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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Frustr8

  1. Frustr8

    Soon to sleeve

    Sounds pretty good, maybe I am being picky but as a former( and in probability still am) gastritis owner my gastroenterologist forbid me peppermint along with caffeine, for us it irritates the stomach lining and you're "off to the races" once more. My godmother, may she rest in peace, would give me peppermint tea or peppermint oil, yeah I belched good at the time, but then my tummy hurt worse. You' d be better off with decaffeinated green tea or an herbal one your team says is okay. Word!
  2. Frustr8

    Chronic gastritis

    Well I had Chronic gastritis, GERD, documentation of a Gastric Ulcer, who I had christened Hector, since his pain hectored my existance quite a bit, and I marched right up for an RNY bypass, never had a VSG or less considered. Remember my surgeon asking if I needed advice to my choice? Nope knew with a 1st cousin dying of esophageal cancer, starting to show Barretts MYSELF, GOD and I had made our decision, he gave a slight chuckle and said then the 3 of us concurred because that also would have been his professional advice. And frankly I had reached the point that surgery was much less frightening than continuing without intervention. And even with my Rocky twisting road of Recovery from it all, I NEVER WOULD want to go back to BEFORE when the HEREAFTER is So Much Better.
  3. Well long narrow neck , remind myself of a Galopagos Tortoise/turtle, you can now see my collarbones, the startings of first 2 ribs, doctors would have no problem doing carotid Doppler , nothing in the way, people do tell me I look good, the few who still recognize me. I can't shake the fear I look like " failure to thrive" but perhaps this is what people ARE SUPPOSED to look like? Remember I spent the bulk of my Adult Life looking like Bip The Michelin-Man' s Sweet Sister, all bulges and chipmunk cheeks,cuddly like a fluffy stuffed toy Teddy- Bear. Now I fear l look like I moved to Emaciation Heights. The high cheekbones of Daddy's side show now, I have maintained for years there is Native American/ First Nations blood, depending which side of the 55th parallel you're on. Yeah the only visible legacy this strawberry blond, fair skinned critter has. Yeah the Celtic shading from Mama's side but the high cheekbones which I had NO Clue were THERE, remember even as a baby sheep this lamb always looked fluffy never sleek. But every Day I weigh less, look like Dead Ancestors I never considered resembling but as I reassemble into a New Me, I have keep hanging on until the Final Countdown! Now 187.8 pounds so approaching 1/2 the size I was when I started on the WL trek in earnest October 2017, although I had really started my search 4 years ago almost to the exact date. And I still haven't had that dang- blasted August appointment, OSU Bariatrics is going to be shocked, I was still 235- 240 in April when my last appointment was. If they become shocked,let them be, I have felt abandoned, like if I don't require more surgical intervention--- I Am BORING! The animals at the Columbus zoo at least gave me eye-to-eye contact, not the emotional neglect I have felt. If I don't simmer down before the 14th, somebody gonna get a piece of my mind, and yes, I have enough mind to whack off a chunk and hurl it at their unexpecting noggin! You see I do not suffer fools gladly, and I do not tolerate being ignored anymore, this Doormat will never have mud rubbed into ME once again, as my Soul Sister Reba McENTIRE has stated I'M NOT GOING OUT LIKE THAT! Thanks for stating it in a song.So yes, although I still don't look my age, with the wrinkling I'm starting to look a little closer to True.
  4. But it is what it is and you are sti'll triumphing,in the War! you Still are one,on my inspirations, n3ver will change There.
  5. Frustr8

    What to say to Dr?

