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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Frustr8

  1. And I'll help too, Lord Knows , Having achieved 73 years on this earth I'm just brimming with knowledge and advice. After all I've been to Life's Circus frequently and I haven't just fallen off the Turnip Truck. So try us, we all are Good Listeners and have had varied Life Experiences.πŸ‘£πŸ˜
  2. Frustr8


    Well Lynda , you and I are like " watched pots" our doctors seem to be sitting back and watching to see if we " Boil Over" or do something else significant. And my numbers also at this point are still Okay, not World-Class but Okay.
  3. And I am Happy Happy Happy to hearπŸ‘‚you are getting better. I had something in that vein when I was 8 or 9 years old. See I was jumping rope at recess when I swallowed a Big Fat Cinnamon Jawbreaker I had hid from my parents and Mrs Jennings, my Third Grade teacher, because all 3 were against me having any sugar candies. Had to prevail upon the School Nurse's mercy, although I didn't confess what I did. Made my Mama come pick ME up and it had been her Week to provide the Alter Flowers at β›ͺ church. But Boy oh Boy, I Hurt & Hurt Bad!
  4. Frustr8

    I can’t date overweight people

    And the fact that people can't just snap their fingers to lose their weight DOES NOT MEAN that they are trying. I can testify,i tried every diet out there including some I believe my doctors imagined out of spite. Ate much less food, exercised, had deleted junk foods and sodas already, starved myself I cried myself to sleep at night, malnourished so bady that it was a wonder I didn't die of the imbalances instead of Frank OBESITY. Meanwhile my naturally thin and better BMI cousins are eating like Longshoremen who didn't know if there would EVER be Another Food Shipment! Took Bypass surgery to help reset me and my BMR. And now I look pretty fine for My Age but naked, you can see the ravages Obesity did upon MY BODY. And I did ask my doctors if Plastic Surgery could be in my Future. The response was trifold--- 1. Am I really That Vain? 2. I am Too Old (73) 3. No Surgeon in or approaching His Right Mind who lift a finger to help ME because I AM AN IRON-CLAD SURGICAL RISK! But Never say I was obese from lack of Dietary Commitment or Compliance--- I LIVED IT AND I KNOW BETTER, So Help Me GOD!
  5. Frustr8

    Weight-loss funnies

    If you really want to talk of the glories of the World-Wide Web, please arrange to download me a helping of food, I have yet to find the proper App for that one on my Android phone- even if it has An Top of The Line "Oreo Program already installed!πŸ“±πŸ˜’
  6. Frustr8

    Common Cold and medications?

    Let me tell you a story- it at least marginally fits. I am asthmatic, seems like almost all colds move down to my lungs & there they seem to take up residence. So often my PCP writes me a "script" for Capmist, has dextomorphin and other goodies in it. Problem is also I am very arthritic, have been since 25, yep You Read it right- I am one of the minority who had Early Onset, not so much from obesity but my mild Ehlers-Danlos gives my collagen nothing" to write home about" At the time I mention PCP was giving me Capmist, it helps thin mucus so I can breath better. Sound Okay?, well it wasn't! At the same time my Arthritis was flaring, my orthopaedic surgeon advised Ibuprofen, an NSAID, Dr Ortho says " You're a BIG GIRL- Take 4 every 4-6 hours" so Frustr8 is compliant to the INTH Degree. What nobody considered, let alone ME, is while CapmisT was cheerfully stripping the mucus from my lungs, it ALSO was destroying my gastric mucus layer. So down goes the Advil ( ibuprofen) , and it starts chomping on my stomach lining. And I didn't realize that WAS A DANGER, the next thing I knew , I was in Epigastric misery, so I took ME off to the gastroenterologist who confirmed after his diagnostic EGD that I was the UNWILLING OWNER of Hector, my baby but still valid Ulcer. So if you are visiting more than one doctor in a short,period of time that they know what each other are prescribing, don't emulate Me and end up in a Miserable state. I went into Bariatrics already diagnosed with Hector and gastritis from This Little Adventure. And My Lovelies, I had the Pain I wished my Enemies had instead of ME! Forwarned/ Forarmed, Okay?
  7. Frustr8

    Needing advice

    And @ John's Hendren, I hope the rest of August got better and that you're into a Super September.
  8. Frustr8

