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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Frustr8

  1. Another .Borg reporting in. No fused toes but a plate and 12 screws in my upper right arm from a numeral Fx. Maybe I am Cp30 and R2D2 love child, I am tall and chunky.
  2. Frustr8

    unprotected sex a week before surgery??

    Dang and I had just invested in a new telescope so I could see that Star in The East! Does Amazon. what to do a Return?
  3. Frustr8

    Quotes & Inspiration

    I ❤ that " Dear Body" letter- I believe many of us could have composed exactly that!
  4. Don't tell them a dog-gone thing, let them ask YOU. And then only tell them as much as YOU want to! After all, it's your business not theirs.
  5. Frustr8

    61 lbs in 6 weeks!

    Not as heavy,as you were in the beginning, but still pretty chunky for my age. Hoping and praying for a loss like yours÷😛👍😛
  6. Frustr8

    New and Need Support

    And please come back and read these forums. It is amazing the Things you'll learn!
  7. Frustr8

    Surgery day!!!

    And what activity do you plan to add for Week#3?
  8. Frustr8


    Both above suggestions A#1!
  9. Frustr8

    No Go

    They might still. cover it if your surgeon states you have a health condition or health decline that mandates it. Like if your GERD has given you Barretts Esophagitis, an Esophageal cancer precursor. Don't wish THAT on you, my Cousin June-Ellen died of that on the table at Cleveland Clinic, 2 years ago and I still miss her like it was, Yesterday😪💦😪
  10. Frustr8

    Officially approved

    So When is This Beautiful,Glorious and Stupendous Day going to Occur ? We all will want to direct Healing Thoughts in Your Direction.!😝👍😝
  11. Frustr8

    Quotes & Inspiration

    If you don't stand for Something-- You'll fall for Anything! Wise Grammy's RuleBook
  12. Frustr8

    Quotes & Inspiration

    Don't be discouraged😪 Everyone that got where they are,Started out where they were.😝
  13. Oh I hope mine goes away and quickly,afterwards. Cheek dimples are cute, a lot of babies have them and get missed. No one wants to kiss thigh dimples and make them go way. That's a defect not even your mama could 💘 love! And I get tired of wearing 👖to cover them!
  14. Frustr8

    In absolute shock

    I have cardiac disease strongly in my family, before I got my cardiac clearance I had testing over a 3 week period. Like my BariBud BeeCat above I had all those, stress test , Holter Monitor etc. Did find a teensy anomoly, did not bar me from surgery but I will be on a every year check to make sure of no progression. And I gleaned a wonderful young female cardiologist in the deal. So it worked for the best. if I need more medication in the future, if I later require cardiac surgery, maybe 5-10% chance, she can and will take excellent care of me. Now I am 72 years old, yeah I know , not an usual age for major surgery let alone Bariatric surgery. But I am special, I am as healthy as a 45 year old, just trapped in a fat 72 year old shell. Peeves my PCP I have better test readings than he does and he isn't 50 yet. I told my Dr Needleman I would prefer an open rather than ending up as you did. These days 99,9% are laprascopic , so open is pretty rare. He leaned back in his rolling office chair, grinned and Said " Do you really want an 8-10 inch abdominal incision to have to heal?" I flipped up my 👕, and smiled back , I have an 6 inch right paramedian scar from 34 years ago when I lost my appendix and gall bladder. It lies just to the right of my navel, 3 inches above, 3 inches below. I smiled sweetly when I did it and he said " Okay, Okay, point taken. I'll keep that in mind!" His nurse told me later I had won THAT challenge. And Cardiology was only one of many. Began to think I should have had my good friend who will be my tattooist, put a representation of a legal tablet on the other side of my belly from the scar, that way each speciality could put their initials and date. And on September 5th At 7 AM EDT, Yes the first of that day, so if it takes more than 1.5 hours he will be in no rush, My REBIRTHDAY will come, my Wonder Wednesday when I become a " kangaroo" because like them I will have a little pouch. Scared, heck no! I drowned my fears in my tears long ago, now I yearn to start on my new improved life , use my surgical reconstruction for my benefit and live, baby, live!😝👍😷👍🌈
  15. Frustr8

    Very New

    So welcome also @pugmom234. I know you said you're about the same age as Inc above here. @ J San may have seniority when it comes to surgery status but I guarantee there is NO ONE older than me active on BP, that's why I have appointed myself the Bariatric God/Grandmother. That said I must have been a case of arrested development because it took YEARS to decide to seek weight loss surgery. And now I am bravely marching forward toward an RnY bypass on September 5th. It will be 3 years in August since I started on this trek and my journey was not one you would wish to emulate. Many twists, many turns, roadblocks, quicksand of doubt, but Yippee Skippy it will be over very soon. With a pen name like yours you have got to be an animal lover, well I am owned by 2 female kittycats who allow me to live with them as long I provide enough food and adore them 23 hours of every day. I am allowed 1 hour a day total to go to the human litter box. And as you have noticed with your dogs each one has their own personality. Squeaky if she were human would be a cheerleader, bouncy, self-confident, she feels the whole world🌎loves and adores her, some days I think she needs kitty Ritalin. If you try reprimanding her, she looks over her shoulder like "Whatever" and resumes what you interupted. Now her sister Cassie, she would be class Secretary or a library aide. Much more subdued but extremely loyal, and when Squeaky isn't there to overshadow her, there is no one more loving. And the 2 of them complement different facets of my personality. Can you tell I am pussycat- whipped? Oh I admit it! If either of you have any questions please ask! I pride myself at being a pretty fair resource person but if I don't have an answer someone else on Bariatric Pal will. So Welcome again, please stay a long while, like mold we kinda grow on you!😝🌈😝❤
  16. Frustr8

    How often do you weigh yourself?

    In my recent lifetime, hardly ever. Why let that mechanical item laugh at me and hold me up to ridicule? Perhaps I will get over my adversion, But now,only if a Medical person forces ME to.
  17. Frustr8

    unprotected sex a week before surgery??

    Whew Dodged that Bullet, @saygrace Now a reminder saying from my younger years Question: When do you use contraception? Answer: Upon every conceivable occasion.
  18. Frustr8

    Quotes & Inspiration

    And the word is Serious
  19. Frustr8

    Quotes & Inspiration

    Life is seldom as seioys as your fears lead you to believe! Actually from a fortune cookie at local Chinese restaurant. 7/28/2018
  20. Put a pillow or something like that over your sore tummy. Press in when you sneeze or cough. It's called "splinting" and yeah baby, it works!
  21. Frustr8

    Quotes & Inspiration

    Well no one has ever tried to remove much stuffing from me, but I'm a people not a voodoo doll. How about you?
  22. Frustr8

    unprotected sex a week before surgery??

    Hope nobody plans to do a pregnancy test on me . At 72 a waste of their time and my insurances 💰.😝👣😝
  23. And often I wonder after a year or so how all these beautiful ladies and handsome dudes are doing now!
  24. Frustr8

    Should I be offended?!

    Love that suggestion Nibble, hope she does do it!

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