    And may YOU make Goal and live life better, thinner and with less of you pushing down on your joints, with diminished pain. Don't have the BP but have a recently discovered Thoracic Aorta Aneurysm, stable but still lurking somewhere in my chest, otherwise we are SoulSisters in ailments, but my Testimony-- the pain drops down to more manageble, you move better if still a turtle🐢 pace and most iMPORTANT- you do feel better and face Life with new vigor. We'll never be unscarred but those are our Battle Ribbons, no matter what Life threw at Us, We Still Won This War! And remember always what HOPE stands for HOLD ON PAIN ENDS. Much love from me in Central Ohio, your Bari--Bud Frustr8📍😛📍
  6. Oops clearly but next and final cataract removal in less than 2 months( Opthamologist THAT BOOKED!) So I will have renewed clarity there and I Plan to Keep living until GOD says it's Time To Leave This 🌎 Earth. As the woman told the Judge when she was testifying Judge- Have you lived in Ohio your entire Life? Lady- No, Your Honor , not yet! And like the Dude in" the Big Labowski" Tomkittens favorite movie-----I ABIDE.
  7. Well tomorrow night Tomkitten and I have our Apnea Retitration, on the 14th I have my Bariatric Clinic visit, haven't seen them since April, I'm told although I am 11 months TODAY this counts as my Yearly Evaluation. Since they have ignored any pleas for help, found me rather unimportant, not of real interest, either I will leave there feeling better or Ka- Ka will be hitting the Fan! Ah --!WE SHALL see Which it may BE, But time now to get out of bed, start on my myriad of V8tamins, Minerals and Medications and let the Chips Fall where They May. I am arthritic, wake up in pain, so am not too hopeful as I start my DAY but tell myself THIS STILL BEATS DEATH ALL HOLLOW, and it will Be as It Be--- I am down to 188.8 from 365+, my arms , legs and mind still work, don't see very clearel
  8. Frustr8

    What to say to Dr?

    No Big Thing if you're London- centric , it is a Fabulous Place and is Still on my Bucket List to absorb the Essence of Someday!
  9. Frustr8


    Probably a little late to submit but. if I were to pen my Autobiography the title I have selected would be "MORE IN SORROW THAN IN ANGER"- chose that back in my Teen Years, still like it after All These Years.
  10. Frustr8

    Quotes & Inspiration

    I am not merely an "One in a Million" Girl; I am an "Once in a Lifetime" Woman .
  11. Frustr8


    And I almost need a Seat Belt Retractor for mine. Hope any future lovers let me keep on my bra, when those puppies unroll it is FRIGHTENING. Good for giggles and Laughs but not Too Lust- Inspiring 👈😦👉
  12. Frustr8

    What to say to Dr?

    1st Surgeon and Facility were a referral from PCP, he believed since their facility was both a Center of Excellence and a Catholic institution they would be more likely to go the Extra Mile. Bad error- filled gameplan, instead I turned" the other cheek" got double the emotional bruising and a refusal to perform surgery. Went instead to my State LandGrant university, which I really wanted from the beginning , Kind people, Wonderful skillful surgeon and everything was on the up and up there. FYI I have no bias against a religiously owned healthcare system, I have been treated in Methodist, Baptist as well as other Catholic facilities, all wonderful facilities to be at . But remember Satan when he was Lucifer, he was a bright shiny angel until he got envious and tried to a stage a take-over from GOD. Even angels are capable of being "too Big for their Britches" to quote one of my family sayings. And I located my Final surgeon myself, facility # 1 dumped DR Satan on me, trust your gut, believe you are not stupid, if you ever get poorly treated and always Do what's best for you and Your Future. Your Life may depend on it!
  13. And P.S. today I weighed and I am. 188.8, proud and yet humbled by It All- never even dreamed I could have THAT success- especially at 73 years. PCP thinks now I AM TOO SMALL- bullfeathers- I am less than 15 pounds from my Dream- we will renegotiate THEN and only THEN.
  14. OMG that I had forgotten but once upon a time when I was the dimensions of a beach ball I too ate such things. In most ways I am So So much better but I do remember such things but by my choice and an intolerant Precious Pouch, I live there No More. But like an old man remembering his youthful loves, AH YES I REMEMBER IT WELL! Love 💘 and Peace this Sunday and beyond!
  15. Frustr8


    And I am Just a little behind you at. 190⬇from 365+ , may NOT jog ( few 73 year olds do) but I can still smile😛and celebrate📍! And I celebrate with you on your 5km and wish YOU many more such success!🚩
  16. Remember one other of Elvis favorites? Grilled Peanut butter and sliced banana sandwichs.🍳 Makes one ache considering all those evil carb calories when you 🍞consider he lubed the bread with Real Butter also!😥
  17. Frustr8

