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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Frustr8

  1. Frustr8

    another wild weight loss alternative

  2. Frustr8

    Weight-loss funnies

    My former talents were stress eating and loving people who never loved me back.👈😯👉
  3. Frustr8

    No longer "obese"!!!

    And mine tests at 28.9 to 29 so. I too celebrate, less than 15 pounds to the goal I have set me, and I have diminished past where Nurse Valerie and Dr Bradley J wanted me. This is the Second surgery they claimed Nurse Valerie is on Medical leave from, so I am required to meet with someone else. This leaves me with 3 suppositions: 1) She really has something going,on internally and IS NOT WELL . 2) she doesn't want to have to see ME so told them "Say,I'm Sick". 3) The Bariatri clinic don't want to be caring for ME, not even a mop- flops worth. ADK,at this point. But anyway at this point, I will do what I will have to sustain and support ME, this self- confidence I had to win my way to, it did not come easily to a meek subservient doormat like me but NOBODY will wipe their feet on Frustr8 for the remainder of her earthly life!
  4. Frustr8

    Anyone use a CPAP machine?

    In the meantime if you're still dry, dredge out the Biotene from your surgery supplies, you may turn out in September to no longer require it. I got the the SAD News mine is hereditary, intrinstic, and I am among the minority that weight loss and surgery DID NOT CURE- l8st obe- half of my puffy fluffy weight and Uncle Snuffely the C- pap and I will have a permanent relationship although my pressure settings have diminished and now Tomkitten, my son and the heir to my miniscule fortune, has joined me on the C- pap road, 8 to 5 odds he will also be having Bariatric Surgery in the not to distant future. Doubt he will bebthrilked that I tell you HE now weighs 70 pounds more than ME, oh he carries IT WELL but he admitted " I will not wait until I get much older for My Surgery" and our Mutual PCP,is very Gung-Ho about him seeking it. Reminded TK our local community hospital is. phasing in a program. Bullfeathers, said TK, I WILL GO TO Columbus and Ohio State University where Mom went. PCP can't disparage that, he was an Alumnus in 2000 of the Medical College there, even knew my Doctor Needleman personally, close to the Same Age. So TK. & I. go skipping down the same Road👸&👨Together!
  5. Start with home items, a 48 oz can of Tomato juice in each hand, make these your first weights walk, walk, walk- cheap yet effective, summon up your courage, visit your local of nearby gym, like Church, you won't find just Saints there, still plenty of sinners looking a Better Way and a Life Change and I know they won't laugh at you. Mine didn't, I showed up in bike shorts, a tee shirt that said "DONT LAUGH- I Am Trying", a pair of lavender and grey cross-trainers on my feet, there were people who stopped and helped me learn the equipment and I was treated much better than any Family Reunion,i have been to recently. Give it a Try, nothing lost for the Effort, and YOU. just make new friends there, I know I did! 😛🚩😛
  6. Frustr8


    And at 11 months 🐺woman 7, my friend, I am Now one- half the size I started this last Weight Loss trek at - 188 pounds , down from 365+ , and it has its moments of glory, a few tendrils to cling to- but similar to the Bible teaching What does it benefit a man to gain the whole world and lose his immortal soul? Along with the weight lost, I lost ME- will I ever find ME through all this? It is my fervent prayer🙏 I STILL WILL!
  7. Measurements yes, weights fairly constantly, but Pictures? Nope I spent Too Too Many Years hearing How Ugly I was and Am, even from people who Billed themselves as LOVING ME- I am too Frightened and intimindated to take pictures for posterity to ridicule them and ME. So nobody even knows for sure what I look like for certain. I WILL STATE For the Record, 5ft8in, 188 pounds, nearly one-half the size I started at (365+ pounds) thin of hair, low calorie and probably protein intake, I swallow all my vitamins, minerals, prescribed meds, but an appetite- nonexistent, and foods ? Pretty indifferent, I try , some on the thin side, not even a full mechanical soft diet, and I fight to keep down as much as Precious Pouch,and my body allow, the rest reflexes and emesis-es ( is there such a word? Or Am I inventive?). And if any of you care for my whine of woe, you would be the First. Can't afford to Go Elsewhere so facility and I are uneasy Life Mates into Perpetuativity. A Fine Swamp of my life, but IT WAS ELECTIVE 😷SURGERY, perhaps that means- I ASKED FOR IT! 👈😯👉
  8. Frustr8

    Quotes & Inspiration

    A thought from ME Today Weak people Revenge Strong people Forgive Intelligent people Ignore. I am peeved at my facility this AM, I seemed to have parachuted into a Sea of Indifference and Ignoring, perhaps I will roll over, bite the bullet and not give them a piece of My Mind on August 14th, but perhaps I should! The late Maya Angelou said If you don't like something CHANGE IT If you can't CHANGE IT Change your Attitude. Very smart lady, May she Rest in Peace, perhaps take This Road to the Future???
  9. Frustr8

