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Everything posted by kakatlady612

  1. kakatlady612

    Little Green getting little(r)

    Hey I forget, are you going to be a sleeve or bypass? I'm asking because there are threads started in both forums. An April-May in Sleeve and a May in bypass that I'm OP on. At any rate answer one and bring it out into the open, okay? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. kakatlady612

    Out With the Old--In With the New!

    Fluffy, time to stir. Fluff and smooth those feathers and tell me how things are going. Have you started the sipping and walking? Remember you got to stir them drumsticks today GIRL. Looking for a change in my status, gonna call,Columbus once again. I'm planning to be their worst nightmare, I'm going to lurk like a garden variety predator until I get an answer.. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. kakatlady612

    Little Green getting little(r)

    Ah little green what can I say? I am very happy hubs is returning to work. I know you were s******g bricks there, I want your surgery sooner, that's just me, I don't want anybody I care about to suffer a bit of pain. My problems? They were supposed to have met yesterday morning to review my case, I call it the Bariatric Court of Appeals. I hung around the house Tuesday for a call, finally called them about 2 pm, was told she was on a call and would call me back. Waited a hour, hour and half, called only to be told she had left for the day. Oh well, says person on other end of line, She'll probably call you Wednesday. Bull feathers I'm waiting until 9 AM then I'm gonna. call again.The old saying is: the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I'm gonna lurk like a garden variety predator until I get an answer. Reminds me of a Bible verse: (yeah I live in Bible Belt North) "Are you he whom we seek or shall we look for another?" If you are not willing to complete my surgery release me and my records and I'll apply to another program. My late father had a saying S**t or get off the Pot, dang if it don't hold true. I hate, loathe and abominate ambivalence in anything. I've cried, had all kinds of scenarios run through my mind, I'm mentally wrung out. You and I both are going to look Goth with the dark circles under our eyes. I've tried to keep my diet restrained but I don't know if it still is worth it, I have tried so so hard to do this, like there is a reward for diligence and stubbornness. Meanwhile I've maybe lost a couple more pounds, if that. If I could sustain a weight loss that was sizable on my own I wouldn't be seeking surgery.And I try to tell the Newbies it will be worth it all etc. I am starting to feel like always a bridesmaid, never the bride. There are 2 more programs in Columbus, one at Riverside Methodist, the other at Ohio State University-Wexner Medical Center. I applied where I did because it sounded more like my core values and 2. Upon the recommendations of my PCP. He graduated from OSU and did his residency at Riverside but still recommended Mount Carmel. All of the 3 are Bariatric Centers of Excellence. Would either of them accept the pretestings I've done or would I have to start over from the beginning? Do I have the emotional strength to,do this AGAIN? I tell everybody on Bariatric Pal I am strong and can handle anything the world can throw at me but I'm getting so bone*** weary, Little Green. Its not like I have years and years to undo the damage obesity did to ME . I'm getting run down, I still have my allergic pinkeye now I feel like my chest tightness is reverting to pneumonia. I've had both kinds of pneumonia shots but what I've got deep down doesn't seem to be leaving. Probably should go see my PCP, hate admitting to him I haven't had my surgery yet. He's been an emotional cheerleader for me all along. Haven't from heard yet from Fluffy Chix I do hope everything went well yesterday. Well time to put my big girl panties on, yank them up so I give myself a wedgie and call Columbus. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. kakatlady612

    Pre op diet/ upset

    I just was thinking if my surgeon suddenly decides he wants an abdominal ultra sound both my gastroenterologist and cardiologist have done them within the last 3 months. GI for liver and intestinal, cardiologist to rule out abdominal aortic aneurysm potentiality. Still don't have my firm date, dang it. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. kakatlady612

    So Who do You Look Like?

    At least it wasn't John Belushi or Donald Trump. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. kakatlady612


    Well I'm sure a,lot of people will want to comment on this. Dr Matthew Weiner says this is one of the most major decisions in life. You will get people who will tell you horrible stories, same group who go around telling pregnant women the are going to die. Surgery isn't the easy or quick way out. Your body,no matter which surgery you choose, is forever changed. It takes guts to go through it and a lifetime commitment to make it work. You can't just waltz into a surgeon's office, announce you want surgery and get it the next morning. I had to have cardiac & pulmonary clearances, meet with a nutritionist several times, meet with my surgeon and his staff, have a psychological consult cause the surgery can mess with your mind in several ways, some people go into a funk or even worse depression. So you need to be stable mentally to hanle the stressors. I had to have a sleeping study, found out I do have sleep apnea, you will have xrays, ultrasounds, bloodwork and a cute little thing called. an EGD stands for esophagealgasroduodenoscopy, they put a fiberoptic tube down your throat and into your stomach and small intestine and look around. In the US and Canada I know they put you to sleep, I've heard a nasty rumor they do it with you wide awake in some parts of Europe. Do not think that would be enjoyable. Are you doing this for yourself? Are you willing to give up some foods and drinks, either temporarily or permanently? You in all likelihood will never eat large portions, drink,with your meals, things will taste different and some things will either not agree with you or you'll lose desire for. You may have to adhere to an exercise plan or meet with lifestyle coaches. After all this you still want to go forward then I'd say your head is on straight and you may make a success of it all. For me I reached a point where I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I found myself less afraid of surgery and all It entails than remaining fat until I died. And. at 72 that may be closer than I like to think. So I hope in the next 6 weeks to have RnY surgery, it is my hope at a future. If I can lose weight and get healthier I will smile every morning and sing every night. I hope my honesty doesn't frighten you, I figure my advice might help a little. Good night and Godspeed. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. kakatlady612

    Meds after surgery

    I'm on Wellbutrin, any veterans tell me if you had any trouble absorbing that? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. kakatlady612

    How long were you in the hospital?