    The Maintenance Thread

    Yes you can but, surprise surprise, after being on 1% or skim, it tastes and has the consistency of Cooking Oil. Potentially you may want to choke trying it.
  18. Frustr8

    Weight-loss funnies

    Everything I like is Illegal Immoral causes weight gain or refuses to text me back promptly.😦
  19. And I was a RNY BYPASS also, 11 months out this coming Monday Now 190 after starting this trek at 365+. and even at 73 it is STILL WORKING for ME! At 5ft8 in I am heading for TEAM SLENDER! And it is Exciting like I never could have forecast!😛👗Yay!
  20. Frustr8

    Post Your Theme Song

    Well in memory to my former Obese Self- HIGHWAY TO THE DANGER ZONE- 350 + Pounds, I WILL NEVER EVER GO THERE AGAIN!✊😛
  21. scale- I would like to say merely looking at it worked, but thinking " that ISN'T TOO MUCH food" made ME what I used to be, so I trust scales more!
  22. Frustr8

    "I think you're overdoing it"

    And 🐭🐱 88-You Know I Am Very Proud to Know You and it Still sounds to,ME you are staying targeted. You are One Cool Chickadee!
  23. Frustr8

    Weight Gain?

    Hey Much Congratulations, although many will be adverse I believe your Young Lady was meant to be, she👶 just didn't want to wait to make YOU her Mommy! My own Mommy , I believe had what Prince William's wife _(and also his Mum had) they had to stop the gurney on her way to be delivered so she could vomit. List 15 pounds but I was a healthy husky 7 pounds & 12 ounces, 10-12 says early, if I had "baked" another two weeks maybe theyvwoykd have been warned. how BIG I was going to Grow! And I was a product of the mid 49s when Healthy Babies were Fat Babies, at a year I was 35 inchs tall, 26 pounds, the size of today's 2- 2 1/2 year old. Some people were BORN TO BE WILD, well I was BORN TO BE FAT and it wasn't until 72 I was able to defeat my heritage with a RNY BYPASS and a good bariatric surgeon who kept me motivated and said No You're NOT TOO OLD! God Bless and keep safe my Bradley J Needleman MD who gave me a chance to have a Future instead of a rapidly approaching Death! And now I look like this👗instead of a cheese puffball with Red Hair m
  24. Frustr8

    Keto vs. No Keto

    Hey Black Bean Burgers taste GOOD, even a former Carnivore like myself can admit THAT! Doubt if I swing completely over to Vegan but Precious Pouch HATES meat, even pureed, so I have had to concede and make HER Happier, she is pretty mean for a a small turkey- egg of Gastric Flesh, and what she doesn't like comes Rolling Right Back Out! I so Envy people with Cast Iron Pouches!
  25. Frustr8

