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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cleanteeth

  1. cleanteeth

    Marking time

    thanks for the replys. I really like this site for all the support you get. I have been a Water drinker for years.. It's all I drink. I can't stand the taste of all the artificial sweeterers and even splenda is awful to me, so I try to stay away from them. I have had to break down and start getting used to stuff like the lite yogurt..(yoplait key lime pie... yummy), and sugar free popsicles (if you eat them fast). I'm just kinda over it all right now. I went back to LA yesterday and got a new book and a pep talk, I'm trying! Molly
  2. cleanteeth

    newbie from tennessee

    Hi there! I'm just new here. Thank goodness I happened on this site! I'm absolutely scared to death and this really helped. I'm going for my new patient seminar tomorrow.. I've tried everything and have to finally admit I'm a hugh food addict..(i have to acknowledge that is a large part of my fear.. that I can't eat). I also know that I have to do this to make myself healthy. some questions.. how do you get all the stuff like the weight loss thing and the check list of the things you have done. I really need some help along the way for sure. I feel this is a place to get it. Molly:scared2:
  3. cleanteeth

    I might have sleep apenea?

    Hey Telecia, thanks for the the tip for the marks and the new mask I'll check into it. I do hate the power outage! Your sleeping away and all of a sudden you have NO air!!! lol!
  4. I work in mainly middle schools. I'm a dental hygienist, and I put dental sealants on kids teeth (with parents permission). I work in urban settings, and kids are just nasty. There are good ones in the mix, but after the first middle school I was in I came home and told my hubbby that in 5+years we were all gonna die! When these little so-and so's get out of school (flunk out) and find out that we are no longer going to spoon feed them, and that they will have to (gasp) work! It really is scary. I wish I had a cam-corder to record what I see on a daily basis. God bless all of you out there that teach! And bless you for what you do too. Just think that next year you'll be in so much better health! That's what keeps me going now. Molly
  5. cleanteeth

    I might have sleep apenea?

    I did a sleep study about 2 years ago. I actually fell asleep driving home from work. Lucky I woke up and didn't hit anyone. I have a family history of apnea, and my dad and uncle have heart damage because of all the years without treatment. I'm also 100 pounds overweight (as are most of my dad's family). I have a love/hate realtionship with the CPAP. I love that I can sleep, and actually crave putting the thing on. I'm asleep within 3 minutes. I hate that I do have marks on my face in the AM, but I'm up early enough that they are gone before I leave the house. I hate that I feel like darth vader in front of my husband (he has NEVER said a word), and I really hate airplane travel with it.. But I LOVE that I sleep better, and love that I'm saving my body from all the undue stress. Go get tested. Just like the band.. this is for your health Molly
  6. cleanteeth

    Eating And More Eating

    Hi Gigim.. OMG did I eat! I mourned the loss of all the "food I couldn't eat again". At first I actually decided against this because of not being able to eat certain foods... (is this called addiction or what????). I ate myself into about 7 pounds more, and now I'm getting that back off. I'm re-adjusting my mindset, and back on schedule with what I want and need. Food is suppose to be to nourish your body. That's it. We (I)have made it something else all together. Your body needs food for fuel.. Good luck to you.. remember this is to make you healthy again. Molly... PS quit eating!!!lol
  7. cleanteeth

    Considering a lap band

    Hi Flutestar. This is a great place to get tons of information. I think most of us are here because of our hugh eating problems. Me included. One thing that I have really had to face is my food addiction. Once I started on this journey it just smacked me in the face. The main thing I'm getting from all this is that LapBand is not an easy out.. It is surgery, it is a hugh commitment, and it takes alot of work. You just don't have surgery and boom.. your skinny again. Good luck to you. Keep reading here, do your homework and research, and you'll make the decision that's right for you Molly
  8. cleanteeth

    Need SEX ideas!!!

