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Everything posted by kakatlady612

  1. kakatlady612

    What to expect

    Glad you enjoyed,my post. I'm all over Bariatric Pal so I turn up more often than a bad penny. After many years of being a wet soggy doormat for my family and the world I have developed late stage spunkiness. I try to tell the truth with a touch,of humor. Ain't an one of us gonna get out of life alive, we are all travellers on the road of life., so might as well share the journey.Don't panic about your surgery approaching, it's just a day you'll be committing to a new and improved way of life. I look forward to my own, I might even say I get a little excited. Think it will be next month but,I'll know for certain by the end of this day. Hope we can all help you,on your journies also. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. kakatlady612

    Taking the plunge

    I have heard of Chris De Bruyne, person using him seemed well satisfied. Sure Ms Tipps or one of the other UK people on here will see your post and have answers about aftercare. Best wishes, I know you'll, get good care even if you have to accrue some travel time. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. kakatlady612

    If it's God's will...

    Kowgirl1988 I too am glad to have you back in the Bariatric fold. Maybe it's the grandma in me but I want all my little chicks safe. So now will you be going to Anchorage, Juneau or somewhere else? Must confess I don't know who are running programs in Alaska but trust you'll find the best for you. God Bless and keep you safe until his return. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. kakatlady612

    February Rny Surgeries??

    Oh Amanda get some goodbrest tonight. Tomorrow is your Super Day and you are the star. I known you though this day would never come, it's here . Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. kakatlady612

    I think something is wrong...

    Well here's hoping the dilatation in 2 weeks will be the last needed Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. So Losingit2018 do you now have a surgery date? And add my congratulations on a clean heart procedure, I know you were pretty concerned. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. kakatlady612

    Sizes post op

    I think I'll buy a size 16 - maybe at Goodwill, hang it up so,i can be inspired. Shame you can't put a hex on it, if its true thinking and wishing will make. it happen it would b e easier losing weight. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. kakatlady612

    Olympics, Curling

    I'm sorry and all the Canadians will probably have me lynched for saying this. I do not care too much for curling, goodness knows I've been exposed to enough on the Olympics, I find it about as thrilling as watching paint dry. So a challenge: what OlyMpic event could YOU do without? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. kakatlady612

    February Surgery Buddies!

    February 20th seems to be a,popular day for Bariatric surgery. Beginning to think they all took Presidents Day off and they're telescoping the whole week into,that day. At any rate please update us when your surgeries are completed. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. kakatlady612

    Tomorrow I get SLEEVED!!

    Nikkinikolle it's finally coming true for you. If I had the tail I've always desired it would be whipping around in joy. Yippie skippie you've got this girl. Let us know how everything goes. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. kakatlady612

    March-April Rny-ers

    Is there a story how you met? He's not exactly,the boy next door although there is a Melbourne Fla. April hmm sounds like a good time for surgery, our spring& your Autumn. Sure do hope every thing works out well for you. So where in Oz is your surgery going to be? Melbourne or somewhere else? I guess I'm a nibby old biddy but I like to know these things. Texting people overseas I guess is my way of traveling the world. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. kakatlady612

    I'm New, in Need of Support & Encouragement

    Welcome little urchin. No problems with your life with me. Life is too short to not have someone to love who loves you back. I helped my cousin come out to his mother, and a few years later when he married his husband he paid my cousin Shani and I the great honor of escorting him down the aisle. And yes I cried just as much there as all the straight weddings I've,been to. He and his Casey are so happy together. My Baribuddy Fluffy Chix had a cartoon I loved, said "anybody's mean to you I'll be on them like a monkey on Mountain Dew." Mountain Dew is very high caffeine soft drink. I think you'll find acceptance on Bariatric Pal and we are loyal to our own here. We' ve fought our "fat" battles and I think we are better and nicer people for it. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. kakatlady612

    Want to find another job

    COBRA had I elected to keep my former plan would have cost me $700. my Social Security is less than $1000 and I still would have to pay utilities, food and shelter out of it. Never expected to rely on Medicare/Medicaid at my age, oh and it gets worse. I lost a portion of my Medicaid benefits at the end of 2017, why? Seems I would have to receive $7000 or less a year to fully qualify. I became rich when I wasn't,looking? Geeesh. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. kakatlady612