    Yeah elforman, the problem will be unless they are Tylenol based you may be up poo poo creek without a paddle. Remember no more NSAIDS!! Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. kakatlady612

    Does your stomach feel normal?

    I'm afraid it will gurgle and everybody will hear. That's just me worried pre surgery afterwards I may not care. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. Wow , a bad day turned better for you& not a high out of pocket for you. You dodged that bariatric bullet well. Keep us updated. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. kakatlady612

    Does any one have magnacare

    Good luck to both of you, may everything stay smooth Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. kakatlady612

    Post Op Pains

    Ah-- both at such a cute stage but chaos at times. I remember it well. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. kakatlady612

    Proudgrammy's problem is back again

    Central Ohio almost smack dab in the middle 14 miles from the Geographic Center which is Centerburg, the town my Mama lived near and graduated from the High School there. Lord, the things i know about that place. One of my ancestors, Preston Hubbell, gave the town fathers a loan when they were laying out the town. Came time for the loan to fall due, they didn't have the ready cash so they named Preston Street after him instead. Charter is the sons of Seabiscuit the horse that bought Time Warner and instigated these lovely changes. We were an independent cable company until. 2000 when TW took us over and bundled us into their Columbus Ohio division. We lost most of our local programming but intill recently we retained our Monday night City Council meetings, they suddenly disappeared, no warning. Seems like our bill keeps going up in small increments, they holler about adding more, as an example I have the Weather Channel 3 different # on the grid, CNN 4#, that's not improvement that's duplication. Their excuse: we have so many packages out there. Not my problem-there's. You ought know how the American retail philosophy is- New and Improved means the box is smaller or its gone up in price! Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. Original poster although,i think participant will also be accurate Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. kakatlady612

    Aetna and BMI at 40

    Girl you do get around don't you? And here I am stuck in a 60 mile radius in Ohio. Wahh seems like Ii never get to go anywhere. Welcome to,my pity party, catered by,me. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. kakatlady612

    Aetna and BMI at 40

    You know that makes sense also. BiddyNZ says this morning they are having a tropical cyclone. Aren't you glad you're in Oz instead of New Zealand? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. kakatlady612

    Aetna and BMI at 40

    Usually they use the weight you have at your first surgical visit as the base line. Don't piddle too much before your visit, don't want them to refuse for lacking an ounce. Seriously you'll do just fine. See if your surgeon is someone you can get along with. Its not mandatory to necessarily fall in love with them, if they sound and act at ease with you,it does help. Remember you will be asleep under the care of this person and the anesthesia doctor, do you find him/her trustworthy? Surgeons tend to act a little pushy but wouldn't you prefer somebody confident to a scared little rabbit of a person? You can tell them what surgery you prefer but also listen to their advice. I went into my 1st office visit ready to ask for one variety but I did listen to my surgeon, the points he made were very valid, he didn't advise because it was easier for him but rather better for me. He did, over several visits, make me feel I had made proper plans for,my WLS and on my surgery morning I will go to sleep in a very relaxed state knowing I'm in the right place having the right surgery and the right person with the technical skill to carry it off. Hope yours will go just that well. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. kakatlady612

    Gym workouts

    And around the world in less than 80 days my friend. You're making so many strides so quickly I barely can see you off in the distance Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. kakatlady612

    March-April Rny-ers

    Wowee wow wow Ms Kimbers, not too long to wait for your day. Things will start moving faster now. Keep us updated, okay? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. kakatlady612

    Post Op Pains

    Instead of picking her up encourage her to climb up to you on the couch. Mine clumb pretty well at that age. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. kakatlady612

    Normal not be under 200 pounds 8 months post op?

    Still healthier than 298, you've lost a high school cheerleader already. Isn't it nice to not drag her around with you? You're better than you were before, keep your diet and fluids smooth, don't slack off with exercise and you will be fine. Weight loss can be bumpy at times. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. kakatlady612

    Today is surgery day!!!

    Step by step you'll make it through this day. Today you start on an exciting wondrous new journey in your life. All of us know you can and will do good. Lean back, have a good sleep and when you wake up start on the road to a thinner and happier life. God Bless and keep you. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. kakatlady612

    40 looks great on me! (Pics)

    Perky, proud and fine. You rock it to the moon and back! Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. kakatlady612

    The best on-plan thing I have eaten lately is...

    It's not necessarily great but I just had leftover collard greens cooked in low sodium turkey broth. No I'm not a GRIT- girl raised in the South but I have enough kinfolk that were , so I'm a foster child. I'm actually in Ohio but I'm the only one in my immediate family that will eat " greens" and yeah they tasted pretty good. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. kakatlady612

    Liquid diet

    Yeah I can 'splain, red and purple items stain your gastrointestinal system. Imagine you're a doctor going in to do an endoscopy, colonoscopy or other gastric surgery. You're bebopping along with your fiber-optic tube or whatever, all the sudden you see a clump of something purple-red ahead. Granted it could be leftover Jello or popsicle, but are you going to consider that's all it is? Nope your medical radar goes off--Blood Clot Ahead! In the words of the 70-80s TV series "Danger Will Robinson Danger!" And you are compelled to search further. Is it worth it to give your surgeon nervous prostration or a heart attack? Nope don't think so, so stick to other shades of popsicles etc. Your friendly purveyor of semi-useless information. Lil Me Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