    Since you have a brand new figure.. why not go buy some sexy lingere (sp?) and put it on over your regular clothes and then give him a little strip tease? If your shy about that just give him a little peek of what's under there and He'll do the rest!!!! The throwing on the bed and taking charge works well too... Heck.. just about anything works! Lol! Molly
  9. cleanteeth

    newbie from tennessee

    Hey Judi and all you tennessee ladies! My Dr. is Dr. Lynch at Baptist WHEN I EVER GET THERE. I did 1 year of LA Weight loss, but my PCP won't sign the six little pieces of paper for 6 months of weight loss. I even have all the documentation from LA for him. We are going to try it without, and just the LA documentation, but I'm doing my second weigh in with him next week. I guess I'll be paying 53.60 for the next 6 months just to get weighed! That just sucks!! (please excuse me). Soooo. I'm waiting on insurance approval, and just in case doing my stupid weigh-ins. Thanks to all of you for support.. I'll also keep needing it. Molly:frown: PS Judi.. I'm out by beech schools.. so we're close.. do you go to curves?
  10. I don't know how old you are, but I have found with age, that the least said the better in some circumstances. If your husband (mine is also skinny and can eat and drink just about anything he wants)has watched you over the years try and fail at "diets" and "weight loss" what ever, and still has that attitude just smack him up side of the head! My husband has watched me fail for 15 years now as my weight has increased with each attempt. He has never criticized me, but also wants me to be healthy. This is about being healthy, not just weight loss. AND this is about you.. not other's opinions. My honest opinion to you is to not talk about this to anyone other than who you know will support you, and tell you dear hubby to love you thru this. This is a great place to keep up a support system too. Just don't talk too much outside here. I'm even telling my work that my Dr. appointments are for "female reasons". That way when I have the surgery I can have some sort of "female surgery". Good luck to you! Molly
  11. cleanteeth

    What made you choose Lapband?

    Hi Becky! Fellow Tennessean here! For me, I chose this over the other WLS for several reasons.. From what I'm reading and hearing that you end up in the same place in 5 years, without the malabsorption issues. I have portion control issues along with the fact I can eat alot of food in a very short amount of time. The fact that you can just about make your self a new stomach on the gastric bypass along with the dumping issue. I have taken alot of time.. I "lurked" on this site for 6 months just reading. I really feel that it is a very personal decision, but for me I think this is the best one. Good luck to you in your Quest for health! Molly
  12. cleanteeth


    My Heart really goes out to you. I don't have all the family problems that you have, and that can take so much out of you. I'm at my heaviest weight also. I just did my psych appointment, and the questionaire I had to answer did show mild depression mainly due to my health problems and my weight (duh!) This is a great place to read and get support. It is a nice feeling to know that you are not alone. I've gotten alot of strength and support here. Good luck to you, and remember that this is about you and getting healthy. Molly
  13. cleanteeth

    I'm P'ed OFF

    What you have posted is the reason that I'm not telling anyone. My husband (who is 100% behind me) and 2 close friends are the only people I've told. Even my doctor appointments I've blown off as "female problems" That way when I have the surgery I can be off for a week without alot of questions. You have to realize there are several reasons that people react negatively to you. Some will be jealous, some just don't understand, and some people are just negative. I'm so sorry that you have to go thru this on top of a very hard decision. None of us here take this decision lightly, and I'm sure that it's hurtful to hear negative thoughts. Just keep strong, quit talking about it and keep your eye on the goal! Remember this is about yourself and getting healthy! Good luck to you! Molly
  14. cleanteeth

    It works !!!!!!

    Way to go!!!! I'm just waiting for approval, so I'm new to the process. I can't wait to be able to do your post!!! I know that you have worked hard to your goal, and you deserve a hugh... YOU GO GIRL!!! Molly
  15. cleanteeth

    3 hour Psych Appt???

    Had my eval last night. I had already done all the question tests.. (do you hear voices, do you have thoughts of suicide, those things + the eating disorder test). My appointment was about 45 minutes. He asked me to describe the surgery and risks to him, describe my diet both pre and post op. What foods would be "risky' or to be avoided, things like that. It actually was informative and once I settled in I wasn't nervous. He went over my personality profile thing.. I'm normal. slightly depressed due to health concerns and my weight (duh). all in all it was good.
  16. cleanteeth

    3 hour Psych Appt???

    Oh wow. I'm going for my appointment in 30 minutes. They didn't say anything about 3 hours! But I've already gone and filled out the questionnaire part. I told my husband if I got committed would he come and get me out! HA! I'm a bit nervous, but I figure it's going to be about how I've gotten like this (weight problems) and what I've done in the past. things like that. I'll let you know how it goes!!!! Molly
  17. cleanteeth