    Acid Reflux

    Oh it is, it is. Have been takng it every 6 hours since October 12th 2018, did it work? Well I have had 10 EGJ since then, the last was June 12 2019, strides have been made, but a month ago my surgeons CNP/APN. Valerie told me since I w8ll be 1 year on September 5th, enoogh time has passed SHE HAS DECLARED Me CURED. Is this correct? Doubtful? Do I believe my case was treated poorly? Probably but since m6 a surgeon not that interested, had last endoscopy with my gastroenterologist in my town, because they were not sure super- interested in scheduling another at OSU. All Dr Upchurch told me was jejunem looks scarred but healed. In the meantlme like a good little girl I chug the Carafate slurry down 6am- Noon-6 pm- Midnight, luckily with my co-pay it is $6,30 month instead of the $200-300 over the counter, Wal-Mart and Big Pharma Happy, Frustr8 equally peeved and angry and sad about my treatment. I call it Indifference and neglect, when I complained in Late May i was told. by a nurse, no less, to seek Mental Health consult at my County Mental Health organization,the suggestion STILL STINGS even these months later. But my next clinic Appointment is this Wednesday the 14th, guess I SHOULD BE THRILLED I actually get an opportunity to face- to- face complain. if I want. A sad facet, I have lost down to 188 pounds, and that may be all They will Center on, not paying attention to what I Say, and now according to their stated policy I am only mandated to SHOW UP once yearly. Was I a Fool,to trust these people and this facility? Probably so but I am on Medicare/Medicaid, the first group don't CARE- the second not much AID- they still chunked the money out, but did I get healed for their benificance? Nope feel insignificant and ignored.Yes I am thinner, Healthier? IDK but Whoopie Bing Bong I AM STILL ALIVE maybe they think they kept me from dying and that is sufficent unto the DAY. To paraphase one of my 60s songs YOU COULD HAVE DONE BETTER- PERHAOS YOU DIDN'T MEAN TO BE UNKIND- BUT ABUNDANTLY OBVIOUS- I WAS THE LAST THING ON YOUR MIND. Sad👎😥😪 Isn't It?
  10. Frustr8

    September 2019 🍂🍁

    And Thillman, Your Day will come and be Just That Much Sweeter for the Wait! This adv8ce comes f4om a Bari- Sister who fought 3 years and a month to get her own surgery. It ranks up with the Best Decisions I EVER EVER MADE and next year when you're out as far as ME you'll Echo ME! Best Wishes for a Futue Bee-you- ti- ful LIFE! Frustr8
  11. Frustr8

    Quotes & Inspiration

    Ah PEGGO you are Still a Star to ME and you could be an SuperNova so burn brightly if You Can. Some Days I feel like "Cosmic Junk" but I too make it through. Be the very best PEGGO,you can be and nobody will fault YOU for THAT!
  12. Well they should have stretched an opening instead of cutting all your muscles, but abused muscles and have a Way of Complaining when THEY FEEL Abused, so you get either pain or weird numb spots. Remember the definition of H.O.P.E.- Hold On Pain Ends- many,of us have walked that path with you- I was a Bypass but my Body was NOT THRILLED to be arranged and Let Me Know Also, see not only VSG have their trials- We All Do but We All Get Through and You Will,Too!
  13. One Vote for----" You're Cool Already!" Alas I am neither an Interviewer nor an Employer, too often they look at the 🐢Outer Shell not the Good Things you contain inside. And BABY they are the 👎LOSERS for such an attitude! The Best Person😛 for a job may not be built like a👗 Stick Figure.
  14. Frustr8


    Got to,install BP on either my tablet or home computer, can't read the daily hints on a 5 inch screen- gaze blearily - What Was That?- Did I Guess it Right? So I diverge and someone always says That's NOT WHAT WAS MEANT! Whoopsie- Doopsie There!
  15. Frustr8

    medication after surgery

    Make sure yours comes in SR, I went from 150 Extended Release twice- Daily Wellbutrin to. 100mg Slow Release 3 times daily. My depression is in submission, like an alcoholic I will never be free- but it's still GOOD, Tomkitten likes me taking them still, says I'm neater and sweeter to be around if I DO- so your frequency or strenght might change but nobody expects you to go Cold Turkey at this point of Life!
  16. Frustr8

