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Posts posted by Shesl0singit

  1. I've had my gastric band for over 8 years and have had two kids along the way. I had my band undone and I still watched what a eat during both pregnancy. I just had my second baby in November of last year so if anyone has any questions feel free to send me a message.
    Congratulations ladies on your weight loss and your bundle of joy
    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

    That’s wonderful! Did you have any complications with trying to conceive prior to the Gastric Band?

  2. Hello all!
    I am looking to hear your stories on how your PCOS changed after weight loss surgery. I tried to conceive my first child for 2 years and was never successful. I decided that it was time to take my health more seriously. I opted for the gastric sleeve and I am looking at a surgery date for the end of March or beginning of April. So far I have been able to loose 30 pounds 4 months into the 6 month diet and exercise program. I had what I think could have been a period last week. It was extremely light for me but it did last for a good 8 days or so. I don't even remember the last time that I had a period without it being induced so I am hopeful that my cycles and fertility will restore itself after surgery. I want to hear what surgery has done for you, your PCOS, your fertility, and overall experience with pregnancy after weight loss surgery! Thank you all and I cant wait to read what you have to say!

    Following, don’t have PCOS but I was diagnosed with unexplained infertility.. so I love to hear success stories hoping one day I’ll have my own [emoji169]

  3. Yoga is amazing and I recommend it to everyone!

    Yin or restorative is a great place to start. It’s the slower relaxation type. Hatha focuses on holding poses and is often a good next step. Many yoga places do a “beginners” or “intro” class and it’s usually a Hatha class.

    Then it’s kinda what you prefer. I love vinyasa, it’s a practice that links poses together into a “flow.” Some places call it “flow” yoga. I also like Ashtanga. It’s a challenging practice strength and flexibility wise, but you can sort of turn your brain off because it’s the same pose sequence every time.

    There’s also classes they call “power yoga” and they are usually Hatha or Vinyasa with more of an emphasis on the strength poses than the flexibility ones.

    I tend to avoid Bikram because I think the founder was kind of a jerk. Generic “hot” yoga is a better choice if you like that kind of thing (I don’t, lol!). There’s also the more meditation/breathwork ones like Khundalini. I do those occasionally but they aren’t my favorite.

    Most gyms have basic classes. Most dedicated yoga studios (where I Take now, though I started at a gym) have specials where you can take unlimited classes for 30 days for a special deal for first time clients. It’s a good way to try different teachers.

    And that’s my best reccomendation! Find an instructor who explains modifications for different people and abilities, one who encourages a non competitive “come as YOU are TODAY” approach, and one who clicks with you. I have my favorites and some I like when I’m in one mood and some I like when I’m in a different mood!

    You will find a place you feel comfortable and keep experimenting until you find “your tribe”

    Thank you for the detailed overview I have saved a picture of your response and am now looking in to Yin/Restorative yoga in my local area. Baltimore is a busy place, so im sure I’ll find something!

  4. Pregnancy is going well. I’m 23 weeks and baby is doing well. I lost about 15lbs in the beginning of pregnancy from morning sickness and haven’t gained any back yet. I’m finally not puking all the time. I do give into some of the cravings but try to do well. I’d say I’m happy so far since the only thing growing is my tummy. Lots of doctors since I’m high risk and ready to get this pregnancy over with lol. Best of luck to you and baby!

    I wonder: does them labeling you as “high risk” effect your chances at having a natural birth? Have they spoken to you about your birthing choices?

  5. Yeah some people argue that you can't get enough calories to support it or it will throw you into a stall....

    Can be true for some people, it wasn't for me. I couldn't get more than 600 calories for a number of months and not more than 900 calories for 6-9 months... but I started couch to 5k at four weeks out and yoga shortly after. Did my first 5k at 5 months out and half marathon at 10 months out.

    I now run half and full marathons--20-30 miles per week and 4-5 hours of yoga a week.

    I reached goal at a year out and now maintain at around 2500 calories per day as a 5'6" 135lb woman.

    So try and see what works for you!

    I would love to start yoga. Do you have any recommendations for beginners yoga?

  6. Hi. It has taken a while. I had the duodenal switch in 2007. I started at 400 pounds. Got down to 265 and was stuck for years. 2015 I discovered my fitness pal and Bariatric Pal. I’m at 166 and still losing. My goal is 145 for a normal BMI. I am 5’4”

    You look great! Nice to see someone with someone of the same stats as mine. 166 looks great on you and you have curves for days.. [emoji1474][emoji169]

  7. Thank you! So far so good. I'm almost 9 weeks.
    My dietician and High risk OB doctor are working together for my care. They have me continuing with my bariatric Vitamins (when i can keep them down) with a separate folic acid supplement. I have lost 15 lbs since finding out about the pregnancy as morning (and noon, and night) sickness is kicking my butt. Other than that the doctors think all should go well. Surprisingly my surgeon congratulated me instead of lecturing me which was a relief! I was terrified to tell him but he was happy for my husband and I. This will be my rainbow baby after 2 losses so fingers and toes crossed it works out well for me and baby both!

    Good luck with everything love, and keep us all updated 🧡

  8. Have you had your surgery yet?? I have united healthcare community plan as well! Waiting on my approval now!

    Let me know how it goes for you. I have UnitedHealthcare Community Plan as well and I’ll be sent out for approval on the 9th of January.

  9. I am 5’6 with a starting weight of 245. My insurance is MD based Medicare and it’s UnitedHealthcare Community Plan. Bariatric surgery is covered by state plans as long as you meet the requirements- in my case, since I had a lower BMI (standard is 40 or less) I had to have at least ONE comorbidity with for me is Type 2 Diabetes. Call your insurance company to find out more!

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