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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Frustr8

  1. Were you on blood-thinning shots post surgery like Lovenox? That Could explain part of the post-bleeding but Orchids and Dragons is correct ,please get it checked out at the gyno. Better to check it out and find out it's nothing than to not and have it turn into something more serious like a hysterctomy to stop the bleeding. Just because you have it in non-baby mode doesn't mean you want to give up your future motherhood dreams ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿ‘ฉ
  2. Frustr8

    Non Scale Victories

    HEY Abe, I have been meaning to aske- Did your๐Ÿ‘ถ son arrive safe and sound in July 2018 ? I believe that was when he was expected!
  3. Frustr8

    I feel scared and ashamed...

    And rebirth comes when you say.-- Not in My Strength come I. but I come humbly . to ask you into my life that your will now becomes mine and that your strength becomes mine. Make in me a reflection of You that will shine forth into the World that all will come to Your Saving Grace. And if you believe and believe sincerely Great thongs will happen in your life. Amen and Amen.๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜›
  4. Looking good, sure you are feeling fine and dandy. Glad to see the real you is coming out of its Fat Shell. Hope mine will look that good in 3 or 4 months, gonna give it the Old College Try. 2. ๐Ÿ“ฃ 4. ๐Ÿ“ฃ 6. ๐Ÿ“ฃ 8 ๐Ÿ“ฃPretty soon Frustr8 is going to start looking Great! ๐Ÿ“ฃ yea Me!๐Ÿ“ฃ
  5. Orchids and Dragons says I should share this so I guess,i will. Since I am a Reforming and Reformulating woman I have given over custody of the Cookie Jar to Tomkitten, my son. It currently contains Peanut Butter cookies. Well I have always liked peanut butter, what could it hurt? So I snaked my little paw in there when nobody was looking. Took one bite and yuck, too sweet, so sweet it's nasty. Spit it out and covered it up with paper towels. Don't have to wait until after surgery and dumping syndrome, sweets and carbs repulse me Now. But just to make sure I'll load the Cookie jar with choco-chip cookies. Put on my food grade plastic gloves and stir him up a batch. You see,i am and have been for a while, allergic to chocolate. Last time he wanted brownies I put on my gloves and my trusty ๐Ÿ˜ทmask over my nose so I wouldn't inhale cocoa powder and have an asthma attack. TK took one look at me and said" If you Didn' want me to have any, all you had to do was tell me so!"๐Ÿ˜ท
  6. We All may Struggle but We All Have Within Ourself the Will and Spirit to Win!
  7. Frustr8

    I feel scared and ashamed...

    Some lines for you I am fine and it's MY TIME to shine No shame in my game And no sorrows in all my tomorrows! Now smile๐Ÿ˜›and. BELIEVE in YOU
  8. Frustr8

    No longer have sleep apnea

    And, strange as it may seem,i don't have a follow-up appointment with my sleep study doctor until January 2019. If what other posters say is true, after 70+ pounds lost things change, that is food for thought! If I haven't diminished 70 pounds in 4 months somebody got some 'splaining to do ! I had hoped to be a shadow of my present self by then!๐Ÿ‘—๐Ÿ‘™๐Ÿ‘
  9. Frustr8

    Would I be able to lose weight?

    And with an RnY bypass you have even less sto4age capacity. A sleeve gives you something the diameter of a fat garden house, bypass a large chicken- small turkey egg sized pouch, your surgeon will judge the proper size, so sleeve maybe a cup to cup and a half, bypass pouch an half cup? Big change from the football sized stomach with expandable sides all the way around you were born with. But most patients feel it is worth it to,preserve life and lose their excess weight.
  10. Frustr8

    Post op appointments

    New collections James M and Missouri-Lee's Summit are collecting IDK I don't know YGGAM Your guess is As Good As Mine, literally I have no clue which,i guess would be IHNC Then September 5th At 7AM I have,my RnY surgery with Dr Needleman, one of my few chances in life to,have a Man's Total Attention! And then on September 18 I have a 2 week post-surgery appointment in Dr Needleman's office. I hope we will bothe pleased that day. I do know I will have an yearly appointment for the rest of my life, but the intervals in between I am not yet privy to.๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸŒˆ
  11. Frustr8

