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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Frustr8

  1. Frustr8


    Hey folks, I will be following here. I have had reactive hypoglycemia in my past, pancreatitis in 2015 and am the adult child of 2 diabetics, not diabetic yet another reason why I have an upcoming RnY b.s. instead letting my faulty sugar heredity catch up with me So this subject resonates with. me so hard even you can feel the vibration.
  2. Good for you Dixie Jo , slow but steady weight loss is a very good way to go. I would 💙 to drag-race you to the,operating room . maybe I still will. Love sharing this with you and all,this other Summer 2018 group of friends.😛
  3. Frustr8

    July Gastric Bypass?

    Well it is almost half-past June, can July,be far behind? I have developed a new motto RNY,IN JULY OR I CRY! Rather catchy, isn't it? Hope,it catches on, willing do most anything to have it happen!🌈😛🌈
  4. Well some updates on me. My personal 🚝 choo chip is still chugging down the tracks . Heard from the coordinatior for "Life after Bariatrics" department ( who would have thunk of such a thing?) Kaylee K. at OSU. Turns out I can do an on- line seminar instead of having to attend in person. Good thing because it's at 4:30 PM and transportation that close to rush hour,is iffy. Had to watch 4 of their 1- hour pre-programs which I did yesterday afternoon . At 4:15 I log in on my computer and we are off to the races. Then when I have completed that step, my regular coordinator Jessica is notified, next step do I meet with surgeon or what? Figure I will still need an X Ray, can that be done like on the same day as surgery? If it needs done in advance,how far in advance ? Know I don't get another full CBC prior, if they would need a thing unusual,let me know soon. Otherwise I don't get a full CBC until 2 months post. Hmm I am getting 4 hours+ on my Cpap, that reading faxes in July 2. Any guesses on what come next in this journey? if you have any insights ,please share them with me. Have to go pay my water bill today,,used to be quarterly, now it,is monthly and the Water/Wastewater💦 department is making out like bandits. Rate Used to be $91 a quarter, now it is $41,62 on or before the 15th of the month. And if you don't show up,promptly they tack it,on the property owners taxes. They should wear masks and a knife 🔪or gun🔫 at their side. America🇺🇸 got mad at Great Britain🇬🇧 because we thought,our taxes were too high for what we got out of them, now we have grown our own money-grubbing leeches ourselves, doesn't feel that much better to know they are domestic instead of imported.😭 Then I get back home, set a comfy chair,in front of the computer 📝and wait for log-in time. Wonder when my surgery 😷date will finally be? When I know I'll shout📣 it from the housetops and,it will be so loud you all will hear👂it too!
  5. Frustr8

    Pre op day!

    Wowsers KennyB, its happening for you! I'm envious but my envy will be satisfied with my own RnY in July! Notice how that rhymes? Means its meant to be! 🚝Chug chug my little choo choo will be reaching the station soon also! Best for,ypu and in the future!
  6. Frustr8

    Satisfying the BEAST

    FYI thought I'd tell you Since you are a fellow Buckeye, even if some think we are nuts we do keep oursrlourselves nice and shiny. It was written up,in Mount Vernon News and Newark Advocate, there is a tilapia farm just to the south of me near Utica. Doing well, plan to be supplying fresh to Wal-Mart and Giant Eagle soon. Must I haven't started looking yet, but you,were right not ALL tilapia cakes from China.
  7. want a small giggle? Let me preface this by stating I am a widow, have been for 6 years. Interaction between myself and my PCP(maybe 22-23 years my junior): Doctor(reading from paper) Tell me-are you still,sexually active? Me No doctor, but I live daily,in hope. Thought he might choke, serve him right, he brought the subject,up anyway! I could have asked,him if he was as active as he was in college and medical school, Maybe he was trying,to assess my health status, but,at had little to do,with the,price of tea in China or beans in Boston.
  8. Frustr8

    Serious Thoughts.....

    Dang all those pizza metabolizers out there🍕!
  9. Frustr8

    Pity Party - WAAAAAAAH!

    Ain't gravity just wonderful? Sounds like that was working ,better than perstalsis did. Guess I'll just hunker down and watch for a party game I can play.😛
  10. Frustr8

    RNY bypass is tomorrow!

    And when PPDunn is done Another battle is Won. Good luck and good healing always for you. Next month I will be joining you, Be my good example, okay?🌈😛🌈
  11. Frustr8

    Partner issues after wls

    And you won't probablyappreciate this wisdom. BUT When you become your own best YOU it is possible you will no longer require his own bad HIM. your friend and cheerleader. Frusr8
  12. Remember the song from Peter Pan? If growing up means it will be Beneath my dignity To climb a tree I'll never grow up , never grow u p Never grow up Not me! Even if, by some stardards, I'll never grow up, I will be less grumpy, less in pain with every step, less ashamed to look in a mirror , able to breathe without panting with every breath, smiling more and be a whole lot more fun. to be around. And this is a trade-off I can live with, can you accept,and respect me for this viewpoint? The BALL is in your court NOW!😛
  13. And you know where I stand- I have been on Team Nnoi from the beginning of this marathon💇
  14. @Manpower all your bari-buds miss you! You're the designated source of Cornhusker Power, for us all! Do the Crimson and Cream proud! FYI,finally July 2018 my assigned REBIRTHDAY month! ,,,,,,,,,Frustr8
  15. Frustr8


    Don't tuck a HorseHead into your bed,that's considered a solid and you may be on liquids a LONG time. Good Luck,next month GODFATHER
  16. Frustr8

    Heading into surgery

    Caryn you truly have got this! Now keep on easin' down that road!
  17. Yeah Life Passed Me By Because I Was Too Out of Breath to Keep Up!
  18. Frustr8

    Surgery May 14th

    Well @Justin H, it's been almost a month & how are things go8ng for you?
  19. Frustr8

    Becoming My 2.0

    Thanks I might just go check this out!
  20. Congratulations on it being your surgery time-- You Are going to do this just fine.
  21. Frustr8

    I am over it.

    Hi@ mckenzie, only 3 weeks until your surgery. Are you still on target,for that big day of Rebirth?
  22. Frustr8


    We are still out here if you ever need us,okay?
  23. Frustr8


    Food is sneaky,it doesn't want to release its hold on you, bad news , fast food has no conscience, it doesn't care what,it does to you. Since you do care, ignore that leftover's sneaky sweet song, better to throw it out than to end up wearing it as another fat layer to discard, and it is a whole lot harder to pull it off then it was to put it on. Grit your teeth, say I'm bigger than you , better than you, and I refuse to be the size of a pumpkin for,my October surgery! You can do this, claim victory 1 day at a time, and the days to m9nths, mothers make a year and you will be a Victoreous,Veteran Person, we will all cheer with you!
  24. Frustr8


    And I am reminded of one of my Nursing Home ladies. She wasn't feeling too well so called her son's home, daughter-in-law came and set with her all day, mopped her fevered brow, cut her food up in small bits, all the good DIL type things. When joe stopped by after work to check on Pearl, Pearl let out a shreech, Oh Thank God you're here, I've been alone ALL DAY! I don't know if I would have keep my temper in check as well as SO,ibut then maybe she was used to such shenanigans from Pearl.👩👵👨
  25. Frustr8

    Plus Size Clothing

    All very good ideas, Thank You my Bari-sisters for all you do!👕👖😛👚👖

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
