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Everything posted by Frustr8

  1. Frustr8

    VSG on 4/16/18: My journey

    @Scornet 1, I want to feel you did at first, strong and ready to face the world after surgery. Alas I will probably feel like most of the others, the survivor of a gang war, grateful to have escaped with my life, and the fabled 5-7 slashs on my my lily white tum-tum, whit because it hasn't seen sunlight since I was small enough for a 2 piece swimsuit. Oh girls it's going to happen,until then I'll read yours and TexasMommy's stories, sniffle and sniff a little and say "That's going to be ME soon!" Hugs to both of you,this fine AM😜❤😜
  2. Frustr8

    Before and After

    Well I went to,his profile page, looked and he,is a fine,fine specimen of Texas manhood but....I don't see any other pictures😟 and you,know I hate to feel,left out. I ever invaded a grouchy post-surgery's discussion, snuck,into the Guys Room without an invitation. As Brenda Lee said in her 60s song "I wanna be Wanted". gosh I haven't thought about her for years, wonder if she's still,alive? You probably remember her more for" Rocking Around the Christmas Tree", A lot of the people I listened to are gone, Lesley Gore died a year or so back too, of Lung Cancer. Ah time moves on,i keep inching and inching forward my surgery. After Wednesday, a day I'll remember like our parents did Pearl Harbor, the old wheels may turn. Hopah Hopah Hurrah! First thing I did today after powdering my nose was checking in on Bariatric Pal. And who should I see but thee! Now that I've heard from Proudgrammy I can face the day. Did you know Ken S, bless his lttle megabyte ❤ when he sent me to download the Beta version made me lose my Message Envelope in the upper right bar😖)emoji crying and sad). I would adore this version if he would just restore what the update took away. I wanted to,lose weight not features on here. Did you know there is another person from Syracuse active? I decided once to tap the red name at the top left, goes to Profile, and see where people were from, and Syracuse came up. Now if I only could remember who she was. Drat!😜
  3. Frustr8

    Non Scale Victories

    a gloriously wonderful NSV-one we pre surgs hope to emulate one day.A big👍 to you!
  4. Frustr8

    July-August Bypass Buddied

    waiting, perpetually waiting. Done all prerequirements twice, now after Wednesday I am hoping the gears start turning again. if I had my druthers it would be May, but could also be June-July, I switched programs, if they have no further things they want done, May, if they come up with. monkey wrench to throw on into the proceedings, God in zHeaven only knows. August is my high school class reunion, hate to admit how many years, but I'd like to be done and recovering by then. Je ne sais, cette dommage!😟
  5. @AussieLiz . your avatar is what I will look like after a week or 2 of protein drinks Only difference is I may also have my,hsnfs clenched into claws.😉
  6. Frustr8


    If you ever find the internet cloud they talk about, look for the rest of my post it just floated away in midthought and now I closed with gibberish. to Sorry about that, be my friend anyway😟
  7. Frustr8

    hey beautiful people a me update

    Now Idaho,will have something else to be proud of beside potatoes. It is the home,of the vastly improved and remodeled Mooseknuckle, Congratulations on. a job well done👍👨
  8. Frustr8


    Don't give up, don't be nervous and don't believe you can not make a success of this. I'm going to,have this surgery also, if I didn't believe in the,operstion, see it for the good tool to reshape our lives I wouldn't be here and I suspecr,you wouldn't be either. How can b I help,you to be less worried.? Well,your surgery will be a very safe,procedure. When,they started To do this kind of surgery back,in,maybr,the 60s ,there were some. bugs and kinks. Now they've done so many and it has become so smooth a procedure that surgery is nothing to fear.It is more scary to think of. the damage Obesity does to your body. I am 72 and the fact it hasn't caught up to me is more good luck than good planning. I am w walking time bomb and the only way,to keep me from exploding into diabetes or worse Will be ,myown surgery. I tried,for years to diet, every fad that came on the scene, I tried it. And some were even silly, my late mother in law was a booster of the Grapefruit Diet. She believed to her dying day that the grapfruit molecules , we're going to travel through your bloodstream like little pacmen eating cholesterol. Gave up trying to change her mind. Then we had cousins that were certain a magnet ran over fresh produce got rid of all,pesticides. Wash it, nope they never did. Don't think,of those foods going over the edge of the world, it's more like they are going on vacstion. You can wave bye bye, but while they are gone, you will,make new friends like protein shakes and other low calorie liquids, and when they return you may find you have nothing in common with them or that they taste weird. Some people have b evenbsaid
  9. Wonderful, if you can order a recovery I will order,one like yours in opposition to,the "they tried to kill me and I'm so miserable" variety. Smooth and in the Groove,that's what I'm booking👍
  10. congratulations fullfiguredmonty, I'm sure it couldn't happen to a nicer person.😜
  11. Frustr8