    Weight gain

    Oh jamieohhh I am not going to be your favorite person. i am your height and at your age probably the same poundage.At 37.4 BMI you are a time bomb, sure you might not detonate today or even tomorrow, but eventually,it will happen. Let a Bariatric Granny tell you how it is. I told myself I wasn't obese I was a big [emoji66] and most of my life off and on, i was. I was born when the Second World War was finishing, my mother nursed me, yeah breastfed is best fed, at least Mama and her family thought so. My mother's doctor insisted she feed me a 8oz bottle of Carnation evaporated milk formula after each nursing. Its well know once fat cells develop they are there for life. Sure you might deflate them. but they'll hang around. At the age of 1 --I was 35 inches tall and weighed 36 lbs. Yeah the size of a chunky 2 to 2 1/2 year old. I remained tall and although I slendered out some my flesh has always been soft, I became bone strong but never muscular. And yeah I played as much as everyone else. Things were going on fairly smooth until puberty hit. Went from a 30AA to a 34C kaboom, still pretty good until I turned 15. I want from 110 to 175+ in less than 6 months. Mama drug me into the doctor cause I was still eating normal portion sizes. Doctor reassures her it's just puberty, as soon as her hormones level out she'll lose that weight. Been waiting close to 60 years, hasn't happened yet. In my early adulthood I continued to gain albeit slowly. I left 100--l and and went into the 200s by the time I had my children I was about 250ish, every pregnancy I lost but then it got me again. I was never a binge eater exactly, I was a mommy and rather than refrigerate things I scraped out many a casserole. I might also mention I am double-jointed-- one of its cute facets is joint laxity. The selfsame ability to clap the soles of one's feet together predisposes you to arthritis 85%. So it hurts to move, I was offically diagnosed with degenerative arthritis at 25, although I continued to try to stay active it hurt more and more. I was the reverse of most, I gained weight because I didn't move as much. And my joints began to break down until they were bone on bone. Partly from arthritis but a good contribution from lugging excess pounds around. Now I've had 2 knee replacements, sure they're good to have but at best 85-90% as good as natural ones. I really should have my hips done too but hope my weight loss surgery will buy me some time there. You will, by the time you reach my age- 72, be over 300 lbs like me. You do know overweight does shorten your lifespan? Also increases your chances of diabetes and cancer. The fact I've dodged both is a minor miracle. It is a fluke that I have low blood pressure, low cholesterol, no diabetes and no cancers, no heart disease.What I do have sleep apnea, have to sleep with a c pap mask at night, lungs and legs that won't let me walk too far. On my good days I walk with a cane. If I try to do something I have to rest half way thru. Your body slows down, you either sit down a lot or you stay lying down in bed cause you hate the pain. You pop NSAIDS like they are m&ms, you take so many you get gastritis and an ulcer. Ulcer hasn't been fun, constant hunger sensations that food doesn't satisfy. People your age start dying and you wonder if you'll be next. And you get sick and tired of being sick and tired. Life gets tedious, instead of Good Morning Lord, it's a beautiful day" it becomes" Oh Lord why did You let me live another day?" This is why at 72 I am planning surgery. I have stared my own mortality in the face and it isn't pretty. I should have a RnY early-mid March at Mount Carmel in Columbus Ohio. It will be an uphill battle for me, I may not heal as quickly as the younger people on Bariatric Pal. But the hope of a thinner healthier life is still in front of me. I find I'm not ready to die yet, I am committing my remaining strength towards this goal. I've been given hope, I was a failure with diets & the surgery will give me a new tool to work with. Would I have listened to somebody like me at your age? Probably not, I still thought I could beat it with the right diet, Lord knows I tried so many of them. One of my doctors said to me "I'd like you to weigh 148 pounds" told him I would too but I've lived long enough to realize without surgery it isn't going to happen. And any rate I hope you take my advice, get your surgery and improve your life before it's almost too late. God Bless Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. kakatlady612

    February bypass buddies?

    You can do it Mekah you can do it. I see success and,good health in your future. I wish you a smooth and successful surgery. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. kakatlady612

    Any March 2018 Sleevers?

