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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Frustr8

  1. Frustr8

    July Gastric Bypass?

    @mercmerc and @Nnoi. I hope things are going good. I plan to start my prediet August 1st so I will be fine-tuned to join you both in Post-Surgery Land. Still excited for it to happen, come visit me over on the September forum, I miss you both. Prediet๐Ÿ‘ฃ looks doable on paper!๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜›โค
  2. Frustr8

    Just had my surgery on July 16th 2018

    Hey Tyson has some, chicken nugget sized but no evil breading just tastes like grilled chicken breast. Runs about $7 a bag but it's a pretty good size.
  3. Frustr8

    November sleevers here

    And A Happy Joyful Sunday๐ŸŒˆ from me to all of you from ME. I belong with the RNY people but I thought I would come over and visit, I have as many sleeved friends as bypassed. Do I have,a Surgical REBIRTHDAY twin over here? I am having mine September 5th At 7AM E.D.T. in Columbus Ohio at Ohio State University Hospital. I should be starting my prediet August 1stn although I had a choice of 2,3, or 4 weeks, I decided 4 weeks would give me the best degree of success. I hope I can stick to it, it doesn't look bad on paper. So let's be friends okay?๐Ÿ‘โค๐Ÿ˜›โค
  4. Frustr8

    Post surgery diabetes

    I hope you guys don't mind a groupie hanging with you. I am Not Diabetic but that's only by the Grace of God. My PCP has been telling me for the last few years I am a Walking Time Bomb, funny I thought I was a people, but that's what he said. It runs very heavy,on my Daddy's side, of his 10 siblings only 2 were not diabetic and Mama's a little better but even she turned diabetic before my age- I'm 72. Another reason beside obesity to have surgery and have it soon. I will have a RnY it is just the best surgery for me for multiple teasons, on September 5th . So I want to hang with you guys if I may.๐Ÿ˜›โค๐Ÿ˜›
  5. oops REBIRTHDAY, this phone has a mind of its own & posts when it feels like it . Imanewme fast food is not good for you as a pre surgery patient. Ditch buns fries and breading. Bunless Arbys Roast beef might be okay, try Steamfesh veggies in the microwave. Let me tell you my pre surgery diet. 4 high protein shakes, my choice as long as they are above 15 gm protein and low carb, 2 snacks: here my choice is small apple, small orange, banana or 3/4 cup berries. And then my dinner is a 300 calorie low carb frozen dinner, and I have a choice of many brands or comparable home cooked, no potatoes corn or peas. And all the water and unsweetened decaffeinated drinks my little โค kidneys and stomach can stand. Keep up my vitamins and all is lovely . So when you 2 are having your surgeries I will be starting on my 4 weeks of dietary purgatory. Can I do it? Think so, but I may not be a happy camper, I'll be hangry, that's a combine of hungry and angry, headaches , tearful and not much fun to be around. And even the weather will change, you know how many tornadoes start up in Oklahoma, well there is one gonna be brewing in Ohio and I may be as bad a cyclone as a Texas Twister. And in the words of. your stalemate Justin Wilson from Louisiana, I gar- un- tee this! But I will soldier on and get through this, everybody who does a diet does. I have a bari-pal on here,kinda lorded it over me " Ha ha Frustr8, I DON T HAVE TO DO A PREDIET" Karma circled around and bit her in the rump. Her doctor made her do 7 weeks after of clear and murky liquids before she ever got soft pureed solids. Now who's laughing? Feel free to ask any questions you may have, I've been active,on Bariatric Pal for 8 months done a lot of study, if I don't have an answer someone else,on BP will. And welcome both of you, we are thrilled to have you!๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒˆ
  6. Hi Newbies. My name is Frustr8, I live in Central Ohio, and imanewme I'm old enough to be your aunt or big sister and Sabrina easily your grandmother. I ha e been on my journey towards Bariatric Surgery for 3 years, it will be over that when my surgery finally takes place. On September 5th I will have a RnY bypass at Ohio State University Hospital with Bradley J Needleman MD and i am not self-pay like you ladies. Since I am 72, my primary is Medicare, my secondary Medicaid, really not too many hoops to jump through. See I went through one bariatric facility's program not once but twice, quite a story about that! When the surgeons there refused to do my surgery, pretty unethical, I think, I switched to a program at a better hospital, as it turns out a State University with a wonderful, skilled surgeon I have no trouble trusting with my life. So when you ladies are starting on your post- surgery life I will be starting my my pre surgery diet. Ohio State gave me my choice of 2, 3, or 4 weeks, 2 is minimum they mandate, of course they prefer 4 weeks, you heal smoother, quicker and your surgery will be easier for all concerned. Well,at my age, and much,as I hate to admit,it, I am older to be seeking surgery. I want things as smooth as I can make them.Although I am body-wise in pretty good shape, my PCP says I am 45 in a 72 year old shell, I may not bounce back as quick as a 20-30 year old. I probably am one of the older patients they have done. I am lucky in Dr Needleman, many facilities turn you down if you are above 60, some if you are above 70, but,I'm still going forward with a strong will and commitment and believe I can succeed. So September 5th 2018 at 7 AM. E.D.T. is my REBIRTHDA
  7. these calorie poor diets aren't you? Scary what we go through prior to surgery, isn't it? We will all. sing and dance in the sunlight if we don't collapse first!๐Ÿ˜›๐ŸŒด๐Ÿ˜›
  8. You girls are taking vitamins withp
  9. Frustr8