    Post op appointments

    I could tell you the intervals former bariatric program had because I still have their booklet lying,around. But my upcoming ones at OSU- kind of strange? I meet August 24 with Anesthesia Resident- this is new one to me. I am allergic to Hibicleanse, tried to express this the day I had my surgery date locked in. I was told to tell anesthesia they would know what else I could use. Hunnnh? And any other times I have had surgery. and I have had 7 as an adult, I met anethesia for a few minutes, if not merely a few seconds before,i went off to La La Land. So whaRF are they doing things this way. IDK- YGGAM, there's some new Bariatric Intials for the
  12. Frustr8

    In absolute shock

    Well I had both my cardiac Cath through the radial artery as did Tomkitten( my son) . So much better route than through the femoral artery in the groin. Had good friend who had his done through that route. You have to lay flat with your pressure bandage on so long but the thing he hated even more was ha had a painful lump for so long. Put a hitch in his giddy-up! So glad yours turned out uneventful ---now back to the bariatric surgeon and see what happens next! Maybe back to surgery,and things will get completed?๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜›
  13. Frustr8

    August surgery ppl

    And yesterday we had two couples @Brenda1723 and@afakasiwife. I think that would really be a very nice thing, to start out together on a post-surgical path!๐Ÿ‘ช
  14. Frustr8

    August surgery ppl

    swell August 2nd has dawned , fair, bright and a most wonderful day for @ LauriW-@ Malcy-@BadWolf523. Send Good Wishes to the3, and if you are a Believer a. โคfelt ๐Ÿ™prayer in their behalf could not hurt. And I hope all of our August 1st,Club report back in, their new yet improved lives are starting, we celebrate with joyful hope in our โคs!
  15. Frustr8

    Process Timeframe??

    And PS I started seeking Bariatric Surgery August 15 2015--quiteca story there๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿฃ๐Ÿ˜ช
  16. Frustr8

    Process Timeframe??

    Well I'm not too typical but here it goes . March 9 2018 went to informational seminar April 25 2018 Met with staff psychologist at OSU May 24, 2018. Met with CNP, Dietician , Exercise Therapist , had weight recorded, did presurgical blood work June 6th 2018 started on vitamins and minerals to address deficiencies July 17 2018 Met with Surgeon for Pre-Exam August 24 2018 meet with Anesthesiologist September 5 2014 RnY surgery at 7AM If that doesn't look like enough specialists-- met with Pulmanology,Cardiology and Sleep Study Specialists December 2017-January2018 while enrolled in different program- transferred over and glad didn't have to repeat!๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿฃ
  17. Frustr8

    Problems with gas

    Well. @ MissPoodle that's good news for both of us. My future SD is September 5th. And I am also a RYGB. I'm doing a longer than average prediet, started Wednesday August 1st.๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ‘
  18. Frustr8

    79lb difference!

    Giving me some hope Girlfriend. Thanks for the posting. HW 355. CW321. SW??? SD September 5, 2018 Surgery Planned--- RnY bypass with Hiatal Hernia Repair Prediet started 8/01/2018
  19. Frustr8


