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Everything posted by Frustr8

  1. Frustr8

    🍂 Nov 2019 Challenge🍂

    Yeah but the winds off the Lakes anoint you with copious snows and such. I live in Ohio, so you would think Lake Erie would be my Bugaboo ? Nope in my area and angle away from the Erie Shore it's Lake Michigan or as I call it Lake Much-again. So Erie goes and Dumps on Poor unsuspecting Buffalo NY, ah but the compensation? Those lovely lovely Niagara Penninsula 🍇-they make mighty fine wine, or so I am TOLD, I don't go any further into things than Welch!s Grape Juice, I just don't drink, never have. I'm a Dull person, don't drink, don't smoke , don't do drugs, don't chase men let alone. other women. Fine for them that do- I'M JUST BORING, DULL AND BORiNG- and guess unless I seccumb to temptation I'm fated to be like that!
  2. And I also concur, I still can't do what OP claimed to do, I'm 14 months 2 days out, went to Bible Study- Luncheon yesterday at my new church. One teaspoon of each item, Might have added up to 1/4-1/3 cup into to talk monkey- doodled it around on my plate so it looked like I Was Really Eating, took 42 minutes, laid my spoon down , excused MYSELF, headed for the nearest BR where I anointed the porcelain chamber there with lunch. Some days I feel like I am a permanent resident of Emesis City, does my Bariatric Surgeon and clinic know? Yep but the last CNP I saw basically told me to be grateful for my weight loss and stop complaining, oh well the protein shakes, soups and broths along with copious vitamins and minerals are keeping Me from falling further apart but Do What OP alledges to Have Done, I CANNOT FATHOM IT! And yeah, somehow my Labs are not skewed out of mild deficits in a couple things , so of course they will not agree that I am Gastrointestinally Crippled in any WAY. My Cross to Bear Perhaps?
  3. Frustr8

    Surgery Date

    Hi I'm a Buckeye Interloper, just wanted to say I had a Dear Aunt from Russell County, loved her Tree- top High, just met a retired minister from Harrisonburg, the home of James Madison University, born, raised and had his first pastorate therem Wonderful wonderful Man to KNOW, so I can't help but think all Virginians might be That Way! God's Richest Blessings on All of You who are having surgery, I will be praying🙏👼for each and every one of YOU!😝✋
  4. Stay BostonStrong, BostonProud, Live Your Best Life, for truly the Rest of Your Life will Become the Best of Your Life and My Best to you and your LOVELY soon-to-be Smaller Wife! I'm almost always here if you feel like talking, I keep this one of my cellphones active because all my BP postings are on here, don't even use it for calling And et cetera; I have an Oreo-level Android to do THAT! 😝👍😝
  5. And my new Friend, if you go back and re-read my much earlier postings, you WILL SEE that Freudian as it sounds , IT WAS ALL MY MOTHER'S FAULT, IF course the Fact I stayed that WAY all of my childhood and most of my Adult LIFE, that's MY BLAME but Honestly I knew of No Way out of the Quagmire, tried all the diets known to the Western World, up to and including Medical Supervised Starvation and a few the Orientals must have sent over, NOBODY EVER EVER even mentioned Bariatric Surgery for Weigh Loss. A little over 1 year ago I was a Sad Sick on my- way- to -dying 365+ pounds at 72, now I am 180, a year older and Much Wiser, Much Healthier and the fact I largely exist on protein shakes, soups and broths, really NBD in the scheme of things, I AM ALIVE, Gastrointestinally Crippled but ALIVE! So it Ain't perfect but it is MINE and I WILL Claim what victories I HAVE.
  6. Well Good For YOU and may you be always successful in This Journey. YOU may have just dodged That Bullet of Bad Health in TIME; nobody should have to walk around as a Ticking Time Bomb- I did MYSELF So I should Know. Think my primary Care is pleased down-deep with my loss et cetera,but on the surface He Is Peeved that All His Gloom and doom Didn't Come true, and the fact that I NOW Have WEIGHT-Lost down to 20+ pounds LESS than HIM, he's Not a Happy Camper About THAT! What can I Say but *****PHYSICIAN HEAL THYSELF ! But a thinly veiled snicker when I left His Exam Room. After All I am Ornery and Red- Headed, getting older day by day, but Not Dead Yet!😝👍😝🌈
  7. Even if you have to keep records on a steno tablet, do it, jot down your observations, things you have achieved victory over, ways YOUR life is improving, just even if they're small steps. And even if something is not going the Way You've Planned, and God Above knows I have had a bountiful supply of THOSE, still write it down. Even if You Don't Share that with OTHERS , when you go back in a week. fortnight, month or year. You Can Look and say "Ah Yes,now I DO REMEMBER how THAT was!" As we heal we are all writing New Chapters in our Lives, whether we commit them to paper or record them in other ways. WE ARE AND FOREVER WILL BE***** WORKS IN PROGRESS! God Bless and Keep YOU, My Young friend from " Down Under"😝😝😝
  8. Frustr8

