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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sillykitty

  1. sillykitty

    Dating how to's?

    I have been on and off dating sites for longer than I would like to admit I have found that free sites like POF, OKC, were all about hook ups. Nothing wrong with that, but not what I was looking for. Match seems to be less hook up oriented, so I've had the best luck there. So I'd say pay sites are better, BUT, I was on Elite Singles and Bagels and Coffee and it seemed most the profiles were fake. I generally dislike dating, especially first dates. But I just put my best foot forward, be myself, open and honest, and hope they are the same.
  2. You've lost 29 lbs in 6 weeks, that doesn't sound like failing to me?
  3. sillykitty


    @Matt Z I have to give you credit, you answer just about every stall post with much more kindness than I could ever muster!
  4. Yesterday turned out better than expected. I woke up hungry, so I had low expectations of being able to do IF. But I pushed through the hunger by hydrating. But when I finally did eat, it set off my hunger monster. It makes me think that on days I have minimal hunger if I should just do protein supplements, and not eat anything that actually tastes good. Hmmm ..... Woke up super early, no hunger so far. We'll see how today goes. I have dinner plans tonight, so to do IF I'll need to push my first meal out until mid afternoon. We'll see ....
  5. @GreenTealael Hope you start feeling better soon. I agree, the scale seems to have a mind of it's own! @FluffyChix I still can't figure out how you make 400 cals look like so much food, and such attractive and delicious food. I had the same cals as you yesterday. I ate part of a leftover kebab, chunk of cheese & a protein shake, my pics would have been so sad next to yours! Sorry about the lymphedema, hopefully it subsides today. You lost 5 lbs in a week, so your graph can't be looking too shabby. It would certainly be nice if that gain could be contributed to alcohol and/or beer. I mean I drank beer everyday for 11 days or so. That is not something I would ever do IRL. So if that's all I'd have to do to avoid gains, then I have it made! Ha, ha, wishful thinking, right?!? At the end of next month I take another 10 day vacation. This one will be wine, pasta & gelato, and a lot of walking. We'll see what that does to the scale.
  6. Interesting, I'd be screwed considering I'm intolerant of whey protein. Corn starch is less then 1% of the ingredients, so unless you have an allergy, I can't imagine it matters much.
  7. Just curious, but do you have any reason to suspect this wouldn't be allowed on your program?
  8. sillykitty

    How Long For A Surgery Date?

    I think it totally depends. My surgery was scheduled before I finished the requirements (just blood work, EKG, etc., no preop diet), and before submitted to insurance. Of course it would have been cancelled if the approval didn't come through. But I stated upfront that I had a tight timeline and small window for time off, so they worked with me. My insurance cam back approved in under a week, I think 3 days. So my process went very very quickly, which is what I wanted.
  9. Glad you found something you like. Legit question though, why this over say Muscle Milk Pro with the same protein per oz or Premier Protein with near the same? And just drink 2?
  10. sillykitty

    I tried a diet coke today...

    Or now that he has practically reached maintenance, he is figuring out how he will navigate life, eating and drinking going forward. Is a drink at a tailgate something that should never be allowed ever post WLS?
  11. sillykitty

    Post Op Bra Size

    I went from 42DD --> 38D --> 36C?? At first I was excited I could fit into my "special occasion" bras without the extender. But now I no longer fill up the cup . Currently in a 38D, but bra gap game is getting strong , so I'll have to move down soon, 36C I'm guessing?
  12. sillykitty

    Secret sleevers?

    You're fortunate, that has not been my experience at all
  13. sillykitty

    Secret sleevers?

