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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sillykitty

  1. sillykitty


    Oh, yeah, dim lighting is my friend, for sure!
  2. sillykitty

    I tried a diet coke today...

    Show me those studies? And if artificial sweeteners are a health nightmare, then why is every bariatric diet program full of them?
  3. sillykitty

    I tried a diet coke today...

    Tons of bottled water sold, but only a super small amount is carbonated. Only in fine dining, or a very European style restaurant do you have the choice of still or carbonated water. What is becoming huge, is lightly flavored sparkling water, like La Croix. https://www.lacroixwater.com/flavors/
  4. Yesterday was a very good IF day for me. I spent the day nearly completely hunger free. Yay!! I had dinner plans, even looking at the menu early in the day to pick what I was going to eat didn't make me hungry, which is unusual. So just before heading out I made a high protein protein shake, so I could get close to that goal. Then I had yellow curry with chicken, some rice, and some of my date's fried fish dish with papaya salad. No pics, because I can't let my date know my level of crazy yet. I think all those values for the curry are crazy high, too many cals, carbs, and protein, IMO!
  5. Thanks .... I do appreciate that. You know, I wish I could only blame my job though. But I make poor choices when I'm at home, or out on personal time as well. Like Postmates has free delivery all day today .... sigh ....
  6. Oh man, good luck to you then Did you see the McChicken I posted up last week?
  7. Rooms are CHEAP too! (and the food is delicious)
  8. I don't even know, I blocked it out! All I remember it was boring af! The NE and NY office had a lot of overlap, so once I realized I could visit the NE office instead, I never went back!
  9. Nice! That is an awesome goal! That's one thing I like about IF, the more I do it, the easier it seems. Which has not been my experience with restrictive diets. (I also love your new avi!)
  10. You went to a burger place and ordered chicken and veggies! That is a huge win in my book!
  11. Make sense, since I love NYC, lol When I started with my company I was excited to be assigned the NY territory. Only to find out the office was in some terrible bedroom community in NJ with big houses, wide lawns, and not a damn thing to do after 10 pm
  12. @Sosewsue61 that looks delicious! If you can do that in a hotel room, that is further proof my meals are just sad
  13. @MargoCL I have, from the beginning, weighed myself every morning I'm home. BUT, the ups and downs, stalls etc. don't make me crazy. I totally accept it's part of the process, and look at the big picture (i.e. 90 lbs lost in 7 months) Why I do IF Mostly because it fits in pretty easily with my natural eating habits. I am naturally not hungry in the morning. It isn't usually very hard for me to push my first meal to later in the day. It helps me hydrate. If I'm not eating it's easier for me to focus on my fluids. Plus drinking can help stave off some hunger. One thing I have found to be absolutely true for me ... the more I eat, the more hungry I get. So the more I do IF, the easier it gets. It's nice to truly not be hungry until 2pm. That is half the day gone and I have made no bad choices, win! I find it works for both physical hunger and head hunger, IF diminishes both. So I generally would have a moderate fasting time because I'm not an earlier eater. But attempting IF gives me a reason to skip that late night snack. I like that I can do it any day I wish. Some days I can't because of hunger or schedule. That's fine, I didn't fall off the wagon, screw anything up, etc.. I just didn't do IF that day, period. I'm not good with restrictive diets. I'm never going to be able to give up carbs. I eat out frequently. I still crave crap food. So IF gives me something I can do that helps with cravings and hunger, but still doesn't make me a failure if I order chicken fried steak. I don't know if IF by itself has all of he benefits it claims to have. Like all fad diets, some science turns into a lot of hype. But my biggest challenges post WLS are making poor choices and dealing with hunger (physical and head). So IF helps me with one of those, the hunger, which therefore has me eating less food which therefore is less chance for poor decisions.
  14. So I know you said you did want to hear from anyone w the VSG ... but, I wanted to say that sleeve does not mean more capacity than RNY. So I don't think you should worry that your seemingly larger capacity would mean you were sleeved vs, bypassed.
  15. sillykitty

    I tried a diet coke today...

    Says the person creating drama
  16. Too funny ... that is the one place on my "must repeat" list! Only spent 3 days there and it wasn't enough. Did you not enjoy Paris?
  17. True! She also has Spain and Israel on her to do list, and those are on my "not willing to repeat" list.
  18. Stalls are going to happen, no matter what. I'd question someone who said it was "effortless". It really helps to look at the big picture. Which of these matter, really?
  19. @FluffyChix Up almost 1 lb today, so solidly in the mid 150's. Not unexpected at all, after the steep drops I have had recently. Oh, and that first uptick, Mai Tai week, was work, not vacay I think if I post pics of carbonara and gelato I'll be kicked off of this site. Torturing people! Especially the pre op diet people with their whole tummies and protein shakes!
  20. Me too .. this will be my 4th trip to Italy. All have been different destinations within Italy (Tuscany, Venice, Rome). This is my first "repeat" vacation ever, back to Rome. But this is my friend's #1 bucket list destination, so I'm going back. (Kills me a little honestly, as much as Rome is amazing, I have so much of the world yet to see and vacation time is so limited )
  21. "patients who had sleeve gastrectomy operations between 2006 and 2009, before this type of weight-loss operation was widely accepted " I wonder if a that time sleeves were larger than they are now, because the procedure was newer?
  22. @GreenTealael Sorry to hear about the tummy troubles. But super interested to see your meal pics. Vegetarian is easy for me, but I find vegan super challenging. Going to watch the video when I get the chance, if only for the eye candy Going to Italy at the end of October. I know it seems like I have a lot of vacays, but they're just 2 close together. My last vacation was Nov 17!
  23. @FluffyChix, Yeah, it makes sense, everything you eat is super lean and protein dense, or veggie filler for the most part. Honestly if I start losing my restriction, that's the direction I will go. Really the only "filler" food I eat is cucumbers when I'm either feeling snacky, or just because I want them. I mean I still keep zucchini, carrots, romaine in my fridge, but I'm always just throwing it away and buying fresh every other week or so You definitely don't want to be my assistant. I have an assistant and I'm pretty sure she hates me most days You chart doesn't look bad at all. From your WLS through July it was pretty consistent losses. I'm sure July drove you crazy though! Oh, I haven't not taken pictures cause my food is sad (although it is), it's just boring. I usually only serve myself what I can eat (so no after pics), and it's literally a chunk of cheese (oh, it's always hard cheese, so around 100 cal/oz, no brie or anything like that). I mean, who wants to see that? Anything I think might be interesting I will put up in the before and after food thread. I'm interested to know how you feel if you aren't forcing the meals, and just eating when you're hungry. And what that will do for loss. I mean it's working for me, weight loss wise, but who knows how anyting will work out long term. I'd like to think it was the beer. We will have to see if wine will do the same thing on this up coming vacay. I'm thinking maybe not, I drink dry wines, so not a lot of sugar or carbs compared to beer. I also generally don't drink as much beer as I do wine. But then again, I'm not usually in Italy Below is my chart. You'll see the 2 significant upticks. One early on, and the other just recently. I'd like to think they were both alcohol related. Early uptick was Mai Tai's (and a little beer) for a week, and then this latest beer one. (I do have a weekend of Mai Tai's coming up though, gulp! )

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