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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by KimTriesRNY

  1. KimTriesRNY

    48lbs to go...help!

    I agree. Taking it a step further, it is likely an unrealistic goal that you will lose 4 pounds a week to make goal weight in the time frame you have selected. Once you have less to lose, the losses are going to get smaller and it’s going to take longer to lose weight. You have done fantastic so far and if you keep following your plan, you will probably lose the 15-20 pounds like Wanda mentioned. If you lose more great! Either way you will look better in April than you could have dreamed two years ago, and that is worth celebrating!
  2. KimTriesRNY

    Weight Loss Stall

    You probably aren’t doing anything wrong. Sometimes our bodies just need to recalibrate when we are losing weight. If you have lost 75 pounds already, then that can be your cause for your stall. If you evaluate your behavior, and you honestly are following the program and giving it a go, then do not worry. Your stall will break eventually and you will keep losing. If you examine your diet and find some things creeping in that could be hindering progress, it’s time to take care of it. At four months out you likely are not able to eat enough to hinder your progress, but do you track your food intake? Do not get discouraged as difficult as it is. We all have stalls sooner or later. Just keep pushing through!
  3. KimTriesRNY

    So confused by my vitamins!!!

    I take one multi with breakfast and one with dinner. I’m not sure if it makes a difference regarding absorption but it’s just how I prefer it.
  4. KimTriesRNY

    Tips on minimizing excess skin

    This. Also some people genetically have better skin than other people. The more weight you have to lose the more likely it is you will have some loose skin. I have loose skin on my stomach and upper arms the worst, but it is easily concealed with clothing. Much easier concealed than 178 pounds of excess weight. You can do your best with water exercise etc but if you have lots of weight to lose, the skin’s elasticity is compromised. Good luck on your upcoming surgery!
  5. KimTriesRNY

    What to eat?

    I received a diet progression chart from my surgeon regarding what foods could be advanced into my diet each week. Many others received something similar, and they seem variable by surgeon. Have you checked in with your team regarding your dietary questions?
  6. KimTriesRNY

    Made new weight range!

  7. I weigh daily for my three days I am off in a row. My job has me on my feet for so many hours and working nights can be tough to get a good time to weigh. I am used to the natural fluctuations on the scale now. I only record a loss if my weight is the same for a week now. It is taking me weeks to lose a pound or two unfortunately. I find weighing at least once a week does help with my accountability.
  8. KimTriesRNY

    Folios Cheese Wraps

    I’ve never seen them, but they look yummy!
  9. KimTriesRNY


    I was told as a bypass patient to never take the gummy vitamins.
  10. KimTriesRNY

    Fat Shaming

    @Ken S. @Alex Brecher Is the app on a weight limit for user input? Thoughts?
  11. KimTriesRNY

    Fat Shaming

    Well I only use the website. My starting weight was higher than that and I was able to insert the weight. We have people here starting higher than 362 pounds all the time. Sounds like a tech support issue.
  12. KimTriesRNY

    Fat Shaming

    Maybe it is an oversight and not fat shaming? Many people seem to have trouble using the app when putting in the starting figures or updating. As someone that started with a BMI over 55 which is leaning more towards super morbidly obese I have found lots of support here. Certainly we are in the minority but no individual person here has made me feel unwelcome due to my starting weight and that’s what I base the value of the support on here. Congratulations on all you have accomplished. It would be nice for you to stick around and support others going through what you went through!
  13. KimTriesRNY

    Face To Face Monday

    Your makeup is on point in both pics! You look beautiful in both but look at your neck now! Is that the same pair of earrings? 😜 Congrats looking great and it shows you are feeling great!
  14. KimTriesRNY

    Arm lift - What was your self pay total?

    Have you seen www.realself.com? ‘Lots of great info there regarding what things cost near you, surgeons near you, photos, etc. A close friend of mine had Brachioplasty done after weight loss. If I remember correctly it was around the 8k range but was bundled with another procedure so I don’t know if maybe there was a bit of a price break or what have you. Costs can vary pretty dramatically by state.
  15. KimTriesRNY


    Mine was really coming out between months 4-8 the worst. I am starting lots of new growth now and have lots of crazy baby hairs everywhere. They are really noticeable if I wear my hair in a ponytail but oh well. I think that the vitamins and stuff just only do so much. Some of us are just going to lose more hair than others. It does stop so do not despair. Many of us have opted for shorter hair dos in the meantime. 😀
  16. KimTriesRNY

    250 pounds lost!

    Congratulations 🙌
  17. I cut about a foot off of my hair two months ago. It’s the shortest it’s been in my adult life. I have all these short fly away baby hairs that are sticking out everywhere when my hair is in a ponytail. If my hair is down they are not noticeable. I figured it would be easier for the new hair to catch up. I’m enjoying the shorter hair. If you are not used to having such short hair as a pixie, you can go up in stages. I treated myself to a cut and color which was a drastic change for me and felt like a new person....I say go for it!
  18. KimTriesRNY

    Measuring Food

    I use a scale. I do not know if that is “right”. I measure protein to 3-4 oz. Many times that’s all I can eat. If I eat a few veggies I don’t worry so much because it’s only going to be a bite or two. Items like cheese I weigh in grams, nuts I would as well if I bought in bulk. I do buy the wee bags of pistachios occasionally that are preportioned. I still find some things easy to overindulge in so I stay away from big bags or containers of them. Whatever you are doing, seems to be working well. 😀
  19. KimTriesRNY

    Breast Lift with Implants

    Thank you for sharing! You look fantastic! This is the first thing I’m doing for sure!
  20. KimTriesRNY

    Onderland Woo Hoo

    That’s awesome news! Congratulations!
  21. KimTriesRNY

    Worried Sweet-Tooth with question

    I occasionally eat sweets and do not dump. I have had... a few pieces of chocolate, a home made cupcake, a few homemade cookies, a small piece of red velvet cake... Naturally I do not eat these items in the quantities I did before surgery but I have a sweet tooth myself and I refuse to never have a small treat around a holiday, birthday, or special event. Life is to be enjoyed after all. 😄
  22. KimTriesRNY

    My reward earrings are GONE!

    I’m sorry your earrings are gone.....but look on the bright side, now you can go shop for some more beautiful earrings which is always fun!
  23. KimTriesRNY

    What to do when dumping?

    So your surgeon said never to treat a low blood sugar? What did he suggest to do if your blood sugar was low? I was at work a few weeks ago and had a blood sugar of 45. I had to go drink some juice and followed that with my chicken breast I had brought for lunch. Good luck to you if you become severely hypoglycemic and decide to do nothing. I hope someone is around that can call 911.
  24. KimTriesRNY

    What to do when dumping?

    There are two types of dumping, and late dumping is usually also referred to as reactive hypoglycemia. I wouldn’t recommend riding out a blood sugar of 35 or so. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dumping-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20371915

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
