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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Frustr8

  1. Frustr8


    mine in Ohio Medicare, remainer by QMB Medicaid. QMB means Qualified Medicare Benificiary. One of few perks of being born in the 40s, you are considered old as dirt, little do they realize ,i'm still younger than springtime🌈 inside. Just you wait until this fat old tired cacoon 🐛crumbles and the new improved butterfly🐝 emerges. The real,me has been trapped inside too many years, I'm going,to unfold my pretty butterfly wings and fly,,baby, fly! Yes some butterflies live,only a short time, that's okay, I'll be colorful and lovely as long as I can. Not flying close to the🐸 bullfrogs of bad health, doubt and sorrow, they will never have the chance to grab me again! World🌏 just watch me fly!🐝
  2. Frustr8

    March Gastric Bypass Group

    Hi Roxine. good to hear you and the MGB clan are all moving along with their post surgery diets and lives. As the rest of us move closer to,put own dated we look up to you March-ers, you are our newest group of veterans, we want to hear of your struggles and victories when they are stll so fresh in your minds and lives. Keep the pathway swept so we can join you soon, and we will. ❤ Your Spring 2018 buddies and friends.😜
  3. Frustr8

    May 2018 RNY Scheduled

    So Charity G where will you be having your surgery? Remember talking with you a couple months back but hadn't seen any postings until today. Still haven't completed my surgery but hopeful it will be soon. Keep me in the loop as things change.😜
  4. Frustr8

    Good and Bad

    My cardiology consult-loved the doctor-plan to make her my permanent one. That said mine was much more intensive. I am an only child, mother died of congestive heart failure, father of a postrior wall infarct, in lay terms massive heart attack, back wall of his heart already weakened by prior heart attack, the last heart attack the back wall of his heart exploded, he bled to death in a minute or so. My older son, my middle child, died at 31 of an asending aortic aneurysm and dissection, when it ruptured also dead within a minute of so, when autopsy was performed his chest cavity was full of blood. See why,i had more intensive than average. I had already nuclear stress test, cardiac catheterization which isn't as bad as one might think. Super nice, super gentle, super skilled cardiologist. Add along with EKGs , abdominal and thoracic scans. Happy to say I passed very well, only abnormality I have is a slightly dialated aortic root. High normal range but still fit for surgery. Would not be surprised if there is a cardiologist present anyway in operating theatre. Okay this may be boring but,let me finish, Marfan's syndrome which my son had indications of has dominate inheritance. One parent has it in their grnes, even if the other does not you get it. Although I was diagnosed with very mild EhlersDanlos characteristics neither my late husband or I had Marfan's. I can explain by likening it to a jury trial, you can have a conviction, a decree of innocence, or a hung jury where there isn't enough evidence to render convction. Every attribute of Marfan either my husband or I showed. Yes neither had them all, so official thought there maybe a subgroup called marfanoid, recessive genes from both parents made up this child. OK one of the facets, an enlarged aortic root which is the bottom section of that artery coming out of heart. So obviously son's. was passed down from me. I could go down the list but hindsight being 20-20 we (my doctors and I) can put it all together. Now you've all had a mini course on Bariatric Pal. I am extremely lucky all facets of my own health at 72 are still good enough for surgery and I'm going forth H*** or HIGH Water towards my goal, and if there is truly a Heaven as I was always taught ,my Angel Son will be watching, giving me a thumbs up and smiling so much. He loved me as much as I loved him and after 10 years i so miss him still!😲
  5. Frustr8

    Any April surgery buddies

    Trifle-ing doggone it👎
  6. Frustr8

    Any April surgery buddies

    Happy to hear Popeyes and you got a divorce. I've always wanted to fill a suit against,Mickey D and Burger King for traveling with my affections . Our buddy,in California is torn between filing a similar suit against CarlsJr and Whattaburger or Must,have Uncle Vito rub them out. Think he had better just go inside, cause if he goes through the drive-in he's lost too!😆
  7. Frustr8

    Any MAY sleevers???

    You may be having the melody in this weight loss choir but I'm right there singing harmony with my high alro-low soprano voice. I've told my son we are going to put out a vegetable garden,i was romping and stomping around the house in a crabby mood. He said "mom would this be a good time for me to go dig the garden?" I just screamed "Whatever" Our boys are going to need umpire padding before this comes to a conclusion👍🙈🙉🙊
  8. Frustr8

    Not receiving certain emails

    3 @proudgrammy, you me and Ken s
  9. Frustr8


    And hot on the trail of my BBF Bariatric Bud Forever @ proud grammy, I'll offer my friendship also. I have only been on BP 5 months, but they have been wonderful ones. I have learned so much from Kathy and all the other veterans on here. Decided to say Hi,because we might have a few overlapping items. I am pre surg but post classes and requirements, this puts me in an uncomfortable Weight loss position, 1st program, nicest thing I can say, we no longer fit each others plans. My somewhat rueful joke- it was a case of sickness, I made them sick. it's a lot longer story, don't worry , what happened to me was pretty darn rate. You will not have it. At any rate I am now in a new program,better and better for,my in the long run. Surgery could be,May, surely early summer. I will have a RnY bypass, better for,me, I have pretty bad GERD, bypass fixes , sleeve does not. I am 72 years old, yes old enough to be everybody's mamma if not grandma, I stand 5ft8in tall, 323 lbs, srawberry blond verging on red hair, still naural, never greyed, at this point it probably never will.Widowed 6 years, 3 children,2 living, younger son still lives with me, he wants to be with me as much as I want him there. Like everyone you will meet on this website, I'm in it to win it. No fears whatsoever of surgery, more scary to continue to live as I have than step forward into a surgical future.All thus old cowgirl can get the blues I am usually pretty upbeat about life. Life is full of ironies but I intend to,love mine and live mine to the best or,my abilities. Join me on this journey for the best is yet to be😛 "Leading others to happiness is the greatest Triumph"
  10. Frustr8

    First seminar!