    Quotes & Inspiration

    I. WILL Fight for It.----- I WILL not Give Up----' I WILL Reach my Goal----- Absolutely NOTHING Will Stop ME NOW and in the FUTURE
  9. Frustr8


    I was a Bad Little girl the other day- TOMKITTEN asked me to make him a Cinnamon Strudel, Okay I can do that! Well when got,it all finished , baked and out of the oven Bad Little ME cut a sample, honestly about 1/8 inch, told Myself" You'll Be Just Fine"-- Oh No I wasn't- sat down in my recliner- and Suddenly Precious Pouch woke from her internal slumbering and I was off to PukeCity, and I spent a good 1/2 hour doing just THAT , when she had emptied out the strudel she wasn't satisfied to just relax, nope I started "Dry-Heaving" until she satisfied herself I WOULDN'T Do it Again! And iof course, I'm not a new recruit anymore, I Knew Better, but Children IT JUST ISN'T WORTH THE πŸ’”ACHE,AND SORROW! Do as I SAY, not as I DID!
  10. And mine seem now always to immediately precede EMESIS. so instead of a minor nuisance it's an "OMG'--- please--- NOT NOW!"
  11. Shoe size just marginal but I lost from a D width to a B, so that's a NSV for ME!
  12. Frustr8

    Osteopenia! Really????

    Well with my parent's history my PCP ordered my 1st at 40, but most of his other "more normal" patients he starts at 50 to check things out with the DEXA. I was hoping against hope maybe my height might pop up since I'm dragging less of me around. Ah, it was a lovely "pipe dream" while it lasted!πŸ‘ˆπŸ˜£πŸ‘‰
  13. Frustr8

    Sept surgery people

    God Bless you and may you have a WONDERFUL SURGERY!
  14. Frustr8


    They discovered I have 1 biggish nodule in the left lobe and multiple littler in the right, still at the "Watchfully Waiting" stage, Lefty is just a little under operation level, haven't gone Hyper yet, but I am still losing,weight , so I'm not that much Hypo either, although more. there than "normal" , but then most facets ofv me didn't fit that description so Why would,i expect my Thyroid to be Any different?
  15. Frustr8

    Lactose Intolerance

    Silk makes a dairy-free yogurt, not sure if it is Almond ( my first guess) or possibly coconut, but I saw it in the yogurt area at my Local Wal-Mart.
  16. Yes, I think you should have yourself checked out, sounds like spasming but I'm sure curious to see why it is happening. Please keep US updated.
  17. Frustr8

    Monk Fruit Sweetener

    I have Zing which is a Combo of Dextrose and Stevia, still not So GOOD but for my Fellow US peers - Splenda. Naturals Stevie has the same blend as my Aussie friend Bastian's Natvia has! So Maybe Good News for One and All! But it's odd, I used to have a Raging Sweet Tooth, WLS " pulled" it out and I seldom sweeten anymore. Well I did try sweetening the Strawberry Kefir last week, but that was because I got a little upset with its bitter sourness, yeah yeah I should have known THAT was why I bought it in the first place, but even I don't always Think PERFECT like I should!
  18. Frustr8

    Osteopenia! Really????

    And it should have read "I Cannot drink more than 3 oz at a time" every since Ken the Internet Guru for Bariatric Pal told me downloading The Beta form of the Android App, I have lost the ability to edit after posting, it's " Look Quick Before You Submit" or Everybody will think You a Raving Loon if not a Poor Speller. And yes, I do know how to spell most things, only other excuse is: My mind runs on Overdrive and My Texting Fingers lag way behind! So the Great Brain is bouncing along to better Thoughts while I Post!
  19. Frustr8

    Osteopenia! Really????

