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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by moondoggie1983

  1. I like Baritastic. It keeps track of Fluid intake, carbs, fat and Protein. It keeps track of weight loss and inches lost. They email me stats when I request them. And I have yet to scan something that doesn’t come up immediately. And if I ever do have that problem, it’s easy to input the stats quickly. And it syncs with my Fitbit, which is nice for me. It doesn’t track the macros and micros though, so if you’re looking to do that, another app or site is probably better for you. I haven’t tried the Chronometer one, but for me, I just really like Baritastic.

  2. Listen. I don’t care. If you want to take it, take it. There’s Protein in it. For lots of people it’s the only thing they can get down. If you don’t want to take it, don’t. And I like this place because people do give suggestions. If I checked webmd every time something was different from what my surgeon said, I’d have been in the ER like 6 times in 14 days. OP asked a question, I gave an answer. And I’m not the only one who gave the answer. So how bout we let people decide for themselves?

  3. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/results/NCT02919657?sect=X70156#outcome1

    These are the blood draws that show you can still meet your Protein goals on GENEPRO.


    And this shows just how many protein brands add other ingredients and claim them as protein.

    I guess nothing can be easy for us WLS patients huh? 🤷‍♀️

  4. 11 grams in the small scoop is still impressive, especially when it mixes better than anything else I’ve seen and the reviews have labeled it completely flavorless (except for some people suffering from synesthesia).
    I don’t understand why so many people have such a big deal about this. It’s not harmful in any way. Plenty of NUTs recommend it. If you’re struggling with getting in the shake version of Protein, like I am, and the RTD’s are gross (which I think they are) GENEPRO could be for you. It seems to mix well with anything from Water to Mac and cheese from the videos I’ve seen.
    It would be one thing if you’re trying to cram as much protein as possible into one small dose, but that’s not what the selling point is to me. Also, like I said, the independent studies done show that there is protein in it.
    All Protein Powder can be sketchy anyway, which is why most doctors want patients to wean off it and use food instead. They include ingredients that are not protein and try to say they count towards protein.
    I’m not looking for a fight, but if you’re looking for a flavorless protein powder, this seems to be the best. If you’re just trying to cram a bunch of protein in with one dose, then you’re looking for something different. Since the OP didn’t mention wanting to get a huge amount of protein and just that they wanted a truly flavorless powder, I suggested the GENEPRO.

  5. I also tried to my be into the full liquid diet of my program too quickly, and it made my sleeve angry. I actually couldn’t keep anything down for 4 days after that and got super dehydrated. I advise everyone to stay the course. Your sleeve is swollen for 6-8 weeks. I didn’t even try a solid or mushy food. I tried a cream Soup. Now I’m back on track, but the best way to think about for me is like a detox. The two weeks you’re on clear liquids (and even the time you’re on full liquids) is like a detox from all the bad habits we’ve developed that lead us to the point of needing WLS.
    My advice is stick to your program because you don’t want to end up back in the ER like I did.

  6. I’ve been sliming quite a bit. It always surprises me. Like I’ll cough, and then I slime all over. Super gross. My PCP gave me protonix and carafate 3 days ago, and they definitely work for the nausea and vomiting of stomach acid. But what’s with the slime?
    Anybody else have this? Anyone figure out a cause or solution for it?
    I want to return to work on Saturday, but I don’t want to be randomly covering myself with copious amounts of slime.

  7. I was on the 14 days of Optifast as well. I just walked. I work a fast paced job as well, so I was running around too. You do NOT get extra to compensate. And don’t worry about exercise after. You’ll be up and walking within a couple hours of surgery (I walked the halls for the whole 24 hours I was in the hospital). Then after surgery I walked 30 minutes a day for the first 3 days, 30 minutes a day twice a day for the next 4 days and I now walk 30 minutes a day 3 times a day, plus whatever housework or whatever else I’m doing. At 14 days out I’ve lost 23 lbs. I’ve had one follow up appt that was 5 days post surgery, but my surgeon doesn’t even think about clearing you for over 10 pound of lifting for at least 3 weeks.