    Calling all vets- where are you

    ProudGrammy, Sorry you're having this Dialysis Dealing " Off The Bottom of the Deck" , my report is still not on level with you're. But it was time for my Sleep Doctor's re-evaluation , I am. going to be one of the Rare Birds whose Obstructive Sleep Apnea WAS NOT CURED by Bariatric surgery and Weight Loss. Oh I am still happy I started with a HW of 365+, I say "+" because at THAT point I was so dismayed and disappointed with my body size I refused any subsequent weighing. Even made a SICK Wise- Crack, told them to weigh me again in My Casket! Oh I didn't REALLY WANT DEATH that badly but I thought it inevitable. Now LOVE, I weight proudly at 189.9, NOT NAD for almost 11 months past Surgery I Think, now in size 18, for all who think " So What, not THAT SMALL!" I started at, when I could find them , a 28-30 Woman-size, usually slunk over to the Mens Side and bought 4X sweats, unless I engineered skirts and slacks on my Huskavarna, because I was not only a Girl Scout, I was a 4Her for 10 years and did know how to tailor and sew, cut my own patterns out of newpaper, taped pieces together until I had a " Brillant Attack" and bought PaperBoltEnds from my local one. That helped but still got down on the floor to cut them, too big for laying them,out on my Kitchen Table . Not a Joyous Memory, is it? Well, while I was going to be there anyway , on our PCP' recommendation, they evaluated my Son the Tomkitten, and no Surprize, He Also has Obstructive Sleep Apnea also So they do them in 2 steps here, so August,6th we both go back for further Sleep Setting Titration. And like YOU I can say THANK YOU DADDY because that's who in my Family Tree🌴to Thank! And before him And proper testing, ii could have remained UNDIAGNOSED for Generations! And this gives my Baby Boy a Second Valid Co- Morb with GERD toward Bariatrics, many people say he carries it Well but I'd currently marching through life with an 18 collar size and a 37.7 BMI, PCP made snide comment, at least it SOUNDED,THAT WAY to my Mommy Ears, " Every pound Your Mother Loses You Gain"! And he started stamping "Morbid Obesity" on TK' s post- visit paperwork a couple # ago. TK said, "I downloaded an application from OSU so don't be surprised if You get a fax back from THEM"! PCP Said" You know In Just a Few months they will be starting them here", "No" said TK, "I am wagering that with GERD I will need what Mom had, I WANT HER Doctor! I'll discuss it with Him , but remember my Dad was a Gambler, I KNOW about Odds, and I will aim for That One"! Didn't pressure TK, completely HIS DECISION. But he did say ---I don't want to have to wait as old as YOU DID. So stay tuned my little "Frustr8 the ReRun" just may be in the Works too. Snicker Snicker, he NOW weighs almost 60 pounds more than me and oooh it p.o.' s Him Greatly! Never ever happened before in his life, of course NoT, I am Now a little Smaller than I was when Late Lamented and I Married in December 1967, oh my Wedding Dress was still an 18. but tight enough His Suspicious Relatives were certain I was Pregnant. They about choked on their chewing gum when I took me nearly 14 months to produce our 1st Baby👶. None of them LIKED fat people although 65% of them were legally obese themselves. See why of all my late hubby relatives I LIKED him best? Anyhoo I am now less than 15 pounds from My Personal Goal, I have passed my Surgeon -Dr Needleman and his Nurse Practitioner Valerie prediction of 197- 198 and Are You ready for THIS? My PCP, the Great White Producer of Useless diets and Pills--- He NOW SAYS I have lost TOO MUCH WEIGHT! Kathy, he used to dance around me singing Over and Over " YOU ARE GOING TO DIE BEFORE YOU ARE 75 " , golly I NEVER lacked motivation only the tools to effect the Loss! Should NEVER NEVER have challenged ME- I have been Redheaded since birth, stubborn. if I could survive Obesity what was going to STOP ME NOW? So I will continue to 🙏pray for You but Please be Happy for All this loss of poundage, still not certain what relative I will most resemble, big cast to choose from! Daddy had 10 living siblings when i was born , Mama 6 , all of them grew up fertile so Uber Cousins! And maybe you reemember, Every since seeing Daddy's Family ALbums I Have Said We HAVE Native American Blood flowing There! Ever known a Indian with strawberry blonde hair? You do niw, the High Cheekbones are UNDENIABLE , I made my late Aunt Minnie mad when I told her Great great Grandpa LOOKS like Iron Eyes Cody the Plains Indian Actor. Ga Ha Aunt Minnie, we are Mingos whether you wanted to admit it or not! Just proves I have more right to be here than the average Ohioan, this was my ancestors Land First! Did you know, of all the Midwestern States Ohio is the Only One with No designated Indian Reserves, after the Battle of Fallen Timbers my settler Ancestors tried running everyone off, well the last laugh, they didn't scrub Central and East Central Ohio totally clean We're still Here! My Cherokee friend calls me a Jelly 🍩 donut, White on the outside but strongly stuffed Red in the Interior. Okay by me, When Shianne, her mom a spelled it That Way so she wouldn't get mis- identified as a Plains Indian, dances at Pow Wow. she dances for me in spirit, helped her make some of her regalia. mm She is one Beautiful Young Lady! Make everybody a challenge- if you have Wikipedia on your computer/ smartphone Look under either Peoria Tribe or Peoria People, lady there is spitting image of Aunt Minnie, history states the Mingo merged into the Peoria, and they are Good Looking people, maybe because they are kinfolk? Oh Well just another facet that made Frustr8 trulyFrustr8 and I won't deny that! Have a Sunny Last Day of July!

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