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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by rs

  1. The struggle is real! It was very sweet of your coworkers to help by hiding temptations from you. Kudos to them for real! My trick to keep from eating tempting food is a mind trick. I picture that they fell of the floor of a dirty gas station bathroom or someone open mouth sneezed all over them. That flies and roaches had been crawling all over them before they arrived to the break room table.
    Congrats on your 100 pound loss - that’s awesome!
    Good mind trick. I'll have to try that.

  2. Donuts are definitely one of my downfalls. I almost made it through yesterday but ultimately succumbed to having 1/2 of one. My coworker brought in a box but kept it out of sight from me. When I learned about the donuts mid afternoon I teasingly scolded her from hiding them from me. Turns out she and another coworker intentionally kept them from me because they knew I'm watching my diet. I thought that was really sweet of them actually.

  3. I can relate. I've lost a bit of weight. I work at the County jail in the counseling department. Women employees are allowed to wear skirts and dresses provided they're at knee length. I have a skirt that I've worn many times before, but last week when I wore it my boss said I can't wear it anymore. He said I'm supposed to only wear pants, no more dresses or skirts. I asked where it said in our dress code, he said it's not there but according to him for my protection and security I'm now only restricted to wear jeans/pants. For now, I'm not fighting it. I just have to buy more pants.
    Ok I think that's really weird that your boss said that when he can't even point to the dress code manual

  4. my weight loss stopped on its own.
    i was going down 3 pounds a month like clock work then one day weighed in at 143 pounds and 2 days later was 145 then 147 a week later. now i cycle back and forth from 147 to 150. i didn't do anything different of change up anything. i just bounced off the 143 and settled in at my now "normal" weight. this was almost 5 months ago and i feel good and i am adjusting to the mind set that i am all done with the weight loss and moving on with my life.
    Gosh what a great feeling that must be! Good job!

  5. I noticed that most of these posts are about the struggles trying to increase calories to stop from continuing to lose weight. I find that interesting. I'm 9 months post sleeve and still have about 15 lbs to go to reach goal. This last month or two it's been real slow to come off. I just can't imagine getting to a point where I have to try to stop from losing.

  6. I saw someone post once, "No one asked me the details about my weight gain or how I got there, so they don't need to know the details of my weight loss or how I'm getting there" LOL!
    For me only my immediate family know as well as 3 close friends.
    Oh I like that quote!

  7. Has anyone kept your surgery a secret? I am pre-op and at this point, I don't want to have to explain WHY to everyone. I am also scared of being judged every time I eat in a social setting. What if I fail and have a regain, I can only imagine the judgment there. If you had it to do over again, would you tell people about the surgery, or not?
    I could have written your post word for word before my surgery last August. My decision was to only tell my family and a couple of very close friends. I work with two of my friends that I told but made them promise not to tell anyone else at work. I'm very happy with my decision. I've lost 90 lbs now. People at work started noticing a couple months ago, asking what I've been doing. My response has been that I'm logging all my food, not eating the often times 3000 calories, focusing on Protein to keep me full, reducing carb intake, and exercising (that last part isn't entirely true and I really need to get going on that). I also said that I'm quickly approaching the age that my Dad was when he died of a heart attack which was related to his obesity (all true). When I had the surgery last summer I didn't tell anyone at work what type it was. One person asked and I just said I'm not comfortable talking about it but thanks for asking. A few weeks ago a different coworker point blank asked me if I had bariatric surgery. Completely caught me off guard and I felt it was kinda rude. I looked her straight in the eye and lied. I said no, then gave my spiel about logging food etc. Best of luck on your journey!

  8. Perhaps you are dehydrated. I had a similar situation after my surgery last summer and ended up needing an IV of fluids put in me. I recommend drinking more and taking it easy physically to let your body heal, don't walk it off or push yourself. Good luck!

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