    Before and After

    Sammy, am I being a dolt? I don't see any pictures on here, yet proudgrammy is complimenting you on them.
  12. Frustr8

    Any April surgery buddies

    Hope you are able to make it!😜
  13. @ kandk122907 did you get out on the 21st like you hoped? Are you now home and how are you feeling? Hoping sunny days are ahead for you😜
  14. Frustr8

    Some new found courage

    I know you can do It,if your heart is in it, go for the change. And we will cheer you on.😜😜
  15. Frustr8

    Separation Advice

    Sounds also like she may be suffering from Angelina Jolie-itis, things aren't going well ? Let's adopt another child. An innocent child shouldn't be brought in under those circumstances, a child needs to be loved for themself.
  16. Frustr8

    Hair loss - Why now?

    Never stopped to think about thyroid as a factor.
  17. Frustr8

    January 2018 Sleevers HERE

    Shh Mother Nature may hear and the Snowflake Monster will be back. Plus you aren't all that far from Chicago and you know how weather can be there! But secretly I do hope you are right!💥😜
  18. At least if you got run over by a truck, it wasn't a Good Truck and they didn't leave complimentary samples. Samples at the grocery were often my downfall, all I had to do was taste something and I loaded a 5 pound bag of it in the grocery cart. Made my wallet thinner and me fatter.😭 Hopefully I have reformed but it can be a struggle. Day by Day, baby, Day by Day!😜
  19. Job had his comforters, sounds you have one also. Keep your chin up, put a smile on your face and remember you are doing the right thing for you, not anybody else. You'll dodge all the rest,of the family things obesity brings, and pretty "sooner" I will know a "sinner" that the health of will,only get better. So saddle up buckaroo🐴, you are in the Weight Loss Rodeo🐎 and you are just about to the finish line. Cross it with your head held high, now let out a Yeehaw cause you done made it!👍
  20. Frustr8

    Did I lose too much to qualify?

    Jessicakes I'm trying to send all the best thoughts I can that this is going to get resolved and in the best way possible. April 30th is the day to target!😜
  21. Already know I have a hiatal hernia, seems to be a family tradition, dentures,imother and grandfather all diagnosed with them. Will it complicate my future RnY surgery, strongly doubt it, we know it's there, just a little cinching up and I'm all better🌈😜
  22. What do you find most difficult about seeking Weight loss Surgery at 50 or 60 years of age? What do you find the greatest benefit waiting until this point in your life?😭
  23. Frustr8

    Before and After

    @ proudgrammy, Kathy, this is the only place I have been where telling someone "you're less the person that you used to be" is considered a compliment😜
  24. Frustr8

    Food Journaling

    We all do and you never know where the lesson will turn up. Your discussion of the term,NUT reminded me of something. When. I grew up the term PDQ had to do with how soon you do a task, when I started at WallyWorld I found out for them it is a cardboard storage container of a certain size. There they are used when you have too few of an item to put in the steel storage areas and won't fit out on the sales floor.😉
  25. Frustr8

    Hello Again, Long Time No See...

    @LilMissDivaIrene, hi! I didn't know you in the Bad Old Days, but ProudGrammy did. if she's said you're a good one, I may have made myself a new friend. Kathy's been a good buddy, keeping me from going bonkers while I wait and struggle to get to surgery day. You have had 3 surgeries?, Well this will,be my third(and I hope final) attempt to convince a surgeon my proper place is on his operating table. I have somewhat jokingly said I would do my own RnY. I already own a box cutter, fishing line, hair clips and a Swingline stapeler, that pretty much covers things except for the 3-way mirror on top of my dressing table. I don't have any drinking alcohol let alone any other anesthesia but maybe I could hold my breath,until I pass out? I'm 72, time is running out for me, I don't have time for somone to dither around or go play darts somewhere. So I sit here in Central Ohio,with a smile pasted on my face,waiting to see what happens next in my life. I have an important(to me) appointment April 25 with Staff Psychologist Dr Kramer at Martha Morehouse Pavilion in Columbus Ohio and hopefully he will clear me for Bariatric Surgery at OSU-Wexner Medical,Center. Kathy says I should stop saying hopeful, she bellieves in me. I ten to think in a defeatist frame of mind and she says that will get me nowhere. So like Don Quixote ,I go forward to tilt with my own windmills.. Answer back,of you feel like it, okay?😭

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