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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Frustr8

  1. Frustr8

    New doctor

    Amen to that! There many many physician- fish in the waters of New Jersey. Don't settle for bottom feeders or being treated like pond scum. You deserve the best, and than does not include being ignored.
  2. Try strawberry Muscle Milk instead. I like it better-even though they are not exactly equal- I like it better!
  3. Frustr8

    Had surgery today

    And it is going to be fabulous and fine. So happy for you on this ,your day.Congratulations!😛
  4. Your 20s only last for a decade, being adult, having to react in a grownup manner can be forever. Enjoy being yourself at your new weight and new body, you need time to be you before you have to become someone's mommy. I was always somebody's something, be it daughter, wife, mother, always prefaced by another name. It has only been recently,i have been Frustr8, able to to stand on my own.
  5. Frustr8

    One year post

    I am speechless and hope to see many more annual,pictures. Congratulations.
  6. Frustr8


    A lot of good people on here, many of them are sleevers and,8 am sure full of good hints for you.Welcome,to Bariatric Pal!😛
  7. Frustr8

    July 18th surgery

    Just over a week until your Day of Days, Matt I believe in you and I'm sure you will do just fine 😛
  8. Frustr8

    Talk to me! I'm new :)

    You can do it JSwizzle, and in just a week you will be telling all of us how smooth and quick it really was. Dread and fear are 2 cripplers, don't let them into your life. Deep breaths in, now blow out slowly and smoothly, let yourself relax and things will,go by until time.😛😁😛
  9. Frustr8

    Regret it

    No mu,little buddies I have not, but I believe I am entering the Final Countdown. Yesterday Monday 7/09/18 I received a call from Jennifer at OSU Bariatrics- all insurances have said Surgery for Frustr8 is a WONDERFUL IDEA. Go right ahead! So I meet with Dr Needleman, my Bariatric Surgeon 7/17/18 at 11:15 AM. Hope he,likes me, but then how could he not? I am a fine obese specimen of womanhood, am I not? So after,he and i have our little tete -to -tete I should be given my surgery date, which of course I will gleefully publish somewhere on Bariatric Pal. Knowing me it could be most anywhere so keep your eyes peeled.! Probably on the Summer 2018 one. And that brings me up to date!😛📆😛
  10. Frustr8

    Beginning to Regret

    @ Johnny2Thumbs you look so good in that picture, how are you doing now?
  11. Frustr8


    And my friend WHAT DO YOU REGRET?
  12. Frustr8

    Hooray Hooray I got a date!!!

    Well almost worthy to post here- might do it anyway Monday July 9 2018 hear from Jennifer at OSU-All insurances say YES Tuesday July 17 meet with Dr Needleman my Bariatric Surgeon 11:15am Martha Morehouse Pavillion 2050 Kenny Road Columbus Ohio And after that my Surgery😷 Date is scheduled.😛📝😛
  13. Frustr8

    Need advice and encouragement not ripped apart

    Of course lisalou, you are perfectly welcome to substitute your name, works just as well for you!😛📝😛💕
  14. Well Shells83 I have had news to update you with. Yes yesterday morning I got my call. I meet with my Surgeon Dr Needleman 7/17/18 at 11:15 am, and then after my appointment I should get MY Date. Oh I am excited that it truly will be happening. So stay tuned the Frolicks of Frusrt8 are not yet over!📝📦📆
  15. Frustr8

    Oops! Changed my mind

    I also am on Wellbutrin ER that may have to be altered but bypass for all the other reasons. And in my case it is more for the depression that set in when I got my refusal and February, had to switch programs and all the uncertainty that was in my life. So I will go to another form, they may taper me down but bit should help me not go n into a post-surgical depression as well. I, like many on here, am a work in progress, still writing my life story, whether it is readable or not, it,is mine!😛👍😷
  16. Frustr8

    Need advice and encouragement not ripped apart

    Yes you can Stacey! A mini-pep-talk. You are mourning your food lisses, don't be. Say Chocolate Cake, I did used like you but you won't run my life. I'm Stacey, I'm bigger than you, smarter than you and if I do let you back into my life later, I will just take a tiny taste or maybe not at all, but me, Stacey will make the decisions from now on. And once you,can tell the cake that, you'll tell potato chips, crackers, pretzels the same thing. And each time you do it, it gets easier, I promise! Hugs* Frustr8
  17. Frustr8

    Hey guys I’m new here

    Hi to all of you. Lora, you asked when my surgery date would be? Well, 2 days ago the answer would have just been "soon" well yesterday morning at maybe 9 or 930 I got a call from,OSU, THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY as they call themselves. I meet with Dr Needleman, my Bariatric Surgeon and the chief of Bariatric Surgery and Metabolic Weight Management. Yeppers when Frustr8 does something she goes for the Gold, only proper since I am having the Gold Metal surgery, an RnY bypass. So I meet with him at 11:15am and then before I leave his office on Kenny Road I should have a surgery date. Certainly before the b end of the month. I shall be a July Sparkler and I can hardly wait, hope I don't have to do a full liquid diet for 14 days, but if he is willing to work with me and I wouldn't have gotten this far if he wouldn't be, I shall follow each and everything he instructs me to do. This is my chance, I will star in this production but I need a producer/director and that would be him. Oh I can do and will do with every breath that is within me and I WILL SHINE BABY SHINE!😷👍😛🏣
  18. Frustr8

    How bad is Gerd after Sleeve?