    newbie from tennessee

    Thanks so much for the support. I'm in the Hendersonville/Goodlettsville area. I'm going to Baptist with Dr. Lynch. I've hit a snag, and I'm just having to wade thru it. I assumed (HA) that the office people would be helping me navigate thru all the insurance stuff, and that's not happening. I called the insurance lady 3 weeks ago after my PCP visit to make sure she had gotten the forms. She said she had, and everything was faxed to insurance waiting on approval. I was pumped and excited. Well.. I finally called (not wanting to be a pest or make anyone mad) and she said she must have mistaken me for someone else, and my PCP letter and psych eval are not done. Grrrr. So now I'm in that process. I'll keep in touch with you tennessee ladies! I'll need your help! Thanks! Molly
  18. I finally called my surgeon yesterday afternoon because I had not heard from them. 3 weeks ago I called to see if my PCP had sent the info to her and she said "oh yes! It's been faxed to insurance and now we just wait". Well, I didn't want to be a pest, but I finally called. She apparently "mistook" me for another patient, and I don't have all my stuff ready to send to the insurance.. namely my PCP has not sent the letter, and I haven't had the psych eval. (I thought they would tell me what I needed to do.. yes, I need a little hand holding i guess) I was so mad and I didn't want to say anything that I would regret that I just hung up. She didn't even apologize for her mistake! Grrrr. Anyway, for all you out there, don't just sit back and "wait". I guess you have to check and keep checking that things are being done. Monday I have to .. call PCP office, call surgeon office to find out what the heck to do about the psych eval. (HUGH sigh).. I'm very disappointed, but now I know to keep up with myself:crying:
  19. cleanteeth

    sleep study..no sleep

    I had a sleep study done 3 years ago, and it was not the best experience of my life.. with the things taped to you, and the cameras rolling. And I have apnea so I had to go back for the mask part. That night I had 45 mintues of good sleep all night. I kept having panic attacks from the mask. I now slap that sucker on at night and am asleep withing 5 minutes. When I started the process I would throw the thing across the room about 2 AM! Then I started craving the mask and sleep. weird huh? Now I've leveled out, but I can't imagine NOT having the mask on to sleep. I did forget it on an overnight trip and was just misreable.. along with my husband who didn't sleep well either! good luck! Molly
  20. cleanteeth

    ugh!! Quitting Smoking!!!

    Good luck on the quitting smoking. I was a smoker for 22 years, tried to quit 2 times and the 3rd was the charm! I used the patch just because there wasn't much available then. I dream very vivid anyway, so the patch didn't have that much effect on my dreams. The main thing about quitting (which besides quitting eating) was the hardest thing I've ever done, but I wanted it very badly. The only person who can make the decision to really quit is you, and you have to want it so bad that you are willing to go thru the bad stuff to get it. I've been smoke free for 10 years now, and I can't believe that I ever smoked. In today's time I really would try Chantix. I work for the Health Department, and i went to an all day seminar on Chantix. It does have some side effects, and isn't right for everyone, but a 44% success rate is rocks! Each person has to do it in his/her own way. I had a pack of cigarettes that stayed on my kitchen table for 6 months. I knew they were there, and i had to choose each day not to pick them up. Also.. straws cut to a cig. length and I just chewed the heck out of them!!! Good luck and keep trying! Molly
  21. cleanteeth

    Oh Nooooo!

    Thanks Missy. I definately have learned a hugh lesson.
  22. cleanteeth

    food lover, scared of failure

    Hi there! I'm just starting the process myself.. with a little setback because of some miscommunications with the surgeons office. I have found from the months of just reading on this site that we are all pretty much in the same boat. I actaully freaked out thinking of all the "food I wouldn't be able to eat".. how bad is that! This has actually made me face just how much of a food addict I am. I'm starting to do some weight loss stuff on my own as I wait for my communication problems to be fixed. I've used this site to help myself and educate myself and also learn that I'm not alone!
  23. cleanteeth

    OH NO! what should I do?

    I just got the letter that my PCP sent to the surgeon's office (which was part of the fax to insurance). It said I had been on Jenny Craig (I've been on LA Weightloss for a year) it said I had knee problems I don't have, and said nothing of the pre-diabetic condition. It did include my sleep apnea and my weight loss and the weight gain. I've been with him since 2001 which he included, and he recommended the surgery. I"ve got CIGNA insurance. Should I just sit tight and see what the insurance comes back with, or should I call to correct the problems??? I need help with this one. Anyone out there had an experience like this?:confused2: molly
  24. cleanteeth

    Hey from Knoxville TN

    Hi squirrel from nashville tennessee! My family actually lives close to Knoxville, and grew up there. I'm still waiting for approval from insurance company to get started. congrats with the weightloss and good luck!

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