    Gastric bypass or sleeve

    And you don't have to go even the chewable route, I take prenatal vitamins, yeah a lot of strange looks at W-M when you're over 70, some people think I buy them for a grand-daughter so I'll have healthy great- grandbabies, the ones I am honest with ( and already think I'm a tad flakey in the First Place) I joke with about it all but they have high rates of everything I Need including some Iron, well I still need extra because Precious Pouch does not like animal proteins like meat, no problem , my Ferrocite is a teeny greenie once a day, take either citrus juice, diluted or a vi5am8n C with it. And my prenatals are a small caplet, not even as BIG as the ones I took when Verifiably preggo, and my dietician at OSU recommended them in the first place, Thank You Roy, couldn't hack chewables, couldn't chomp them with dentures, almost lost my love of applesauce when I put ground- up in it. My secret, small amount,of liquid, reopen gently mouth , toss things in and let them float down to Gut- Dom while I swallow. Ground up maybe a couple weeks , said "Flupp This" and taken whole pills since then except for Carafate which has to be dissolved into a slurry since my Cheapo Medicare Part D supplier SilverScripts(curse YOU!) won't pay a share of it for liquid, if I had to buy Carafate over the counter my ulcers would have perforated , BLED and I'd be Totally DeAD! And I have never in my 11.25 month bypass career ever dumped,truth is I vomit too quickly to ever be at Risk, Precious Pouch don't like,IT , it re- emerges QUICKLY, so fast it doesn't even smell at all, no real chance to digest. But that's how the mop flops and I do love a BMI of 28, 188 pounds and securely in Junior and Misses clothes after a lifetime of " Where are your LARGER Clothes displayed?"- Almost always in the back near the Restrooms- Now I am in the front with pretty shades, large selections, and No Shame Any Longer- And Frustr8 is "rocking" until I topple over and get hauled off on a gurney!
  17. Frustr8

    Protein bars

    The Pure Protein Vanilla Almond is not shabby and they just came out with Lemon, it and the Atkins lemon vanilla wafer style are my current favorites . Close behind are the QuestHero and the Zone Perfect made by Abbott Labs , my buddies the Ensure people in Columbus, as much as I have boosted them they should send me some coupons, right? And we bought Nature Valley Creamy Crispy Wafers in the grocery side, I'm still chicken, letting Tomkitten sample because we got the PButter variety and Precious doesn't permit me to retain it, maybe if I drown it with 1% milk? Oh I do appreciate her but it's about time I WIN THIS WAR! An egg-shaped piece of gastric flesh still making demands, like North and South Korea we are in a temporary lull but no surrender papers yet!
  18. Frustr8

    Hair loss

    OMG-- UP TO SEVEN YEARS? How I am go8ng to LOOk at IT, the rest of my body is getting Thin , why not the hair on my noggin? If GOD has any sense of humor he would have taken the Armpit and leg hair first, I want to declare a moratorium on Shaving anything! And I would gladly sacrificed my PCOS chin hair too. Was going to Make an appointment to have my eyebrows waxed but worried the remainder would fall out once I spent the $-Money. Oh Well it is as it will Be!
  19. Frustr8

    Vets - How often do you weigh yourself?

    ProudGrammy I am down under 30 BMI, depending on which,doctor scale-- 27 or 28, thanks for Believing in ME,when I felt like faltering, You Said I could and Wowser I really DID! Hugs!
  20. And better a burp now at Early problem stage than to not know and have things compound your LIFE later, you are heading into this with only a temporary lag, we. are Family Now , we done adopted You and WE Never Abandon Our Own! Chip away at the trials Chiptress, I too have mild thyroid problems, seemed to have shown up when my neck slimmed, but Babe I can handle it and emerge victorious, just watch my jet✈ contrail in the sky!
  21. And I too started at 50, may have even been an 51 BMI, just under 1 year , 11 months and 4 days , depending on medical office scales I am a 27 or 28, and lest YOU feel YOU can't duplicate it, I am 73 years old, will be 74 before years end, and I have the natural Basal Metabolism of a Sick Sea 🐌 Slug, You can do IT with one ✋ hand tied behind your back and you will always have Auntie Frustr8 right here to celebrate every victory pound, This I do PROMISE and this Old Girl is honest in all my dealings if possible! ❤ and a HUG.,NOW A BIG SMILE😛 and believe in YOU!
  22. Don't listen when your past,tries to call,you back, it has NOTHING NEW to say, face the future bravely- It Is Your time to shine and your Day to Achieve Your Dreams! That sound you hear now is all of US cheering YOU,on!
  23. Frustr8


    Stanza You Are A Hottie, office-bathroom or not, You Rock It GirlFriend!
  24. OMG I can just see this in my mind- won't it be nice putting one foot on the edge of the bathtub and not falling backwards? Seemed like my center of balance was skewed or my ballast kept shifting- now that I have lost my Rear Patio things are going better, gave up on toenail painting because of the weird posturing I had to do! Move over Fluffy Chix, I want. to have 👣Orange toesies too!
  25. Frustr8

    New surgery date sept 6

    And the day before will be Precious Pouch and my 1st Surgiversity,and yes She Still is a forceful presence in my life, but I now only weigh 188 pounds instead of the 365+ I embarked at, and no matter what others may say I am Very very Proud of me for staying the Course this Long! Either I am very committed or I fail to know any better, but I ABIDE as the Dude said in the B8G LOBOWSKI, yes I surely Do!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