    Body Dysmorphia

    In a way you had it nice Mr Monkey didn't say anything. I had the opposite situation I had a verbally abusive model that missed few opportunities to ridicule and degridate me for my size whole being 50 lbs most of time heavier and only slightly taller. Why did I put up with it? In hindsight, I got married in the 60s when we were told to suck it up, realize it was our lot in life and not to make waves. And having a husband was only goal we could have in life. Thank God things have changed, but it changed too late for me. But I am now me and you know, it's prettydoggone cool to live and lose the weight. ๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ‘โค
  10. Frustr8

    Lower Back Pain

    Hmmn I know I have scoliosis, lordosis, and kyphosis, my back is rather a mess and then I blessed it with obesity and abdominal fat. Last time I consulted someone I was told you do need spinal fusion but not where you are complaining of pain at. Then he uttered that warm loving many of us plump princes and princesses have heard. "Come back and see me when you've taken off some weight!" Well BoZo McSurgeon , guess what, I'm on my way to losing weight and when I do, if you still are in practice,you and me will be having a little chat! Take that ,Mr High-and-Mighty Spinal Surgeon !
  11. Frustr8

    Toxic relationship with food

    Boy there are some heavy assessments in this thread and see to say,many resonate with me. I too heard,about Mr Happy Clean Plate, I also heard about "the children in ( enter 3rd world country) who would be happy to get these mashed potatoes, gravy and meat you are leaving on your plate" Most of the people from Third World countries I have met in my adult life got along fine without my,leftovers. But it was so firmly ingrained that as a mother I finished up the leftovers if there wasn't enough to save for another meal and I did it without thinking. But at this late stage I can look back and say " OMG why did I do that?" But I thought this was the right thing to do and else I did do it. I have had a dumpster full of emotional baggage to dispose of. But I am going to rise above it, I am going to take back control of my life, appetite isn't going to control me, family,isn't going to control me and most,important, faithless easy come- easy go food isn't going to control me. This is my last best chance to live, live victorious and I am not going to waste it. It may be the hardest, most tear-laden thing I have ever done, but with all of my strength I AM GOING TO DO IT!๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒˆ
  12. Frustr8

    Wearing cpap after surgery?

    Well my hospital not only wants me bring mine, they asked that I be compliant for an entire month prior to surgery. Looks like I will be on my pre surgery liver-shrinking diet all of August but I'm going to be cuddled up with Uncle Snuffly,the C Pap at night. I knew surgery was going,to change things but it looks like August will be a change also. Goodbye,fat complacent uncomplicated life, changes are going to be happening.and,happening,fast. No time for food funerals, I am going to be too busy! OMG -'WHAT HAVE I AGREED TO DO? OSU ๐Ÿฃyou are behind this all, if I didn't ๐Ÿ’˜ you for surgery๐Ÿ˜ท and the chance at a new life, I'd come blow๐Ÿ’ฅ you up!
  13. Yeah you are right, even after we deliver we seem to carry a baby pouch. Meanwhile Mr Dathvick happens by,with his beautifully buff body and says" I used to be heavy too" and if you hadn't seen the first picture you would say Where and When? I think they play with a better hormonal deck! Wah๐Ÿ’ฆ
  14. Frustr8

    liquid diet

    No use nagging her, she will quit when she wants to and if she wants to. In the meantime, in between times do the best you can with the hand you're dealt. And onwards toward surgery!๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ‘ฃ๐Ÿ˜ท
  15. Frustr8

    The Six Month March

    And I'm still over here on the sidelines urging you forward, a cup,of less-sweet coffee in hand. You are going to make it and do it really good!โ˜•๐Ÿ˜›
  16. Frustr8

    How long was you in the hospital after gastric bypass?

    My surgeon says because of my age I will be on for 3 days. Stay tuned until Septemberand we will see if he is correct!
  17. Frustr8

    liquid diet

    @marcuspak I'm hoping to start August 1st a full,4 week prediet before my September 5th,surgery. I hope I have the guts to stick it out, can't have the balls cause of course I'm a woman. I had my choice of the duration 2,3,or4weeks but they said 4 you heal smoother, quicker and easier. That sounds good to mr, my plan even sounds doable, 4 high Protein shakes, two snacks of fruit and dinner is a 300 calorie low carb frozen dinner or comparable homemade, no potatoes, corn or peas. And all the no calorie drinks and water my stomach, heart and kidneys can stand 64 oz and above.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜›
  18. Well Well well,a REBIRTHDAY,twin. I think you might be in Massachusetts, where are you having your surgery at, do you have a prediet and if you do, for how long and when do you start? it will be very nice to have someone going through the stages with me.
  19. Well it's right there if Ken and DH can erase your sin . Oh it was a doozzy, if I posted it here Ken would just take it down again.
  20. Yep I sure do! September 5th At 7 AM. OSU Wexner Medical Center in Columbus Ohio with my surgeon Dr Needleman,presiding. And I hardly can wait to have this assistance toward a new and better life.
  21. I'm only a 300 pounder who will be having an RnY but many of your struggles are the sam, if it's okay I'll just hand out and see if I can learn anything.๐Ÿ‘ฃ๐Ÿ˜›
  22. And be sure to ask us any questions you may have. We love io have you and help you and others along the Weight Loss Superhighway. Remember you have Just. to Ask
  23. Frustr8

    Fatty Liver

    And that is one of the main reasons I'm starting a 4 week prep diet August 1st for a September 5th surgery.๐Ÿ˜›โค๐Ÿ˜›
  24. Not really but he said he'd be able to tell how compliant I was. Maybe by the state of my liver? I expect I'll lose weight on my presurgical diet, believe you me, my BMI is high enough that presurgical Weight loss would be a blessing.More worried about me staying healthy and hydrated.๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ‘ฃ๐Ÿ˜›
  25. Frustr8

    Quotes & Inspiration

    The journey of a thousand miles starts c with a single step and the pathway to Bariatric Surgery starts with a glimmer of hope in someone's heart๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’šโค

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