    Congratulations maridiego on your date. If you have any questions we can help with, please ask. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. kakatlady612

    Unsure, need help

    Ohio, 14 miles from the Geographic Center. Centerburg which is in my county(Knox) holds that distinction. I live in Mount Vernon, the county seat, a city of just under 20,000. We are the home of Dr Semple, a dentist who invented chewing gum, Daniel Decater Emmett, a Northerner who,wrote the South's battle song Dixie and the actor Paul Lynde. All,of them are dead but I'm not. Another slight claim to fame, I am distantly related to Princess Diana thru her great great grandfather Frank Werk who was from Muskingum county Ohio. My late husband was (i think) a 4th or 5th cousin of President Millard Fillmore. Millard's mother was named Ellen Tilton, a bunch of Ellen's in his family who were her namesake. And Late hubby's middle name was Tilton. A quick,joke about ancestors. People who boast about ancestors are like potatoes, the best part is buried underground.So now you know a little more about me and mine. I was an only child so ancestor stories were my bedtime stories. I know more about some of them than I do fairy tales. . Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. kakatlady612

    Sticks and Stones...

    Hey I have a question, maybe the Michigan people can weigh in? Somebody told me due to lobbying by the National Association of Fat Americans it is no longer legal to discriminate on basis of size. Did such a bill pass the Michigan legislature? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. kakatlady612

    Unsure, need help

    Keep on Keeping on. Like the 60/70 song" ain't nothing gonna break --a my stride Ain't nothing gonna slow me down" You can and will do this. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. kakatlady612

    Help what does these mean ???

    All 3 good...thank you my brothers and sisters. Now on more and more hidden meanings. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. kakatlady612

    What to expect

    Welcome Kevin-- you share a surgery date with oodles of people-- both sleeve and RnY. Chief among them is Fluffy Chix, go and read her Out with the Old In With the New postings, she ,is a total hoot. What to expect tomorrow. Well it is the first day of the rest of your life. You Will leave the,operating room different than when you enter. You will wake up in the recovery room after your anesthesia sleep, you may be nauseous, you may not. There will be techs and nurses hurrying around but they're all be watching over you also. How will you feel? A little fuzzy and foggy. How will your tummy feel? That like each person varies. Range from feeling bloated , like you've been stabbed repeatedly which i guess you have been, done too,many situps and feels very tired. I'm holding out for my friend Tammy's assessment. She said it wasn't as bad as being head-butted by her 5 year old son. Rotten kid. thought he was a Billy goat. When you get back to your room, they will have you up and walking as soon as you are able. Not being mean, it lessens the chance of developing blood clots, helps you get rid of the gas they blew you up with and lastly keeps you from lying there feeling sorry for yourself. Up and at 'em Adam Ant. Some places start you out on Clear Liquids, some just give you Water. You won't be able to swallow much at a time, you are pretty swollen inside and surgically wounded. You are drier than Death Valley but you still have an IV in and probably will until you can take enough in by mouth. A lot of people use Biotene and say it helps with the Dry Mouth. I want to take that and GasX strips if I can find them. I'm gassy now so imagine what I'll be like later. The general consensus---walk walk walk sip sip i would add smile smile smiles The nurses are going to be more receptive to answering lights, doing things to help you etc if you act relatively pleasant. Sure they are professionals but they first are human, if you act like a rotten spoiled brat you'll get talked about in the break room. And it won't be flattering, I'm not a nurse but i spent about 20 years as a STNA and I know from experience that goes on. So back on your feet, get your exercise, keep your Fluid levels up, each day you'll be stronger than the day before. Sure there will be blips in the road but that is all they are. Soon you'll be thinner, healhier and ready to live a long happy lifespan. And isn't that what we all want? Love and Prayers and a hug too. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. A quick thought for all of us: To some we,may appear in the twilight of life; well it's not dusk and MY Sun isn't setting yet.*** Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. Congratulations on your little guy. Hey I've got your back mentally, know you'll be able to get back to where you want to,be. And he has a healthy happy mommy, you won't be huffing and,puffing chasing him in the future. Very proud to know you. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. kakatlady612

    Unsure, need help

    Well I think you've already had your 'come to Jesus" moment where the fear of surgery is less than continuing to live like you are. We all have our defining moment, some similar but,many differing. I realized I was sick and tired of being sick and [emoji31] tired. I was weary of dragging around a body that wasn't serving me very well. And as i slowed and moved less I could see my own mortality ahead and I realized I didn't want to die just yet. There were things I had not accomplished and places yet to go. So I'm claiming a future out of my foggy past, going to be RnY early-mid March at Mount Carmel in Columbus Ohio. I still have hope and desire to make this a success. Come join me on the journey for the best is yet to be. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. kakatlady612

    One month out

    Liked and accepted you both ways but you look happier now. Bet you're proud of how far you've come. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

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