  8. Did you already have WLS? I’m a little lost. If you did have WLS and just put on a couple pounds later, then yes, liposuction could help with that. If you haven’t had WLS, and your BMI is above 35-40, liposuction can’t fix that.
    Can you let us know if you’ve had WLS and what your stats are?

    HW: 311
    SW: 255 VSG 5/10/18
    CW: 236
    First goal weight: 209
    Second goal weight: 191 lbs
    Third goal weight: 159 lbs
    Final Goal weight: 142 lbs

    5’6” 34 yo female in NC

  9. Fairlife milk has 13 grams of Protein per cup. If you use it to make SF pudding and maybe even add some unflavored powder, you will have a great protein pudding.< br>

    Awesome! I’m going to pick some up tomorrow! Thanks for the recommendation! :)

    HW: 311
    SW: 255 VSG 5/10/18
    CW: 236
    First goal weight: 209
    Second goal weight: 191 lbs
    Third goal weight: 159 lbs
    Final Goal weight: 142 lbs

    5’6” 34 yo female in NC

  10. I guess this would depend on if you are talking about the RTD or the powders. The RTD's take some getting used to, best when consumed as cold as possible. Or you can add a non-calorie flavoring to them to help out. If you are talking about powders, I've enjoyed pretty much all of them, for a while, then they start to get old. I'm using the unflavored Protein blended with frozen fruits right now.

    I got the RTD. I’m just having a really hard time keeping down any kind of Protein that’s not food. I’m in the full liquid stage, so I’m getting some from milk. I’m thinking of trying the protein pudding that some people talk about on here. Going to have to find a recipe.

    HW: 311
    SW: 255 VSG 5/10/18
    CW: 236
    First goal weight: 209
    Second goal weight: 191 lbs
    Third goal weight: 159 lbs
    Final Goal weight: 142 lbs

    5’6” 34 yo female in NC

  11. Hmmmn I've seen posters on here stating they can't have chewing gum. Don't know if it's worries about sugar content, feasts it could be swallowed,and block something or if surgeon's think,of it as a nasty habit.
    FYI as a teenager I did eat gum, I'd,get so hungry towards the end I would break it in small peices, swallow it to appease the Hunger Monster,in my gut. Haven't done that since,i grew up nut it would be bad for me as I'm planning a gastric bypass, that could get stuck in the opening between my pouch and intestine.[emoji11]

    It’s because it causes you to swallow air, so it gives you terrible gas. Same idea as straws.

    HW: 311
    SW: 255 VSG 5/10/18
    CW: 236
    First goal weight: 209
    Second goal weight: 191 lbs
    Third goal weight: 159 lbs
    Final Goal weight: 142 lbs

    5’6” 34 yo female in NC

  12. I started my pre-op diet yesterday. I am to drink four Optifast shakes a day. In addition to the shakes, I can have Decaf tea or coffee, sugar free popsicles, broth, and sugar free Water add ins. With that much Fluid intake, I wasn’t surprised that I was running to the restroom all day. I am surprised that I went five times last night too. I also weighed myself and I am 3 pounds heavier. This is a surprise because I had a total of 825 calories the whole day. It is also concerning because I have to lose 5 lbs by my weigh in day on 5/31. Anyone familiar with Optifast? What was your experience?

    I sure am! I did 13 days of it before my surgery on 5/10. I got to have 3 shakes and then 2 other Optifast items per day. That’s IT. No broth, popsicles nuthin. Just good old h2o. In 13 days I lost 10 lbs. The first 3-4 days were awful. After that, it was ok. Don’t weigh yourself to begin with. I was pushing 90+oz of Water a day because the better hydrated you are before surgery the easier it is to not get dehydrated after. Personally, my calories never exceeded 800/day. Sometimes less because I wouldn’t have the appetite to eat another Soup or bar. It will work. I promise. It’s just a real pain in the patoot in the beginning.