    🍂 Nov 2019 Challenge🍂

    I am grateful for the colors of October when we have had plentiful moisture. Leaves of gold,orange, the scarlet of sugar maples, there are even a few trees/ bushs clad in magenta. All against a brilliant blue cloudless sky. The street in front of one of the elementary street has so many trees on both sides it is like walking through a bright lemon colored tunnel and they are so far past new growth in age that they literally meet over top of East Vine Street. It it oh so beautiful until they start falling in earnest, then rain makes them slick and treacherous to walk upon. Haven't tried this YEAR, although most facets of my WL well- being are repairing or becoming tolerable, I was obese for so long or SOMETHING that MY CENTER of Balance is screwy. As an example , if I rock back on my heels, my body doesn't want to right itself, it really wants to Say " Watch Out World, I want to put Frustr8 down on Her Rump!" And now that I have lost my once- plentiful. A**pad, it's " Bruise City" and praying fervently I didn't pop my pelvis or fracture a femoral head or two in my hips. If it is true " No Fool Like An Old Fool" then Little Old Ladies that Fall and Go Boom are pretty pathetic Too. Goodbye Easier Mobility; Hello Walkers and Rollators for a While- have been thrilled with the speed and lessening of pain in my Strolls- DONT WANT TO LOSE ALL THAT!💦😏
  9. Frustr8

    🍂 Nov 2019 Challenge🍂

    let's see 2nd- my technological HAPPY- bariatric surgery, DaVinci robots, a wonderful teaching/ land-grant college in OSU- WEXNER Medical Center- the "Bells and Perks" that allowed ME to go through RNY surgery at 72, not only SURVIVE the SURGERY, which, let's face it, could have resulted at one time to die on the table, and that I still am traveling this road toward finding the True Buried ME underneath my FatShell and Sorrows. A good type to be grateful for? Protein Shakes they are still important in my protein- deficency- prone- existence, perhaps forever? TODAY the 5th- that I still have heat and a roof over my head- Landlord and I are locked in a BATTLE- my rent has become untenable- 2/3 of my monthly Social Security allotment- can't pay him, utilities, life and household insurances and have any cash left to supplement foods when my Food Stamp allotment is exceeded. According to Metro balance sheet, applied but voucher has not come through, I should be paying no more than $286 monthly for shelter costs, WELL this place is a WHOLE LOT MORE than THAT! Looking fairly frantically for another place, so far no LUCK, senior housing won't take my son cause he's under 50, let alone 62, most places won't willingly take even 2 small cats, one demanded I get rid of one and have remaining ones claws amputated, which is truly what declaring is. Lease up, Landlord making Eviction noises, trying to at least appease him , if I caught up totally it would be 1.40 times my social security, government doesn't pay in advance, you know, "So No Way Jose" there. Tried to budget it all out, ask for Social Agencies help, 2 different face- to- face meetings still on tap in November. And some of my elective surgeries are becoming Mandatory- this is a BAD SITUATION for This Old Girl, exhausted what savings Tomkitten and I had to hold on even THIS FAR, ding- donged if I know where to jump, CAN'T AFFORD TO STAY- CAN'T AFFORD TO MOVE- but at This point still WARM and under Roof. And for the upcoming 6th- my area of Ohio hasn't had snow yet! And my last 5th thought- I live in a Free Country where I have the chance to exercise my VOTE and I will go to the polls this afternoon. Elect local leaders, and confound the REST who THOUGHT they had a sure thing to be elected! I can complain with fervor, can't I , because I DID Care enough for my city and country's state of being, I VOTED, always have since I became of Legal Age, 55 years ago! FRUSTR8 OUT for NOW!😝👍🌈🇺🇸
  10. Frustr8

