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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by KimTriesRNY

  1. KimTriesRNY

    Doing 10 days instead of 14!

    Ten days of what? Pre op diet?
  2. KimTriesRNY

    Preparing Your House

    The hospital gave me a reacher grabber thingy. I used that thing more than I ever thought I would to avoid bending down to pick up things, help get dressed, etc. Worth getting one if you don’t get in the hospital!
  3. KimTriesRNY

    5 1/2 months

    Seems perfectly reasonable for your weight and activity level.
  4. KimTriesRNY


    I’m sure it helps but to be completely honest I have lost most of my weight doing minimal exercise although my job is very active. I hope to change this about myself as I know exercise is essential to good health. I only exercise about twice a week, thirty on the treadmill and thirty on the stairclimber/escalator thingy.
  5. KimTriesRNY

    Orthostatic Hypotension

    Unfortunately some people do have issues have surgery, it is why they make us sign the informed consent form. Hopefully yours resolve with time so you do not regret your decision, but it seems too early to tell. Maybe some of these problems will resolve and then you’ll feel better.
  6. KimTriesRNY

    Insurance requirements

    In this exact order?
  7. Seems like a good pace to me. Just don’t get discouraged when it starts to slow down, you won’t lose that quickly forever! Congrats on your loss so far!
  8. KimTriesRNY

    Miss concernd

    Everyone will have different pre and post op instructions. You need to follow what your surgeon has set forth as the guidelines for the program for his surgical patients. It would be difficult for me to allow a surgeon to operate on me if I was not comfortable with how he or she presented information to me but that’s my opinion and maybe you only have one surgeon available to you. Many topics you are asking about such as medications after surgery are often discussed in a group class prior to your surgery date, many times three-four weeks ahead of time. The nutritionist and bariatric coordinator are often the ones at this meeting.
  9. I do not have PCOS but was able to lose over 100 pounds in six months. Amount of weight you can lose straight away will vary greatly from person to person, especially as the larger someone is it is normally easier to lose larger amounts of weight in the beginning. It is best to not compare one person to another. Symptoms of PCOS are usually improved with weight loss so any amount you lose before and after surgery will help you health wise.
  10. KimTriesRNY

    I haven't told anyone about my surgery

    Agree. Honestly, if someone that close to you has not figured it out on his own, wow. Must be a pretty introverted guy. The liquid diet, the incisions, reduced activity, etc. Anyhow. You are not beholden to tell anyone your medical problems, and once you tell, it cannot be untold. I’d keep it that way, but that’s me.
  11. I’m not sure how many people would frequent a support site meant for bariatric surgery patients if they were able to “trick” themselves in this manner. For most people that have come to the point of needing surgery to help fight our obesity, we have already tried diets, pills, and “tricks”. Surgery is often what we feel is a last resort and not undertaken lightly. You cannot fool your body into thinking you have had WLS, there are proven metabolic changes that happen. A liquid preoperative diet is non sustainable for any human, WLS not withstanding. It sounds like you have a lot of research and thinking to do before you make a decision regarding your health choices. Good luck to you.
  12. KimTriesRNY

    One Year Post RNY Surgery - FluffyChix

    Congratulations Fluffy! You look great...truly beautiful and happy. I am the same, able to eat whatever I want in small quantities but enough to not lose weight if I am not careful. This is never easy and making goal weight at all is an accomplishment. Kudos to you.
  13. Your guidelines are goals to work up to. No one is drinking 90 oz of water and having 90 grams of protein the day after surgery. Immediately after surgery, focus on your fluid intake to avoid dehydration. Keep water by you to sip. If you are allowed warm broth, sugar free popsicles and the like then that counts too. Sip small amounts of protein shakes if you tolerate them. Each day you will slowly be able to sip more and you will progress through your stages.
  14. KimTriesRNY

    Before and after pics without plastics

    Try Instagram. Many plastic surgery sites have photos of patients before procedures as well. Try real self. Look for before and after photos of breast lift patients or breast lift with implant patients. Everyone is different but you are not likely to see a lot of those types of photos posted on this site.
  15. KimTriesRNY

    Weight loss with breast loss

    Breasts are fatty tissue. If you carry extra weight in your chest, you will lose breast tissue. If you anticipate this bothering you, start saving now for plastics. I have lost a lot of tissue and will definitely consider plastics after maintaining a stable weight.
  16. KimTriesRNY

    One year post-RNY!

    Good to hear from you. Keep on keeping on, goals can still be met over a year out for sure!
  17. No one got me up, I got myself up and I weighed over 350 pounds on my day of surgery. I was up walking on my own the day after surgery in the hallway without too much difficulty. Yes, it was uncomfortable but it was doable. If you prefer warmer water, ask for it that way. You have to use your spirometer and walk to prevent congestion after surgery/anesthesia. Hospitals are very busy places, ask for what you need.
  18. KimTriesRNY

    Stomach spasms turned out to be an ulcer

    I hope you feel better soon. Any clue what caused the ulcers?
  19. KimTriesRNY

    Post op meal plan

    This is not for a new post operative person.
  20. I hate that the answer is yes, but it is. There is a difference between moving about in society as an obese person and a normal sized person. Many times while obese I felt people did not see me or you get the feeling people are just looking through you. How much of the way people treat us after losing weight may be due to new found positive energy that we project out, well who can say.
  21. I get asked this more times than I thought I would. People even ask me this in front of other people! They will even preface it with “ It is none of my business but did you .....”. I feel like saying, if you know it’s none of your business why are you asking such a rude or personal question? Other rude things people ask/say to me...wow, you must need a lot of plastic surgery now, it’s too bad you lost so much of your chest, etc It was shocking to me how people that barely know me feel so at ease commenting on my body, and most of these things are things I would not say to a dear friend, let alone someone I barely know. At any rate, it’s no ones damn business what you did, you have no obligation to discuss your medical treatment with anyone.
  22. KimTriesRNY

    Goal Weight

    Depending on your frame size 175 is likely doable, although may not be attainable without plastics I’m not sure. We are the same height. I would be thrilled to be 175 too. I set my goal for 185, I’m at 191 right now and my surgeon thinks I likely could lose another 10-15 pounds but have 7-10 pounds of excess skin spread throughout my body too. I hear a lot of “you are too skinny now” and things like that, but just remember most people are used to seeing us heavy and have trouble adjusting to seeing us at normal weights. Although the loss slows down after a year, it’s definitely possible to keep going. I just keep re evaluating every ten pounds because it takes a long time to lose that now. ‘Even If you decide to maintain at 225, or 200, you would be so much healthier and feel so much better than where you started! You are definitely a success now wherever you decide to set your goal!
  23. KimTriesRNY

    Persistent low vitamin D3

    Have you tried a chewable? Maybe the capsule form is an issue? I take chewable D3 tablets, my D3 was chronically low preoperative but has been normal.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