    And @BKNEWJOURNEY2 it is going to be worth all the struggles to get there. If I hadn't believed that myself I would have folded my tents, thrown them on the back of my trusted 🐪camel, 🐪🐪Clyde and slunk,off into the 🌴desert with Ahab the Arab. No secluded harem for me, I ride at dawn with the c rest of my tribe. 🌴🌴🙅🌴🌴
  11. Frustr8

    Not receiving certain emails

    DH and Ken S are going,to put restraints on you soon Kathy.aka @ proud Grammy. Between you and me we justify Ken's existence or first mental breakdown. Can we blame Spectrum once again? God Above knows they deserve it!😛
  12. Frustr8

    Any April surgery buddies

    And sunny happy days for all my little April-Raindrop,friends.🏥☔
  13. That's protein, durn it, stupid smartphone!👎
  14. I tend more towards "MidOhio Meh",@ proud grammy, a glass of milk and a peanut butter chocolate-less oroein bar. My life is BORING, pleases send me to SURGERY!😖
  15. Frustr8

    Any MAY sleevers???

    As I told someone yesterday I tried my 1st Premier Protein yesterday. I had put a few packs on my in-game shelf, until someone tells me different,early May in my mind. Anyway,i slept,in yesterday morning, okay I confess, I had been up,too late reading and,posting on Bariatric Pal. Had a doctors appointment,with PCP, no,time for brekky so I grabbed a Peachs and Cream. Not bad ,not bad at all. Avery fait evaporated milk aftertaste. I think I could stand to drink these, but ask me again when I'm on them post surgery.Another thing worth a small chuckle-- right on the side of the Little milkcarton type container "not for use in weight reduction" who do they think they are fooling? At $7,27 a 4 pack who would be drinking,this besides us, maybevrinners and other atheletes? Soda is cheaper as well as a,milkshake at our old nemesis Mickey D. 😛
  16. Frustr8

    HIDA scan?

    Cool Beans, don't have a gall bladder anymore, took mine before these neat tests cam out. I miss out on all the neat things in life, I get the ones where they put a tube in your nose, hand you a glass of water and say"Now start swallowing, we'll tell you,if we want you to stop" Meanwhile I'm chugging away ,hoping they stop before it extruded out the other end. Bah dump dump dump!😲
  17. If all else fails go to Ken S our Webmaster; that man has probably been born knowing around the Web better than anyone I know. I am electronically inept and he has made my days on Bariatric Pal so much smoother, I'd give him 5 stars if I could!😛
  18. Frustr8

    Stomach Issues

    People do you have best results with GasX-- Imodium-- Beano-- or something else? Inquiring minds want to know these things?😠
  19. sounds ladies like the song from Oklahoma is right! Everything thing is up to date in Kansas City They've gone about as far as they can go! Hugs to you all from Ohio😛
  20. Do you have alternate hospitals in your area? If not, my advice, go to the nearest University/teaching hospital you can find. They almost always tend to be Center of Excellence Hospitals, CreekImp was very satisfied with hers and I suspect I will be with mine also. In fact when program#1 kicked me to the curb(drat their evil souls!) her good results influenced me to seek my new one. What state are you in anyway? Want to know, if I ever would move to your area I would want to dodge your doctor. I've hand enough trouble with my own to last me the last few years of my life.😍
  21. Frustr8

    Bad breath

    @BostonWLKC I have the perfect line for the next time he mentions it. Smile sweetly, say "Oh Honey, it's just all my fat dying!"😛
  22. Frustr8

    Excessive school gym class for absence

    Yee-ouch my arthritic body is cringing at the illustration. It says Sweet Mamma, tell me we're not doing THAT thing? Please please please? Maybe in Junior High I could do that, but I had the same body type as Summer, yes once upon a time I was that slim, 110 lbs 5ft7in at 12,but the Sun has rose and set many times since then!😣
  23. Frustr8

    April/May 2018 Sleevers!!?

    Hi buddies, I'm really a future RnY but unless you shoot me, I'm going hang with all of you too. Maybe I will end up with different Reno to my guts but I too am fighting in the Weight Loss Wars, it's like I'm Navy, you guys are Army, we are still allies. Will I have😷 surgery soon? Gosh I don't know but I sure hope so! Maybe May? Universe, are you,listening😲?
  24. @okayestmom we all need the rant forum at times. I just gently read the tiot act to a young poster on another thread. Among my other benefits/detriments I am a grandma and I hate to stand by and watch a younger person royally screw up their life without trying to intercede. Would I have,listened at posters age? Yes I would have, maybe a tad naive, maybe too strictly,raised,but I did tend to listen to my elders because that was the way I was taught. Don't feel guilty about spending the money. You are worthy to make this step and I think you should make this step. If not today then when, if not now, do not take the risk of never. Did that, never will again for you see, today is also my day to step forward and shine in my own life. Keep me updated, I want to know how things go👵😛
  25. Frustr8

    canceled surgery 3 times

    As strict as I posted before, down deep I do care about you, you do have a place in life and we want you to be able to find it. Darlin' you do matter and maybe to,love people than you think. And like my Bari-Bud Apple right above me, I too would like to hear the rest of the stor. You felt your doctor was not someone you could not be comfotable,with. I'll,give you my ex doctor. I thought I HAD meshed well with him. He was smooth, shiney, handsome in apearance, but like a coral snake , pretty in coloration. but ultimately poisonous with no antivenom available to me. My insurance and I wasted time and money on him and he turned out to be as shallow as the average mud puddle and just as dirty in his soul. Please take care of yourself, you have many years ahead of you. Live them well.😣

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