    I have been very private in my professional life, but fairly open in my personal life.
  14. 4 weeks post op I became intolerant to whey protein isolate. But it just caused nausea, not the same type of upset stomach as you have.
  15. I'm dating someone right now who's good with sharing ... I never thought it would be such an important "pro". New check list: employed, 2 or less baby mamas, clean criminal background check, good sharer. I thought the same thing with the gain, I don't think travel edema, the trip wasn't too much different than what I do most weeks. Not salt, overall the food in was not overly salted, actually the opposite. But alcohol is very possible. I've had very little alcohol in the last 6 months, and certainly not alcohol everyday, and certainly not beer. It wasn't all true gain either, as you can see, I had a pretty steep drop in weight once I returned
  16. sillykitty

    I tried a diet coke today...

    That is not something every surgeon or program believes http://www.obesityhelp.com/articles/drinking-soda-after-wls-debunking-the-myth http://drmatthewweiner.com/bariatric-surgery-myths/
  17. sillykitty


    Or all of the above! Or look at someone's pre op + post op weight loss combined!
  18. I do better when I know where I'm going before hand and can look at the menu online. I tend to stick to healthier options if I do this. If I don't know where I'm going then in the heat of the moment I cave with the time pressure to pick something to eat. Can I just b***h about something ridiculous real quick though. A lot of times I don't choose the healthiest option, I really want because of the serving size and price. Fresh fish, I love fresh fish. But I'll order the french onion soup, or some random appetizer, or a shrimp and pasta dish instead, because even though it's not "my money" (it's my company's money) it just seems so wasteful to order a $45 dish and eat 2 oz of it. Ok, not super relate-able to most people, so I'm hopefully burying it in this thread. I have to admit, I do sometimes worry I have wrecked my metabolism. And as I get further out it will become harder to keep my cals low and I'll struggle with regain . On my vacation, 12 days and the 4.5 lb gain, my cals weren't ridiculous, between 1,000 - 1,700/day (very generous estimates too). So that scares me as what my future may look like. But also think, is that just because I went from 500 cals to free for all eating overnight, and if I ramp up slowly will my body cope better? Ugh, who knows. I'm not worried too much about the G2, it's low sugar, only 30 cals per bottle, so I estimated I had 8 cals from 25% of the bottle. I only wonder if it deactivated the benefits of IF (if they exist). If they hunger is caused by anything I'd guess it's the late night hummus and pita bread
  19. sillykitty

    I tried a diet coke today...

    I drink diet coke nearly every day ... don't even feel guilty about it
  20. Maybe it will be a good chance to start passing on the Christmas dinner tradition to one of your children?
  21. sillykitty


    And the others they choose to compare themselves to are of course the extreme of 20 lbs in the first two weeks, not the "average" person.
  22. @NYJenn I have to say I disagree. Food may not make the holiday, traditions are special and meaningful to families and individuals. Cinnamon rolls one day a year won't make one bit of difference in @Megan Sadler success after WLS, but it would be something her family misses.
  23. Yesterday was ok for IF. I didn't have my first meal until 5 pm, so a loooong fast. But dumba$$ me forgot to bring my water on to the golf course, so I had to drink some of my partners G2, so had a few calories there, starting at 1pm. Had dinner, protein shake, all was good until I was hungry again and the hummus was calling my name from the fridge. Ate with in a 4 hr window (not including G2), but could have been better. This week I'm home, so should be able to eat better and do IF better. But I woke up early and am already hungry, very unusual for me. So it's not starting out great. What did I just say about it being easier to behave at home?
  24. @Matt Z One of the things about IF is you don't need to do it everyday. I like that if I can't do it a day, or 2 or 3, that' ok, and it's not a failure @FluffyChix Whoo hoo! Congrats on the 5 lb loss. That's HUGE at the point, so close to goal! Good job controlling the craving monster, that always feels like a victory to me, no matter what the scale says. Ugh, I feel you on this. This is my life. At home it's easier to behave. But put me in front of a menu and I'm ordering a pimento cheese sandwich instead of the grilled chicken salad every time. I'm so hoping that's not true!
  25. sillykitty

    Yom Kippur and WLS?

    Something to consider, but maybe start doing some fasting the days leading up to Yom Kippur. I have noticed the more I eat, the more hungry it makes me. The less I eat, the more controllable my hunger becomes

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