    Medical ID Bracelets

    Well maybe would have to say Mild Autism instead of bipolar, only have the depression side of it. Someone asked once if I was bipolar, started worrying that maybe I was and no one wanted ME to know it, turned out it was a line on her Bariatric SURGERY checklist, I constantly have to run through the Deporession one because Medicare mandated it, almost have the staff broke of asking, told the one nurse( who has my warped sense of humor too) I'm thinking of becoming a Homicidal manic, going to start with Nosy Parker medical staff and GOD can sort them into the appropriate piles- she giggled and I believe she'll stop asking soon. Besides my blue funk was because nobody wanted to do my RNY, took me 3 years 1 month of searching and begging, but joyfully my Dr Needleman was not an Surgical Wuss, be 14 months on Tuesday and even with my Rocky at times recovery I NEVER would want to return to pre- SURGERY, I was a Sad puppy- person then, ready to stop living, just waiting for the Death Angel to claim ME as his own- and now with hard hard work I AM ONE-HALF the SIZE I was then and Never will anybody will take that away!
  11. Think I'll be one of THEM, used to mock my older relatives with their. cardigans and such all the TIME- hello that's ME. One of my BFF asked her hubby for a blanket sleeper with footies attached- hmmm Wonder if the make them in a 16/18? Hey Just had one of my Flashes of Brilliance- Wal-Mart had jammie- styled Halloween outfits, even in grownup sizes, don't care if I look like a Dragon, Pig or Lambie, Praise GOD I just MIGHT BE WARM and besides the price is 50% off! HELLO CLEARANCE AISLE, I'm coming to YOU!
  12. Wish I had invented them, they are a GodSend and THINK of the royalties I'd be raking in!
  13. Frustr8

    🍂 Nov 2019 Challenge🍂

    Most up to date thing I have done? Had my 1st of 2 Shingrex shots, they have to be spaced no less 2 months apart, no more than 6, woke me up in the middle of the night throbbing. I had the original kind in August 2013,turns out it's effective rate is 60% where- as yh8s New variety is almost 99% , so while I was hurting anyway I put an extra layer of clothing on, took some tylenol with codiene, yep one of my secret hoard of Norco, still have 11 left from last 2 surgeries, and walked outside until the rascel kicked somewhat in, figured this ranks as making lemonade out of the lemons one is given- will I get the second in January 2020? WE'LL See, WE'LL See, maybe by then I'll forget it hurts like someone whipped and whopped me with a 2 by 4 THERE- almost on level with my right humeral FX in January 2010 and that was BAD, almost was compound, you could see the bone 1 or 2 inches below the skin surface and bruised worse than an over-ripe 🍌 bananas Oh I'll get through this challenge too, I'm a Tough Old 🐔Hen after all!
  14. My arm wound from the Lipom a removal. on September 24th is healing but not by "First Intention"- n9w visit Wound Cl8nic at least once a Week- have a PICO mini wound vac, gently chugging away, tunneling almost resokved, open are diminishing but I will end up with Curious shaped scar there, as long as it ISN'T. a full Keloud I'll wear this Battle Ribbon with pride, I fought the battle but I'm still the Victor- a little music from Queen- my friends- and my Life will March on, You know Life is a Strange Old Thing but it beats being "Dead-Gone- and forgotten" all hollow so heading toward the Future pretty bravely.
  15. Frustr8

    🍂 Nov 2019 Challenge🍂

    What am igrateful for? A furnace that works well, to be small enough that people notice and talk to me, I was disregarded when I was Lady FatBlob, maybe they just wished I had disappeared? Resumed going to Sunday Morning church services, found a warm friendly group if people THERE. Still haven't made it down to my 175 pound goal, but believe in ME enough to persist in making it there. ELECTION DAY(November 5th) will be my 14 mobth SURGIVERSITY, will be voting to elect some people and to confound the REST of the politicians- remember every one of them hascywo ends - an Sitting End and an Thinking. End- and one guess which means more to them? Not the one with the Brain, alas! My most grateful if all- my new smaller size- although I have Undergrown my Winter Coat and will have get one in the 16-18 size range- at least I am No Longer a 28-30 and coykdnt hardly fit ME even in Mens Jackets- this year I can dress like the finer specimen of Lady-hood and maybe even pretty and pastel shading? My Real Frustr8 shines forth for all to see. Although I am still having varied medical testings. I don't fall off exam tables, can climb up and down by myself and what they find is a early Stage 1, not 4 and deadly- so another happy in the midst of it all÷ as Dude in The Big Lebowsk 9bce said " I ABIDE that's just dined with ME!.
  16. Frustr8

