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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Frustr8

  1. Frustr8

    Liver Anxiety

    And that is why,you go through the liquid diet, whether it,is 1 week, 2 weeks or 4 weeks, to skrink,your liver. A fatty liver,is not a happy liver, it does not,work as well.as it should,the surgeon has to heave,it out of of his way,to get where he needs to go for the surgery he is planning, maybe he even has to keep it propped up? Also the diet for a designated time shows him you can follow instructions well and also that you can work on in a structured setting. He will be reassured if you didn't cheat now you won't later b and you eill,have a higher chance of success. So do as you are told for as long as you're told and I think things will be okay.😜
  2. Your feathers are starting to smooth,out nicely, every day you are becoming a sleeker fowl. Thanks for sharing the pikkys I am looking forward to month 4 and month 6 , for I believe. this. may only be the start, and I plan to stick around for the rest of the story. Hugs and a Yahoo!😜
  3. And any,of you that want to chat with my sweet 72 year old self, look me up. I would rather lurk on Bariatric Pal than to do🏑 housework. I figure if doctors can practiceπŸ’Š medicine I can practice housework, who knows there might be a wonderful breakthrough. in it, may be a floor that scrubs itself or dust that evaporates, Well it COULD HAPPEN! Most days if the police came in here they would say "there was evidence,of a struggle," only real struggle is me trying to get away!😭
  4. So what if I end up looking like a Shar Pei? People want them, keep it with them , pay top dollar for,a specimen and even enter them in "top of the line" dog shows. I,might even be able to,stand being called 🐢Precious,for frequent small feedings of expensive treats and foods. 😜
  5. well he'll have enough strength to fan your hot little body this summer, "Honey I believe I'll have another of those lovely chilled protein shakes. No not that one dear, the other!.πŸ‘΄πŸ‘΅
  6. Frustr8

    Pre-op NSV!

    the word is Our not Sour, dratted smartphone, it can take its auto correct back where they installed it upside down or somethingπŸ‘ŽπŸ˜–
  7. Frustr8

    Pre-op NSV!

    Onward to victory! @ J_Mkay, You Are Going to,be One of SOur SuperstarsπŸ‘πŸ˜œ
  8. Frustr8

    Age 60 is the new 40?

    60 is the new 40? Isn't that like Menopause is like,a Monthly Cycle? Some similarities but not quite the same!😭
  9. Whoopie Doopie we all get to be Bari-God-Aunts and Uncles! Now stay relaxed, calm and grow us all a beautiful healthy,God -niece.πŸ‘Ά Also you take care of you, you still matter to us even if you are a "graduate" we love and take care,of our own. You will alwsys,be a part of us. Rainbows. 🌈Smiles😜and Sunshine πŸ”…today and all the rest of your days!!!❀
  10. Frustr8

    Pain above belly button

    Well in a little over a week you should know for sure. Thinking good healing thoughts and sending them your way. 😜
  11. Frustr8


    Wowsers you make me want to emulate you, and by your example I believe it is doable. Thanks, you've brightened up my day#πŸ˜œπŸ‘πŸ˜œ
  12. Frustr8

    SOS I'm nervous

    People dont fail, they give up. Don't give up, don't mentally beat yourself up, don't feel the struggle is worthless. You are good, you have straights you havent6 even tapped yet, you will still make it. There is no TRY, just committ the willpower you have underneath v to make a success. But first things first, you HAVE to get fluids back into you. Even if you can't drink and keep them down , you need fluids. You will,need an IV perhaps to replace what you have lost before you get any more dehydrated. But don't just there listening to me rant,go to the nearest hospital. Your life and health and you yourself are worth more than that! Please child, GO!πŸ˜–
  13. Frustr8

    Less often done is ESG that is Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplexy. No outward. cuts on your body, they go down your throat and stitch folds in your stomach to reduce its size. Don't remove 3/4 of your stomach like the vertical sleeve does,no pouch made like you have in RnY bypass, some,people swear it is wonderful, indeed I don't hear of people requesting a revision to something else. There is another called a bilio- pancreatic switch, it is the most radical variety of surgery, not too many general or Bari a trip surgeon's do it but there are a few. Least restrictive is the lap band , but it is gradually being,phased out. And recently I've heard something is done with nerve stimulation/ kind of like a pacemaker, it reduces your hunger.😜
  14. Frustr8

    Tattoo before surgery?

    Idea ----'get it drawn on, then if you decide you really do like it, have it done afterwards as a tribute to you. I know my friend Jon would do that for me, in fact he said he would. I want on the inside of my left wrist, because my Angel Son was left handed, a small Angel with his birth date and death date below. Since I am 72 , he offered to draw it on with markers, let me look at it, if I still want it done, return in 3 days and he will do it. I teased him a little, Ohio has a 3 day cooling off period for some things, is that why he said that? No he. said, but at 72 I know you don't make the decision lightly. How often do you find someone with that much consideration? I have seen his work on others and he does do beautiful ink. Sprinkles I'm sending you love πŸ’“and a hug for your special day😜
  15. Frustr8

    Any April 2018 Sleevers?!?!

    @Macs1978, that sounds so good, I will have to try that. I keep going back to Fluffy Chix and her "out with the old, in with the new" postings, she almost always has a new recipe on it. She imagines a dish and it turns out GOOD! Some of mine are okay but she leads the league hands down🐣 Have a 🌈happy day!😜
  16. Frustr8

    Just starting the process??