    I wonder if they have them at regular Wal-Mart or Target?
  20. I am happy to know you all, even from afar. Each one is can inspiration in itself. You worked and did it. Maybe some of us reading this can too!๐Ÿ˜›
  21. And "neri" if you ever need a BARI God/Grandma look me up. So much of your story resonates with me, I think we could be good for each other, Granted I am a whole lot older but I just now myself am having surgery. At 7 AM EDT,September 5th I will have my own RnY bypass surgery. I now have a wonderful surgeon in a Wonderful caring program at Ohio State University in Columbus. Ohio. But it wasn't always so, I went through another program not once but twice and then was capriciously," kicked to the curb" by their surgeon and his 2 buddies. Three surgeons and not a one thought I was worth the surgery. That hurt so badly, they had wasted my,time, ripped off my insurances , and were definitely not the right kind of people. You know Neri when I met him I sensed there was something "off" about him, but I pushed that to the back , thought his lack of warmness was somehow my fault. Trust your instincts, they are seldom wrong. I honestly believe if I had walked out their door and onto the Interstate they would have not shed a tear, probably would not even noticed. But I wanted my surgery so badly, jumped through every hoop, met with every specialist they could dream up and for what? So they could turn away from me, verbally deprecate me to other members of their staff, I wish there was some way of suing them for "failure to provide". At my new facility everyone wasvwelcoming, genuinely interested in me as a person, asked how they could "help"me, want me to be as successful as I wish for myself. They show a commitment the first place never did. I didn't tell you how old I am and perhaps I should. I am 72 years old now, I will be 73 the day after Christmas. Now that is a far from typical age, at a time of life where many,wish to retire, I instead want to live, I grew tired of being sick and tired. And I phsiologically am still quite young My primary care physician is less than 50 years old. I have a lower blood pressure, a lower cholesterol, no diabetes, all the things that should be wrong with me aren't. And I earnestly yearn for my surgery, I will have a tool to effect a change in my life And I will not mess up this chance for anything or anyone. This is my time to shine forth and I shall do it. No doubts, no fears , they drowned a long time ago in my tears. Now I face bravely all that will occur and have still trust. And I will be a. Final Victor for indeed I must. Your new friend and future surgery mate Frustr8
  22. What 6 vegetable,could you have? Basically I can have any, probably,will cook or broil as I need them softened, just no corn, peas, or potatoes.
  23. Frustr8

    Post op appointments

    And Kim I hope it will be wonderful, I enjoy your postings greatly on here.๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ‘
  24. Frustr8

    Partnerโ€™s weight

    Well my late husband was, until shortly before his death , 3 inches taller and outweighed me by 30-50 pounds. So he was BIG, did he believe it? Nope, he never missed a chance to ridicule my appearance size and family members. To his credit never to anyone outside ,especially his friends. To his detriment, in front of our children , to this day, R.D. refers to me as a fat cow because that was what Daddy Dear said . Truly sadder yet, she inherited D.D.'s heavy bone structure, so she is wider across the rump than me but she tells all her buddy-buddies on Facebook she is a Size 14. RD stands for Rotten Daughter, and she earned it, bad enough she treats me abysmally but she misses few chances to be mean to Tomkitten, mainly because he lives with and sticks up for me. And I do still love her, she was my first born my baby ๐Ÿ‘ง but I don't like her, and her actions. Tried to tell her I was planning surgery, she turned the conversation back to her favorite subject, her! I finally got a word in. edgewise to ask her "did you hear,me say oh was going to have major surgery? Her answer "Whatever" I keep waiting for her to reach the age of reason,at 49 it just isn't going to happen. Sad isn't it?
  25. Well peeps I started my pre-diet today. I opted for more than the 2 or 3 weeks some do. I want the best chance I can have for surgery success. It's not like, at 72, I will receive very many " invitations to the prom" My program feel that with a full 4 weeks Easy Surgery Heal Quicker Reduced size to liver. Almost every obese person has NASH , a fancy name for fatty liver. A thinner liver doesn't have to be pushed as far out of the way when doing surgery, less stress on my surgeon and certainly less on my body. And the best, much less likelihood of post surgical nausea. Now with none of my previous surgeries did I get sick, and couple were abdominal. Don't want,to ruin my perfect record, do I? And on paper this surgery this diet looks do-able. Breakfast 1 high protein shake Snack 1 fruit- small orange, small apple, small banana or 3/4cup unsweetened berries. In theory melon, but not,this ๐Ÿ‘ง. Melon has made me puke since I was ๐Ÿ‘ถ. In fact my rotten boy cousins would chase me with watermelon or cantaloupe just to watch me get sick! Lunch small to medium tossed salad with 2 T diet dressing. No eggs,cheese, nuts or seeds. And also another high protein shake. Snack. another high protein shake Dinner one heated frozen entree, under 300 calorie, less than 30 carbs 3oz lean meat and 1 cup cooked no starch vegetables, no corn,peas or potatoes. may be substituted. Evening snack 1 high protein shake Meals and snacks to be spaced 2-3 hours apart 64 or more oz no calorie, no caffeine drinks or water daily. And I don't think I'll mind it too bad, what irritated me was at the top it said " suitable for females under 400 pounds" now I am a fairly large person but I NEVER WAS and NEVER INTEND TO BE 400 POUNDS. So There!๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ฐ

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
