problem comes when 9 months later it results in contractions!👩👶👨
  23. Your hospital and mine must be reading the same manual, mine says they will tell me after July 2nd, I believe you can make 100 lbs down and still be upright and smiling! My personal goal weight is 150 pounds down, odd but my nurse practioner Valeria and I came to the same figure independently. You do yours , I'll do mine and someday we will dance👭in the sunlight☀together! we can do it, I know we can do it!
  24. You can remind her you were there a couple months ago and understand. That said i am a bona fide redhead, not chemically induced, and would be prone to Chuck a rock or something heavy at your head. I am usually sweet tempered but my rages ...Whew! What woukd work best for me? The knowledge that I'm still your"Girl" that you still love💥❤💥me , bottom line and there is Nothing you and I can't handle together! And it is super-sweet you love and care so much! Frustr8
  25. Frustr8

    Dating after surgery and weight loss

    Bat your eyes flirtingly, purr in a soft bedroom type voice, "You show me yours and I'll show you mine" and it will be like Fireworks exploding over the Sydney Opera House! Good ON and for YOU! 😜

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