    Well my DEXA WAS ABNORMAL long before WLS and I do have Osteopenia, not yet to Osteoporosis. I'm weighing in to confess this. Since I still have drinking more than 3 ounces of fluid when It came time for my yearly I call it : "my topping of the tank", no pill form, no shot either, due a bypass et all, I had an INFUSION of the appropriate medication in March and my PCP says that will be my mode yearly. My Mama, rest her soul, had full- blown osteoporosis, lost over 5 inches of height, had increased fracturing of bones due to it and even lost her remaining teeth, strange? Her Dental Surgeon and PCP concurred on that one. See why that's a bullet I'm trying mightly to dodge, although it is doubly bad because Daddy also was diagnosed with IT- Until HE got his diagnosis, had vertebrael fractures, I ALWAYS BELIEVED men might be immune, but he lost 3 inches of height, there's a were in my late youth , I was 5ft11, and both my parents were 5ft7, when we went walking into our church, it looked like an Hereford beef cow and her parents-- the Shetland ponies . Surely were people that thought I was adopted from some other family except facially I looked just like Mama! I did lose a little under 4 inches of height between menopause and WLSurgery Time but my bone/ spine specialists attributed it more to my disks saying " No Mas" ( yeah THEY COULD Speak Spanish!) than the "osteo" FAMILY. And Thanks be, my height has now stablized at 5ft8in, not as Impressive but with my weight loss of 1/2 my former self ( 365+ Down to My Current 180) I think I'm looking Pretty Doggone Fine. If people don't think so and say Something, I Shall pretend Deafness, at 73 I Can Play the "Age" Card just like Jonnie Cochran played the "Race" card for old O.J.! Cause there won't be anyone trying to β˜”rain on my WL Parade if I have anything to Say!
  20. And May Everything Stay Smooth and Pain- FREE for YOU!❀
  21. Frustr8

    πŸ’œ SEP 2019 CHALLENGE πŸ’œ

    And Praise GOD she can slowly sip and know AT LEAST THIS TIME she dodged the Hurricane Bullet! Well, we have a few tornados in Ohio but nothing as bad as you guys and gals in Tornado Alley or those Dorian hit on the East Coast! Praying things will go well for Everybody from Now On!β˜”β›…πŸŒˆπŸ˜
  22. Frustr8


    You girls make me happy I'm years past "the CHANGE". But I got the mood swings, the "weepies", the "What did I do and why at my age (then 72) did I ask for this to happen?" & the bottom line " This was Elective surgery and I went and did THIS?", for a while I was a Storming Norma, eventually this flood of Fat containing Hormones melted and dissipated but TOMKITTEN ( my Son) said " Mama if I EVER get married remind me NOT to,pick a Menopausal woman with Teenaged Daughters- I couldn't live with another flood of Fem- min- nine Hormones!" Told him for the right gal He might do it but he just shook his head and walked into the Next Room. Its been a year yesterday and things stay pretty smooth at Chez FRUSTR8 but for a while he wasn't sure whether to speak or risk being murdered where he stood! Didn't want to send me to the "Gyno" but wasn't sure a psychiatrist and a Rubber Room weren't Needed. So I'll testify it rocks you on your ear or rear before everything settles down. And NOW when I am 1/2 the size I started, 180 instead of 365+, feeling so much healthier, in sizes I wore when I graduated High School 56 years ago, getting second looks and even a few Wolf Whistles from guys ( yeah should be offended but it's thrilling to be an object for a second or 2) Frustr8 is Not Sorry for her RNY, did for me what ALL THOSE DIETS never did and I have renewed life and a FUTURE when I was 7/8ths of the way to die sadly obese. And my new motto will always be THE REST OF MY LIFE WILL BE THE BEST OF MY LIFE- now and forever more!πŸ‘΅=πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸŒˆ
  23. Or " Hun, I just can't sleep! If I call the Rescue / Emergency Squad for Transport, will YOU watch ME so I don't die?" Reminds me of a Nyquil commercial from a few years ago Man- "Barbara, Barbara, Barbara, are You Awake Barbara?" Woman, in resigned tone- "I Am Now!" LOL with a Big πŸ˜€ grin on my face😝 Frustr8
  24. Yeah it can be a SHOCK when your " Girls" diminish. I went from a Fairly Good Rack to a Toothbrush Cuppie- shelf. Others talk about Tube Socks and Tennis Balls, I'm more like Toddler socks and ping pong balls- Oh Well, I've said to others Under the Fluff and Flab I'm REALLY a Junior, ranged if I wasn't RIGHT- I will finish ata B cupdown from my former rounded DDsπŸ‘ˆπŸ™‰πŸ‘‰
  25. Frustr8

    Now when I see MO people...

    How condescending that must have felt, like you were a Old Female Dog and She was Coo-ing " GOOD GIRL" Grrr!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
