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Posts posted by BostonWLKC

  1. You’ll be ok!
    Yes the surgery really messes with your emotions for a little while. Give yourself a month to start to balance out a bit.
    The whole journey is emotionally charged . When I went through it it was also a bit of reidentifying who you are too— you look in the mirror and see someone different sometimes. The changes can be very dramatic in your appearance but your mind still sees who you knew as yourself physically. It’s a bit of a trip.

    The emotions level out just hang in there . It does get better once on solid foods

    I agree with Matt. The more water/ Fluid you drink the more things flush out and that includes estrogen

    Hang in there and visit the forums often for supports . Post. Read. We have been there and understand

  2. I also enjoyed my Thanksgiving dinner, we are human. I had turkey, some green Beans and a piece of carrot cake. I even had a drink!
    I enjoyed it :)

    As others have said, it isn’t a daily indulgence. It was a treat, a holiday etc.

    Back on my usual routine this morning and I’m sure all is well in WLS world. I even weighed myself like a crazy person this morning lol. Didn’t gain 10 lbs (stayed even), so the world is ok haha

    Forgive yourself— don’t make it a daily habit and move on!

  3. “Thank you everyone. Liquids are fine and I'm supposed to be on soft solid foods but maybe I'll give it another few weeks before eating certain things”

    I wouldn’t consider chicken “soft”.... it’s probably just too dense to eat right now! Try ground turkey with a bit of spaghetti sauce? Sometimes just having some liquid on it like sauce makes it easier

    Good luck!

  4. I don’t dump at all— but feel a bit sick if I don’t follow rules but nothing crazy!

    Everyone is different .

    Most people don’t post about all the great things… Only want to talk about the crazy so take the discussion board with a grain of salt! The ugly side gets a lot more airtime. Plenty of us who have zero side effects! Just follow your plan do your best and you will be fine

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