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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Frustr8

  1. Frustr8

    July surgery

    Some source of heat to relax, whether it be hot water bottle, heating pad or in the case of your shoulder direct sunlight. For your sore tummy, even a warm compress, take a towel, wring it out after putting it in hottish water, and put it on there. See if any of those things help!
  2. And , like me, you will always be suspicious of what THEY REALLY MEAN!
  3. Frustr8

    unprotected sex a week before surgery??

    And @ Missouri-Lee's Summit we all do have,our personal demons. I have,been on Bariatric Pal. since last winter, I sure have shared some of my demons and failings, but there are more, deeply submerged ones only my psychiatrists and psychologists might might be able to reach, and some no one will ever know! Like an onion I have many layers and only a few have been peeled off.
  4. Oops Take not Rake, what a difference,a,single letter makes!
  5. Frustr8

    August surgery ppl

    In this case you will need to use your he'sfound knowledge to,improvise, homemade usually trumps commercial made anyway.
  6. Frustr8

    Sleeve or Bypass?

    A facet to consider; Would you prefer: A stomach the size of a garden hose?(VSG) or would you prefer: A stomach the size,of a large chicke-small turkey egg (RnY bypass) Either way YOU will never be quite the same But for most of us it is a choice We Gladly Make For it is far better to be gastrically rearranged , surgically altered , abdominally realigned than to continue living sick, obese and inching daily closer to a sad undignified sorrowful death. And That, My Dear Friend, Is The Bottom Line.😪💦😪
  7. Frustr8

    What the f<%*€ am I thinking!!!

    Don't know if I can relate but I sure can empathacize! Whew they need. to put a big WW on your hospital gown for Wonder Woman!👍😝👍
  8. Frustr8

    What's your non-scale victory?

    Looking forward to no MORE bra extenders, that will mean I'm a real size not a "Make Do"!!!😝👍
  9. Frustr8


    I am going to have an RnY September 5th. I am currently on Dexilant 60 mg for GERD, gastritis and keep Hector, my teeny tiny gastric ulcer sound asleep. However I am not an revision but a virgin Bypass. Still want to be friends?
  10. Frustr8

    People telling me what to do without had surgery

    And @lisalou1968 as we start,the last few days of July- first few days of August- how are YOU doing?
  11. Frustr8

    Best Sugar Substitues

    Let me show my age- I really liked Calcium Cyclamate best of everything.!
  12. Way to Go,Babe, Way to Go! Hope I'll be brave enough to rake no prisioners Too!
  13. Frustr8

    unprotected sex a week before surgery??

    A somewhat related pet peeve of yours truly. If ONE MORE doctor's office asks me if I have had a hysterectomy, I WILL SCREAM! Bariatric Surgeon- okay Urologist/Nephrologist maybe okay Even PCP that I can condone But an Orthopaedic surgeon or an Otolaryntologist WTF do THEY have in mind? Maybe I had better not Hang Around and Find Out?😥💦😪
  14. Frustr8

    Should I be offended?!

    So an Skilled Ass**** beats an Inept Sweetie Pie in the Baiatrics Game? Hmmn, I Just Wonder?
  15. Frustr8

    No Go

    Don't live in the land of Woulda-Coulda-Shoulda too long. I hem-hawed for years, listened to everybody tell me for a multitude of reasons why I wouldn't be a success. Almost left it TOO LONG, now atv72 I am facing my own surgery. Oh yes. I will heal, but for me it will be a long drawn- out affair. I wish I had the sense to do it at your age, when I was YOUNG.😪💦😪
  16. Frustr8

    June RNY buddies?

    And Rob has officially entered Two-fer-ville, if I don't make it there before my September 5th RnY, I plan to be there shortly after! Everybody wish me Luck!
  17. Frustr8

    Your Feet & Shoe Size ?

    But when you have a lot of weight bearing down on your "tootsies" the bones in your feet splay out, your ligaments and tendons try to hold everything in line together but eventually they scream ( about the time your👣 feet start hurting badly) No Mas! And give up the struggle!👣
  18. Frustr8

    Very New

    Dr Trace Curry' s Place! I've seen a lot of his Ads. Helping A Lot of Us Bari-Pals down there! Think he may now have a Branch in Columbus. I'm having mine September 5th 7AM at OSU with Dr Bradley J Needleman-- head honcho of Bariatric Medicine and Metabolic Weight Loss Management. Ms Frustr8 went for the GOLD!
  19. Frustr8

    Quotes & Inspiration

    Whew but Thank You Missouri- Lee's Summit, this is why I now cherish YOU as MY FRIEND!😝🌈😝
  20. And Shells I just went back and re-read the Trials, Trails, and Tribulations of Ms Shells the Iowan Beautym I did. this Because. Wednesday August 1st, whenever I stir from bed, I shall start my Dietary Purgatory, and just like the Real Purgatory it is going to take A LOT OF PRAYER to get set free! And I am going to do a 4 week- well a little over because I have mentally commited myself until Surgery Eve when I go clear liquids. This. will be my one and only venture, at 72, God doesn't grant You Do-Overs. So maximum time for maximum results. I want my undoubtedly NASH liver to be so smooth and sleek and slender Dr Needleman will find it a joy to operate on me! And I make up in determination what I might lack in good sense. So prayers, good wishes, round up an Indian Shaman or 2. Ms Frustr8 will be marching confidently into the future. Well I AM going to start out MARCHING by September 3 or 4 I may be dragging my scrawnier Self across the FINISH LINE. And on September 5th I shall roll through those big Double Doors into the Operational Theatre. There my surgeon Bradley J Needleman MD will be waiting in his blue scrubs, gowned and gloved, and prepared to work his magic upon me. 7 AM EST , It Is Going To Happen! First surgery of the Morning, so he v will be Bright Eyed and Bushy-Tailed. Told me it should last 1.5 hours, but if it is longer everybody else on the Surgery Schedule has to wait! First and maybe Only Time in My Life I've Got Preferential Treatment. Scared? Of Course Not! And Shells , even if it might happen and I don't v expect it to, if I don't wake up in v the Recovery Room I'll wake up in Heaven! A Win -Win situation either way!
  21. Frustr8

    Cycles changes

    Very Very Interesting. This well may be a benefit no one discloses.😝💦😝
  22. I hope, on here, we will give you the answers you seek! We don't get very many correspondents from Germany so we will cherish you more. I believe the last was in January 2018 and having her surgery in Switzerland. Welcome Again!
  23. Frustr8

    To tell or not to tell

    Many, what I would consider, very. honest and factual answers on here. @ neversaynever I am awarding you the Uber-trophy. Not only do i feel your phraseology is superior, but I enjoy your pen name as well. You are saying " World - Never count Me Out!" Strong will and an defiant attitude will take you far!😝
  24. Frustr8

    Pickle snocone 😩

    Sweet pickle, Dill pickle or Bread and Butter pickles? Inquiring minds do want to know!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