    Weight-loss funnies

    Tonight was Trick or Treat,- nobody came by- do you think my. signpost that said " The Witck Is In!" had anything to do with it? Big Bowl of Kit-kats, lucky I'm chocolate allergic- it's All Yours TOMKITTEN!🍲
  17. Frustr8

    🍁 OCT 2019 CHALLENGE 🍁

    Still in the 180s. was hop8ng to go down to my Dream 175 by Halloween, didn't happen but Thanksgiving and Christmas are still in my Shotgun Sights, so I SHALL NOT ABANDON HOPE and start eating the BADFIES lurk8ng out THERE!
  18. Frustr8

    Favorite puréed food?

    I have a container of Campbell's YES soup in my pantry, supposed to be Broccoli- Sweet Potato, any body try it? Had a money- off coupon for 3 YES soup, the other 2 were Butternut squash which I like greatly.
  19. Frustr8


    Well I am the Dexilent success kid, as long as I take it I have no further ulcer production, but I grew them while on Omperazolr both times, while under my gastroenterologist and my bariatric surgeon's care- just extremely LUCKY my insurance co-pay is only $8.30 because I COULD NOT AFFORD the OTC pricing. I take 60 mg but have been told the 30mg size will go generic in 2020 if not yet this year. An interesting FYI, my Doctor Needleman wrote a script for2 of!30mg capsules , Wal-Mart went and changed it to the 60 mg they had on hand anyway! Did they ask first? DOUBT IT STRONGLY, I once worked at Wally World but not in THAT department, and I know how devious they CAN be and often are. Like anybody that works at a place 11 YEARS, I know the skeletons and what closets they are hidden in.
  20. Frustr8

    Hair loss

    Really must make YOU feel like you've. entered a Brave New World. Congratulations again, and Rock the Red, my friend!
  21. Does anyone else feel l8j e me too? I see people, I ask still Tomkitten " Am I as big as her or him?" He constantly says "No Mom , you're not that size or you're smaller" I still fear it is still an optical illusion, perhaps I'm still Frustr8 the Fat and he's merely try8ng to be kind, so I guess my mental dysmorphua still remains. Its like I'm afraid someone or something is going to take it away, like I f9nt deserve it.
  22. Frustr8

    Tattoo Time

    ALWAYS had wanted to have an angel on the inside of my right wrist to memorialize my son Kevin who died at 31, just hisname, angel , birth-date & death-date, promised myself when my Weight Loss was achieved and felt I could treat myself to the cost. Now I developed an ganglion cyst right where I wanted IT, had surgery but I'm thinking it is reoccurring, my poor angel would have looked. about 5 months "preggo", not GOOD if you're a Boy Angel, or are Angels non- gender specific? So it's still on my SomeDay List, it was going to be Left because my Son was left- handed . So I'm still chickened- out but much to Tomkitten's chagrin, I want a "Tat" before I die, he says I'm pretty just the way I am, but dang-it I WANT ENHANCED!
  23. Frustr8

    Weight-loss funnies

    Well I don't know about a Phillips Screwdriver but I Do Know Vodka and Prune Juice has always been called a Piledriver!🃏🍶
  24. Frustr8

    Losing Too Much Weight

    Hey it's Okay,many of us have been or still are where you're at. Took pictures to prove to me that I'm not Ugly Fat anymore. Weight looks good on some PEOPLE but only a few and I had gotten to the point of SelfLoathing, it didn't Look Good on ME- but I'm still dysmophic enough to think "Chubby Tubby" until something proves the error of it!
  25. Frustr8

    I can't believe it!!

    And you're both lovely- Best Wishes to the Happy 💑 couple and You Also!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