    HW: 311
    SW: 255 VSG 5/10/18
    CW: 236
    First goal weight: 209
    Second goal weight: 191 lbs
    Third goal weight: 159 lbs
    Final Goal weight: 142 lbs

    5’6” 34 yo female in NC

  13. This is not giving me a lot of confidence [emoji23]. Thankfully all of them were on a super sale so I only spent $20 instead of the $55 it would have been. I got a snow cone maker off Amazon today in the hopes that I can use the Protein Drinks like a flavoring. If not, then I still have an awesome snow cone maker! [emoji23]

    HW: 311
    SW: 255 VSG 5/10/18
    CW: 236
    First goal weight: 209
    Second goal weight: 191 lbs
    Third goal weight: 159 lbs
    Final Goal weight: 142 lbs

    5’6” 34 yo female in NC

  14. Yipes this is a scary-wary forum today. Just looked at my shoebox with my current medications and started talking to them. FYI,I might be turning into my late Mama, she was on Fiorinal for years, she would hold one in her hand- typical conversation " Hello little pill. If I take you, what will you do to me? Will I feel better or are you just not going work?" About then I had to resist,tossing something at her like a pillow.
    So my conversation: Will still be able to take you all, all,iyou need crushed or made into a liquid form? I'm used to you guys the way you are, never had trouble swallowing any of you but is that going to change? "
    Geesh, I'm turning into my Mama after all![emoji25]

    I don’t know. A couple things I’ve had to change to liquids and one to ODT. The smaller things like lunesta and klonopin go down fine. Still can’t get those Bariatric chewies down.
    I’ve been able to keep down a lot of water/ice/pedialyte the last couple days. That’s the good news. I had about 3/4 of a cup of egg drop Soup tonight and all but a small swallow stayed down. I’m getting protonix and carafate from the pharmacy tomorrow. My PCP called in the liquid form of carafate and my insurance doesn’t cover it (one week =$214!!!!). My pharmacy team knows about my WLS and assured me the carafate tablets that ARE covered by ins can be made into a slurry and they’ll tell me how when it gets changed tomorrow. So that should be fine. Tried Isopure orange today. Ick. Got about 1/2 the bottle down but it causes me to get dry mouth and then slime. I think Protein is just going to be difficult for me until I get to the retried Beans stage. Once I get there I’ll be able to mix in some flavorless Unjury powder. I even tried to jazz up the isopure with some sf kool aid. Better, but the aftertaste and dry mouth are just terrible! I did buy one of every flavor as well as another brand so I’m hoping I can find a winner amongst them.
    But, feeling better today. Slowly but surely I guess.

    HW: 311
    SW: 255 VSG 5/10/18
    CW: 236
    First goal weight: 209
    Second goal weight: 191 lbs
    Third goal weight: 159 lbs
    Final Goal weight: 142 lbs

    5’6” 34 yo female in NC

  15. I went to my wonderful PCP. She has given me prescriptions for carafate and protonix. She also did a CMP to check my electrolytes and such. I’ve picked up some Isopure to try out. Not overly impressed with the orange, but it’s also not completely terrible so I guess that’s sort of a win? Lol. I also got some islotech42 to try. It is a little bit of a smaller bottle and has 42g of Protein in it. I think I should be able to find a winner somewhere in these.

    HW: 311
    SW: 255 VSG 5/10/18
    CW: 236
    First goal weight: 209
    Second goal weight: 191 lbs
    Third goal weight: 159 lbs
    Final Goal weight: 142 lbs

    5’6” 34 yo female in NC

  16. Just an update: yesterday I was able to keep down 40oz of water/pedialyte/ice and a sf popsicle. So far today I’ve kept down 8oz of broth, almost 40oz of the mix above. I’ve only had 3 episodes of regurgitation (all small). I’ve moved out of my bedroom and into the sunroom again so I can live on the reclining couch. Laying completely flat seems to be terrible for me.
    I think the 2 Prilosec and 2 nexium are starting to work as well. I still can’t do the chewable vitamins or the majority of my pills. But I feel like I’m getting back on track a little. Going for the Isopure tomorrow after my doctor appointment. Need to get at least a little Protein in since it’s been 5 days of nothing.

    HW: 311
    SW: 255 VSG 5/10/18
    CW: 236
    First goal weight: 209
    Second goal weight: 191 lbs
    Third goal weight: 159 lbs
    Final Goal weight: 142 lbs

    5’6” 34 yo female in NC

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