    Yes I am on Dexilant the Ferrari of the PPI family. I will be having my RnY yet this month. One morning Ms.Frustr8 was feeling froggy and decided to skip my PPI. Was not a happy situation, all the GI symptoms resurrected themself and even Hector woke up and started jabbing my gastritis a little. I learned my lesson that day, I may be one of the few that don't come off eventually And yes I also have the lovely hole in the diaphragm a hiatal hernia is. Going to remind Dr Needleman to chinch me up good, shoot it probably is on the game plan but might not be bad to remind him. I am just grateful with my amount of GERD I don't have Barrett's Dysplasia in my esophagus. PCP and pulmonologist suspect it was contributory to me developing asthma and hoarseness.Have a righteous and happy day Everyone!
  19. Not basting Bat Wings although some days I do feel poorly sown together.
  20. I am still the size of BIP the Michelin Man, resemble him enough to be his sister. Hey I'm trying I'm trying. That said I already have basting upper arms and a belly with Dunlap disease, so called because my gut done laps over, don't bode well for the future ,do it? Just waiting for my surgeon or PCP to make a dig about my size. I will tell them if I could and maintain weight loss, I would not be asking to have my gastrointestinal system remodeled n renovated, realigned and rearranged. Someday , pray God, not too soon, when a pathologist opens me up for an autopsy he/she will say "Poor Thing, she had to have Bariatric Surgery!" Nope, never be the same as originally designed but I am willing to go for this tradeoff, pieces of me missing to continue living.😷🏣😵
  21. Frustr8

    I hate protein shakes

    Also she may not be trying to,go back to the size she was when she was a puppy. ROF due to my sparkling wit!😁
  22. Frustr8

    Have fears

    Hiya @ Fish495, need a friend? Ready,to step into this batting cage, my new friend. My,name on here is Frustr8,I am 72 years old, and I too wi'll be having an RnY bypass. I meet with Dr Needleman, my bariatric Surgeon 7/17/18, the Final step before I get my surgical date. I have been posting on Bariatric Pal 7 months, have learned a lot here, done a lot of studies, drowned my fears in tears long ago and am moving proudly forward. I am MotherHen/Bariatric Godmother to many on here, always happy to have helped others. Obese- I have been off and on obese since babyhood. Even in childhood when I fell within normal weight charts I was never that muscular, if you hugged me I felt "fluffy". Health conditions Arthritis since I was 25, before that I was considered double-jointed, people with that have. 85% chance of early onset arthritis. I have both kinds but happy to say RA has been dormant for a while.2 knee replacements, one in December 2014 the other in February of 2017 GERD severe enough I have been on Dexilant, an uncheap PPI, would cost $350 a month if I didn't have insurance Sleep Apnea and I sleep every night with a C Pap machine. Hereditary in my family, so I may not escape it after surgery, but many people do! I stand 5ft8in, down from a height of 6ft when I was young, you almost always lose height after menopause. Weight currently 321 lbs down from a lifetime high of 356 last October Diets I think I have tried each and every one known to mankind and womankind. If it is weird and offbeat either a family member or doctor has had me on it. Family I was an only child ,married 44 years to my late husband, on here called the Late Lamented, died 4th of July 2012. Had 3 children, oldest RD short for Rotten Daughter, she gets in touch with me infrequently,usually when she wants money or sympathy. Both grandmothers spoiled her unmercilly, still thinks the world owes her everything. Yes every family has one, it is to my everlasting shame I have given birth to mine. She is the mother of myb2 grand-girls Naomi 22 and Amy almost 21. RD will be 50 in January. My second child, were he living would be 42, he died in 2008 ai 31 of underdiagnosed cardiac condition and there is not a day,i still don't miss him. He was a wonderful young man, full of promise for the future, great to know And everyone who knew him wanted to be his friend. Walked into our local fleabag hospital under his own,power and 17 hours later he was dead. The attending doctor who,did little for him to save him and admitted I Don't Know Why He Died is still practicing in this community and my wonderful son is no longer living. Life is not fair, indeed,not as it should be. My youngest, my Tomkitten lives with me, incredibly,supportive of my Bariatric Plans and makes,up for his rotten sister in spades. Now that you k,ow a little more about me,I hope you will want to be friends. Oh yes, I live in Central Ohio, lived within 60 miles of here my entire life.😛 PS you are not garbage,neither am I. We all have a reason to,be,here! 😛
  23. Frustr8

    Need advice and encouragement not ripped apart

    Purple Rain,is the one who,had surgery June 1st, I'm the one who hasn't had her surgery. That said, do you like Reba Mc Entire? I do and,like many of her songs but the one I'm thinking of now, is I'm a Survivor. She,talks about being a tiny,baby,many,would have given up on. I think many of us the world wouldn't give a fair chance, we all have fought,to get to where we are now. So lisalou you ,me, Missouri'Lees's Summit,we are those Survivors and we will, not break on bend in lifr
  24. Oh me also, there have been stories on here of osteoarthritis lessening or going into near remission but we seem to be the only 3 RA has marked as his own. FYI we have a,new anchor locally. who is a fellow sufferer, he has had both knees , both hips worked on, he and his wife wanted wanted the blessings of ch8ldren, he was on some major drugs for our friend. He had to go,off them for 6 mon5he before he and his Amy were allowed to conceive. They have a lovely little girl, can't remember what they named her, I think Emma, at this point she is an only child, don't know if they're planning another or not ,
  25. Frustr8

    I hate protein shakes

    @macadamia that ticket is so wrong, I don't know why it says 2014 when I only am going to have mine this month--- July2018, Never had bariatric surgery,before. but I'm posting on an Android phone with no capable way ,o f correctoo.

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