    Welcome @kimberlymi, it's me , I'm one of those evil,Buckeyes, I live in Central Ohio, 48 miles NE of Columbus in Mount Vernon Ohio. Where in Michigan are you located? Just being nosy, I'll even love you even if you're floating down the Huron River in a canoe. Mucho Michiganders on here. Tuckersmom just had surgery in Flint, but the Barifriend I would recommend you follow and who has been super nice and informative is CreekImp. If she chats with you you'll learn so,much about weigh loss etc. Very smart, you can't go wrong,with her friendship. There are over a dozen and I'm sure if they see the "mi" in your pen name they will make themselves known . If you have any questions, please ask. If I don't have an answer someone on Bariatric Pal will, okay? At any rate you are very welcome to join us, we hope you'll like us and want,to stay awhile😜
  17. Best wishes to you and Fluffy Grandpa, it is very nice you are both making this journey together. How far apart will your surgeries be? Just think what smooth sleek grandparents your grandbabies will have soon. You will be able to keep up with their antics, you may even be able to catch them as they run by.πŸ‘ΆπŸ‘¦πŸ‘§πŸ‘΅πŸ‘΄. And someday,you will be able to sit, holding hands as they graduate, get married and someday make,you some cute great grand babies. And your days will be long happy and healthy- for now you both make a,new commitment to your futuresπŸ˜œπŸ‘
  18. The only specialist I ever interviewed,was my children's pediatrician. I had been a small town girl, a general practice physician had sufficed for my needs. Now I had moved to the Big City where there was more diversity of specialties, I was,all pregnant with child#2. I asked my friends, called Nationwide Children's Hospital and asked for a listing of doctors practicing in that area of Franklin County Ohio. One name constantly came up so I called his office And arranged to,meet with him. A very nice person, a more than competent physician who took wonderful care of my children as long as we lived in that locale. I have never interviewed a Bariatric Surgeon. I called,his recommended hospital and they assigned him to me. Would I have chosen my ex-surgeon? Probably for he was like a coral snake, not unattractive, even pretty in coloration, but highly,poisonous and treacherous and no antivenom readily available. Am I. bitter? Well yes but I even more resent the waste of my time and my insurance company's money on someone with no substance, he was all smoke and mirrors and I was too dumb or naive to see through him. My new program I go into with eyes wider open, I have new glasses and I hope they will enable me to see better. This time it will be their responsibility to win my trust and If there is any termination of our relationship it will be from me before,my self esteem even sustains any bruising, before,my reputation has any trace of besmirchment. An old Proverb Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me!
  19. Somebody asked my current weight. At this point of life I have little shame so,i went ahead and told them. Person took another look at me and said "You must have heavy bones!" Don't think so, I just came with the standard package.
  20. Frustr8

    June 2018 RnY

    Only a month,untilI June 3018-is everybody ready? Come come out wherever you are😜🌈❀
  21. Frustr8

    First seminar!

    It's both exciting and a little scary what you all are undertaking. It will change your lives in v so many ways. Your internal organs may get rearranged, your diets will change, you may start exercising more, there will be,people evaluating your daily consumption of food, is your diet balanced, are you eating vegetables, are you,getting,enough protein, are you getting adequate fluids? You thought Mama's nagging was,bad, wait until,you get a dietician on the prowl. Really all this is for your own good but sometimes,you will be certain they are going to,kill or at,least allow you to starve to death. Many of us when we start have fat complacent. bodies, they are happily chugging along, suddenly things change and your body is not happy. It gives you headaches and all kinds of weird sensations. You'll meet all kinds of interesting doctors, by the time they finish you'll feel the meat chart at the butcher shoppe, everyone has staked a claim to different parts of you. And before you hardly catch your breath a little it's time,for the liquid preparatory diet before surgery, you make feel it was inspired by Satan. Each surgeon v has their own unique idea on,whar,prepares you the best. Some will I meal,of,low carbo foods,And the rest of the day a couple protein shakes,some 3 shakes a day, some,make you do this for 2 weeks, some for 4 weeks, one thought is than will shrink your liver and,make it easier to, operate. Some still underneath feel they are beering prepared for human sacrifice. But you will..make through this challenge, And you will go on to a successful surgery. almost all of us do. and you will,look back and laugh at all you've done,so far. 😜
  22. know someone who,told her bot friend not to,lose weight because would look like a Q Tip. What?😲
  23. You will never be a failure, you are quality goods. Don't ever give up believing in yourself!πŸ‘πŸ˜œ
  24. Frustr8

    May 2018 RNY Scheduled

    And we have to believe things are going to work out well. Sending a hug to you out there, ❀I've got your back emotionally okay? We are going to give you a good future with this surgery. Now smile!😜
  25. Count me in I'm 5ft 8in currently 323, size 26-28, aiming for 175 and a size 15, will still be satisfied if I am in the upper reaches of onderland, like 190 to 198. But I will accept every acheivement I get, good health more important,than the scale #.We can and shall prevail in this battle, Wonder Woman, Sheerah Princess of Power and all the rest- I will stand tall beside you!πŸ”…πŸ‘Š

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