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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sillykitty

  1. I missed this thread .... but count me in on the skydiving!
  2. sillykitty

    Food Before and After Photos

    Kofta Kebab, Rice, Hummus, Pita Bread, Falafel (uneaten)
  3. sillykitty

    Over eating

    I agree with this. It seems you have a fair amount of stomach capacity and/or food slides easily for you. That means you have to be more careful to focus on dense proteins and then use low cal veg to fill up. Food like starches, nuts, dried fruit, sauces are very calorie dense, so you need to balance those with food that is less so.
  4. Today I will most likely be able to do IF. I'm golfing this afternoon, and then have late lunch plans after, so that will be my first meal. We'll see how the rest of the day goes after that
  5. @FluffyChix I'm with you on the inaccuracy and overestimating. I do the exact same thing. I'd rather err on he side of over estimating calories and serving sizes, than lying to myself that I did better than I actually did.
  6. Ha ha, I know, my dining partner and I just gulped when we realized the price, especially considering she doesn't eat much either. But I got as much for my money as possible, eating wagyu (or so they said ), ribeye, lamb and shrimp. My dining partner ate mostly chicken and carrots But yeah, paper thin sliced raw meat and head on raw shrimp isn't the most bag it and sneak it out friendly food
  7. Meh, your craptastic day is amateur hour compared to some of mine @FluffyChix I mean you made good choices for half he day before it all went to hell and the craving monster took over. But you still only had 1100 cals, and got a good amount of protein. Could have been a lot worse! I know that my goal is to eat much healthier, on the whole, not necessarily every day, I also keep in mind that 1 day or 2 or 12 isn't going to wreck anything. I'm still marching towards my goal, just sometime I take a detour. I just know I have to get back on track.
  8. This is a good goal to have vs. perfection. Now you know that chips are a danger zone and you should avoid. On a rare occasion you might give into temptation, but you learned you have the strength and self awareness to stop yourself before you've eaten the whole bag
  9. @AEdoesRnY I agree with @Tracy1978 You went to Chipotle, you made healthy choices, that is a complete success IMO. Eating out is part of life, some times for pleasure and sometimes out of necessity. Being able to navigate that and make healthy choices is an important skill, and you did that. No need to feel guilty at all. Perfection is an un-achievable goal. If that is what you are aiming for you are doomed to feel like a failure. Instead of the success that you are. You've lost 36 lbs is 6 weeks, which is AMAZING!
  10. No IF yesterday as expected, with an early breakfast and dinner plans. Unfortunately I also ate craptasticaly 2 of the meals, and not so great for the third. But protein, fluids, and supplement goals met, so that is something. So @FluffyChix you did better than I did confining yourself to one meal! Had a good day today, ate within a 4 hr window. Pushed out to a late lunch. Went to a Japanese Shabu Shabu and Korean Hot Pot fusion restaurant. It was AYCE, so I knew I'd never get my money's worth. But then learned the price was $30 ! So I was determined to get at least some of my money's worth. So I basically grazed over a long meal. I'm good with this because it was all pure protein and condiments. But I paid like $10/oz of meat, so, yeah . Happy that protein, supplement and fluid goals were all met. (I consider protein goals met if I am over 50g) Feel better @GreenTealael
  11. sillykitty

    Non Scale Victories

    LOL ... definitely not me!
  12. Everyone is different, but I had an easy recovery. I took a 5 hr flight and then spent a week at a wine and dine work event. Then followed by the weekend visiting a friend, and laying by the pool. Then flying back home. Concession stand food, probably not so much. I'd just pack a protein shake or something.
  13. sillykitty

    Non Scale Victories

    I bought a BIKINI!!! I tried it on, didn't hate, and might even wear it out in public! Even as a teenager and in my 20's when I was 20 lbs lighter than I am now I didn't wear a bikini. Of course this bikini is as high waisted as hell, but I'm not going to show my ugly tummy!
  14. My stomach is sensitive to suggestion. Someone says "Did that fish taste funny?" and my stomach is doing somersaults. Let's not even talk about when I was on a plane next to puking girl . I had all nausea and no sympathy since it was a flight from Vegas, and I doubt she was "sick"
  15. Could it be your mind playing tricks on you? http://www.eatbydate.com/dairy/yogurt-shelf-life-expiration-date/
  16. Pic on the left is smoked gouda .... right is jerky, I think turkey jerky
  17. Oh no, your meals are just so pretty .... At least do better than I do (And this is fancy, I only used plates for the pics!)
  18. sillykitty

    Non Scale Victories

    That's your body dysmorphia talking! Your measurements are smaller than mine, and 8-10 in dresses is what I'm wearing
  19. Yesterday I managed to do IF. That is a bright spot, because I ate crap and didn't get protein, fluids, or supplements in. All my eating was within a 6 hr window though! No IF for me today. Had breakfast (that's what I'm calling the chimichanga ), that was especially early, since I was in another time zone. And I have dinner plans tonight, so that is going to be about a 15-16 hr window. I should be able to do protein, fluids and supplements though.
  20. I haven't done bars since I have a whey intolerance. But I'm about to receive a metric ton from Bariatric Pal, so we'll see. But I do eat Kay's Crispy Parmesan Protein Chips (super cheap on Amazon), and I find them very filling and satisfying. I've never eaten more than a half a bag at a time. I don't feel my restriction, but I feel full, if that makes sense.
  21. You can't include me in that "you all" I started my day with a chimichanga
  22. Those are impressive meals for 550 calories. Seriously, mine are a chunk of cheese and a protein shake!
  23. sillykitty

    After 4 month Surgery

    Are you logging what you eat?
  24. sillykitty

    Non Scale Victories

    I wore heels for 5 hrs today, and had no pain whatsoever. I forgot that was even possible!
  25. sillykitty


    I read it more as those post that say: "OMG, I felt a twinge, should I go to the ER?" "I took a sip of water with my meal, did I stretch my sleeve??" "My stomach gurgled, do I have a leak?"

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
